Speed up relative_patcher_arm64_test.

This was one of the longest running tests because it had
many tests and for each test we have to create and tear down
the runtime. Refactor the macro-generated tests to use
templates and merge many individual tests. This reduces the
time to run the test from over 50s to less then 20s on host.

Also speed up relative_patcher_thumb2_test a bit.

Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Change-Id: If7ffedbca788442cebf69e1276947fde9654f4a2
diff --git a/dex2oat/linker/arm/relative_patcher_thumb2_test.cc b/dex2oat/linker/arm/relative_patcher_thumb2_test.cc
index 3d7277a..b93e091 100644
--- a/dex2oat/linker/arm/relative_patcher_thumb2_test.cc
+++ b/dex2oat/linker/arm/relative_patcher_thumb2_test.cc
@@ -827,26 +827,38 @@
-#define TEST_BAKER_FIELD_WIDE(offset, ref_reg)    \
-  TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest,               \
-    BakerOffsetWide##offset##_##ref_reg) {        \
-    TestBakerFieldWide(offset, ref_reg);          \
+TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, BakerOffsetWide) {
+  struct TestCase {
+    uint32_t offset;
+    uint32_t ref_reg;
+  };
+  static const TestCase test_cases[] = {
+      { 0u, 0u },
+      { 8u, 3u },
+      { 28u, 7u },
+      { 0xffcu, 11u },
+  };
+  for (const TestCase& test_case : test_cases) {
+    Reset();
+    TestBakerFieldWide(test_case.offset, test_case.ref_reg);
-TEST_BAKER_FIELD_WIDE(/* offset */ 0, /* ref_reg */ 0)
-TEST_BAKER_FIELD_WIDE(/* offset */ 8, /* ref_reg */ 3)
-TEST_BAKER_FIELD_WIDE(/* offset */ 28, /* ref_reg */ 7)
-TEST_BAKER_FIELD_WIDE(/* offset */ 0xffc, /* ref_reg */ 11)
-#define TEST_BAKER_FIELD_NARROW(offset, ref_reg)  \
-  TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest,               \
-    BakerOffsetNarrow##offset##_##ref_reg) {      \
-    TestBakerFieldNarrow(offset, ref_reg);        \
+TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, BakerOffsetNarrow) {
+  struct TestCase {
+    uint32_t offset;
+    uint32_t ref_reg;
+  };
+  static const TestCase test_cases[] = {
+      { 0, 0u },
+      { 8, 3u },
+      { 28, 7u },
+  };
+  for (const TestCase& test_case : test_cases) {
+    Reset();
+    TestBakerFieldNarrow(test_case.offset, test_case.ref_reg);
-TEST_BAKER_FIELD_NARROW(/* offset */ 0, /* ref_reg */ 0)
-TEST_BAKER_FIELD_NARROW(/* offset */ 8, /* ref_reg */ 3)
-TEST_BAKER_FIELD_NARROW(/* offset */ 28, /* ref_reg */ 7)
 TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, BakerOffsetThunkInTheMiddle) {
   // One thunk in the middle with maximum distance branches to it from both sides.
diff --git a/dex2oat/linker/arm64/relative_patcher_arm64_test.cc b/dex2oat/linker/arm64/relative_patcher_arm64_test.cc
index 9e3bb97..0fc4610 100644
--- a/dex2oat/linker/arm64/relative_patcher_arm64_test.cc
+++ b/dex2oat/linker/arm64/relative_patcher_arm64_test.cc
@@ -783,174 +783,242 @@
-TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntry1) {
-  TestNopsAdrpLdr(0u, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u);
-TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntry2) {
-  TestNopsAdrpLdr(0u, -0x12345678u, 0x4444u);
-TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntry3) {
-  TestNopsAdrpLdr(0u, 0x12345000u, 0x3ffcu);
-TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntry4) {
-  TestNopsAdrpLdr(0u, 0x12345000u, 0x4000u);
-TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference1) {
-  TestNopsAdrpAdd(0u, 0x12345678u);
-TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference2) {
-  TestNopsAdrpAdd(0u, -0x12345678u);
-TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference3) {
-  TestNopsAdrpAdd(0u, 0x12345000u);
-TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference4) {
-  TestNopsAdrpAdd(0u, 0x12345ffcu);
-#define TEST_FOR_OFFSETS(test, disp1, disp2) \
-  test(0xff4u, disp1) test(0xff8u, disp1) test(0xffcu, disp1) test(0x1000u, disp1) \
-  test(0xff4u, disp2) test(0xff8u, disp2) test(0xffcu, disp2) test(0x1000u, disp2)
-#define DEFAULT_LDUR_LDR_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntry ## adrp_offset ## Ldur ## disp) { \
-    bool has_thunk = ((adrp_offset) == 0xff8u || (adrp_offset) == 0xffcu); \
-    TestAdrpLdurLdr(adrp_offset, has_thunk, 0x12345678u, disp); \
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntry) {
+  struct TestCase {
+    uint32_t bss_begin;
+    uint32_t string_entry_offset;
+  };
+  static const TestCase test_cases[] = {
+      { 0x12345678u, 0x1234u },
+      { -0x12345678u, 0x4444u },
+      { 0x12345000u, 0x3ffcu },
+      { 0x12345000u, 0x4000u }
+  };
+  for (const TestCase& test_case : test_cases) {
+    Reset();
+    TestNopsAdrpLdr(/*num_nops=*/ 0u, test_case.bss_begin, test_case.string_entry_offset);
-#define DENVER64_LDUR_LDR_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64, StringBssEntry ## adrp_offset ## Ldur ## disp) { \
-    TestAdrpLdurLdr(adrp_offset, false, 0x12345678u, disp); \
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference) {
+  for (uint32_t string_offset : { 0x12345678u, -0x12345678u, 0x12345000u, 0x12345ffcu}) {
+    Reset();
+    TestNopsAdrpAdd(/*num_nops=*/ 0u, string_offset);
+template <typename Test>
+void TestForAdrpOffsets(Test test, std::initializer_list<uint32_t> args) {
+  for (uint32_t adrp_offset : { 0xff4u, 0xff8u, 0xffcu, 0x1000u }) {
+    for (uint32_t arg : args) {
+      test(adrp_offset, arg);
+    }
+  }
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntryLdur) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t string_entry_offset) {
+        Reset();
+        bool has_thunk = ((adrp_offset) == 0xff8u || (adrp_offset) == 0xffcu);
+        TestAdrpLdurLdr(adrp_offset, has_thunk, /*bss_begin=*/ 0x12345678u, string_entry_offset);
+      },
+      { 0x1234u, 0x1238u });
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64, StringBssEntryLdur) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t string_entry_offset) {
+        Reset();
+        TestAdrpLdurLdr(adrp_offset,
+                        /*has_thunk=*/ false,
+                        /*bss_begin=*/ 0x12345678u,
+                        string_entry_offset);
+      },
+      { 0x1234u, 0x1238u });
 // LDR <Wt>, <label> is always aligned. We should never have to use a fixup.
-#define LDRW_PCREL_LDR_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntry ## adrp_offset ## WPcRel ## disp) { \
-    TestAdrpLdrPcRelLdr(kLdrWPcRelInsn, disp, adrp_offset, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u); \
-  }
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntryWPcRel) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t pcrel_disp) {
+        Reset();
+        TestAdrpLdrPcRelLdr(kLdrWPcRelInsn,
+                            pcrel_disp,
+                            adrp_offset,
+                            /*has_thunk=*/ false,
+                            /*bss_begin=*/ 0x12345678u,
+                            /*string_entry_offset=*/ 0x1234u);
+      },
+      { 0x1234u, 0x1238u });
 // LDR <Xt>, <label> is aligned when offset + displacement is a multiple of 8.
-#define LDRX_PCREL_LDR_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntry ## adrp_offset ## XPcRel ## disp) { \
-    bool unaligned = !IsAligned<8u>((adrp_offset) + 4u + static_cast<uint32_t>(disp)); \
-    bool has_thunk = ((adrp_offset) == 0xff8u || (adrp_offset) == 0xffcu) && unaligned; \
-    TestAdrpLdrPcRelLdr(kLdrXPcRelInsn, disp, adrp_offset, has_thunk, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u); \
-  }
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntryXPcRel) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t pcrel_disp) {
+        Reset();
+        bool unaligned = !IsAligned<8u>((adrp_offset) + 4u + static_cast<uint32_t>(pcrel_disp));
+        bool has_thunk = ((adrp_offset) == 0xff8u || (adrp_offset) == 0xffcu) && unaligned;
+        TestAdrpLdrPcRelLdr(kLdrXPcRelInsn,
+                            pcrel_disp,
+                            adrp_offset,
+                            has_thunk,
+                            /*bss_begin=*/ 0x12345678u,
+                            /*string_entry_offset=*/ 0x1234u);
+      },
+      { 0x1234u, 0x1238u });
 // LDR <Wt>, [SP, #<pimm>] and LDR <Xt>, [SP, #<pimm>] are always aligned. No fixup needed.
-#define LDRW_SPREL_LDR_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntry ## adrp_offset ## WSpRel ## disp) { \
-    TestAdrpLdrSpRelLdr(kLdrWSpRelInsn, (disp) >> 2, adrp_offset, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u); \
-  }
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntryWSpRel) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t disp) {
+        Reset();
+        TestAdrpLdrSpRelLdr(kLdrWSpRelInsn,
+                            /*sprel_disp_in_load_units=*/ disp >> 2,
+                            adrp_offset,
+                            /*has_thunk=*/ false,
+                            /*bss_begin=*/ 0x12345678u,
+                            /*string_entry_offset=*/ 0x1234u);
+      },
+      { 0u, 4u });
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntryXSpRel) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t disp) {
+        Reset();
+        TestAdrpLdrSpRelLdr(kLdrXSpRelInsn,
+                            /*sprel_disp_in_load_units=*/ (disp) >> 3,
+                            adrp_offset,
+                            /*has_thunk=*/ false,
+                            /*bss_begin=*/ 0x12345678u,
+                            /*string_entry_offset=*/ 0x1234u);
+      },
+      { 0u, 8u });
-#define LDRX_SPREL_LDR_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringBssEntry ## adrp_offset ## XSpRel ## disp) { \
-    TestAdrpLdrSpRelLdr(kLdrXSpRelInsn, (disp) >> 3, adrp_offset, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u); \
-  }
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReferenceLdur) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t string_offset) {
+        Reset();
+        bool has_thunk = ((adrp_offset) == 0xff8u || (adrp_offset) == 0xffcu);
+        TestAdrpLdurAdd(adrp_offset, has_thunk, string_offset);
+      },
+      { 0x12345678u, 0xffffc840u });
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64, StringReferenceLdur) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t string_offset) {
+        Reset();
+        TestAdrpLdurAdd(adrp_offset, /*has_thunk=*/ false, string_offset);
+      },
+      { 0x12345678u, 0xffffc840U });
-#define DEFAULT_LDUR_ADD_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference ## adrp_offset ## Ldur ## disp) { \
-    bool has_thunk = ((adrp_offset) == 0xff8u || (adrp_offset) == 0xffcu); \
-    TestAdrpLdurAdd(adrp_offset, has_thunk, disp); \
-  }
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReferenceSubX3X2) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t string_offset) {
+        Reset();
+        /* SUB unrelated to "ADRP x0, addr". */ \
+        uint32_t sub = kSubXInsn | (100 << 10) | (2u << 5) | 3u;  /* SUB x3, x2, #100 */
+        TestAdrpInsn2Add(sub, adrp_offset, /*has_thunk=*/ false, string_offset);
+      },
+      { 0x12345678u, 0xffffc840u });
-TEST_FOR_OFFSETS(DEFAULT_LDUR_ADD_TEST, 0x12345678, 0xffffc840)
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReferenceSubsX3X0) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t string_offset) {
+        Reset();
+        /* SUBS that uses the result of "ADRP x0, addr". */ \
+        uint32_t subs = kSubsXInsn | (100 << 10) | (0u << 5) | 3u;  /* SUBS x3, x0, #100 */
+        TestAdrpInsn2Add(subs, adrp_offset, /*has_thunk=*/ false, string_offset);
+      },
+      { 0x12345678u, 0xffffc840u });
-#define DENVER64_LDUR_ADD_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64, StringReference ## adrp_offset ## Ldur ## disp) { \
-    TestAdrpLdurAdd(adrp_offset, false, disp); \
-  }
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReferenceAddX0X0) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t string_offset) {
+        Reset();
+        /* ADD that uses the result register of "ADRP x0, addr" as both source and destination. */
+        uint32_t add = kSubXInsn | (100 << 10) | (0u << 5) | 0u;  /* ADD x0, x0, #100 */
+        TestAdrpInsn2Add(add, adrp_offset, /*has_thunk=*/ false, string_offset);
+      },
+      { 0x12345678u, 0xffffc840 });
-TEST_FOR_OFFSETS(DENVER64_LDUR_ADD_TEST, 0x12345678, 0xffffc840)
-#define DEFAULT_SUBX3X2_ADD_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference ## adrp_offset ## SubX3X2 ## disp) { \
-    /* SUB unrelated to "ADRP x0, addr". */ \
-    uint32_t sub = kSubXInsn | (100 << 10) | (2u << 5) | 3u;  /* SUB x3, x2, #100 */ \
-    TestAdrpInsn2Add(sub, adrp_offset, false, disp); \
-  }
-TEST_FOR_OFFSETS(DEFAULT_SUBX3X2_ADD_TEST, 0x12345678, 0xffffc840)
-#define DEFAULT_SUBSX3X0_ADD_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference ## adrp_offset ## SubsX3X0 ## disp) { \
-    /* SUBS that uses the result of "ADRP x0, addr". */ \
-    uint32_t subs = kSubsXInsn | (100 << 10) | (0u << 5) | 3u;  /* SUBS x3, x0, #100 */ \
-    TestAdrpInsn2Add(subs, adrp_offset, false, disp); \
-  }
-TEST_FOR_OFFSETS(DEFAULT_SUBSX3X0_ADD_TEST, 0x12345678, 0xffffc840)
-#define DEFAULT_ADDX0X0_ADD_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference ## adrp_offset ## AddX0X0 ## disp) { \
-    /* ADD that uses the result register of "ADRP x0, addr" as both source and destination. */ \
-    uint32_t add = kSubXInsn | (100 << 10) | (0u << 5) | 0u;  /* ADD x0, x0, #100 */ \
-    TestAdrpInsn2Add(add, adrp_offset, false, disp); \
-  }
-TEST_FOR_OFFSETS(DEFAULT_ADDX0X0_ADD_TEST, 0x12345678, 0xffffc840)
-#define DEFAULT_ADDSX0X2_ADD_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference ## adrp_offset ## AddsX0X2 ## disp) { \
-    /* ADDS that does not use the result of "ADRP x0, addr" but overwrites that register. */ \
-    uint32_t adds = kAddsXInsn | (100 << 10) | (2u << 5) | 0u;  /* ADDS x0, x2, #100 */ \
-    bool has_thunk = ((adrp_offset) == 0xff8u || (adrp_offset) == 0xffcu); \
-    TestAdrpInsn2Add(adds, adrp_offset, has_thunk, disp); \
-  }
-TEST_FOR_OFFSETS(DEFAULT_ADDSX0X2_ADD_TEST, 0x12345678, 0xffffc840)
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReferenceAddsX0X2) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t string_offset) {
+        Reset();
+        /* ADDS that does not use the result of "ADRP x0, addr" but overwrites that register. */
+        uint32_t adds = kAddsXInsn | (100 << 10) | (2u << 5) | 0u;  /* ADDS x0, x2, #100 */
+        bool has_thunk = ((adrp_offset) == 0xff8u || (adrp_offset) == 0xffcu);
+        TestAdrpInsn2Add(adds, adrp_offset, has_thunk, string_offset);
+      },
+      { 0x12345678u, 0xffffc840u });
 // LDR <Wt>, <label> is always aligned. We should never have to use a fixup.
-#define LDRW_PCREL_ADD_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference ## adrp_offset ## WPcRel ## disp) { \
-    TestAdrpLdrPcRelAdd(kLdrWPcRelInsn, disp, adrp_offset, false, 0x12345678u); \
-  }
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReferenceWPcRel) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t pcrel_disp) {
+        Reset();
+        TestAdrpLdrPcRelAdd(kLdrWPcRelInsn,
+                            pcrel_disp,
+                            adrp_offset,
+                            /*has_thunk=*/ false,
+                            /*string_offset=*/ 0x12345678u);
+      },
+      { 0x1234u, 0x1238u });
 // LDR <Xt>, <label> is aligned when offset + displacement is a multiple of 8.
-#define LDRX_PCREL_ADD_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference ## adrp_offset ## XPcRel ## disp) { \
-    bool unaligned = !IsAligned<8u>((adrp_offset) + 4u + static_cast<uint32_t>(disp)); \
-    bool has_thunk = ((adrp_offset) == 0xff8u || (adrp_offset) == 0xffcu) && unaligned; \
-    TestAdrpLdrPcRelAdd(kLdrXPcRelInsn, disp, adrp_offset, has_thunk, 0x12345678u); \
-  }
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReferenceXPcRel) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t pcrel_disp) {
+        Reset();
+        bool unaligned = !IsAligned<8u>((adrp_offset) + 4u + static_cast<uint32_t>(pcrel_disp));
+        bool has_thunk = ((adrp_offset) == 0xff8u || (adrp_offset) == 0xffcu) && unaligned;
+        TestAdrpLdrPcRelAdd(kLdrXPcRelInsn,
+                            pcrel_disp,
+                            adrp_offset,
+                            has_thunk,
+                            /*string_offset=*/ 0x12345678u);
+      },
+      { 0x1234u, 0x1238u });
 // LDR <Wt>, [SP, #<pimm>] and LDR <Xt>, [SP, #<pimm>] are always aligned. No fixup needed.
-#define LDRW_SPREL_ADD_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference ## adrp_offset ## WSpRel ## disp) { \
-    TestAdrpLdrSpRelAdd(kLdrWSpRelInsn, (disp) >> 2, adrp_offset, false, 0x12345678u); \
-  }
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReferenceWSpRel) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t disp) {
+        Reset();
+        TestAdrpLdrSpRelAdd(kLdrWSpRelInsn,
+                            /*sprel_disp_in_load_units=*/ (disp) >> 2,
+                            adrp_offset,
+                            /*has_thunk=*/ false,
+                            /*string_offset=*/ 0x12345678u);
+      },
+      { 0u, 4u });
-#define LDRX_SPREL_ADD_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReference ## adrp_offset ## XSpRel ## disp) { \
-    TestAdrpLdrSpRelAdd(kLdrXSpRelInsn, (disp) >> 3, adrp_offset, false, 0x12345678u); \
-  }
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, StringReferenceXSpRel) {
+  TestForAdrpOffsets(
+      [&](uint32_t adrp_offset, uint32_t disp) {
+        Reset();
+        TestAdrpLdrSpRelAdd(kLdrXSpRelInsn,
+                            /*sprel_disp_in_load_units=*/ (disp) >> 3,
+                            adrp_offset,
+                            /*has_thunk=*/ false,
+                            /*string_offset=*/ 0x12345678u);
+      },
+      { 0u, 8u });
 void Arm64RelativePatcherTest::TestBakerField(uint32_t offset, uint32_t ref_reg) {
   uint32_t valid_regs[] = {
@@ -1039,15 +1107,22 @@
-#define TEST_BAKER_FIELD(offset, ref_reg)     \
-  TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,     \
-    BakerOffset##offset##_##ref_reg) {        \
-    TestBakerField(offset, ref_reg);          \
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, BakerOffset) {
+  struct TestCase {
+    uint32_t offset;
+    uint32_t ref_reg;
+  };
+  static const TestCase test_cases[] = {
+      { 0u, 0u },
+      { 8u, 15u},
+      { 0x3ffcu, 29u },
+  };
+  for (const TestCase& test_case : test_cases) {
+    Reset();
+    TestBakerField(test_case.offset, test_case.ref_reg);
-TEST_BAKER_FIELD(/* offset */ 0, /* ref_reg */ 0)
-TEST_BAKER_FIELD(/* offset */ 8, /* ref_reg */ 15)
-TEST_BAKER_FIELD(/* offset */ 0x3ffc, /* ref_reg */ 29)
 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, BakerOffsetThunkInTheMiddle) {
   // One thunk in the middle with maximum distance branches to it from both sides.
diff --git a/dex2oat/linker/relative_patcher_test.h b/dex2oat/linker/relative_patcher_test.h
index 9725570..56ff0ef 100644
--- a/dex2oat/linker/relative_patcher_test.h
+++ b/dex2oat/linker/relative_patcher_test.h
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
-        out_("test output stream", &output_) {
+        out_(nullptr) {
     // Override CommonCompilerTest's defaults.
     instruction_set_ = instruction_set;
     number_of_threads_ = 1u;
@@ -61,10 +61,7 @@
     OverrideInstructionSetFeatures(instruction_set_, variant_);
-    patcher_ = RelativePatcher::Create(compiler_options_->GetInstructionSet(),
-                                       compiler_options_->GetInstructionSetFeatures(),
-                                       &thunk_provider_,
-                                       &method_offset_map_);
+    Reset();
   void TearDown() override {
@@ -73,6 +70,24 @@
+  // Reset the helper to start another test. Creating and tearing down the Runtime is expensive,
+  // so we merge related tests together.
+  void Reset() {
+    thunk_provider_.Reset();
+    method_offset_map_.map.clear();
+    patcher_ = RelativePatcher::Create(compiler_options_->GetInstructionSet(),
+                                       compiler_options_->GetInstructionSetFeatures(),
+                                       &thunk_provider_,
+                                       &method_offset_map_);
+    bss_begin_ = 0u;
+    string_index_to_offset_map_.clear();
+    compiled_method_refs_.clear();
+    compiled_methods_.clear();
+    patched_code_.clear();
+    output_.clear();
+    out_.reset(new VectorOutputStream("test output stream", &output_));
+  }
   MethodReference MethodRef(uint32_t method_idx) {
     CHECK_NE(method_idx, 0u);
     return MethodReference(nullptr, method_idx);
@@ -127,7 +142,7 @@
     uint8_t dummy_trampoline[kTrampolineSize];
     memset(dummy_trampoline, 0, sizeof(dummy_trampoline));
-    out_.WriteFully(dummy_trampoline, kTrampolineSize);
+    out_->WriteFully(dummy_trampoline, kTrampolineSize);
     offset = kTrampolineSize;
     static const uint8_t kPadding[] = {
         0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u
@@ -135,14 +150,14 @@
     uint8_t dummy_header[sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader)];
     memset(dummy_header, 0, sizeof(dummy_header));
     for (auto& compiled_method : compiled_methods_) {
-      offset = patcher_->WriteThunks(&out_, offset);
+      offset = patcher_->WriteThunks(out_.get(), offset);
       uint32_t alignment_size = CodeAlignmentSize(offset);
       CHECK_LE(alignment_size, sizeof(kPadding));
-      out_.WriteFully(kPadding, alignment_size);
+      out_->WriteFully(kPadding, alignment_size);
       offset += alignment_size;
-      out_.WriteFully(dummy_header, sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader));
+      out_->WriteFully(dummy_header, sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader));
       offset += sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader);
       ArrayRef<const uint8_t> code = compiled_method->GetQuickCode();
       if (!compiled_method->GetPatches().empty()) {
@@ -179,10 +194,10 @@
-      out_.WriteFully(&code[0], code.size());
+      out_->WriteFully(&code[0], code.size());
       offset += code.size();
-    offset = patcher_->WriteThunks(&out_, offset);
+    offset = patcher_->WriteThunks(out_.get(), offset);
     CHECK_EQ(offset, output_size);
     CHECK_EQ(output_.size(), output_size);
@@ -270,6 +285,10 @@
       *debug_name = value.GetDebugName();
+    void Reset() {
+      thunk_map_.clear();
+    }
     class ThunkKey {
@@ -342,7 +361,7 @@
   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CompiledMethod>> compiled_methods_;
   std::vector<uint8_t> patched_code_;
   std::vector<uint8_t> output_;
-  VectorOutputStream out_;
+  std::unique_ptr<VectorOutputStream> out_;
 }  // namespace linker