Add method tracing JVMTI callbacks

Add MethodEntryHook and MethodExitHook callbacks and associated

Split --jvmti-stress option in run-test into --jvmti-trace-stress and
--jvmti-redefine-stress to test each different component.

NB 3 differences from RI found:
  1) RI will call methodExitHook again if the method exit hook throws
     an exception. This can easily cause an infinite loop and the test
     is specifically tweaked to prevent this from happening on the RI.
  2) RI always includes the method being exited in the stack trace of
     errors thrown in the hooks. In ART we will not include the method
     if it is native. This is due to the way we call native methods
     and would be extremely difficult to change.
  3) The RI will allow exceptions thrown in the MethodEnterHook to be
     caught by the entered method in some situations. This occurs with
     the tryCatchExit test in 989. In ART this does not happen.

Bug: 34414073
Test: ./ --host -j40
Test: ART_TEST_FULL=true DEXTER_BINARY="/path/to/dexter" \
      ./test/testrunner/ --host -j40 -t 988
Test: ART_TEST_FULL=true DEXTER_BINARY="/path/to/dexter" \
      ./test/testrunner/ --host -j40 -t 989
Test: lunch aosp_angler-userdebug; \
      m -j40 droid build-art && \
      fastboot -w flashall && \
      ./ --target -j4

Change-Id: Iab229353fae23c2ea27c2b698c831627a9f861b1
diff --git a/runtime/entrypoints/quick/ b/runtime/entrypoints/quick/
index 6fcb711..b7cd39f 100644
--- a/runtime/entrypoints/quick/
+++ b/runtime/entrypoints/quick/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 #include "imt_conflict_table.h"
 #include "imtable-inl.h"
 #include "interpreter/interpreter.h"
+#include "instrumentation.h"
 #include "linear_alloc.h"
 #include "method_bss_mapping.h"
 #include "method_handles.h"
@@ -895,7 +896,6 @@
 // Handler for invocation on proxy methods. On entry a frame will exist for the proxy object method
 // which is responsible for recording callee save registers. We explicitly place into jobjects the
 // incoming reference arguments (so they survive GC). We invoke the invocation handler, which is a
@@ -988,6 +988,77 @@
+extern "C" const void* artInstrumentationMethodEntryFromCode(ArtMethod* method,
+                                                             mirror::Object* this_object,
+                                                             Thread* self,
+                                                             ArtMethod** sp)
+    REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+  const void* result;
+  // Instrumentation changes the stack. Thus, when exiting, the stack cannot be verified, so skip
+  // that part.
+  ScopedQuickEntrypointChecks sqec(self, kIsDebugBuild, false);
+  instrumentation::Instrumentation* instrumentation = Runtime::Current()->GetInstrumentation();
+  if (instrumentation->IsDeoptimized(method)) {
+    result = GetQuickToInterpreterBridge();
+  } else {
+    result = instrumentation->GetQuickCodeFor(method, kRuntimePointerSize);
+    DCHECK(!Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->IsQuickToInterpreterBridge(result));
+  }
+  bool interpreter_entry = (result == GetQuickToInterpreterBridge());
+  bool is_static = method->IsStatic();
+  uint32_t shorty_len;
+  const char* shorty =
+      method->GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy(kRuntimePointerSize)->GetShorty(&shorty_len);
+  ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(self);
+  RememberForGcArgumentVisitor visitor(sp, is_static, shorty, shorty_len, &soa);
+  visitor.VisitArguments();
+  instrumentation->PushInstrumentationStackFrame(self,
+                                                 is_static ? nullptr : this_object,
+                                                 method,
+                                                 QuickArgumentVisitor::GetCallingPc(sp),
+                                                 interpreter_entry);
+  visitor.FixupReferences();
+  if (UNLIKELY(self->IsExceptionPending())) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  CHECK(result != nullptr) << method->PrettyMethod();
+  return result;
+extern "C" TwoWordReturn artInstrumentationMethodExitFromCode(Thread* self,
+                                                              ArtMethod** sp,
+                                                              uint64_t* gpr_result,
+                                                              uint64_t* fpr_result)
+    REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+  DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(self), reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(Thread::Current()));
+  CHECK(gpr_result != nullptr);
+  CHECK(fpr_result != nullptr);
+  // Instrumentation exit stub must not be entered with a pending exception.
+  CHECK(!self->IsExceptionPending()) << "Enter instrumentation exit stub with pending exception "
+                                     << self->GetException()->Dump();
+  // Compute address of return PC and sanity check that it currently holds 0.
+  size_t return_pc_offset = GetCalleeSaveReturnPcOffset(kRuntimeISA, CalleeSaveType::kSaveRefsOnly);
+  uintptr_t* return_pc = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(sp) +
+                                                      return_pc_offset);
+  CHECK_EQ(*return_pc, 0U);
+  // Pop the frame filling in the return pc. The low half of the return value is 0 when
+  // deoptimization shouldn't be performed with the high-half having the return address. When
+  // deoptimization should be performed the low half is zero and the high-half the address of the
+  // deoptimization entry point.
+  instrumentation::Instrumentation* instrumentation = Runtime::Current()->GetInstrumentation();
+  TwoWordReturn return_or_deoptimize_pc = instrumentation->PopInstrumentationStackFrame(
+      self, return_pc, gpr_result, fpr_result);
+  if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
+    return GetTwoWordFailureValue();
+  }
+  return return_or_deoptimize_pc;
 // Lazily resolve a method for quick. Called by stub code.
 extern "C" const void* artQuickResolutionTrampoline(
     ArtMethod* called, mirror::Object* receiver, Thread* self, ArtMethod** sp)