Refactoring LSE/LSA: introduce heap location type
This refactoring introduces data types to heap locations.
This will allow better type disambiguation in the future.
As a first showcase, it already removes rather error-prone
"exceptional" code in LSE dealing with array types on null
values. Furthermore, many LSA specific details started to "leak"
into clients, which is also error-prone. This refactoring moves
such details back into just LSA, where it belongs.
Test: test-art-host,target
Bug: b/77906240
Change-Id: Id327bbe86dde451a942c9c5f9e83054c36241882
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/load_store_analysis.h b/compiler/optimizing/load_store_analysis.h
index f84846d..769a3f1 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/load_store_analysis.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/load_store_analysis.h
@@ -94,11 +94,13 @@
static constexpr int16_t kDeclaringClassDefIndexForArrays = -1;
HeapLocation(ReferenceInfo* ref_info,
+ DataType::Type type,
size_t offset,
HInstruction* index,
size_t vector_length,
int16_t declaring_class_def_index)
: ref_info_(ref_info),
+ type_(DataType::ToSigned(type)),
@@ -116,6 +118,7 @@
ReferenceInfo* GetReferenceInfo() const { return ref_info_; }
+ DataType::Type GetType() const { return type_; }
size_t GetOffset() const { return offset_; }
HInstruction* GetIndex() const { return index_; }
size_t GetVectorLength() const { return vector_length_; }
@@ -149,6 +152,10 @@
// Reference for instance/static field, array element or vector data.
ReferenceInfo* const ref_info_;
+ // Type of data residing at HeapLocation (always signed for integral
+ // data since e.g. a[i] and a[i] & 0xff are represented by differently
+ // signed types; char vs short are disambiguated through the reference).
+ const DataType::Type type_;
// Offset of static/instance field.
// Invalid when this HeapLocation is not field.
const size_t offset_;
@@ -237,19 +244,31 @@
DCHECK(object != nullptr);
DCHECK(field != nullptr);
return FindHeapLocationIndex(FindReferenceInfoOf(HuntForOriginalReference(object)),
+ field->GetFieldType(),
- size_t GetArrayHeapLocation(HInstruction* array,
- HInstruction* index,
- size_t vector_length = HeapLocation::kScalar) const {
- DCHECK(array != nullptr);
- DCHECK(index != nullptr);
- DCHECK_GE(vector_length, HeapLocation::kScalar);
+ size_t GetArrayHeapLocation(HInstruction* instruction) const {
+ DCHECK(instruction != nullptr);
+ HInstruction* array = instruction->InputAt(0);
+ HInstruction* index = instruction->InputAt(1);
+ DataType::Type type = instruction->GetType();
+ size_t vector_length = HeapLocation::kScalar;
+ if (instruction->IsArraySet()) {
+ type = instruction->AsArraySet()->GetComponentType();
+ } else if (instruction->IsVecStore() ||
+ instruction->IsVecLoad()) {
+ HVecOperation* vec_op = instruction->AsVecOperation();
+ type = vec_op->GetPackedType();
+ vector_length = vec_op->GetVectorLength();
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(instruction->IsArrayGet());
+ }
return FindHeapLocationIndex(FindReferenceInfoOf(HuntForOriginalReference(array)),
+ type,
@@ -279,13 +298,16 @@
// In later analysis, ComputeMayAlias() and MayAlias() compute and tell whether
// these indexes alias.
size_t FindHeapLocationIndex(ReferenceInfo* ref_info,
+ DataType::Type type,
size_t offset,
HInstruction* index,
size_t vector_length,
int16_t declaring_class_def_index) const {
+ DataType::Type lookup_type = DataType::ToSigned(type);
for (size_t i = 0; i < heap_locations_.size(); i++) {
HeapLocation* loc = heap_locations_[i];
if (loc->GetReferenceInfo() == ref_info &&
+ loc->GetType() == lookup_type &&
loc->GetOffset() == offset &&
loc->GetIndex() == index &&
loc->GetVectorLength() == vector_length &&
@@ -425,6 +447,7 @@
HeapLocation* GetOrCreateHeapLocation(HInstruction* ref,
+ DataType::Type type,
size_t offset,
HInstruction* index,
size_t vector_length,
@@ -432,10 +455,10 @@
HInstruction* original_ref = HuntForOriginalReference(ref);
ReferenceInfo* ref_info = GetOrCreateReferenceInfo(original_ref);
size_t heap_location_idx = FindHeapLocationIndex(
- ref_info, offset, index, vector_length, declaring_class_def_index);
+ ref_info, type, offset, index, vector_length, declaring_class_def_index);
if (heap_location_idx == kHeapLocationNotFound) {
HeapLocation* heap_loc = new (GetGraph()->GetAllocator())
- HeapLocation(ref_info, offset, index, vector_length, declaring_class_def_index);
+ HeapLocation(ref_info, type, offset, index, vector_length, declaring_class_def_index);
return heap_loc;
@@ -446,17 +469,23 @@
if (field_info.IsVolatile()) {
has_volatile_ = true;
+ DataType::Type type = field_info.GetFieldType();
const uint16_t declaring_class_def_index = field_info.GetDeclaringClassDefIndex();
const size_t offset = field_info.GetFieldOffset().SizeValue();
return GetOrCreateHeapLocation(ref,
+ type,
- void VisitArrayAccess(HInstruction* array, HInstruction* index, size_t vector_length) {
+ void VisitArrayAccess(HInstruction* array,
+ HInstruction* index,
+ DataType::Type type,
+ size_t vector_length) {
+ type,
@@ -510,28 +539,32 @@
void VisitArrayGet(HArrayGet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
HInstruction* array = instruction->InputAt(0);
HInstruction* index = instruction->InputAt(1);
- VisitArrayAccess(array, index, HeapLocation::kScalar);
+ DataType::Type type = instruction->GetType();
+ VisitArrayAccess(array, index, type, HeapLocation::kScalar);
void VisitArraySet(HArraySet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
HInstruction* array = instruction->InputAt(0);
HInstruction* index = instruction->InputAt(1);
- VisitArrayAccess(array, index, HeapLocation::kScalar);
+ DataType::Type type = instruction->GetComponentType();
+ VisitArrayAccess(array, index, type, HeapLocation::kScalar);
has_heap_stores_ = true;
void VisitVecLoad(HVecLoad* instruction) OVERRIDE {
HInstruction* array = instruction->InputAt(0);
HInstruction* index = instruction->InputAt(1);
- VisitArrayAccess(array, index, instruction->GetVectorLength());
+ DataType::Type type = instruction->GetPackedType();
+ VisitArrayAccess(array, index, type, instruction->GetVectorLength());
void VisitVecStore(HVecStore* instruction) OVERRIDE {
HInstruction* array = instruction->InputAt(0);
HInstruction* index = instruction->InputAt(1);
- VisitArrayAccess(array, index, instruction->GetVectorLength());
+ DataType::Type type = instruction->GetPackedType();
+ VisitArrayAccess(array, index, type, instruction->GetVectorLength());
has_heap_stores_ = true;