Revert^2 "Partial LSE analysis & store removal"

A ScopedArenaAllocator in a single test was accidentally loaded using
operator new which is not supported. This caused a memory leak.

This reverts commit fe270426c8a2a69a8f669339e83b86fbf40e25a1.
This unreverts commit bb6cda60e4418c0ab557ea4090e046bed8206763.

Bug: 67037140

Reason for revert: Fixed memory leak in
LoadStoreAnalysisTest.PartialEscape test case

Test: SANITIZE_HOST=address ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 m test-art-host-gtest-dependencies
      Run art_compiler_tests

Change-Id: I34fa2079df946ae54b8c91fa771a44d56438a719
diff --git a/compiler/Android.bp b/compiler/Android.bp
index e91700b..523aab6 100644
--- a/compiler/Android.bp
+++ b/compiler/Android.bp
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
+        "optimizing/",
@@ -414,6 +415,7 @@
+        "optimizing/",
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5045e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "execution_subgraph.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "android-base/macros.h"
+#include "base/arena_allocator.h"
+#include "base/arena_bit_vector.h"
+#include "base/globals.h"
+#include "base/scoped_arena_allocator.h"
+#include "nodes.h"
+namespace art {
+ExecutionSubgraph::ExecutionSubgraph(HGraph* graph,
+                                     bool analysis_possible,
+                                     ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator)
+    : graph_(graph),
+      allocator_(allocator),
+      allowed_successors_(analysis_possible ? graph_->GetBlocks().size() : 0,
+                          ~(std::bitset<kMaxFilterableSuccessors> {}),
+                          allocator_->Adapter(kArenaAllocLSA)),
+      unreachable_blocks_(
+          allocator_, analysis_possible ? graph_->GetBlocks().size() : 0, false, kArenaAllocLSA),
+      valid_(analysis_possible),
+      needs_prune_(false),
+      finalized_(false) {
+  if (valid_) {
+    DCHECK(std::all_of(graph->GetBlocks().begin(), graph->GetBlocks().end(), [](HBasicBlock* it) {
+      return it == nullptr || it->GetSuccessors().size() <= kMaxFilterableSuccessors;
+    }));
+  }
+void ExecutionSubgraph::RemoveBlock(const HBasicBlock* to_remove) {
+  if (!valid_) {
+    return;
+  }
+  uint32_t id = to_remove->GetBlockId();
+  if (unreachable_blocks_.IsBitSet(id)) {
+    if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+      // This isn't really needed but it's good to have this so it functions as
+      // a DCHECK that we always call Prune after removing any block.
+      needs_prune_ = true;
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  unreachable_blocks_.SetBit(id);
+  for (HBasicBlock* pred : to_remove->GetPredecessors()) {
+    std::bitset<kMaxFilterableSuccessors> allowed_successors {};
+    // ZipCount iterates over both the successors and the index of them at the same time.
+    for (auto [succ, i] : ZipCount(MakeIterationRange(pred->GetSuccessors()))) {
+      if (succ != to_remove) {
+        allowed_successors.set(i);
+      }
+    }
+    LimitBlockSuccessors(pred, allowed_successors);
+  }
+// Removes sink nodes.
+void ExecutionSubgraph::Prune() {
+  if (UNLIKELY(!valid_)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  needs_prune_ = false;
+  // This is the record of the edges that were both (1) explored and (2) reached
+  // the exit node.
+  {
+    // Allocator for temporary values.
+    ScopedArenaAllocator temporaries(graph_->GetArenaStack());
+    ScopedArenaVector<std::bitset<kMaxFilterableSuccessors>> results(
+        graph_->GetBlocks().size(), temporaries.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSA));
+    unreachable_blocks_.ClearAllBits();
+    // TODO We should support infinite loops as well.
+    if (UNLIKELY(graph_->GetExitBlock() == nullptr)) {
+      // Infinite loop
+      valid_ = false;
+      return;
+    }
+    // Fills up the 'results' map with what we need to add to update
+    // allowed_successors in order to prune sink nodes.
+    bool start_reaches_end = false;
+    // This is basically a DFS of the graph with some edges skipped.
+    {
+      const size_t num_blocks = graph_->GetBlocks().size();
+      constexpr ssize_t kUnvisitedSuccIdx = -1;
+      ArenaBitVector visiting(&temporaries, num_blocks, false, kArenaAllocLSA);
+      // How many of the successors of each block we have already examined. This
+      // has three states.
+      // (1) kUnvisitedSuccIdx: we have not examined any edges,
+      // (2) 0 <= val < # of successors: we have examined 'val' successors/are
+      // currently examining successors_[val],
+      // (3) kMaxFilterableSuccessors: We have examined all of the successors of
+      // the block (the 'result' is final).
+      ScopedArenaVector<ssize_t> last_succ_seen(
+          num_blocks, kUnvisitedSuccIdx, temporaries.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSA));
+      // A stack of which blocks we are visiting in this DFS traversal. Does not
+      // include the current-block. Used with last_succ_seen to figure out which
+      // bits to set if we find a path to the end/loop.
+      ScopedArenaVector<uint32_t> current_path(temporaries.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSA));
+      // Just ensure we have enough space. The allocator will be cleared shortly
+      // anyway so this is fast.
+      current_path.reserve(num_blocks);
+      // Current block we are examining. Modified only by 'push_block' and 'pop_block'
+      const HBasicBlock* cur_block = graph_->GetEntryBlock();
+      // Used to note a recur where we will start iterating on 'blk' and save
+      // where we are. We must 'continue' immediately after this.
+      auto push_block = [&](const HBasicBlock* blk) {
+        DCHECK(std::find(current_path.cbegin(), current_path.cend(), cur_block->GetBlockId()) ==
+               current_path.end());
+        if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+          std::for_each(current_path.cbegin(), current_path.cend(), [&](auto id) {
+            DCHECK_GT(last_succ_seen[id], kUnvisitedSuccIdx) << id;
+            DCHECK_LT(last_succ_seen[id], static_cast<ssize_t>(kMaxFilterableSuccessors)) << id;
+          });
+        }
+        current_path.push_back(cur_block->GetBlockId());
+        visiting.SetBit(cur_block->GetBlockId());
+        cur_block = blk;
+      };
+      // Used to note that we have fully explored a block and should return back
+      // up. Sets cur_block appropriately. We must 'continue' immediately after
+      // calling this.
+      auto pop_block = [&]() {
+        if (UNLIKELY(current_path.empty())) {
+          // Should only happen if entry-blocks successors are exhausted.
+          DCHECK_GE(last_succ_seen[graph_->GetEntryBlock()->GetBlockId()],
+                    static_cast<ssize_t>(graph_->GetEntryBlock()->GetSuccessors().size()));
+          cur_block = nullptr;
+        } else {
+          const HBasicBlock* last = graph_->GetBlocks()[current_path.back()];
+          visiting.ClearBit(current_path.back());
+          current_path.pop_back();
+          cur_block = last;
+        }
+      };
+      // Mark the current path as a path to the end. This is in contrast to paths
+      // that end in (eg) removed blocks.
+      auto propagate_true = [&]() {
+        for (uint32_t id : current_path) {
+          DCHECK_GT(last_succ_seen[id], kUnvisitedSuccIdx);
+          DCHECK_LT(last_succ_seen[id], static_cast<ssize_t>(kMaxFilterableSuccessors));
+          results[id].set(last_succ_seen[id]);
+        }
+      };
+      ssize_t num_entry_succ = graph_->GetEntryBlock()->GetSuccessors().size();
+      // As long as the entry-block has not explored all successors we still have
+      // work to do.
+      const uint32_t entry_block_id = graph_->GetEntryBlock()->GetBlockId();
+      while (num_entry_succ > last_succ_seen[entry_block_id]) {
+        DCHECK(cur_block != nullptr);
+        uint32_t id = cur_block->GetBlockId();
+        DCHECK((current_path.empty() && cur_block == graph_->GetEntryBlock()) ||
+               current_path.front() == graph_->GetEntryBlock()->GetBlockId())
+            << "current path size: " << current_path.size()
+            << " cur_block id: " << cur_block->GetBlockId() << " entry id "
+            << graph_->GetEntryBlock()->GetBlockId();
+        DCHECK(!visiting.IsBitSet(id))
+            << "Somehow ended up in a loop! This should have been caught before now! " << id;
+        std::bitset<kMaxFilterableSuccessors>& result = results[id];
+        if (cur_block == graph_->GetExitBlock()) {
+          start_reaches_end = true;
+          propagate_true();
+          pop_block();
+          continue;
+        } else if (last_succ_seen[id] == kMaxFilterableSuccessors) {
+          // Already fully explored.
+          if (result.any()) {
+            propagate_true();
+          }
+          pop_block();
+          continue;
+        }
+        // NB This is a pointer. Modifications modify the last_succ_seen.
+        ssize_t* cur_succ = &last_succ_seen[id];
+        std::bitset<kMaxFilterableSuccessors> succ_bitmap = GetAllowedSuccessors(cur_block);
+        // Get next successor allowed.
+        while (++(*cur_succ) < static_cast<ssize_t>(kMaxFilterableSuccessors) &&
+               !succ_bitmap.test(*cur_succ)) {
+          DCHECK_GE(*cur_succ, 0);
+        }
+        if (*cur_succ >= static_cast<ssize_t>(cur_block->GetSuccessors().size())) {
+          // No more successors. Mark that we've checked everything. Later visits
+          // to this node can use the existing data.
+          DCHECK_LE(*cur_succ, static_cast<ssize_t>(kMaxFilterableSuccessors));
+          *cur_succ = kMaxFilterableSuccessors;
+          pop_block();
+          continue;
+        }
+        const HBasicBlock* nxt = cur_block->GetSuccessors()[*cur_succ];
+        DCHECK(nxt != nullptr) << "id: " << *cur_succ
+                               << " max: " << cur_block->GetSuccessors().size();
+        if (visiting.IsBitSet(nxt->GetBlockId())) {
+          // This is a loop. Mark it and continue on. Mark allowed-successor on
+          // this block's results as well.
+          result.set(*cur_succ);
+          propagate_true();
+        } else {
+          // Not a loop yet. Recur.
+          push_block(nxt);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // If we can't reach the end then there is no path through the graph without
+    // hitting excluded blocks
+    if (UNLIKELY(!start_reaches_end)) {
+      valid_ = false;
+      return;
+    }
+    // Mark blocks we didn't see in the ReachesEnd flood-fill
+    for (const HBasicBlock* blk : graph_->GetBlocks()) {
+      if (blk != nullptr &&
+          results[blk->GetBlockId()].none() &&
+          blk != graph_->GetExitBlock() &&
+          blk != graph_->GetEntryBlock()) {
+        // We never visited this block, must be unreachable.
+        unreachable_blocks_.SetBit(blk->GetBlockId());
+      }
+    }
+    // write the new data.
+    memcpy(,
+ ,
+           results.size() * sizeof(std::bitset<kMaxFilterableSuccessors>));
+  }
+  RecalculateExcludedCohort();
+void ExecutionSubgraph::RemoveConcavity() {
+  if (UNLIKELY(!valid_)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  DCHECK(!needs_prune_);
+  for (const HBasicBlock* blk : graph_->GetBlocks()) {
+    if (blk == nullptr || unreachable_blocks_.IsBitSet(blk->GetBlockId())) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    uint32_t blkid = blk->GetBlockId();
+    if (std::any_of(unreachable_blocks_.Indexes().begin(),
+                    unreachable_blocks_.Indexes().end(),
+                    [&](uint32_t skipped) { return graph_->PathBetween(skipped, blkid); }) &&
+        std::any_of(unreachable_blocks_.Indexes().begin(),
+                    unreachable_blocks_.Indexes().end(),
+                    [&](uint32_t skipped) { return graph_->PathBetween(blkid, skipped); })) {
+      RemoveBlock(blk);
+    }
+  }
+  Prune();
+void ExecutionSubgraph::RecalculateExcludedCohort() {
+  DCHECK(!needs_prune_);
+  excluded_list_.emplace(allocator_->Adapter(kArenaAllocLSA));
+  ScopedArenaVector<ExcludedCohort>& res = excluded_list_.value();
+  // Make a copy of unreachable_blocks_;
+  ArenaBitVector unreachable(allocator_, graph_->GetBlocks().size(), false, kArenaAllocLSA);
+  unreachable.Copy(&unreachable_blocks_);
+  // Split cohorts with union-find
+  while (unreachable.IsAnyBitSet()) {
+    res.emplace_back(allocator_, graph_);
+    ExcludedCohort& cohort = res.back();
+    // We don't allocate except for the queue beyond here so create another arena to save memory.
+    ScopedArenaAllocator alloc(graph_->GetArenaStack());
+    ScopedArenaQueue<const HBasicBlock*> worklist(alloc.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSA));
+    // Select an arbitrary node
+    const HBasicBlock* first = graph_->GetBlocks()[unreachable.GetHighestBitSet()];
+    worklist.push(first);
+    do {
+      // Flood-fill both forwards and backwards.
+      const HBasicBlock* cur = worklist.front();
+      worklist.pop();
+      if (!unreachable.IsBitSet(cur->GetBlockId())) {
+        // Already visited or reachable somewhere else.
+        continue;
+      }
+      unreachable.ClearBit(cur->GetBlockId());
+      cohort.blocks_.SetBit(cur->GetBlockId());
+      // don't bother filtering here, it's done next go-around
+      for (const HBasicBlock* pred : cur->GetPredecessors()) {
+        worklist.push(pred);
+      }
+      for (const HBasicBlock* succ : cur->GetSuccessors()) {
+        worklist.push(succ);
+      }
+    } while (!worklist.empty());
+  }
+  // Figure out entry & exit nodes.
+  for (ExcludedCohort& cohort : res) {
+    DCHECK(cohort.blocks_.IsAnyBitSet());
+    auto is_external = [&](const HBasicBlock* ext) -> bool {
+      return !cohort.blocks_.IsBitSet(ext->GetBlockId());
+    };
+    for (const HBasicBlock* blk : cohort.Blocks()) {
+      const auto& preds = blk->GetPredecessors();
+      const auto& succs = blk->GetSuccessors();
+      if (std::any_of(preds.cbegin(), preds.cend(), is_external)) {
+        cohort.entry_blocks_.SetBit(blk->GetBlockId());
+      }
+      if (std::any_of(succs.cbegin(), succs.cend(), is_external)) {
+        cohort.exit_blocks_.SetBit(blk->GetBlockId());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ExecutionSubgraph::ExcludedCohort& ex) {
+  ex.Dump(os);
+  return os;
+void ExecutionSubgraph::ExcludedCohort::Dump(std::ostream& os) const {
+  auto dump = [&](BitVecBlockRange arr) {
+    os << "[";
+    bool first = true;
+    for (const HBasicBlock* b : arr) {
+      if (!first) {
+        os << ", ";
+      }
+      first = false;
+      os << b->GetBlockId();
+    }
+    os << "]";
+  };
+  auto dump_blocks = [&]() {
+    os << "[";
+    bool first = true;
+    for (const HBasicBlock* b : Blocks()) {
+      if (!entry_blocks_.IsBitSet(b->GetBlockId()) && !exit_blocks_.IsBitSet(b->GetBlockId())) {
+        if (!first) {
+          os << ", ";
+        }
+        first = false;
+        os << b->GetBlockId();
+      }
+    }
+    os << "]";
+  };
+  os << "{ entry: ";
+  dump(EntryBlocks());
+  os << ", interior: ";
+  dump_blocks();
+  os << ", exit: ";
+  dump(ExitBlocks());
+  os << "}";
+}  // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/execution_subgraph.h b/compiler/optimizing/execution_subgraph.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dac938e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/execution_subgraph.h
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "base/arena_allocator.h"
+#include "base/arena_bit_vector.h"
+#include "base/arena_containers.h"
+#include "base/array_ref.h"
+#include "base/bit_vector-inl.h"
+#include "base/globals.h"
+#include "base/iteration_range.h"
+#include "base/scoped_arena_allocator.h"
+#include "base/scoped_arena_containers.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "base/transform_iterator.h"
+#include "nodes.h"
+namespace art {
+// Helper for transforming block ids to blocks.
+class BlockIdToBlockTransformer {
+ public:
+  BlockIdToBlockTransformer(BlockIdToBlockTransformer&&) = default;
+  BlockIdToBlockTransformer(const BlockIdToBlockTransformer&) = default;
+  explicit BlockIdToBlockTransformer(const HGraph* graph) : graph_(graph) {}
+  inline const HGraph* GetGraph() const {
+    return graph_;
+  }
+  inline HBasicBlock* GetBlock(uint32_t id) const {
+    DCHECK_LT(id, graph_->GetBlocks().size()) << graph_->PrettyMethod();
+    HBasicBlock* blk = graph_->GetBlocks()[id];
+    DCHECK(blk != nullptr);
+    return blk;
+  }
+  inline HBasicBlock* operator()(uint32_t id) const {
+    return GetBlock(id);
+  }
+ private:
+  const HGraph* const graph_;
+// A representation of a particular section of the graph. The graph is split
+// into an excluded and included area and is used to track escapes.
+// This object is a view of the graph and is not updated as the graph is
+// changed.
+// This is implemented by removing various escape points from the subgraph using
+// the 'RemoveBlock' function. Once all required blocks are removed one will
+// 'Finalize' the subgraph. This will extend the removed area to include:
+// (1) Any block which inevitably leads to (post-dominates) a removed block
+// (2) any block which is between 2 removed blocks
+// This allows us to create a set of 'ExcludedCohorts' which are the
+// well-connected subsets of the graph made up of removed blocks. These cohorts
+// have a set of entry and exit blocks which act as the boundary of the cohort.
+// Since we removed blocks between 2 excluded blocks it is impossible for any
+// cohort-exit block to reach any cohort-entry block. This means we can use the
+// boundary between the cohort and the rest of the graph to insert
+// materialization blocks for partial LSE.
+class ExecutionSubgraph : public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocLSA> {
+ public:
+  using BitVecBlockRange =
+      IterationRange<TransformIterator<BitVector::IndexIterator, BlockIdToBlockTransformer>>;
+  // A set of connected blocks which are connected and removed from the
+  // ExecutionSubgraph. See above comment for explanation.
+  class ExcludedCohort : public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocLSA> {
+   public:
+    ExcludedCohort(ExcludedCohort&&) = default;
+    ExcludedCohort(const ExcludedCohort&) = delete;
+    explicit ExcludedCohort(ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator, HGraph* graph)
+        : graph_(graph),
+          entry_blocks_(allocator, graph_->GetBlocks().size(), false, kArenaAllocLSA),
+          exit_blocks_(allocator, graph_->GetBlocks().size(), false, kArenaAllocLSA),
+          blocks_(allocator, graph_->GetBlocks().size(), false, kArenaAllocLSA) {}
+    ~ExcludedCohort() = default;
+    // All blocks in the cohort.
+    BitVecBlockRange Blocks() const {
+      return BlockIterRange(blocks_);
+    }
+    // Blocks that have predecessors outside of the cohort. These blocks will
+    // need to have PHIs/control-flow added to create the escaping value.
+    BitVecBlockRange EntryBlocks() const {
+      return BlockIterRange(entry_blocks_);
+    }
+    // Blocks that have successors outside of the cohort. The successors of
+    // these blocks will need to have PHI's to restore state.
+    BitVecBlockRange ExitBlocks() const {
+      return BlockIterRange(exit_blocks_);
+    }
+    bool operator==(const ExcludedCohort& other) const {
+      return blocks_.Equal(&other.blocks_);
+    }
+    bool ContainsBlock(const HBasicBlock* blk) const {
+      return blocks_.IsBitSet(blk->GetBlockId());
+    }
+    // Returns true if there is a path from 'blk' to any block in this cohort.
+    // NB blocks contained within the cohort are not considered to be succeeded
+    // by the cohort (i.e. this function will return false).
+    bool SucceedsBlock(const HBasicBlock* blk) const {
+      if (ContainsBlock(blk)) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      auto idxs = entry_blocks_.Indexes();
+      return std::any_of(idxs.begin(), idxs.end(), [&](uint32_t entry) -> bool {
+        return blk->GetGraph()->PathBetween(blk->GetBlockId(), entry);
+      });
+    }
+    // Returns true if there is a path from any block in this cohort to 'blk'.
+    // NB blocks contained within the cohort are not considered to be preceded
+    // by the cohort (i.e. this function will return false).
+    bool PrecedesBlock(const HBasicBlock* blk) const {
+      if (ContainsBlock(blk)) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      auto idxs = exit_blocks_.Indexes();
+      return std::any_of(idxs.begin(), idxs.end(), [&](uint32_t exit) -> bool {
+        return blk->GetGraph()->PathBetween(exit, blk->GetBlockId());
+      });
+    }
+    void Dump(std::ostream& os) const;
+   private:
+    BitVecBlockRange BlockIterRange(const ArenaBitVector& bv) const {
+      auto indexes = bv.Indexes();
+      BitVecBlockRange res = MakeTransformRange(indexes, BlockIdToBlockTransformer(graph_));
+      return res;
+    }
+    ExcludedCohort() = delete;
+    HGraph* graph_;
+    ArenaBitVector entry_blocks_;
+    ArenaBitVector exit_blocks_;
+    ArenaBitVector blocks_;
+    friend class ExecutionSubgraph;
+    friend class LoadStoreAnalysisTest;
+  };
+  // The number of successors we can track on a single block. Graphs which
+  // contain a block with a branching factor greater than this will not be
+  // analysed. This is used to both limit the memory usage of analysis to
+  // reasonable levels and ensure that the analysis will complete in a
+  // reasonable amount of time. It also simplifies the implementation somewhat
+  // to have a constant branching factor.
+  static constexpr uint32_t kMaxFilterableSuccessors = 8;
+  // Instantiate a subgraph. analysis_possible controls whether or not to even
+  // attempt partial-escape analysis. It should be false if partial-escape
+  // analysis is not desired (eg when being used for instruction scheduling) or
+  // when the branching factor in the graph is too high. This is calculated once
+  // and passed down for performance reasons.
+  ExecutionSubgraph(HGraph* graph, bool analysis_possible, ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator);
+  void Invalidate() {
+    valid_ = false;
+  }
+  // A block is contained by the ExecutionSubgraph if it is reachable. This
+  // means it has not been removed explicitly or via pruning/concavity removal.
+  // Finalization is needed to call this function.
+  // See RemoveConcavity and Prune for more information.
+  bool ContainsBlock(const HBasicBlock* blk) const {
+    DCHECK(!finalized_ || !needs_prune_) << "finalized: " << finalized_;
+    if (!valid_) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    return !unreachable_blocks_.IsBitSet(blk->GetBlockId());
+  }
+  // Mark the block as removed from the subgraph.
+  void RemoveBlock(const HBasicBlock* to_remove);
+  // Called when no more updates will be done to the subgraph. Calculate the
+  // final subgraph
+  void Finalize() {
+    Prune();
+    RemoveConcavity();
+    finalized_ = true;
+  }
+  BitVecBlockRange UnreachableBlocks() const {
+    auto idxs = unreachable_blocks_.Indexes();
+    return MakeTransformRange(idxs, BlockIdToBlockTransformer(graph_));
+  }
+  // Returns true if all allowed execution paths from start eventually reach the
+  // graph's exit block (or diverge).
+  bool IsValid() const {
+    return valid_;
+  }
+  ArrayRef<const ExcludedCohort> GetExcludedCohorts() const {
+    DCHECK(!valid_ || !needs_prune_);
+    if (!valid_ || !unreachable_blocks_.IsAnyBitSet()) {
+      return ArrayRef<const ExcludedCohort>();
+    } else {
+      return ArrayRef<const ExcludedCohort>(*excluded_list_);
+    }
+  }
+  // Helper class to create reachable blocks iterator.
+  class ContainsFunctor {
+   public:
+    bool operator()(HBasicBlock* blk) const {
+      return subgraph_->ContainsBlock(blk);
+    }
+   private:
+    explicit ContainsFunctor(const ExecutionSubgraph* subgraph) : subgraph_(subgraph) {}
+    const ExecutionSubgraph* const subgraph_;
+    friend class ExecutionSubgraph;
+  };
+  // Returns an iterator over reachable blocks (filtered as we go). This is primarilly for testing.
+  IterationRange<
+      FilterIterator<typename ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*>::const_iterator, ContainsFunctor>>
+  ReachableBlocks() const {
+    return Filter(MakeIterationRange(graph_->GetBlocks()), ContainsFunctor(this));
+  }
+  static bool CanAnalyse(HGraph* graph) {
+    // If there are any blocks with more than kMaxFilterableSuccessors we can't
+    // analyse the graph. We avoid this case to prevent excessive memory and
+    // time usage while allowing a simpler algorithm with a fixed-width
+    // branching factor.
+    return std::all_of(graph->GetBlocks().begin(), graph->GetBlocks().end(), [](HBasicBlock* blk) {
+      return blk == nullptr || blk->GetSuccessors().size() <= kMaxFilterableSuccessors;
+    });
+  }
+ private:
+  std::bitset<kMaxFilterableSuccessors> GetAllowedSuccessors(const HBasicBlock* blk) const {
+    DCHECK(valid_);
+    return allowed_successors_[blk->GetBlockId()];
+  }
+  void LimitBlockSuccessors(const HBasicBlock* block,
+                            std::bitset<kMaxFilterableSuccessors> allowed) {
+    needs_prune_ = true;
+    allowed_successors_[block->GetBlockId()] &= allowed;
+  }
+  // Remove nodes which both precede and follow any exclusions. This ensures we don't need to deal
+  // with only conditionally materializing objects depending on if we already materialized them
+  // Ensure that for all blocks A, B, C: Unreachable(A) && Unreachable(C) && PathBetween(A, B) &&
+  // PathBetween(A, C) implies Unreachable(B). This simplifies later transforms since it ensures
+  // that no execution can leave and then re-enter any exclusion.
+  void RemoveConcavity();
+  // Removes sink nodes. Sink nodes are nodes where there is no execution which
+  // avoids all removed nodes.
+  void Prune();
+  void RecalculateExcludedCohort();
+  HGraph* graph_;
+  ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator_;
+  // The map from block_id -> allowed-successors.
+  // This is the canonical representation of this subgraph. If a bit in the
+  // bitset is not set then the corresponding outgoing edge of that block is not
+  // considered traversable.
+  ScopedArenaVector<std::bitset<kMaxFilterableSuccessors>> allowed_successors_;
+  // Helper that holds which blocks we are able to reach. Only valid if
+  // 'needs_prune_ == false'.
+  ArenaBitVector unreachable_blocks_;
+  // A list of the excluded-cohorts of this subgraph. This is only valid when
+  // 'needs_prune_ == false'
+  std::optional<ScopedArenaVector<ExcludedCohort>> excluded_list_;
+  // Bool to hold if there is at least one known path from the start block to
+  // the end in this graph. Used to short-circuit computation.
+  bool valid_;
+  // True if the subgraph is consistent and can be queried. Modifying the
+  // subgraph clears this and requires a prune to restore.
+  bool needs_prune_;
+  // True if no more modification of the subgraph is permitted.
+  bool finalized_;
+  friend class ExecutionSubgraphTest;
+  friend class LoadStoreAnalysisTest;
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExecutionSubgraph);
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ExecutionSubgraph::ExcludedCohort& ex);
+}  // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fc00d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -0,0 +1,831 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "execution_subgraph_test.h"
+#include <array>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string_view>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "base/scoped_arena_allocator.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "class_root.h"
+#include "dex/dex_file_types.h"
+#include "dex/method_reference.h"
+#include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints_enum.h"
+#include "execution_subgraph.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "handle.h"
+#include "handle_scope.h"
+#include "nodes.h"
+#include "optimizing/data_type.h"
+#include "optimizing_unit_test.h"
+#include "scoped_thread_state_change.h"
+namespace art {
+using BlockSet = std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*>;
+// Helper that checks validity directly.
+bool ExecutionSubgraphTestHelper::CalculateValidity(HGraph* graph, const ExecutionSubgraph* esg) {
+  bool reached_end = false;
+  std::queue<const HBasicBlock*> worklist;
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> visited;
+  worklist.push(graph->GetEntryBlock());
+  while (!worklist.empty()) {
+    const HBasicBlock* cur = worklist.front();
+    worklist.pop();
+    if (visited.find(cur) != visited.end()) {
+      continue;
+    } else {
+      visited.insert(cur);
+    }
+    if (cur == graph->GetExitBlock()) {
+      reached_end = true;
+      continue;
+    }
+    bool has_succ = false;
+    for (const HBasicBlock* succ : cur->GetSuccessors()) {
+      DCHECK(succ != nullptr) << "Bad successors on block " << cur->GetBlockId();
+      if (!esg->ContainsBlock(succ)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      has_succ = true;
+      worklist.push(succ);
+    }
+    if (!has_succ) {
+      // We aren't at the end and have nowhere to go so fail.
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return reached_end;
+class ExecutionSubgraphTest : public OptimizingUnitTest {
+ public:
+  ExecutionSubgraphTest() : graph_(CreateGraph()) {}
+  AdjacencyListGraph SetupFromAdjacencyList(const std::string_view entry_name,
+                                            const std::string_view exit_name,
+                                            const std::vector<AdjacencyListGraph::Edge>& adj) {
+    return AdjacencyListGraph(graph_, GetAllocator(), entry_name, exit_name, adj);
+  }
+  bool IsValidSubgraph(const ExecutionSubgraph* esg) {
+    return ExecutionSubgraphTestHelper::CalculateValidity(graph_, esg);
+  }
+  bool IsValidSubgraph(const ExecutionSubgraph& esg) {
+    return ExecutionSubgraphTestHelper::CalculateValidity(graph_, &esg);
+  }
+  HGraph* graph_;
+// Some comparators used by these tests to avoid having to deal with various set types.
+template <typename BLKS, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<BlockSet, BLKS>>>
+bool operator==(const BlockSet& bs, const BLKS& sas) {
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> us(sas.begin(), sas.end());
+  return bs == us;
+template <typename BLKS, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<BlockSet, BLKS>>>
+bool operator==(const BLKS& sas, const BlockSet& bs) {
+  return bs == sas;
+template <typename BLKS, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<BlockSet, BLKS>>>
+bool operator!=(const BlockSet& bs, const BLKS& sas) {
+  return !(bs == sas);
+template <typename BLKS, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<BlockSet, BLKS>>>
+bool operator!=(const BLKS& sas, const BlockSet& bs) {
+  return !(bs == sas);
+// +-------+       +-------+
+// | right | <--   | entry |
+// +-------+       +-------+
+//   |               |
+//   |               |
+//   |               v
+//   |           + - - - - - +
+//   |           '  removed  '
+//   |           '           '
+//   |           ' +-------+ '
+//   |           ' | left  | '
+//   |           ' +-------+ '
+//   |           '           '
+//   |           + - - - - - +
+//   |               |
+//   |               |
+//   |               v
+//   |             +-------+
+//   +--------->   | exit  |
+//                 +-------+
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, Basic) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+      "entry",
+      "exit",
+      { { "entry", "left" }, { "entry", "right" }, { "left", "exit" }, { "right", "exit" } }));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("left"));
+  esg.Finalize();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 3u);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("left")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("right")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("entry")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("exit")) != contents.end());
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("right"));
+  esg.Finalize();
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents_2(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                    esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents_2.size(), 0u);
+//                   +-------+         +-------+
+//                   | right |   <--   | entry |
+//                   +-------+         +-------+
+//                     |                 |
+//                     |                 |
+//                     |                 v
+//                     |             + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+
+//                     |             '             indirectly_removed         '
+//                     |             '                                        '
+//                     |             ' +-------+                      +-----+ '
+//                     |             ' |  l1   | -------------------> | l1r | '
+//                     |             ' +-------+                      +-----+ '
+//                     |             '   |                              |     '
+//                     |             '   |                              |     '
+//                     |             '   v                              |     '
+//                     |             ' +-------+                        |     '
+//                     |             ' |  l1l  |                        |     '
+//                     |             ' +-------+                        |     '
+//                     |             '   |                              |     '
+//                     |             '   |                              |     '
+//                     |             '   |                              |     '
+// + - - - - - - - -+  |      +- - -     |                              |     '
+// '                '  |      +-         v                              |     '
+// ' +-----+           |               +----------------+               |     '
+// ' | l2r | <---------+-------------- |  l2 (removed)  | <-------------+     '
+// ' +-----+           |               +----------------+                     '
+// '   |            '  |      +-         |                                    '
+// '   |       - - -+  |      +- - -     |         - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+
+// '   |     '         |             '   |       '
+// '   |     '         |             '   |       '
+// '   |     '         |             '   v       '
+// '   |     '         |             ' +-------+ '
+// '   |     '         |             ' |  l2l  | '
+// '   |     '         |             ' +-------+ '
+// '   |     '         |             '   |       '
+// '   |     '         |             '   |       '
+// '   |     '         |             '   |       '
+// '   |       - - -+  |      +- - -     |       '
+// '   |            '  |      +-         v       '
+// '   |               |               +-------+ '
+// '   +---------------+-------------> |  l3   | '
+// '                   |               +-------+ '
+// '                '  |      +-                 '
+// + - - - - - - - -+  |      +- - - - - - - - - +
+//                     |                 |
+//                     |                 |
+//                     |                 v
+//                     |               +-------+
+//                     +----------->   | exit  |
+//                                     +-------+
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, Propagation) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "l1" },
+                                                   { "l1", "l1l" },
+                                                   { "l1", "l1r" },
+                                                   { "l1l", "l2" },
+                                                   { "l1r", "l2" },
+                                                   { "l2", "l2l" },
+                                                   { "l2", "l2r" },
+                                                   { "l2l", "l3" },
+                                                   { "l2r", "l3" },
+                                                   { "l3", "exit" },
+                                                   { "entry", "right" },
+                                                   { "right", "exit" } }));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("l2"));
+  esg.Finalize();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  // ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 3u);
+  // Not present, no path through.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l1")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l2")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l3")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l1l")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l1r")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l2l")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l2r")) == contents.end());
+  // present, path through.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("right")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("entry")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("exit")) != contents.end());
+// +------------------------------------+
+// |                                    |
+// |  +-------+       +-------+         |
+// |  | right | <--   | entry |         |
+// |  +-------+       +-------+         |
+// |    |               |               |
+// |    |               |               |
+// |    |               v               |
+// |    |             +-------+       +--------+
+// +----+--------->   |  l1   |   --> | l1loop |
+//      |             +-------+       +--------+
+//      |               |
+//      |               |
+//      |               v
+//      |           +- - - - - -+
+//      |           '  removed  '
+//      |           '           '
+//      |           ' +-------+ '
+//      |           ' |  l2   | '
+//      |           ' +-------+ '
+//      |           '           '
+//      |           +- - - - - -+
+//      |               |
+//      |               |
+//      |               v
+//      |             +-------+
+//      +--------->   | exit  |
+//                    +-------+
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, PropagationLoop) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "l1" },
+                                                   { "l1", "l2" },
+                                                   { "l1", "l1loop" },
+                                                   { "l1loop", "l1" },
+                                                   { "l2", "exit" },
+                                                   { "entry", "right" },
+                                                   { "right", "exit" } }));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("l2"));
+  esg.Finalize();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 5u);
+  // Not present, no path through.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l2")) == contents.end());
+  // present, path through.
+  // Since the loop can diverge we should leave it in the execution subgraph.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l1")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l1loop")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("right")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("entry")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("exit")) != contents.end());
+// +--------------------------------+
+// |                                |
+// |  +-------+     +-------+       |
+// |  | right | <-- | entry |       |
+// |  +-------+     +-------+       |
+// |    |             |             |
+// |    |             |             |
+// |    |             v             |
+// |    |           +-------+     +--------+
+// +----+---------> |  l1   | --> | l1loop |
+//      |           +-------+     +--------+
+//      |             |
+//      |             |
+//      |             v
+//      |           +-------+
+//      |           |  l2   |
+//      |           +-------+
+//      |             |
+//      |             |
+//      |             v
+//      |           +-------+
+//      +---------> | exit  |
+//                  +-------+
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, PropagationLoop2) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "l1" },
+                                                   { "l1", "l2" },
+                                                   { "l1", "l1loop" },
+                                                   { "l1loop", "l1" },
+                                                   { "l2", "exit" },
+                                                   { "entry", "right" },
+                                                   { "right", "exit" } }));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("l1"));
+  esg.Finalize();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 3u);
+  // Not present, no path through.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l1")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l1loop")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l2")) == contents.end());
+  // present, path through.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("right")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("entry")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("exit")) != contents.end());
+// +--------------------------------+
+// |                                |
+// |  +-------+     +-------+       |
+// |  | right | <-- | entry |       |
+// |  +-------+     +-------+       |
+// |    |             |             |
+// |    |             |             |
+// |    |             v             |
+// |    |           +-------+     +--------+
+// +----+---------> |  l1   | --> | l1loop |
+//      |           +-------+     +--------+
+//      |             |
+//      |             |
+//      |             v
+//      |           +-------+
+//      |           |  l2   |
+//      |           +-------+
+//      |             |
+//      |             |
+//      |             v
+//      |           +-------+
+//      +---------> | exit  |
+//                  +-------+
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, PropagationLoop3) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "l1" },
+                                                   { "l1", "l2" },
+                                                   { "l1", "l1loop" },
+                                                   { "l1loop", "l1" },
+                                                   { "l2", "exit" },
+                                                   { "entry", "right" },
+                                                   { "right", "exit" } }));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("l1loop"));
+  esg.Finalize();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 3u);
+  // Not present, no path through. If we got to l1 loop then we must merge back
+  // with l1 and l2 so they're bad too.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l1loop")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l1")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("l2")) == contents.end());
+  // present, path through.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("right")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("entry")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("exit")) != contents.end());
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, Invalid) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+      "entry",
+      "exit",
+      { { "entry", "left" }, { "entry", "right" }, { "left", "exit" }, { "right", "exit" } }));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("left"));
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("right"));
+  esg.Finalize();
+  ASSERT_FALSE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 0u);
+// Sibling branches are disconnected.
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, Exclusions) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "a" },
+                                                   { "entry", "b" },
+                                                   { "entry", "c" },
+                                                   { "a", "exit" },
+                                                   { "b", "exit" },
+                                                   { "c", "exit" } }));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("a"));
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("c"));
+  esg.Finalize();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 3u);
+  // Not present, no path through.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("a")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("c")) == contents.end());
+  // present, path through.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("entry")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("exit")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("b")) != contents.end());
+  ArrayRef<const ExecutionSubgraph::ExcludedCohort> exclusions(esg.GetExcludedCohorts());
+  ASSERT_EQ(exclusions.size(), 2u);
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> exclude_a({ blks.Get("a") });
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> exclude_c({ blks.Get("c") });
+  ASSERT_TRUE(std::find_if(exclusions.cbegin(),
+                           exclusions.cend(),
+                           [&](const ExecutionSubgraph::ExcludedCohort& it) {
+                             return it.Blocks() == exclude_a;
+                           }) != exclusions.cend());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(std::find_if(exclusions.cbegin(),
+                           exclusions.cend(),
+                           [&](const ExecutionSubgraph::ExcludedCohort& it) {
+                             return it.Blocks() == exclude_c;
+                           }) != exclusions.cend());
+// Sibling branches are disconnected.
+//                                      +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
+//                                      '                      remove_c              '
+//                                      '                                            '
+//                                      ' +-----------+                              '
+//                                      ' | c_begin_2 | -------------------------+   '
+//                                      ' +-----------+                          |   '
+//                                      '                                        |   '
+//                                      +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     |   '
+//                                          ^                                '   |   '
+//                                          |                                '   |   '
+//                                          |                                '   |   '
+//                   + - - - - - -+                                          '   |   '
+//                   '  remove_a  '                                          '   |   '
+//                   '            '                                          '   |   '
+//                   ' +--------+ '       +-----------+                 +---+'   |   '
+//                   ' | **a**  | ' <--   |   entry   |   -->           | b |'   |   '
+//                   ' +--------+ '       +-----------+                 +---+'   |   '
+//                   '            '                                          '   |   '
+//                   + - - - - - -+                                          '   |   '
+//                       |                  |                             |  '   |   '
+//                       |                  |                             |  '   |   '
+//                       |                  v                             |  '   |   '
+//                       |              +- - - - - - - -+                 |  '   |   '
+//                       |              '               '                 |  '   |   '
+//                       |              ' +-----------+ '                 |  '   |   '
+//                       |              ' | c_begin_1 | '                 |  '   |   '
+//                       |              ' +-----------+ '                 |  '   |   '
+//                       |              '   |           '                 |  '   |   '
+//                       |              '   |           '                 |  '   |   '
+//                       |              '   |           '                 |  '   |   '
+// + - - - - - - - - -+  |       + - - -    |            - - - - - - - +  |  '   |   '
+// '                  '  |       +          v                          '  |  +   |   '
+// ' +---------+         |                +-----------+                   |      |   '
+// ' | c_end_2 | <-------+--------------- | **c_mid** | <-----------------+------+   '
+// ' +---------+         |                +-----------+                   |          '
+// '                  '  |       +          |                          '  |  +       '
+// + - - - - - - - - -+  |       + - - -    |            - - - - - - - +  |  + - - - +
+//     |                 |              '   |           '                 |
+//     |                 |              '   |           '                 |
+//     |                 |              '   v           '                 |
+//     |                 |              ' +-----------+ '                 |
+//     |                 |              ' |  c_end_1  | '                 |
+//     |                 |              ' +-----------+ '                 |
+//     |                 |              '               '                 |
+//     |                 |              +- - - - - - - -+                 |
+//     |                 |                  |                             |
+//     |                 |                  |                             |
+//     |                 |                  v                             v
+//     |                 |                +---------------------------------+
+//     |                 +------------>   |              exit               |
+//     |                                  +---------------------------------+
+//     |                                    ^
+//     +------------------------------------+
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, ExclusionExtended) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "a" },
+                                                   { "entry", "b" },
+                                                   { "entry", "c_begin_1" },
+                                                   { "entry", "c_begin_2" },
+                                                   { "c_begin_1", "c_mid" },
+                                                   { "c_begin_2", "c_mid" },
+                                                   { "c_mid", "c_end_1" },
+                                                   { "c_mid", "c_end_2" },
+                                                   { "a", "exit" },
+                                                   { "b", "exit" },
+                                                   { "c_end_1", "exit" },
+                                                   { "c_end_2", "exit" } }));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("a"));
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("c_mid"));
+  esg.Finalize();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 3u);
+  // Not present, no path through.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("a")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("c_begin_1")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("c_begin_2")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("c_mid")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("c_end_1")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("c_end_2")) == contents.end());
+  // present, path through.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("entry")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("exit")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("b")) != contents.end());
+  ArrayRef<const ExecutionSubgraph::ExcludedCohort> exclusions(esg.GetExcludedCohorts());
+  ASSERT_EQ(exclusions.size(), 2u);
+  BlockSet exclude_a({ blks.Get("a") });
+  BlockSet exclude_c({ blks.Get("c_begin_1"),
+                       blks.Get("c_begin_2"),
+                       blks.Get("c_mid"),
+                       blks.Get("c_end_1"),
+                       blks.Get("c_end_2") });
+  ASSERT_TRUE(std::find_if(exclusions.cbegin(),
+                           exclusions.cend(),
+                           [&](const ExecutionSubgraph::ExcludedCohort& it) {
+                             return it.Blocks() == exclude_a;
+                           }) != exclusions.cend());
+      std::find_if(
+          exclusions.cbegin(), exclusions.cend(), [&](const ExecutionSubgraph::ExcludedCohort& it) {
+            return it.Blocks() == exclude_c &&
+                   BlockSet({ blks.Get("c_begin_1"), blks.Get("c_begin_2") }) == it.EntryBlocks() &&
+                   BlockSet({ blks.Get("c_end_1"), blks.Get("c_end_2") }) == it.ExitBlocks();
+          }) != exclusions.cend());
+//    ┌───────┐     ┌────────────┐
+// ┌─ │ right │ ◀── │   entry    │
+// │  └───────┘     └────────────┘
+// │                  │
+// │                  │
+// │                  ▼
+// │                ┌────────────┐
+// │                │  esc_top   │
+// │                └────────────┘
+// │                  │
+// │                  │
+// │                  ▼
+// │                ┌────────────┐
+// └──────────────▶ │   middle   │ ─┐
+//                  └────────────┘  │
+//                    │             │
+//                    │             │
+//                    ▼             │
+//                  ┌────────────┐  │
+//                  │ esc_bottom │  │
+//                  └────────────┘  │
+//                    │             │
+//                    │             │
+//                    ▼             │
+//                  ┌────────────┐  │
+//                  │    exit    │ ◀┘
+//                  └────────────┘
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, InAndOutEscape) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "esc_top" },
+                                                   { "entry", "right" },
+                                                   { "esc_top", "middle" },
+                                                   { "right", "middle" },
+                                                   { "middle", "exit" },
+                                                   { "middle", "esc_bottom" },
+                                                   { "esc_bottom", "exit" } }));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("esc_top"));
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("esc_bottom"));
+  esg.Finalize();
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 0u);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 0u);
+// Test with max number of successors and no removals.
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, BigNodes) {
+  std::vector<std::string> mid_blocks;
+  for (auto i : Range(ExecutionSubgraph::kMaxFilterableSuccessors)) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << "blk" << i;
+    mid_blocks.push_back(oss.str().c_str());
+  }
+  ASSERT_EQ(mid_blocks.size(), ExecutionSubgraph::kMaxFilterableSuccessors);
+  std::vector<AdjacencyListGraph::Edge> edges;
+  for (const auto& mid : mid_blocks) {
+    edges.emplace_back("entry", mid);
+    edges.emplace_back(mid, "exit");
+  }
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry", "exit", edges));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  esg.Finalize();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  for (const auto& mid : mid_blocks) {
+    EXPECT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get(mid)) != contents.end()) << mid;
+  }
+  // + 2 for entry and exit nodes.
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), ExecutionSubgraph::kMaxFilterableSuccessors + 2);
+// Test with max number of successors and some removals.
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, BigNodesMissing) {
+  std::vector<std::string> mid_blocks;
+  for (auto i : Range(ExecutionSubgraph::kMaxFilterableSuccessors)) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << "blk" << i;
+    mid_blocks.push_back(oss.str());
+  }
+  std::vector<AdjacencyListGraph::Edge> edges;
+  for (const auto& mid : mid_blocks) {
+    edges.emplace_back("entry", mid);
+    edges.emplace_back(mid, "exit");
+  }
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry", "exit", edges));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("blk2"));
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("blk4"));
+  esg.Finalize();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), ExecutionSubgraph::kMaxFilterableSuccessors + 2 - 2);
+  // Not present, no path through.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("blk2")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("blk4")) == contents.end());
+// Test with max number of successors and all successors removed.
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, BigNodesNoPath) {
+  std::vector<std::string> mid_blocks;
+  for (auto i : Range(ExecutionSubgraph::kMaxFilterableSuccessors)) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << "blk" << i;
+    mid_blocks.push_back(oss.str());
+  }
+  std::vector<AdjacencyListGraph::Edge> edges;
+  for (const auto& mid : mid_blocks) {
+    edges.emplace_back("entry", mid);
+    edges.emplace_back(mid, "exit");
+  }
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry", "exit", edges));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  for (const auto& mid : mid_blocks) {
+    esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get(mid));
+  }
+  esg.Finalize();
+  ASSERT_FALSE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+// Test with max number of successors
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, CanAnalyseBig) {
+  // Make an absurdly huge and well connected graph. This should be pretty worst-case scenario.
+  constexpr size_t kNumBlocks = ExecutionSubgraph::kMaxFilterableSuccessors + 1000;
+  std::vector<std::string> mid_blocks;
+  for (auto i : Range(kNumBlocks)) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << "blk" << i;
+    mid_blocks.push_back(oss.str());
+  }
+  std::vector<AdjacencyListGraph::Edge> edges;
+  for (auto cur : Range(kNumBlocks)) {
+    for (auto nxt :
+         Range(cur + 1,
+               std::min(cur + ExecutionSubgraph::kMaxFilterableSuccessors + 1, kNumBlocks))) {
+      edges.emplace_back(mid_blocks[cur], mid_blocks[nxt]);
+    }
+  }
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList(mid_blocks.front(), mid_blocks.back(), edges));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  esg.Finalize();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), kNumBlocks);
+// Test with many successors
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, CanAnalyseBig2) {
+  // Make an absurdly huge and well connected graph. This should be pretty worst-case scenario.
+  constexpr size_t kNumBlocks = ExecutionSubgraph::kMaxFilterableSuccessors + 1000;
+  constexpr size_t kTestMaxSuccessors = ExecutionSubgraph::kMaxFilterableSuccessors - 1;
+  std::vector<std::string> mid_blocks;
+  for (auto i : Range(kNumBlocks)) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << "blk" << i;
+    mid_blocks.push_back(oss.str());
+  }
+  std::vector<AdjacencyListGraph::Edge> edges;
+  for (auto cur : Range(kNumBlocks)) {
+    for (auto nxt : Range(cur + 1, std::min(cur + 1 + kTestMaxSuccessors, kNumBlocks))) {
+      edges.emplace_back(mid_blocks[cur], mid_blocks[nxt]);
+    }
+  }
+  edges.emplace_back(mid_blocks.front(), mid_blocks.back());
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList(mid_blocks.front(), mid_blocks.back(), edges));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  constexpr size_t kToRemoveIdx = kNumBlocks / 2;
+  HBasicBlock* remove_implicit = blks.Get(mid_blocks[kToRemoveIdx]);
+  for (HBasicBlock* pred : remove_implicit->GetPredecessors()) {
+    esg.RemoveBlock(pred);
+  }
+  esg.Finalize();
+  EXPECT_TRUE(esg.IsValid());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  // Only entry and exit. The middle ones should eliminate everything else.
+  EXPECT_EQ(contents.size(), 2u);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(contents.find(remove_implicit) == contents.end());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get(mid_blocks.front())) != contents.end());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get(mid_blocks.back())) != contents.end());
+// Test with too many successors
+TEST_F(ExecutionSubgraphTest, CanNotAnalyseBig) {
+  std::vector<std::string> mid_blocks;
+  for (auto i : Range(ExecutionSubgraph::kMaxFilterableSuccessors + 4)) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << "blk" << i;
+    mid_blocks.push_back(oss.str());
+  }
+  std::vector<AdjacencyListGraph::Edge> edges;
+  for (const auto& mid : mid_blocks) {
+    edges.emplace_back("entry", mid);
+    edges.emplace_back(mid, "exit");
+  }
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry", "exit", edges));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_));
+}  // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/execution_subgraph_test.h b/compiler/optimizing/execution_subgraph_test.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13cb2bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/execution_subgraph_test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "android-base/macros.h"
+namespace art {
+class HGraph;
+class ExecutionSubgraph;
+class ExecutionSubgraphTestHelper {
+ public:
+  static bool CalculateValidity(HGraph* graph, const ExecutionSubgraph* subgraph);
+ private:
+  ExecutionSubgraphTestHelper() = delete;
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExecutionSubgraphTestHelper);
+}  // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 7a67fc5..3daa647 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -88,6 +88,94 @@
   return CanIntegerRangesOverlap(l1, h1, l2, h2);
+// Make sure we mark any writes/potential writes to heap-locations within partially
+// escaped values as escaping.
+void ReferenceInfo::PrunePartialEscapeWrites() {
+  if (!subgraph_.IsValid()) {
+    // All paths escape.
+    return;
+  }
+  HGraph* graph = reference_->GetBlock()->GetGraph();
+  ArenaBitVector additional_exclusions(
+      allocator_, graph->GetBlocks().size(), false, kArenaAllocLSA);
+  for (const HUseListNode<HInstruction*>& use : reference_->GetUses()) {
+    const HInstruction* user = use.GetUser();
+    const bool possible_exclusion =
+        !additional_exclusions.IsBitSet(user->GetBlock()->GetBlockId()) &&
+        subgraph_.ContainsBlock(user->GetBlock());
+    const bool is_written_to =
+        (user->IsUnresolvedInstanceFieldSet() || user->IsUnresolvedStaticFieldSet() ||
+         user->IsInstanceFieldSet() || user->IsStaticFieldSet() || user->IsArraySet()) &&
+        (reference_ == user->InputAt(0));
+    if (possible_exclusion && is_written_to &&
+        std::any_of(subgraph_.UnreachableBlocks().begin(),
+                    subgraph_.UnreachableBlocks().end(),
+                    [&](const HBasicBlock* excluded) -> bool {
+                      return reference_->GetBlock()->GetGraph()->PathBetween(excluded,
+                                                                             user->GetBlock());
+                    })) {
+      // This object had memory written to it somewhere, if it escaped along
+      // some paths prior to the current block this write also counts as an
+      // escape.
+      additional_exclusions.SetBit(user->GetBlock()->GetBlockId());
+    }
+  }
+  if (UNLIKELY(additional_exclusions.IsAnyBitSet())) {
+    for (uint32_t exc : additional_exclusions.Indexes()) {
+      subgraph_.RemoveBlock(graph->GetBlocks()[exc]);
+    }
+  }
+bool HeapLocationCollector::InstructionEligibleForLSERemoval(HInstruction* inst) const {
+  if (inst->IsNewInstance()) {
+    return !inst->AsNewInstance()->NeedsChecks();
+  } else if (inst->IsNewArray()) {
+    HInstruction* array_length = inst->AsNewArray()->GetLength();
+    bool known_array_length =
+        array_length->IsIntConstant() && array_length->AsIntConstant()->GetValue() >= 0;
+    return known_array_length &&
+           std::all_of(inst->GetUses().cbegin(),
+                       inst->GetUses().cend(),
+                       [&](const HUseListNode<HInstruction*>& user) {
+                         if (user.GetUser()->IsArrayGet() || user.GetUser()->IsArraySet()) {
+                           return user.GetUser()->InputAt(1)->IsIntConstant();
+                         }
+                         return true;
+                       });
+  } else {
+    return false;
+  }
+void HeapLocationCollector::DumpReferenceStats(OptimizingCompilerStats* stats) {
+  if (stats == nullptr) {
+    return;
+  }
+  std::vector<bool> seen_instructions(GetGraph()->GetCurrentInstructionId(), false);
+  for (auto hl : heap_locations_) {
+    auto ri = hl->GetReferenceInfo();
+    if (ri == nullptr || seen_instructions[ri->GetReference()->GetId()]) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    auto instruction = ri->GetReference();
+    seen_instructions[instruction->GetId()] = true;
+    if (ri->IsSingletonAndRemovable()) {
+      if (InstructionEligibleForLSERemoval(instruction)) {
+        MaybeRecordStat(stats, MethodCompilationStat::kFullLSEPossible);
+      }
+    }
+    // TODO This is an estimate of the number of allocations we will be able
+    // to (partially) remove. As additional work is done this can be refined.
+    if (ri->IsPartialSingleton() && instruction->IsNewInstance() &&
+        ri->GetNoEscapeSubgraph()->ContainsBlock(instruction->GetBlock()) &&
+        !ri->GetNoEscapeSubgraph()->GetExcludedCohorts().empty() &&
+        InstructionEligibleForLSERemoval(instruction)) {
+      MaybeRecordStat(stats, MethodCompilationStat::kPartialLSEPossible);
+    }
+  }
 bool HeapLocationCollector::CanArrayElementsAlias(const HInstruction* idx1,
                                                   const size_t vector_length1,
                                                   const HInstruction* idx2,
@@ -172,6 +260,7 @@
+  heap_location_collector_.DumpReferenceStats(stats_);
   return true;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/load_store_analysis.h b/compiler/optimizing/load_store_analysis.h
index 882fe28..5d2d841 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/load_store_analysis.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/load_store_analysis.h
@@ -17,29 +17,61 @@
+#include "base/arena_allocator.h"
+#include "base/arena_bit_vector.h"
 #include "base/bit_vector-inl.h"
+#include "base/scoped_arena_allocator.h"
 #include "base/scoped_arena_containers.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
 #include "escape.h"
+#include "execution_subgraph.h"
 #include "nodes.h"
-#include "optimization.h"
+#include "optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h"
 namespace art {
 // A ReferenceInfo contains additional info about a reference such as
 // whether it's a singleton, returned, etc.
-class ReferenceInfo : public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocLSA> {
+class ReferenceInfo : public DeletableArenaObject<kArenaAllocLSA> {
-  ReferenceInfo(HInstruction* reference, size_t pos)
+  ReferenceInfo(HInstruction* reference,
+                ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator,
+                size_t pos,
+                bool for_partial_elimination)
       : reference_(reference),
-        is_singleton_and_not_deopt_visible_(true) {
+        is_singleton_and_not_deopt_visible_(true),
+        allocator_(allocator),
+        subgraph_(reference->GetBlock()->GetGraph(), for_partial_elimination, allocator_) {
+    // TODO We can do this in one pass.
+    // TODO NewArray is possible but will need to get a handle on how to deal with the dynamic loads
+    // for now just ignore it.
+    bool can_be_partial =
+        for_partial_elimination && (/* reference_->IsNewArray() || */ reference_->IsNewInstance());
+    LambdaEscapeVisitor func([&](HInstruction* inst) { return HandleEscape(inst); });
+    if (can_be_partial) {
+      VisitEscapes(reference_, func);
+    }
+    if (can_be_partial) {
+      // This is to mark writes to partially escaped values as also part of the escaped subset.
+      // TODO We can avoid this if we have a 'ConditionalWrite' instruction. Will require testing
+      //      to see if the additional branches are worth it.
+      PrunePartialEscapeWrites();
+      subgraph_.Finalize();
+    } else {
+      subgraph_.Invalidate();
+    }
+  }
+  const ExecutionSubgraph* GetNoEscapeSubgraph() const {
+    return &subgraph_;
   HInstruction* GetReference() const {
@@ -57,6 +89,14 @@
     return is_singleton_;
+  // This is a singleton and there are paths that don't escape the method
+  bool IsPartialSingleton() const {
+    auto ref = GetReference();
+    // TODO NewArray is possible but will need to get a handle on how to deal with the dynamic loads
+    // for now just ignore it.
+    return (/* ref->IsNewArray() || */ ref->IsNewInstance()) && GetNoEscapeSubgraph()->IsValid();
+  }
   // Returns true if reference_ is a singleton and not returned to the caller or
   // used as an environment local of an HDeoptimize instruction.
   // The allocation and stores into reference_ may be eliminated for such cases.
@@ -72,6 +112,15 @@
+  bool HandleEscape(HInstruction* escape) {
+    subgraph_.RemoveBlock(escape->GetBlock());
+    return true;
+  }
+  // Make sure we mark any writes/potential writes to heap-locations within partially
+  // escaped values as escaping.
+  void PrunePartialEscapeWrites();
   HInstruction* const reference_;
   const size_t position_;  // position in HeapLocationCollector's ref_info_array_.
@@ -82,6 +131,10 @@
   // Is singleton and not used as an environment local of HDeoptimize.
   bool is_singleton_and_not_deopt_visible_;
+  ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator_;
+  ExecutionSubgraph subgraph_;
@@ -174,23 +227,28 @@
   // aliasing matrix of 8 heap locations.
   static constexpr uint32_t kInitialAliasingMatrixBitVectorSize = 32;
-  explicit HeapLocationCollector(HGraph* graph, ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator)
+  HeapLocationCollector(HGraph* graph,
+                        ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator,
+                        bool for_partial_elimination)
       : HGraphVisitor(graph),
-        aliasing_matrix_(allocator,
-                         kInitialAliasingMatrixBitVectorSize,
-                         true,
-                         kArenaAllocLSA),
+        aliasing_matrix_(allocator, kInitialAliasingMatrixBitVectorSize, true, kArenaAllocLSA),
-        has_monitor_operations_(false) {
+        has_monitor_operations_(false),
+        for_partial_elimination_(for_partial_elimination) {
+  ~HeapLocationCollector() {
+    CleanUp();
+  }
   void CleanUp() {
+    STLDeleteContainerPointers(ref_info_array_.begin(), ref_info_array_.end());
@@ -303,6 +361,11 @@
     return kHeapLocationNotFound;
+  bool InstructionEligibleForLSERemoval(HInstruction* inst) const;
+  // Get some estimated statistics based on our analysis.
+  void DumpReferenceStats(OptimizingCompilerStats* stats);
   // Returns true if heap_locations_[index1] and heap_locations_[index2] may alias.
   bool MayAlias(size_t index1, size_t index2) const {
     if (index1 < index2) {
@@ -417,7 +480,8 @@
     ReferenceInfo* ref_info = FindReferenceInfoOf(instruction);
     if (ref_info == nullptr) {
       size_t pos = ref_info_array_.size();
-      ref_info = new (allocator_) ReferenceInfo(instruction, pos);
+      ref_info =
+          new (allocator_) ReferenceInfo(instruction, allocator_, pos, for_partial_elimination_);
     return ref_info;
@@ -554,15 +618,25 @@
                             // alias analysis and won't be as effective.
   bool has_volatile_;       // If there are volatile field accesses.
   bool has_monitor_operations_;    // If there are monitor operations.
+  bool for_partial_elimination_;
 class LoadStoreAnalysis {
-  explicit LoadStoreAnalysis(HGraph* graph, ScopedArenaAllocator* local_allocator)
-    : graph_(graph),
-      heap_location_collector_(graph, local_allocator) {}
+  // for_elimination controls whether we should keep track of escapes at a per-block level for
+  // partial LSE.
+  explicit LoadStoreAnalysis(HGraph* graph,
+                             OptimizingCompilerStats* stats,
+                             ScopedArenaAllocator* local_allocator,
+                             bool for_elimination = true)
+      : graph_(graph),
+        stats_(stats),
+        heap_location_collector_(
+            graph,
+            local_allocator,
+            /*for_partial_elimination=*/for_elimination && ExecutionSubgraph::CanAnalyse(graph_)) {}
   const HeapLocationCollector& GetHeapLocationCollector() const {
     return heap_location_collector_;
@@ -572,6 +646,7 @@
   HGraph* graph_;
+  OptimizingCompilerStats* stats_;
   HeapLocationCollector heap_location_collector_;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index c518f03..2284811 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -15,16 +15,49 @@
 #include "load_store_analysis.h"
-#include "nodes.h"
-#include "optimizing_unit_test.h"
+#include <array>
+#include <string_view>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "base/scoped_arena_allocator.h"
+#include "class_root.h"
+#include "dex/dex_file_types.h"
+#include "dex/method_reference.h"
+#include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints_enum.h"
+#include "execution_subgraph.h"
+#include "execution_subgraph_test.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "handle.h"
+#include "handle_scope.h"
+#include "nodes.h"
+#include "optimizing/data_type.h"
+#include "optimizing_unit_test.h"
+#include "scoped_thread_state_change.h"
 namespace art {
 class LoadStoreAnalysisTest : public OptimizingUnitTest {
-  LoadStoreAnalysisTest() : graph_(CreateGraph()) { }
+  LoadStoreAnalysisTest() : graph_(CreateGraph()) {}
+  AdjacencyListGraph SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+      const std::string_view entry_name,
+      const std::string_view exit_name,
+      const std::vector<AdjacencyListGraph::Edge>& adj) {
+    return AdjacencyListGraph(graph_, GetAllocator(), entry_name, exit_name, adj);
+  }
+  bool IsValidSubgraph(const ExecutionSubgraph* esg) {
+    return ExecutionSubgraphTestHelper::CalculateValidity(graph_, esg);
+  }
+  bool IsValidSubgraph(const ExecutionSubgraph& esg) {
+    return ExecutionSubgraphTestHelper::CalculateValidity(graph_, &esg);
+  }
+  void CheckReachability(const AdjacencyListGraph& adj,
+                         const std::vector<AdjacencyListGraph::Edge>& reach);
   HGraph* graph_;
@@ -67,7 +100,8 @@
   // Test HeapLocationCollector initialization.
   // Should be no heap locations, no operations on the heap.
   ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
-  HeapLocationCollector heap_location_collector(graph_, &allocator);
+  HeapLocationCollector heap_location_collector(
+      graph_, &allocator, /*for_partial_elimination=*/true);
   ASSERT_EQ(heap_location_collector.GetNumberOfHeapLocations(), 0U);
@@ -164,7 +198,8 @@
   // Test HeapLocationCollector initialization.
   // Should be no heap locations, no operations on the heap.
   ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
-  HeapLocationCollector heap_location_collector(graph_, &allocator);
+  HeapLocationCollector heap_location_collector(
+      graph_, &allocator, /*for_partial_elimination=*/true);
   ASSERT_EQ(heap_location_collector.GetNumberOfHeapLocations(), 0U);
@@ -244,7 +279,7 @@
   entry->AddInstruction(arr_set8);  // array[i-(-1)] = c0
   ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
-  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, &allocator);
+  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, nullptr, &allocator, /*for_elimination=*/false);
   const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector = lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
@@ -411,7 +446,7 @@
   ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
-  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, &allocator);
+  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, nullptr, &allocator, /*for_elimination=*/false);
   const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector = lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
@@ -570,7 +605,7 @@
   ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
-  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, &allocator);
+  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, nullptr, &allocator, /*for_elimination=*/false);
   const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector = lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
@@ -660,7 +695,8 @@
   ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
-  HeapLocationCollector heap_location_collector(graph_, &allocator);
+  HeapLocationCollector heap_location_collector(
+      graph_, &allocator, /*for_partial_elimination=*/true);
   // Test that the HeapLocationCollector should be able to tell
@@ -678,4 +714,975 @@
   ASSERT_EQ(loc1, loc4);
+void LoadStoreAnalysisTest::CheckReachability(const AdjacencyListGraph& adj,
+                                              const std::vector<AdjacencyListGraph::Edge>& reach) {
+  uint32_t cnt = 0;
+  for (HBasicBlock* blk : graph_->GetBlocks()) {
+    if (adj.HasBlock(blk)) {
+      for (HBasicBlock* other : graph_->GetBlocks()) {
+        if (other == nullptr) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (adj.HasBlock(other)) {
+          bool contains_edge =
+              std::find(reach.begin(),
+                        reach.end(),
+                        AdjacencyListGraph::Edge { adj.GetName(blk), adj.GetName(other) }) !=
+              reach.end();
+          if (graph_->PathBetween(blk, other)) {
+            cnt++;
+            EXPECT_TRUE(contains_edge) << "Unexpected edge found between " << adj.GetName(blk)
+                                       << " and " << adj.GetName(other);
+          } else {
+            EXPECT_FALSE(contains_edge) << "Expected edge not found between " << adj.GetName(blk)
+                                        << " and " << adj.GetName(other);
+          }
+        } else if (graph_->PathBetween(blk, other)) {
+          ADD_FAILURE() << "block " << adj.GetName(blk)
+                        << " has path to non-adjacency-graph block id: " << other->GetBlockId();
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      for (HBasicBlock* other : graph_->GetBlocks()) {
+        if (other == nullptr) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        EXPECT_FALSE(graph_->PathBetween(blk, other))
+            << "Reachable blocks outside of adjacency-list";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  EXPECT_EQ(cnt, reach.size());
+TEST_F(LoadStoreAnalysisTest, ReachabilityTest1) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+      "entry",
+      "exit",
+      { { "entry", "left" }, { "entry", "right" }, { "left", "exit" }, { "right", "exit" } }));
+  CheckReachability(blks,
+                    {
+                        { "entry", "left" },
+                        { "entry", "right" },
+                        { "entry", "exit" },
+                        { "right", "exit" },
+                        { "left", "exit" },
+                    });
+TEST_F(LoadStoreAnalysisTest, ReachabilityTest2) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+      "entry",
+      "exit",
+      { { "entry", "loop-header" }, { "loop-header", "loop" }, { "loop", "loop-header" } }));
+  CheckReachability(blks,
+                    {
+                        { "entry", "loop-header" },
+                        { "entry", "loop" },
+                        { "loop-header", "loop-header" },
+                        { "loop-header", "loop" },
+                        { "loop", "loop-header" },
+                        { "loop", "loop" },
+                    });
+TEST_F(LoadStoreAnalysisTest, ReachabilityTest3) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "loop-header" },
+                                                   { "loop-header", "loop" },
+                                                   { "loop", "loop-header" },
+                                                   { "entry", "right" },
+                                                   { "right", "exit" } }));
+  CheckReachability(blks,
+                    {
+                        { "entry", "loop-header" },
+                        { "entry", "loop" },
+                        { "entry", "right" },
+                        { "entry", "exit" },
+                        { "loop-header", "loop-header" },
+                        { "loop-header", "loop" },
+                        { "loop", "loop-header" },
+                        { "loop", "loop" },
+                        { "right", "exit" },
+                    });
+static bool AreExclusionsIndependent(HGraph* graph, const ExecutionSubgraph* esg) {
+  auto excluded = esg->GetExcludedCohorts();
+  if (excluded.size() < 2) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  for (auto first = excluded.begin(); first != excluded.end(); ++first) {
+    for (auto second = excluded.begin(); second != excluded.end(); ++second) {
+      if (first == second) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      for (const HBasicBlock* entry : first->EntryBlocks()) {
+        for (const HBasicBlock* exit : second->ExitBlocks()) {
+          if (graph->PathBetween(exit, entry)) {
+            return false;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // LEFT
+//   call_func(obj);
+// } else {
+//   // RIGHT
+//   obj.field = 1;
+// }
+// // EXIT
+// obj.field;
+TEST_F(LoadStoreAnalysisTest, PartialEscape) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+      "entry",
+      "exit",
+      { { "entry", "left" }, { "entry", "right" }, { "left", "exit" }, { "right", "exit" } }));
+  HBasicBlock* entry = blks.Get("entry");
+  HBasicBlock* left = blks.Get("left");
+  HBasicBlock* right = blks.Get("right");
+  HBasicBlock* exit = blks.Get("exit");
+  HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c0 = graph_->GetIntConstant(0);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kVoid,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+  HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c0,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+  HInstruction* read_final = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                    nullptr,
+                                                                    DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                    MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                    0);
+  exit->AddInstruction(read_final);
+  ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
+  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, nullptr, &allocator, /*for_elimination=*/true);
+  lsa.Run();
+  const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector = lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
+  ReferenceInfo* info = heap_location_collector.FindReferenceInfoOf(new_inst);
+  const ExecutionSubgraph* esg = info->GetNoEscapeSubgraph();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(esg->IsValid());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(AreExclusionsIndependent(graph_, esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg->ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg->ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 3u);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("left")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("right")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("entry")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("exit")) != contents.end());
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // LEFT
+//   call_func(obj);
+// } else {
+//   // RIGHT
+//   obj.field = 1;
+// }
+// // EXIT
+// obj.field2;
+TEST_F(LoadStoreAnalysisTest, PartialEscape2) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+      "entry",
+      "exit",
+      { { "entry", "left" }, { "entry", "right" }, { "left", "exit" }, { "right", "exit" } }));
+  HBasicBlock* entry = blks.Get("entry");
+  HBasicBlock* left = blks.Get("left");
+  HBasicBlock* right = blks.Get("right");
+  HBasicBlock* exit = blks.Get("exit");
+  HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c0 = graph_->GetIntConstant(0);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kVoid,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+  HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c0,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+  HInstruction* read_final = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                    nullptr,
+                                                                    DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                    MemberOffset(16),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                    0);
+  exit->AddInstruction(read_final);
+  ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
+  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, nullptr, &allocator, /*for_elimination=*/true);
+  lsa.Run();
+  const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector = lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
+  ReferenceInfo* info = heap_location_collector.FindReferenceInfoOf(new_inst);
+  const ExecutionSubgraph* esg = info->GetNoEscapeSubgraph();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(esg->IsValid());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(AreExclusionsIndependent(graph_, esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg->ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg->ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 3u);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("left")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("right")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("entry")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("exit")) != contents.end());
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// obj.field = 10;
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // LEFT
+//   call_func(obj);
+// } else {
+//   // RIGHT
+//   obj.field = 20;
+// }
+// // EXIT
+// obj.field;
+TEST_F(LoadStoreAnalysisTest, PartialEscape3) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+      "entry",
+      "exit",
+      { { "entry", "left" }, { "entry", "right" }, { "left", "exit" }, { "right", "exit" } }));
+  HBasicBlock* entry = blks.Get("entry");
+  HBasicBlock* left = blks.Get("left");
+  HBasicBlock* right = blks.Get("right");
+  HBasicBlock* exit = blks.Get("exit");
+  HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c10 = graph_->GetIntConstant(10);
+  HInstruction* c20 = graph_->GetIntConstant(20);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* write_entry = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c10,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(write_entry);
+  entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kVoid,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+  HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c20,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+  HInstruction* read_final = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                    nullptr,
+                                                                    DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                    MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                    0);
+  exit->AddInstruction(read_final);
+  ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
+  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, nullptr, &allocator, /*for_elimination=*/true);
+  lsa.Run();
+  const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector = lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
+  ReferenceInfo* info = heap_location_collector.FindReferenceInfoOf(new_inst);
+  const ExecutionSubgraph* esg = info->GetNoEscapeSubgraph();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(esg->IsValid());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(AreExclusionsIndependent(graph_, esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg->ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg->ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 3u);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("left")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("right")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("entry")) != contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("exit")) != contents.end());
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // LEFT
+//   call_func(obj);
+// } else {
+//   // RIGHT
+//   obj.f1 = 0;
+// }
+// // EXIT
+// // call_func prevents the elimination of this store.
+// obj.f2 = 0;
+TEST_F(LoadStoreAnalysisTest, TotalEscapeAdjacent) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+      "entry",
+      "exit",
+      { { "entry", "left" }, { "entry", "right" }, { "left", "exit" }, { "right", "exit" } }));
+  HBasicBlock* entry = blks.Get("entry");
+  HBasicBlock* left = blks.Get("left");
+  HBasicBlock* right = blks.Get("right");
+  HBasicBlock* exit = blks.Get("exit");
+  HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c0 = graph_->GetIntConstant(0);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kVoid,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+  HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c0,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+  HInstruction* write_final = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c0,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(16),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  exit->AddInstruction(write_final);
+  ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
+  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, nullptr, &allocator, /*for_elimination=*/true);
+  lsa.Run();
+  const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector = lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
+  ReferenceInfo* info = heap_location_collector.FindReferenceInfoOf(new_inst);
+  const ExecutionSubgraph* esg = info->GetNoEscapeSubgraph();
+  ASSERT_FALSE(esg->IsValid()) << esg->GetExcludedCohorts();
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg->ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg->ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 0u);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("left")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("right")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("entry")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("exit")) == contents.end());
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // LEFT
+//   call_func(obj);
+// } else {
+//   // RIGHT
+//   obj.f0 = 0;
+//   call_func2(obj);
+// }
+// // EXIT
+// obj.f0;
+TEST_F(LoadStoreAnalysisTest, TotalEscape) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+      "entry",
+      "exit",
+      { { "entry", "left" }, { "entry", "right" }, { "left", "exit" }, { "right", "exit" } }));
+  HBasicBlock* entry = blks.Get("entry");
+  HBasicBlock* left = blks.Get("left");
+  HBasicBlock* right = blks.Get("right");
+  HBasicBlock* exit = blks.Get("exit");
+  HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c0 = graph_->GetIntConstant(0);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kVoid,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+  HInstruction* call_right = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kVoid,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c0,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  call_right->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(call_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+  HInstruction* read_final = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                    nullptr,
+                                                                    DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                    MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                    0);
+  exit->AddInstruction(read_final);
+  ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
+  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, nullptr, &allocator, /*for_elimination=*/true);
+  lsa.Run();
+  const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector = lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
+  ReferenceInfo* info = heap_location_collector.FindReferenceInfoOf(new_inst);
+  const ExecutionSubgraph* esg = info->GetNoEscapeSubgraph();
+  ASSERT_FALSE(esg->IsValid());
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg->ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg->ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 0u);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("left")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("right")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("entry")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("exit")) == contents.end());
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// = 0;
+// // EXIT
+// return obj;
+TEST_F(LoadStoreAnalysisTest, TotalEscape2) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry", "exit", { { "entry", "exit" } }));
+  HBasicBlock* entry = blks.Get("entry");
+  HBasicBlock* exit = blks.Get("exit");
+  HInstruction* c0 = graph_->GetIntConstant(0);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* write_start = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c0,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* goto_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(write_start);
+  entry->AddInstruction(goto_inst);
+  HInstruction* return_final = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(new_inst);
+  exit->AddInstruction(return_final);
+  ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
+  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, nullptr, &allocator, /*for_elimination=*/true);
+  lsa.Run();
+  const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector = lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
+  ReferenceInfo* info = heap_location_collector.FindReferenceInfoOf(new_inst);
+  const ExecutionSubgraph* esg = info->GetNoEscapeSubgraph();
+  ASSERT_FALSE(esg->IsValid());
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg->ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg->ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 0u);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("entry")) == contents.end());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(contents.find(blks.Get("exit")) == contents.end());
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // HIGH_LEFT
+//   call_func(obj);
+// } else {
+//   // HIGH_RIGHT
+//   obj.f0 = 1;
+// }
+// // MID
+// obj.f0 *= 2;
+// if (parameter_value2) {
+//   // LOW_LEFT
+//   call_func(obj);
+// } else {
+//   // LOW_RIGHT
+//   obj.f0 = 1;
+// }
+// // EXIT
+// obj.f0
+TEST_F(LoadStoreAnalysisTest, DoubleDiamondEscape) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "high_left" },
+                                                   { "entry", "high_right" },
+                                                   { "low_left", "exit" },
+                                                   { "low_right", "exit" },
+                                                   { "high_right", "mid" },
+                                                   { "high_left", "mid" },
+                                                   { "mid", "low_left" },
+                                                   { "mid", "low_right" } }));
+  HBasicBlock* entry = blks.Get("entry");
+  HBasicBlock* high_left = blks.Get("high_left");
+  HBasicBlock* high_right = blks.Get("high_right");
+  HBasicBlock* mid = blks.Get("mid");
+  HBasicBlock* low_left = blks.Get("low_left");
+  HBasicBlock* low_right = blks.Get("low_right");
+  HBasicBlock* exit = blks.Get("exit");
+  HInstruction* bool_value1 = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* bool_value2 = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 2, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c0 = graph_->GetIntConstant(0);
+  HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value1);
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value1);
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value2);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kVoid,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  high_left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+  high_left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+  HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c0,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  high_right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+  high_right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+  HInstruction* read_mid = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                  nullptr,
+                                                                  DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                  MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                  false,
+                                                                  0,
+                                                                  0,
+                                                                  graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                  0);
+  HInstruction* mul_mid = new (GetAllocator()) HMul(DataType::Type::kInt32, read_mid, c2);
+  HInstruction* write_mid = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                   mul_mid,
+                                                                   nullptr,
+                                                                   DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                   MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                   false,
+                                                                   0,
+                                                                   0,
+                                                                   graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                   0);
+  HInstruction* if_mid = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value2);
+  mid->AddInstruction(read_mid);
+  mid->AddInstruction(mul_mid);
+  mid->AddInstruction(write_mid);
+  mid->AddInstruction(if_mid);
+  HInstruction* call_low_left = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kVoid,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* goto_low_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  call_low_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  low_left->AddInstruction(call_low_left);
+  low_left->AddInstruction(goto_low_left);
+  HInstruction* write_low_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                         c0,
+                                                                         nullptr,
+                                                                         DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                         MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                         false,
+                                                                         0,
+                                                                         0,
+                                                                         graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                         0);
+  HInstruction* goto_low_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  low_right->AddInstruction(write_low_right);
+  low_right->AddInstruction(goto_low_right);
+  HInstruction* read_final = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                    nullptr,
+                                                                    DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                    MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                    0);
+  exit->AddInstruction(read_final);
+  ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
+  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, nullptr, &allocator, /*for_elimination=*/true);
+  lsa.Run();
+  const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector = lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
+  ReferenceInfo* info = heap_location_collector.FindReferenceInfoOf(new_inst);
+  const ExecutionSubgraph* esg = info->GetNoEscapeSubgraph();
+  ASSERT_FALSE(esg->IsValid());
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg->ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg->ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 0u);
+//    ┌───────┐     ┌────────────┐
+// ┌─ │ right │ ◀── │   entry    │
+// │  └───────┘     └────────────┘
+// │                  │
+// │                  │
+// │                  ▼
+// │                ┌────────────┐
+// │                │  esc_top   │
+// │                └────────────┘
+// │                  │
+// │                  │
+// │                  ▼
+// │                ┌────────────┐
+// └──────────────▶ │   middle   │ ─┐
+//                  └────────────┘  │
+//                    │             │
+//                    │             │
+//                    ▼             │
+//                  ┌────────────┐  │
+//                  │ esc_bottom │  │
+//                  └────────────┘  │
+//                    │             │
+//                    │             │
+//                    ▼             │
+//                  ┌────────────┐  │
+//                  │    exit    │ ◀┘
+//                  └────────────┘
+TEST_F(LoadStoreAnalysisTest, InAndOutEscape) {
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "esc_top" },
+                                                   { "entry", "right" },
+                                                   { "esc_top", "middle" },
+                                                   { "right", "middle" },
+                                                   { "middle", "exit" },
+                                                   { "middle", "esc_bottom" },
+                                                   { "esc_bottom", "exit" } }));
+  ExecutionSubgraph esg(graph_, /*analysis_possible=*/true, GetScopedAllocator());
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("esc_top"));
+  esg.RemoveBlock(blks.Get("esc_bottom"));
+  esg.Finalize();
+  std::unordered_set<const HBasicBlock*> contents(esg.ReachableBlocks().begin(),
+                                                  esg.ReachableBlocks().end());
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 0u);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(esg.IsValid());
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsValidSubgraph(esg));
+  ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), 0u);
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 5f15822..dcccc5b 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -16,15 +16,19 @@
 #include "load_store_elimination.h"
+#include "base/arena_allocator.h"
 #include "base/arena_bit_vector.h"
 #include "base/array_ref.h"
 #include "base/bit_vector-inl.h"
+#include "base/bit_vector.h"
 #include "base/scoped_arena_allocator.h"
 #include "base/scoped_arena_containers.h"
 #include "escape.h"
 #include "load_store_analysis.h"
-#include "optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h"
+#include "nodes.h"
+#include "optimizing_compiler_stats.h"
 #include "reference_type_propagation.h"
+#include "side_effects_analysis.h"
  * The general algorithm of load-store elimination (LSE).
@@ -258,6 +262,7 @@
     enum class Type {
+      kMergedUnknown,
@@ -282,6 +287,13 @@
       return value;
+    static Value MergedUnknown(const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder) {
+      Value value;
+      value.type_ = Type::kMergedUnknown;
+      value.phi_placeholder_ = phi_placeholder;
+      return value;
+    }
     // Default heap value after an allocation.
     // A heap location can be set to that value right after an allocation.
     static Value Default() {
@@ -325,10 +337,18 @@
       return type_ == Type::kInvalid;
-    bool IsUnknown() const {
+    bool IsMergedUnknown() const {
+      return type_ == Type::kMergedUnknown;
+    }
+    bool IsPureUnknown() const {
       return type_ == Type::kUnknown;
+    bool IsUnknown() const {
+      return type_ == Type::kUnknown || type_ == Type::kMergedUnknown;
+    }
     bool IsDefault() const {
       return type_ == Type::kDefault;
@@ -355,10 +375,25 @@
     const PhiPlaceholder* GetPhiPlaceholder() const {
-      DCHECK(NeedsPhi());
+      DCHECK(NeedsPhi() || IsMergedUnknown());
       return phi_placeholder_;
+    uint32_t GetMergeBlockId() const {
+      DCHECK(IsMergedUnknown()) << this;
+      return phi_placeholder_->GetBlockId();
+    }
+    HBasicBlock* GetMergeBlock(const HGraph* graph) const {
+      DCHECK(IsMergedUnknown()) << this;
+      return graph->GetBlocks()[GetMergeBlockId()];
+    }
+    size_t GetHeapLocation() const {
+      DCHECK(IsMergedUnknown() || NeedsPhi()) << this;
+      return phi_placeholder_->GetHeapLocation();
+    }
     bool Equals(Value other) const {
       // Only valid values can be compared.
@@ -369,9 +404,9 @@
                (other.IsDefault() && IsInstruction() && IsZeroBitPattern(GetInstruction()));
       } else {
         // Note: Two unknown values are considered different.
-        return IsDefault() ||
-               (IsInstruction() && GetInstruction() == other.GetInstruction()) ||
-               (NeedsPhi() && GetPhiPlaceholder() == other.GetPhiPlaceholder());
+        return IsDefault() || (IsInstruction() && GetInstruction() == other.GetInstruction()) ||
+               (NeedsPhi() && GetPhiPlaceholder() == other.GetPhiPlaceholder()) ||
+               (IsMergedUnknown() && GetPhiPlaceholder() == other.GetPhiPlaceholder());
@@ -379,7 +414,11 @@
       return Equals(ForInstruction(instruction));
+    std::ostream& Dump(std::ostream& os) const;
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Value& v);
     Type type_;
     union {
       HInstruction* instruction_;
@@ -397,6 +436,20 @@
     return PhiPlaceholderIndex(phi_placeholder.GetPhiPlaceholder());
+  bool IsPartialNoEscape(HBasicBlock* blk, size_t idx) {
+    auto* ri = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(idx)->GetReferenceInfo();
+    auto* sg = ri->GetNoEscapeSubgraph();
+    return ri->IsPartialSingleton() &&
+           std::none_of(sg->GetExcludedCohorts().cbegin(),
+                        sg->GetExcludedCohorts().cend(),
+                        [&](const ExecutionSubgraph::ExcludedCohort& ex) -> bool {
+                          // Make sure we haven't yet and never will escape.
+                          return ex.PrecedesBlock(blk) ||
+                                 ex.ContainsBlock(blk) ||
+                                 ex.SucceedsBlock(blk);
+                        });
+  }
   const PhiPlaceholder* GetPhiPlaceholder(uint32_t block_id, size_t idx) const {
     size_t phi_placeholders_begin = phi_placeholders_begin_for_block_[block_id];
     const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = &phi_placeholders_[phi_placeholders_begin + idx];
@@ -545,7 +598,12 @@
   // Keep the store referenced by the instruction, or all stores that feed a Phi placeholder.
   // This is necessary if the stored heap value can be observed.
   void KeepStores(Value value) {
-    if (value.IsUnknown()) {
+    if (value.IsPureUnknown()) {
+      return;
+    }
+    if (value.IsMergedUnknown()) {
+      kept_merged_unknowns_.SetBit(PhiPlaceholderIndex(value));
+      phi_placeholders_to_search_for_kept_stores_.SetBit(PhiPlaceholderIndex(value));
     if (value.NeedsPhi()) {
@@ -568,7 +626,9 @@
         // We use this function when reading a location with unknown value and
         // therefore we cannot know what exact store wrote that unknown value.
         // But we can have a phi placeholder here marking multiple stores to keep.
-        DCHECK(!heap_values[i].stored_by.IsInstruction());
+        DCHECK(
+            !heap_values[i].stored_by.IsInstruction() ||
+            heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo()->IsPartialSingleton());
         heap_values[i].stored_by = Value::Unknown();
       } else if (heap_location_collector_.MayAlias(i, loc_index)) {
@@ -779,7 +839,8 @@
     ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values = heap_values_for_[block->GetBlockId()];
     for (size_t i = 0u, size = heap_values.size(); i != size; ++i) {
       ReferenceInfo* ref_info = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo();
-      if (!ref_info->IsSingletonAndRemovable()) {
+      if (!ref_info->IsSingletonAndRemovable() &&
+          !(ref_info->IsPartialSingleton() && IsPartialNoEscape(block, i))) {
         heap_values[i].stored_by = Value::Unknown();
@@ -953,11 +1014,44 @@
   // The unknown heap value is used to mark Phi placeholders that cannot be replaced.
   ScopedArenaVector<Value> phi_placeholder_replacements_;
+  // Merged-unknowns that must have their predecessor values kept to ensure
+  // partially escaped values are written
+  ArenaBitVector kept_merged_unknowns_;
   ScopedArenaVector<HInstruction*> singleton_new_instances_;
+  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Value& v);
+std::ostream& LSEVisitor::Value::Dump(std::ostream& os) const {
+  switch (type_) {
+    case Type::kDefault:
+      return os << "Default";
+    case Type::kInstruction:
+      return os << "Instruction[id: " << instruction_->GetId()
+                << ", block: " << instruction_->GetBlock()->GetBlockId() << "]";
+    case Type::kUnknown:
+      return os << "Unknown";
+    case Type::kInvalid:
+      return os << "Invalid";
+    case Type::kMergedUnknown:
+      return os << "MergedUnknown[block: " << phi_placeholder_->GetBlockId()
+                << ", heap_loc: " << phi_placeholder_->GetHeapLocation() << "]";
+    case Type::kNeedsLoopPhi:
+      return os << "NeedsLoopPhi[block: " << phi_placeholder_->GetBlockId()
+                << ", heap_loc: " << phi_placeholder_->GetHeapLocation() << "]";
+    case Type::kNeedsNonLoopPhi:
+      return os << "NeedsNonLoopPhi[block: " << phi_placeholder_->GetBlockId()
+                << ", heap_loc: " << phi_placeholder_->GetHeapLocation() << "]";
+  }
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const LSEVisitor::Value& v) {
+  return v.Dump(os);
 ScopedArenaVector<LSEVisitor::PhiPlaceholder> LSEVisitor::CreatePhiPlaceholders(
     HGraph* graph,
     const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector,
@@ -1032,6 +1126,10 @@
+      kept_merged_unknowns_(&allocator_,
+                            /*start_bits=*/ phi_placeholders_.size(),
+                            /*expandable=*/ false,
+                            kArenaAllocLSE),
       singleton_new_instances_(allocator_.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)) {
   // Clear bit vectors.
@@ -1049,18 +1147,21 @@
   uint32_t pre_header_block_id = loop_info->GetPreHeader()->GetBlockId();
   Value pre_header_value = ReplacementOrValue(heap_values_for_[pre_header_block_id][idx].value);
   if (pre_header_value.IsUnknown()) {
-    return Value::Unknown();
+    return pre_header_value;
   if (kIsDebugBuild) {
     // Check that the reference indeed dominates this loop.
     HeapLocation* location = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(idx);
     HInstruction* ref = location->GetReferenceInfo()->GetReference();
-    CHECK(ref->GetBlock() != block && ref->GetBlock()->Dominates(block));
+    CHECK(ref->GetBlock() != block && ref->GetBlock()->Dominates(block))
+        << GetGraph()->PrettyMethod();
     // Check that the index, if defined inside the loop, tracks a default value
     // or a Phi placeholder requiring a loop Phi.
     HInstruction* index = location->GetIndex();
     if (index != nullptr && loop_info->Contains(*index->GetBlock())) {
-      CHECK(pre_header_value.NeedsLoopPhi() || pre_header_value.Equals(Value::Default()));
+      CHECK(pre_header_value.NeedsLoopPhi() || pre_header_value.Equals(Value::Default()))
+          << GetGraph()->PrettyMethod() << " blk: " << block->GetBlockId() << " "
+          << pre_header_value;
   const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = GetPhiPlaceholder(block->GetBlockId(), idx);
@@ -1115,14 +1216,21 @@
   Value merged_value =
   for (size_t i = 1u, size = predecessors.size(); i != size; ++i) {
-    if (merged_value.IsUnknown()) {
-      break;
-    }
     Value pred_value =
-    if (pred_value.IsUnknown()) {
-      merged_value = Value::Unknown();
-    } else if (!pred_value.Equals(merged_value)) {
+    if (pred_value.Equals(merged_value) ||
+        (pred_value.IsPureUnknown() && merged_value.IsPureUnknown())) {
+      // Value is the same. No need to update our merged value.
+      continue;
+    } else if (pred_value.IsUnknown() || merged_value.IsUnknown()) {
+      // If one is unknown and the other is a different type of unknown
+      const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = GetPhiPlaceholder(block->GetBlockId(), idx);
+      merged_value = Value::MergedUnknown(phi_placeholder);
+      // We know that at least one of the merge points is unknown (and both are
+      // not pure-unknowns since that's captured above). This means that the
+      // overall value needs to be a MergedUnknown. Just return that.
+      break;
+    } else {
       // There are conflicting known values. We may still be able to replace loads with a Phi.
       const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = GetPhiPlaceholder(block->GetBlockId(), idx);
       // Propagate the need for a new loop Phi from all predecessors.
@@ -1247,7 +1355,8 @@
     for (HBasicBlock* predecessor : current_block->GetPredecessors()) {
       Value pred_value = ReplacementOrValue(heap_values_for_[predecessor->GetBlockId()][idx].value);
-      DCHECK(!pred_value.IsUnknown());
+      DCHECK(!pred_value.IsUnknown())
+          << "block " << current_block->GetBlockId() << " pred: " << predecessor->GetBlockId();
       if (pred_value.NeedsNonLoopPhi()) {
         // We need to process the Phi placeholder first.
@@ -1287,8 +1396,10 @@
   } else if (record.value.IsUnknown()) {
     // Load isn't eliminated. Put the load as the value into the HeapLocation.
     // This acts like GVN but with better aliasing analysis.
+    Value old_value = record.value;
     record.value = Value::ForInstruction(instruction);
     KeepStoresIfAliasedToLocation(heap_values, idx);
+    KeepStores(old_value);
   } else if (record.value.NeedsLoopPhi()) {
     // We do not know yet if the value is known for all back edges. Record for future processing.
     loads_requiring_loop_phi_.insert(std::make_pair(instruction, record));
@@ -2047,8 +2158,22 @@
   const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*>& blocks = GetGraph()->GetBlocks();
+  std::optional<ArenaBitVector> not_kept_stores;
+  if (stats_) {
+    not_kept_stores.emplace(GetGraph()->GetAllocator(),
+                            kept_stores_.GetBitSizeOf(),
+                            false,
+                            ArenaAllocKind::kArenaAllocLSE);
+  }
   while (!work_queue.empty()) {
-    const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = &phi_placeholders_[work_queue.back()];
+    uint32_t cur_phi_idx = work_queue.back();
+    const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = &phi_placeholders_[cur_phi_idx];
+    // Only writes to partial-escapes need to be specifically kept.
+    bool is_partial_kept_merged_unknown =
+        kept_merged_unknowns_.IsBitSet(cur_phi_idx) &&
+        heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation())
+            ->GetReferenceInfo()
+            ->IsPartialSingleton();
     size_t idx = phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation();
     HBasicBlock* block = blocks[phi_placeholder->GetBlockId()];
@@ -2091,18 +2216,39 @@
         if (!stored_by.IsUnknown() && (i == idx || may_alias(i))) {
           if (stored_by.NeedsPhi()) {
             size_t phi_placeholder_index = PhiPlaceholderIndex(stored_by);
+            if (is_partial_kept_merged_unknown) {
+              // Propagate merged-unknown keep since otherwise this might look
+              // like a partial escape we can remove.
+              kept_merged_unknowns_.SetBit(phi_placeholder_index);
+            }
             if (!phi_placeholders_to_search_for_kept_stores_.IsBitSet(phi_placeholder_index)) {
           } else {
-            kept_stores_.SetBit(stored_by.GetInstruction()->GetId());
+            ReferenceInfo* ri = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo();
+            DCHECK(ri != nullptr) << "No heap value for " << stored_by.GetInstruction()->DebugName()
+                                  << " id: " << stored_by.GetInstruction()->GetId() << " block: "
+                                  << stored_by.GetInstruction()->GetBlock()->GetBlockId();
+            if (!is_partial_kept_merged_unknown && IsPartialNoEscape(predecessor, idx)) {
+              if (not_kept_stores) {
+                not_kept_stores->SetBit(stored_by.GetInstruction()->GetId());
+              }
+            } else {
+              kept_stores_.SetBit(stored_by.GetInstruction()->GetId());
+            }
+  if (not_kept_stores) {
+    // a - b := (a & ~b)
+    not_kept_stores->Subtract(&kept_stores_);
+    auto num_removed = not_kept_stores->NumSetBits();
+    MaybeRecordStat(stats_, MethodCompilationStat::kPartialStoreRemoved, num_removed);
+  }
 void LSEVisitor::UpdateValueRecordForStoreElimination(/*inout*/ValueRecord* value_record) {
@@ -2273,6 +2419,7 @@
     if (!new_instance->HasNonEnvironmentUses()) {
+      MaybeRecordStat(stats_, MethodCompilationStat::kFullLSEAllocationRemoved);
@@ -2284,8 +2431,14 @@
     // Skip this optimization.
     return false;
+  // We need to be able to determine reachability. Clear it just to be safe but
+  // this should initially be empty.
+  graph_->ClearReachabilityInformation();
+  // This is O(blocks^3) time complexity. It means we can query reachability in
+  // O(1) though.
+  graph_->ComputeReachabilityInformation();
   ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
-  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, &allocator);
+  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, stats_, &allocator, /*for_elimination=*/true);
   const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector = lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
   if (heap_location_collector.GetNumberOfHeapLocations() == 0) {
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index f71a473..8196a29 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -27,6 +27,13 @@
 class LoadStoreEliminationTest : public OptimizingUnitTest {
+  AdjacencyListGraph SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+      const std::string_view entry_name,
+      const std::string_view exit_name,
+      const std::vector<AdjacencyListGraph::Edge>& adj) {
+    return AdjacencyListGraph(graph_, GetAllocator(), entry_name, exit_name, adj);
+  }
   void PerformLSE() {
     LoadStoreElimination lse(graph_, /*stats=*/ nullptr);
@@ -1442,4 +1449,1182 @@
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // LEFT
+//   obj.field = 1;
+//   call_func(obj);
+//   foo_r = obj.field
+// } else {
+//   obj.field = 2;
+//   // RIGHT
+//   foo_l = obj.field;
+// }
+// EXIT
+// return PHI(foo_l, foo_r)
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadElimination) {
+  InitGraph();
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit_REAL",
+                                                 { { "entry", "left" },
+                                                   { "entry", "right" },
+                                                   { "left", "exit" },
+                                                   { "right", "exit" },
+                                                   { "exit", "exit_REAL" } }));
+  HBasicBlock* entry = blks.Get("entry");
+  HBasicBlock* left = blks.Get("left");
+  HBasicBlock* right = blks.Get("right");
+  HBasicBlock* exit = blks.Get("exit");
+  HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+  HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+  ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, &current_locals);
+  new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                    c1,
+                                                                    nullptr,
+                                                                    DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                    MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                    0);
+  HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kVoid,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* read_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                   nullptr,
+                                                                   DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                   MemberOffset(16),
+                                                                   false,
+                                                                   0,
+                                                                   0,
+                                                                   graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                   0);
+  HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(read_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+  call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c2,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(16),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* read_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                    nullptr,
+                                                                    DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                    MemberOffset(16),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                    0);
+  HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(read_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+  HInstruction* phi_final =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HPhi(GetAllocator(), 12, 2, DataType::Type::kInt32);
+  phi_final->SetRawInputAt(0, read_left);
+  phi_final->SetRawInputAt(1, read_right);
+  HInstruction* return_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(phi_final);
+  exit->AddPhi(phi_final->AsPhi());
+  exit->AddInstruction(return_exit);
+  // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+  graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+  PerformLSE();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsRemoved(read_right));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_left));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsRemoved(phi_final));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(phi_final->GetInputs()[1] == c2);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(phi_final->GetInputs()[0] == read_left);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // LEFT
+//   obj.field = 1;
+//   call_func(obj);
+//   // We don't know what obj.field is now we aren't able to eliminate the read below!
+// } else {
+//   obj.field = 2;
+//   // RIGHT
+// }
+// EXIT
+// return obj.field
+// TODO We eventually want to be able to eliminate the right write along with the final read but
+// will need either new blocks or new instructions.
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadPreserved) {
+  InitGraph();
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit_REAL",
+                                                 { { "entry", "left" },
+                                                   { "entry", "right" },
+                                                   { "left", "exit" },
+                                                   { "right", "exit" },
+                                                   { "exit", "exit_REAL" } }));
+  HBasicBlock* entry = blks.Get("entry");
+  HBasicBlock* left = blks.Get("left");
+  HBasicBlock* right = blks.Get("right");
+  HBasicBlock* exit = blks.Get("exit");
+  HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+  HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+  ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, &current_locals);
+  new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                    c1,
+                                                                    nullptr,
+                                                                    DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                    MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                    0);
+  HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kVoid,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+  call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c2,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+  HInstruction* read_bottom = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* return_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_bottom);
+  exit->AddInstruction(read_bottom);
+  exit->AddInstruction(return_exit);
+  // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+  graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+  PerformLSE();
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_bottom));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // LEFT
+//   obj.field = 1;
+//   call_func(obj);
+//   // We don't know what obj.field is now we aren't able to eliminate the read below!
+// } else {
+//   if (param2) {
+//     obj.field = 2;
+//   } else {
+//     obj.field = 3;
+//   }
+//   // RIGHT
+// }
+// EXIT
+// return obj.field
+// TODO We eventually want to be able to eliminate the right write along with the final read but
+// will need either new blocks or new instructions.
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadPreserved2) {
+  InitGraph();
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit_REAL",
+                                                 { { "entry", "left" },
+                                                   { "entry", "right_start" },
+                                                   { "left", "exit" },
+                                                   { "right_start", "right_first" },
+                                                   { "right_start", "right_second" },
+                                                   { "right_first", "right_end" },
+                                                   { "right_second", "right_end" },
+                                                   { "right_end", "exit" },
+                                                   { "exit", "exit_REAL" } }));
+  HBasicBlock* entry = blks.Get("entry");
+  HBasicBlock* left = blks.Get("left");
+  HBasicBlock* right_start = blks.Get("right_start");
+  HBasicBlock* right_first = blks.Get("right_first");
+  HBasicBlock* right_second = blks.Get("right_second");
+  HBasicBlock* right_end = blks.Get("right_end");
+  HBasicBlock* exit = blks.Get("exit");
+  HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* bool_value_2 = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 2, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+  HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+  HInstruction* c3 = graph_->GetIntConstant(3);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value_2);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+  ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, &current_locals);
+  new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                    c1,
+                                                                    nullptr,
+                                                                    DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                    MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                    0);
+  HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kVoid,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+  call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* right_if = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value_2);
+  right_start->AddInstruction(right_if);
+  HInstruction* write_right_first = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                           c2,
+                                                                           nullptr,
+                                                                           DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                           MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                           false,
+                                                                           0,
+                                                                           0,
+                                                                           graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                           0);
+  HInstruction* goto_right_first = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  right_first->AddInstruction(write_right_first);
+  right_first->AddInstruction(goto_right_first);
+  HInstruction* write_right_second = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                            c3,
+                                                                            nullptr,
+                                                                            DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                            MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                            false,
+                                                                            0,
+                                                                            0,
+                                                                            graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                            0);
+  HInstruction* goto_right_second = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  right_second->AddInstruction(write_right_second);
+  right_second->AddInstruction(goto_right_second);
+  HInstruction* goto_right_end = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  right_end->AddInstruction(goto_right_end);
+  HInstruction* read_bottom = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* return_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_bottom);
+  exit->AddInstruction(read_bottom);
+  exit->AddInstruction(return_exit);
+  // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+  graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+  PerformLSE();
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_bottom));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_right_first));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_right_second));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // LEFT
+//   escape(obj);
+//   obj.field = 1;
+// } else {
+//   // RIGHT
+//   // ELIMINATE
+//   obj.field = 2;
+// }
+// EXIT
+// return obj.field
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadElimination2) {
+  InitGraph();
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "left" },
+                                                   { "entry", "right" },
+                                                   { "left", "breturn"},
+                                                   { "right", "breturn" },
+                                                   { "breturn", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+  GET_BLOCK(entry);
+  GET_BLOCK(exit);
+  GET_BLOCK(breturn);
+  GET_BLOCK(left);
+  GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+  HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+  HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+  ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, &current_locals);
+  new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kVoid,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                    c1,
+                                                                    nullptr,
+                                                                    DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                    MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                    0);
+  HInstruction* goto_left = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(goto_left);
+  call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c2,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+  HInstruction* read_bottom = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* return_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_bottom);
+  breturn->AddInstruction(read_bottom);
+  breturn->AddInstruction(return_exit);
+  HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+  exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+  // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+  graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+  PerformLSE();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsRemoved(read_bottom));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // LEFT
+//   obj.field = 1;
+//   escape(obj);
+//   return obj.field;
+// } else {
+//   // RIGHT
+//   // ELIMINATE
+//   obj.field = 2;
+//   return obj.field;
+// }
+// EXIT
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadElimination3) {
+  InitGraph();
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList(
+      "entry",
+      "exit",
+      { { "entry", "left" }, { "entry", "right" }, { "left", "exit" }, { "right", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+  GET_BLOCK(entry);
+  GET_BLOCK(exit);
+  GET_BLOCK(left);
+  GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+  HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+  HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+  ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, &current_locals);
+  new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* write_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                    c1,
+                                                                    nullptr,
+                                                                    DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                    MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                    0);
+  HInstruction* call_left = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kVoid,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* read_left = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                   nullptr,
+                                                                   DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                   MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                   false,
+                                                                   0,
+                                                                   0,
+                                                                   graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                   0);
+  HInstruction* return_left = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_left);
+  call_left->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  left->AddInstruction(write_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(call_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(read_left);
+  left->AddInstruction(return_left);
+  call_left->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c2,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* read_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                    nullptr,
+                                                                    DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                    MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                    0);
+  HInstruction* return_right = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(read_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(return_right);
+  HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+  exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+  // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+  graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+  PerformLSE();
+  EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(read_right));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_left));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // LEFT
+//   obj.field = 1;
+//   while (true) {
+//     bool esc = escape(obj);
+//     obj.field = 3;
+//     if (esc) break;
+//   }
+//   // ELIMINATE.
+//   return obj.field;
+// } else {
+//   // RIGHT
+//   // ELIMINATE
+//   obj.field = 2;
+//   return obj.field;
+// }
+// EXIT
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadElimination4) {
+  InitGraph();
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "entry_post" },
+                                                   { "entry_post", "right" },
+                                                   { "right", "exit" },
+                                                   { "entry_post", "left_pre" },
+                                                   { "left_pre", "left_loop" },
+                                                   { "left_loop", "left_loop" },
+                                                   { "left_loop", "left_finish" },
+                                                   { "left_finish", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+  GET_BLOCK(entry);
+  GET_BLOCK(entry_post);
+  GET_BLOCK(exit);
+  GET_BLOCK(left_pre);
+  GET_BLOCK(left_loop);
+  GET_BLOCK(left_finish);
+  GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+  // Left-loops first successor is the break.
+  if (left_loop->GetSuccessors()[0] != left_finish) {
+    left_loop->SwapSuccessors();
+  }
+  HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+  HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+  HInstruction* c3 = graph_->GetIntConstant(3);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* goto_entry = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(goto_entry);
+  ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+  ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, &current_locals);
+  new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+  entry_post->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  HInstruction* write_left_pre = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                        c1,
+                                                                        nullptr,
+                                                                        DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                        MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                        false,
+                                                                        0,
+                                                                        0,
+                                                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                        0);
+  HInstruction* goto_left_pre = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  left_pre->AddInstruction(write_left_pre);
+  left_pre->AddInstruction(goto_left_pre);
+  HInstruction* suspend_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HSuspendCheck();
+  HInstruction* call_left_loop = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kBool,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* write_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                         c3,
+                                                                         nullptr,
+                                                                         DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                         MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                         false,
+                                                                         0,
+                                                                         0,
+                                                                         graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                         0);
+  HInstruction* if_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(call_left_loop);
+  call_left_loop->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  left_loop->AddInstruction(suspend_left_loop);
+  left_loop->AddInstruction(call_left_loop);
+  left_loop->AddInstruction(write_left_loop);
+  left_loop->AddInstruction(if_left_loop);
+  suspend_left_loop->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  call_left_loop->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* read_left_end = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                       nullptr,
+                                                                       DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                       MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                       false,
+                                                                       0,
+                                                                       0,
+                                                                       graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                       0);
+  HInstruction* return_left_end = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_left_end);
+  left_finish->AddInstruction(read_left_end);
+  left_finish->AddInstruction(return_left_end);
+  HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c2,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* read_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                    nullptr,
+                                                                    DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                    MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                    false,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                    0);
+  HInstruction* return_right = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(read_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(return_right);
+  HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+  exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+  // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+  graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+  PerformLSE();
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left_pre));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(read_right));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left_loop));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left_loop));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(read_left_end));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // LEFT
+//   obj.field = 1;
+//   while (true) {
+//     bool esc = escape(obj);
+//     if (esc) break;
+//     obj.field = 3;
+//   }
+// } else {
+//   // RIGHT
+//   obj.field = 2;
+// }
+// return obj.field;
+// EXIT
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadPreserved3) {
+  InitGraph();
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "entry_post" },
+                                                   { "entry_post", "right" },
+                                                   { "right", "return_block" },
+                                                   { "entry_post", "left_pre" },
+                                                   { "left_pre", "left_loop" },
+                                                   { "left_loop", "left_loop_post" },
+                                                   { "left_loop_post", "left_loop" },
+                                                   { "left_loop", "return_block" },
+                                                   { "return_block", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+  GET_BLOCK(entry);
+  GET_BLOCK(entry_post);
+  GET_BLOCK(exit);
+  GET_BLOCK(return_block);
+  GET_BLOCK(left_pre);
+  GET_BLOCK(left_loop);
+  GET_BLOCK(left_loop_post);
+  GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+  // Left-loops first successor is the break.
+  if (left_loop->GetSuccessors()[0] != return_block) {
+    left_loop->SwapSuccessors();
+  }
+  HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+  HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+  HInstruction* c3 = graph_->GetIntConstant(3);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* goto_entry = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(goto_entry);
+  ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+  ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, &current_locals);
+  new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+  entry_post->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  HInstruction* write_left_pre = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                        c1,
+                                                                        nullptr,
+                                                                        DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                        MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                        false,
+                                                                        0,
+                                                                        0,
+                                                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                        0);
+  HInstruction* goto_left_pre = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  left_pre->AddInstruction(write_left_pre);
+  left_pre->AddInstruction(goto_left_pre);
+  HInstruction* suspend_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HSuspendCheck();
+  HInstruction* call_left_loop = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kBool,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* if_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(call_left_loop);
+  call_left_loop->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  left_loop->AddInstruction(suspend_left_loop);
+  left_loop->AddInstruction(call_left_loop);
+  left_loop->AddInstruction(if_left_loop);
+  suspend_left_loop->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  call_left_loop->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* write_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                         c3,
+                                                                         nullptr,
+                                                                         DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                         MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                         false,
+                                                                         0,
+                                                                         0,
+                                                                         graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                         0);
+  HInstruction* goto_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  left_loop_post->AddInstruction(write_left_loop);
+  left_loop_post->AddInstruction(goto_left_loop);
+  HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c2,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+  HInstruction* read_return = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* return_final = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_return);
+  return_block->AddInstruction(read_return);
+  return_block->AddInstruction(return_final);
+  HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+  exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+  // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+  graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+  PerformLSE();
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left_pre));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_return));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left_loop));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left_loop));
+// // ENTRY
+// obj = new Obj();
+// if (parameter_value) {
+//   // LEFT
+//   // ELIMINATE (not visible since always overridden by obj.field = 3)
+//   obj.field = 1;
+//   while (true) {
+//     bool stop = should_stop();
+//     // DO NOT ELIMINATE (visible by read at end)
+//     obj.field = 3;
+//     if (stop) break;
+//   }
+// } else {
+//   // RIGHT
+//   obj.field = 2;
+//   escape(obj);
+// }
+// return obj.field;
+// EXIT
+TEST_F(LoadStoreEliminationTest, PartialLoadPreserved4) {
+  InitGraph();
+  AdjacencyListGraph blks(SetupFromAdjacencyList("entry",
+                                                 "exit",
+                                                 { { "entry", "entry_post" },
+                                                   { "entry_post", "right" },
+                                                   { "right", "return_block" },
+                                                   { "entry_post", "left_pre" },
+                                                   { "left_pre", "left_loop" },
+                                                   { "left_loop", "left_loop" },
+                                                   { "left_loop", "return_block" },
+                                                   { "return_block", "exit" } }));
+#define GET_BLOCK(name) HBasicBlock* name = blks.Get(#name)
+  GET_BLOCK(entry);
+  GET_BLOCK(entry_post);
+  GET_BLOCK(exit);
+  GET_BLOCK(return_block);
+  GET_BLOCK(left_pre);
+  GET_BLOCK(left_loop);
+  GET_BLOCK(right);
+#undef GET_BLOCK
+  // Left-loops first successor is the break.
+  if (left_loop->GetSuccessors()[0] != return_block) {
+    left_loop->SwapSuccessors();
+  }
+  HInstruction* bool_value = new (GetAllocator())
+      HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(), dex::TypeIndex(1), 1, DataType::Type::kBool);
+  HInstruction* c1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+  HInstruction* c2 = graph_->GetIntConstant(2);
+  HInstruction* c3 = graph_->GetIntConstant(3);
+  HInstruction* cls = new (GetAllocator()) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+                                                      dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                                      graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                      ScopedNullHandle<mirror::Class>(),
+                                                      false,
+                                                      0,
+                                                      false);
+  HInstruction* new_inst =
+      new (GetAllocator()) HNewInstance(cls,
+                                        0,
+                                        dex::TypeIndex(10),
+                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                        false,
+                                        QuickEntrypointEnum::kQuickAllocObjectInitialized);
+  HInstruction* goto_entry = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  entry->AddInstruction(bool_value);
+  entry->AddInstruction(cls);
+  entry->AddInstruction(new_inst);
+  entry->AddInstruction(goto_entry);
+  ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({}, GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+  ManuallyBuildEnvFor(cls, &current_locals);
+  new_inst->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* if_inst = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(bool_value);
+  entry_post->AddInstruction(if_inst);
+  HInstruction* write_left_pre = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                        c1,
+                                                                        nullptr,
+                                                                        DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                        MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                        false,
+                                                                        0,
+                                                                        0,
+                                                                        graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                        0);
+  HInstruction* goto_left_pre = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  left_pre->AddInstruction(write_left_pre);
+  left_pre->AddInstruction(goto_left_pre);
+  HInstruction* suspend_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HSuspendCheck();
+  HInstruction* call_left_loop = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            0,
+                            DataType::Type::kBool,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* write_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                         c3,
+                                                                         nullptr,
+                                                                         DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                         MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                         false,
+                                                                         0,
+                                                                         0,
+                                                                         graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                         0);
+  HInstruction* if_left_loop = new (GetAllocator()) HIf(call_left_loop);
+  left_loop->AddInstruction(suspend_left_loop);
+  left_loop->AddInstruction(call_left_loop);
+  left_loop->AddInstruction(write_left_loop);
+  left_loop->AddInstruction(if_left_loop);
+  suspend_left_loop->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  call_left_loop->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* write_right = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldSet(new_inst,
+                                                                     c2,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* call_right = new (GetAllocator())
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect(GetAllocator(),
+                            1,
+                            DataType::Type::kBool,
+                            0,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            nullptr,
+                            {},
+                            InvokeType::kStatic,
+                            { nullptr, 0 },
+                            HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone);
+  HInstruction* goto_right = new (GetAllocator()) HGoto();
+  call_right->AsInvoke()->SetRawInputAt(0, new_inst);
+  right->AddInstruction(write_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(call_right);
+  right->AddInstruction(goto_right);
+  call_right->CopyEnvironmentFrom(cls->GetEnvironment());
+  HInstruction* read_return = new (GetAllocator()) HInstanceFieldGet(new_inst,
+                                                                     nullptr,
+                                                                     DataType::Type::kInt32,
+                                                                     MemberOffset(10),
+                                                                     false,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     0,
+                                                                     graph_->GetDexFile(),
+                                                                     0);
+  HInstruction* return_final = new (GetAllocator()) HReturn(read_return);
+  return_block->AddInstruction(read_return);
+  return_block->AddInstruction(return_final);
+  HInstruction* exit_instruction = new (GetAllocator()) HExit();
+  exit->AddInstruction(exit_instruction);
+  // PerformLSE expects this to be empty.
+  graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
+  PerformLSE();
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(read_return));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_right));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(write_left_loop));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_left_loop));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(IsRemoved(write_left_pre));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(IsRemoved(call_right));
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index e2d164e..1773c07 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -15,12 +15,19 @@
 #include "nodes.h"
+#include <algorithm>
 #include <cfloat>
 #include "art_method-inl.h"
+#include "base/arena_allocator.h"
+#include "base/arena_bit_vector.h"
 #include "base/bit_utils.h"
 #include "base/bit_vector-inl.h"
+#include "base/bit_vector.h"
+#include "base/iteration_range.h"
 #include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/scoped_arena_allocator.h"
+#include "base/scoped_arena_containers.h"
 #include "base/stl_util.h"
 #include "class_linker-inl.h"
 #include "class_root-inl.h"
@@ -263,6 +270,171 @@
+// TODO Consider moving this entirely into LoadStoreAnalysis/Elimination.
+bool HGraph::PathBetween(uint32_t source_idx, uint32_t dest_idx) const {
+  DCHECK_LT(source_idx, blocks_.size()) << "source not present in graph!";
+  DCHECK_LT(dest_idx, blocks_.size()) << "dest not present in graph!";
+  DCHECK(blocks_[source_idx] != nullptr);
+  DCHECK(blocks_[dest_idx] != nullptr);
+  return reachability_graph_.IsBitSet(source_idx, dest_idx);
+bool HGraph::PathBetween(const HBasicBlock* source, const HBasicBlock* dest) const {
+  if (source == nullptr || dest == nullptr) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  size_t source_idx = source->GetBlockId();
+  size_t dest_idx = dest->GetBlockId();
+  return PathBetween(source_idx, dest_idx);
+// This function/struct calculates the reachability of every node from every
+// other node by iteratively using DFS to find reachability of each individual
+// block.
+// This is in practice faster then the simpler Floyd-Warshall since while that
+// is O(N**3) this is O(N*(E + N)) where N is the number of blocks and E is the
+// number of edges. Since in practice each block only has a few outgoing edges
+// we can confidently say that E ~ B*N where B is a small number (~3). We also
+// memoize the results as we go allowing us to (potentially) avoid walking the
+// entire graph for every node. To make best use of this memoization we
+// calculate the reachability of blocks in PostOrder. This means that
+// (generally) blocks that are dominated by many other blocks and dominate few
+// blocks themselves will be examined first. This makes it more likely we can
+// use our memoized results.
+class ReachabilityAnalysisHelper {
+ public:
+  ReachabilityAnalysisHelper(const HGraph* graph,
+                             ArenaBitVectorArray* reachability_graph,
+                             ArenaStack* arena_stack)
+      : graph_(graph),
+        reachability_graph_(reachability_graph),
+        arena_stack_(arena_stack),
+        temporaries_(arena_stack_),
+        block_size_(RoundUp(graph_->GetBlocks().size(), BitVector::kWordBits)),
+        all_visited_nodes_(
+            &temporaries_, graph_->GetBlocks().size(), false, kArenaAllocReachabilityGraph),
+        not_post_order_visited_(
+            &temporaries_, graph_->GetBlocks().size(), false, kArenaAllocReachabilityGraph) {
+    // We can't adjust the size of reachability graph any more without breaking
+    // our allocator invariants so it had better be large enough.
+    CHECK_GE(reachability_graph_->NumRows(), graph_->GetBlocks().size());
+    CHECK_GE(reachability_graph_->NumColumns(), graph_->GetBlocks().size());
+    not_post_order_visited_.SetInitialBits(graph_->GetBlocks().size());
+  }
+  void CalculateReachability() {
+    // Calculate what blocks connect using repeated DFS
+    //
+    // Going in PostOrder should generally give memoization a good shot of
+    // hitting.
+    for (const HBasicBlock* blk : graph_->GetPostOrder()) {
+      if (blk == nullptr) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      not_post_order_visited_.ClearBit(blk->GetBlockId());
+      CalculateConnectednessOn(blk);
+      all_visited_nodes_.SetBit(blk->GetBlockId());
+    }
+    // Get all other bits
+    for (auto idx : not_post_order_visited_.Indexes()) {
+      const HBasicBlock* blk = graph_->GetBlocks()[idx];
+      if (blk == nullptr) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      CalculateConnectednessOn(blk);
+      all_visited_nodes_.SetBit(blk->GetBlockId());
+    }
+  }
+ private:
+  void AddEdge(uint32_t source, const HBasicBlock* dest) {
+    reachability_graph_->SetBit(source, dest->GetBlockId());
+  }
+  // Union the reachability of 'idx' into 'update_block_idx'. This is done to
+  // implement memoization. In order to improve performance we do this in 4-byte
+  // blocks. Clang should be able to optimize this to larger blocks if possible.
+  void UnionBlock(size_t update_block_idx, size_t idx) {
+    reachability_graph_->UnionRows(update_block_idx, idx);
+  }
+  // Single DFS to get connectedness of a single block
+  void CalculateConnectednessOn(const HBasicBlock* const target_block) {
+    const uint32_t target_idx = target_block->GetBlockId();
+    ScopedArenaAllocator connectedness_temps(arena_stack_);
+    // What nodes we have already discovered and either have processed or are
+    // already on the queue.
+    ArenaBitVector discovered(
+        &connectedness_temps, graph_->GetBlocks().size(), false, kArenaAllocReachabilityGraph);
+    // The work stack. What blocks we still need to process.
+    ScopedArenaVector<const HBasicBlock*> work_stack(
+        connectedness_temps.Adapter(kArenaAllocReachabilityGraph));
+    // Known max size since otherwise we'd have blocks multiple times. Avoids
+    // re-allocation
+    work_stack.reserve(graph_->GetBlocks().size());
+    discovered.SetBit(target_idx);
+    work_stack.push_back(target_block);
+    // Main DFS Loop.
+    while (!work_stack.empty()) {
+      const HBasicBlock* cur = work_stack.back();
+      work_stack.pop_back();
+      // Memoization of previous runs.
+      if (all_visited_nodes_.IsBitSet(cur->GetBlockId())) {
+        DCHECK_NE(target_block, cur);
+        // Already explored from here. Just use that data.
+        UnionBlock(target_idx, cur->GetBlockId());
+        continue;
+      }
+      for (const HBasicBlock* succ : cur->GetSuccessors()) {
+        AddEdge(target_idx, succ);
+        if (!discovered.IsBitSet(succ->GetBlockId())) {
+          work_stack.push_back(succ);
+          discovered.SetBit(succ->GetBlockId());
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  const HGraph* graph_;
+  // The graph's reachability_graph_ on the main allocator.
+  ArenaBitVectorArray* reachability_graph_;
+  ArenaStack* arena_stack_;
+  // An allocator for temporary bit-vectors used by this algorithm. The
+  // 'SetBit,ClearBit' on reachability_graph_ prior to the construction of this
+  // object should be the only allocation on the main allocator so it's safe to
+  // make a sub-allocator here.
+  ScopedArenaAllocator temporaries_;
+  // number of columns
+  const size_t block_size_;
+  // Where we've already completely calculated connectedness.
+  ArenaBitVector all_visited_nodes_;
+  // What we never visited and need to do later
+  ArenaBitVector not_post_order_visited_;
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ReachabilityAnalysisHelper);
+void HGraph::ComputeReachabilityInformation() {
+  DCHECK_EQ(reachability_graph_.GetRawData().NumSetBits(), 0u);
+  DCHECK(reachability_graph_.IsExpandable());
+  // Reserve all the bits we'll need. This is the only allocation on the
+  // standard allocator we do here, enabling us to create a new ScopedArena for
+  // use with temporaries.
+  //
+  // reachability_graph_ acts as |N| x |N| graph for PathBetween. Array is
+  // padded so each row starts on an BitVector::kWordBits-bit alignment for
+  // simplicity and performance, allowing us to union blocks together without
+  // going bit-by-bit.
+  reachability_graph_.Resize(blocks_.size(), blocks_.size(), /*clear=*/false);
+  ReachabilityAnalysisHelper helper(this, &reachability_graph_, GetArenaStack());
+  helper.CalculateReachability();
+void HGraph::ClearReachabilityInformation() {
+  reachability_graph_.Clear();
 void HGraph::ComputeDominanceInformation() {
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index ad56d31..9fa21d5 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include <array>
 #include <type_traits>
+#include "base/arena_allocator.h"
 #include "base/arena_bit_vector.h"
 #include "base/arena_containers.h"
 #include "base/arena_object.h"
@@ -387,6 +388,7 @@
+        reachability_graph_(allocator, 0, 0, true, kArenaAllocReachabilityGraph),
@@ -442,6 +444,8 @@
   void ComputeDominanceInformation();
   void ClearDominanceInformation();
+  void ComputeReachabilityInformation();
+  void ClearReachabilityInformation();
   void ClearLoopInformation();
   void FindBackEdges(ArenaBitVector* visited);
   GraphAnalysisResult BuildDominatorTree();
@@ -590,6 +594,10 @@
     has_bounds_checks_ = value;
+  // Returns true if dest is reachable from source, using either blocks or block-ids.
+  bool PathBetween(const HBasicBlock* source, const HBasicBlock* dest) const;
+  bool PathBetween(uint32_t source_id, uint32_t dest_id) const;
   // Is the code known to be robust against eliminating dead references
   // and the effects of early finalization?
   bool IsDeadReferenceSafe() const { return dead_reference_safe_; }
@@ -746,6 +754,10 @@
   // post order, this order is not incrementally kept up-to-date.
   ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*> linear_order_;
+  // Reachability graph for checking connectedness between nodes. Acts as a partitioned vector where
+  // each RoundUp(blocks_.size(), BitVector::kWordBits) is the reachability of each node.
+  ArenaBitVectorArray reachability_graph_;
   HBasicBlock* entry_block_;
   HBasicBlock* exit_block_;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h b/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h
index 475c532..4322eb7 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h
@@ -108,6 +108,11 @@
+  kFullLSEAllocationRemoved,
+  kFullLSEPossible,
+  kNonPartialLoadRemoved,
+  kPartialLSEPossible,
+  kPartialStoreRemoved,
 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, MethodCompilationStat rhs);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_unit_test.h b/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_unit_test.h
index 792c9db..71acdac 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_unit_test.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_unit_test.h
@@ -317,21 +317,23 @@
       HBasicBlock* dest_blk = name_to_block_.GetOrCreate(dest, create_block);
+    graph_->ClearReachabilityInformation();
+    graph_->ComputeReachabilityInformation();
     for (auto [name, blk] : name_to_block_) {
       block_to_name_.Put(blk, name);
-  bool HasBlock(const HBasicBlock* blk) {
+  bool HasBlock(const HBasicBlock* blk) const {
     return block_to_name_.find(blk) != block_to_name_.end();
-  std::string_view GetName(const HBasicBlock* blk) {
+  std::string_view GetName(const HBasicBlock* blk) const {
     return block_to_name_.Get(blk);
-  HBasicBlock* Get(const std::string_view& sv) {
+  HBasicBlock* Get(const std::string_view& sv) const {
     return name_to_block_.Get(sv);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index ea5a13a..c1891de 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@
   // should run the analysis or not.
   const HeapLocationCollector* heap_location_collector = nullptr;
   ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph->GetArenaStack());
-  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph, &allocator);
+  LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph, /*stats=*/nullptr, &allocator, /*for_elimination=*/false);
   if (!only_optimize_loop_blocks_ || graph->HasLoops()) {
     heap_location_collector = &lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 94f1599..c166a46 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -273,7 +273,8 @@
-    HeapLocationCollector heap_location_collector(graph_, GetScopedAllocator());
+    HeapLocationCollector heap_location_collector(
+        graph_, GetScopedAllocator(), /*for_partial_elimination=*/false);
     TestSchedulingGraph scheduling_graph(GetScopedAllocator(), &heap_location_collector);
diff --git a/libartbase/base/ b/libartbase/base/
index 0e7f6cc..3438651 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/
+++ b/libartbase/base/
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
   "BlockList    ",
   "RevPostOrder ",
   "LinearOrder  ",
+  "Reachability ",
   "ConstantsMap ",
   "Predecessors ",
   "Successors   ",
diff --git a/libartbase/base/arena_allocator.h b/libartbase/base/arena_allocator.h
index a9ccae1..44c3add 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/arena_allocator.h
+++ b/libartbase/base/arena_allocator.h
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
+  kArenaAllocReachabilityGraph,
diff --git a/libartbase/base/arena_bit_vector.h b/libartbase/base/arena_bit_vector.h
index 0fb6bbf..a367da8 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/arena_bit_vector.h
+++ b/libartbase/base/arena_bit_vector.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 #include "arena_object.h"
+#include "base/arena_allocator.h"
 #include "bit_vector.h"
 namespace art {
@@ -49,8 +50,58 @@
                  ArenaAllocKind kind = kArenaAllocGrowableBitMap);
   ~ArenaBitVector() {}
+  ArenaBitVector(ArenaBitVector&&) = default;
+  ArenaBitVector(const ArenaBitVector&) = delete;
+// A BitVectorArray implementation that uses Arena allocation. See
+// BitVectorArray for more information.
+// This is a helper for dealing with 2d bit-vector arrays packed into a single
+// bit-vector
+class ArenaBitVectorArray final : public BaseBitVectorArray,
+                                  public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocGrowableBitMap> {
+ public:
+  ArenaBitVectorArray(const ArenaBitVectorArray& bv) = delete;
+  ArenaBitVectorArray& operator=(const ArenaBitVectorArray& other) = delete;
+  explicit ArenaBitVectorArray(ArenaBitVector&& bv) : BaseBitVectorArray(), data_(std::move(bv)) {}
+  ArenaBitVectorArray(ArenaBitVector&& bv, size_t cols)
+      : BaseBitVectorArray(BaseBitVectorArray::MaxRowsFor(bv, cols), cols), data_(std::move(bv)) {}
+  ArenaBitVectorArray(ArenaAllocator* allocator,
+                      size_t start_rows,
+                      size_t start_cols,
+                      bool expandable,
+                      ArenaAllocKind kind = kArenaAllocGrowableBitMap)
+      : BaseBitVectorArray(start_rows, start_cols),
+        data_(ArenaBitVector(allocator,
+                             BaseBitVectorArray::RequiredBitVectorSize(start_rows, start_cols),
+                             expandable,
+                             kind)) {}
+  ArenaBitVectorArray(ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator,
+                      size_t start_rows,
+                      size_t start_cols,
+                      bool expandable,
+                      ArenaAllocKind kind = kArenaAllocGrowableBitMap)
+      : BaseBitVectorArray(start_rows, start_cols),
+        data_(ArenaBitVector(allocator,
+                             BaseBitVectorArray::RequiredBitVectorSize(start_rows, start_cols),
+                             expandable,
+                             kind)) {}
+  ~ArenaBitVectorArray() override {}
+  const BitVector& GetRawData() const override {
+    return data_;
+  }
+  BitVector& GetRawData() override {
+    return data_;
+  }
+  ArenaBitVector data_;
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/libartbase/base/array_ref.h b/libartbase/base/array_ref.h
index e8b3bce..064e26b 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/array_ref.h
+++ b/libartbase/base/array_ref.h
@@ -203,6 +203,19 @@
   return !(lhs == rhs);
+template<typename T>
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ArrayRef<T>& ts) {
+  bool first = true;
+  os << "[";
+  for (const T& t : ts) {
+    if (!first) { os << ", "; }
+    first = false;
+    os << t;
+  }
+  os << "]";
+  return os;
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/libartbase/base/array_slice.h b/libartbase/base/array_slice.h
index 4679146..a58ff44 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/array_slice.h
+++ b/libartbase/base/array_slice.h
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+#include <ostream>
 #include "bit_utils.h"
 #include "casts.h"
 #include "iteration_range.h"
@@ -63,6 +64,10 @@
             lpa != nullptr && lpa->size() != 0 ? &lpa->At(0, element_size, alignment) : nullptr,
             lpa != nullptr ? lpa->size() : 0,
             element_size) {}
+  ArraySlice(const ArraySlice<T>&) = default;
+  ArraySlice(ArraySlice<T>&&) = default;
+  ArraySlice<T>& operator=(const ArraySlice<T>&) = default;
+  ArraySlice<T>& operator=(ArraySlice<T>&&) = default;
   // Iterators.
   iterator begin() { return iterator(&AtUnchecked(0), element_size_); }
@@ -166,6 +171,19 @@
   size_t element_size_;
+template<typename T>
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ArraySlice<T>& ts) {
+  bool first = true;
+  os << "[";
+  for (const T& t : ts) {
+    if (!first) { os << ", "; }
+    first = false;
+    os << t;
+  }
+  os << "]";
+  return os;
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/libartbase/base/ b/libartbase/base/
index 8e3d4c9..d3cb652 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/
+++ b/libartbase/base/
@@ -376,4 +376,31 @@
   return allocator_;
+void BaseBitVectorArray::Resize(size_t rows, size_t cols, bool clear) {
+  DCHECK(IsExpandable());
+  if (clear) {
+    Clear();
+  }
+  cols = RoundUp(cols, BitVector::kWordBits);
+  num_columns_ = cols;
+  num_rows_ = rows;
+  // Ensure size
+  GetRawData().SetBit(num_rows_ * num_columns_ - 1);
+  GetRawData().ClearBit(num_rows_ * num_columns_ - 1);
+// In order to improve performance we do this in 4-byte blocks. Clang should be
+// able to optimize this to larger blocks if possible.
+void BaseBitVectorArray::UnionRows(size_t dest_row, size_t other) {
+  DCHECK_LT(dest_row, num_rows_);
+  DCHECK_LT(other, num_rows_);
+  size_t block_words = num_columns_ / BitVector::kWordBits;
+  uint32_t* dest =
+      GetRawData().GetRawStorage() + ((dest_row * num_columns_) / BitVector::kWordBits);
+  uint32_t* source = GetRawData().GetRawStorage() + ((other * num_columns_) / BitVector::kWordBits);
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < block_words; ++i, ++dest, ++source) {
+    *dest = (*dest) | (*source);
+  }
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/libartbase/base/bit_vector.h b/libartbase/base/bit_vector.h
index dc15874..0c735cc 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/bit_vector.h
+++ b/libartbase/base/bit_vector.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <iterator>
 #include "bit_utils.h"
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
 namespace art {
 class Allocator;
+class ArenaBitVector;
  * Expanding bitmap, used for tracking resources.  Bits are numbered starting
@@ -33,6 +35,9 @@
 class BitVector {
+  static constexpr uint32_t kWordBytes = sizeof(uint32_t);
+  static constexpr uint32_t kWordBits = kWordBytes * 8;
   class IndexContainer;
@@ -226,11 +231,22 @@
     return storage_size_ * kWordBytes;
+  size_t GetBitSizeOf() const {
+    return storage_size_ * kWordBits;
+  }
    * @return the highest bit set, -1 if none are set
   int GetHighestBitSet() const;
+  /**
+   * @return true if there are any bits set, false otherwise.
+   */
+  bool IsAnyBitSet() const {
+    return GetHighestBitSet() != -1;
+  }
   // Minimum number of bits required to store this vector, 0 if none are set.
   size_t GetNumberOfBits() const {
     return GetHighestBitSet() + 1;
@@ -281,15 +297,148 @@
     return 1 << (idx & 0x1f);
-  static constexpr uint32_t kWordBytes = sizeof(uint32_t);
-  static constexpr uint32_t kWordBits = kWordBytes * 8;
   uint32_t*  storage_;            // The storage for the bit vector.
   uint32_t   storage_size_;       // Current size, in 32-bit words.
   Allocator* const allocator_;    // Allocator if expandable.
   const bool expandable_;         // Should the bitmap expand if too small?
+// Helper for dealing with 2d bit-vector arrays packed into a single bit-vec
+class BaseBitVectorArray {
+ public:
+  BaseBitVectorArray(const BaseBitVectorArray& bv) = default;
+  BaseBitVectorArray& operator=(const BaseBitVectorArray& other) = default;
+  BaseBitVectorArray() : num_columns_(0), num_rows_(0) {}
+  BaseBitVectorArray(size_t num_rows, size_t num_columns)
+      : num_columns_(RoundUp(num_columns, BitVector::kWordBits)), num_rows_(num_rows) {}
+  virtual ~BaseBitVectorArray() {}
+  bool IsExpandable() const {
+    return GetRawData().IsExpandable();
+  }
+  // Let subclasses provide storage for various types.
+  virtual const BitVector& GetRawData() const = 0;
+  virtual BitVector& GetRawData() = 0;
+  size_t NumRows() const {
+    return num_rows_;
+  }
+  // NB This might be more than the requested size for alignment purposes.
+  size_t NumColumns() const {
+    return num_columns_;
+  }
+  void Clear() {
+    GetRawData().ClearAllBits();
+  }
+  // Ensure that we can set all bits in the given range. The actual number of
+  // columns might be larger than requested for alignment purposes.
+  void Resize(size_t rows, size_t cols, bool clear = true);
+  void SetBit(size_t row, size_t col) {
+    DCHECK_LT(col, num_columns_);
+    DCHECK_LT(row, num_rows_);
+    GetRawData().SetBit(row * num_columns_ + col);
+  }
+  void ClearBit(size_t row, size_t col) {
+    DCHECK_LT(col, num_columns_);
+    DCHECK_LT(row, num_rows_);
+    GetRawData().ClearBit(row * num_columns_ + col);
+  }
+  bool IsBitSet(size_t row, size_t col) const {
+    DCHECK_LT(col, num_columns_);
+    DCHECK_LT(row, num_rows_);
+    return GetRawData().IsBitSet(row * num_columns_ + col);
+  }
+  // Union the vector of 'other' into 'dest_row'.
+  void UnionRows(size_t dest_row, size_t other);
+  static size_t RequiredBitVectorSize(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
+    return rows * RoundUp(cols, BitVector::kWordBits);
+  }
+  static size_t MaxRowsFor(const BitVector& bv, size_t cols) {
+    return cols != 0 ? bv.GetBitSizeOf() / RoundUp(cols, BitVector::kWordBits) : 0;
+  }
+ private:
+  size_t num_columns_;
+  size_t num_rows_;
+// A BitVectorArray with a standard owned BitVector providing the backing
+// storage. This should be used when the BitVectorArray is the owner of the
+// whole BitVector and should use standard allocators for cleanup/allocation.
+// Contrast this with ArenaBitVectorArray which uses arena allocators.
+class BitVectorArray final : public BaseBitVectorArray {
+ public:
+  BitVectorArray(const BitVectorArray& bv) = delete;
+  BitVectorArray& operator=(const BitVectorArray& other) = delete;
+  explicit BitVectorArray(BitVector&& bv) : BaseBitVectorArray(), data_(std::move(bv)) {}
+  explicit BitVectorArray(BitVector&& bv, size_t cols)
+      : BaseBitVectorArray(BaseBitVectorArray::MaxRowsFor(bv, cols), cols), data_(std::move(bv)) {}
+  explicit BitVectorArray(BitVector&& bv, size_t rows, size_t cols)
+      : BaseBitVectorArray(rows, cols), data_(std::move(bv)) {}
+  BitVectorArray(uint32_t start_rows, uint32_t start_cols, bool expandable, Allocator* allocator)
+      : BaseBitVectorArray(start_rows, start_cols),
+        data_(BaseBitVectorArray::RequiredBitVectorSize(start_rows, start_cols),
+              expandable,
+              allocator) {}
+  BitVectorArray(const BaseBitVectorArray& src, bool expandable, Allocator* allocator)
+      : BaseBitVectorArray(src.NumRows(), src.NumColumns()),
+        data_(src.GetRawData(), expandable, allocator) {}
+  ~BitVectorArray() override {}
+  const BitVector& GetRawData() const override {
+    return data_;
+  }
+  BitVector& GetRawData() override {
+    return data_;
+  }
+ private:
+  BitVector data_;
+// A bit vector array that uses an unowned BitVector reference as it's backing
+// data.
+class BitVectorArrayWrapper final : public BaseBitVectorArray {
+ public:
+  BitVectorArrayWrapper& operator=(BitVectorArrayWrapper& other) = default;
+  BitVectorArrayWrapper(BitVectorArrayWrapper&) = default;
+  explicit BitVectorArrayWrapper(BitVector* bv) : BaseBitVectorArray(), data_(bv) {}
+  explicit BitVectorArrayWrapper(BitVector* bv, size_t cols)
+      : BaseBitVectorArray(BaseBitVectorArray::MaxRowsFor(*bv, cols), cols), data_(bv) {}
+  explicit BitVectorArrayWrapper(BitVector* bv, size_t rows, size_t cols)
+      : BaseBitVectorArray(rows, cols), data_(bv) {}
+  ~BitVectorArrayWrapper() override {}
+  const BitVector& GetRawData() const override {
+    return *data_;
+  }
+  BitVector& GetRawData() override {
+    return *data_;
+  }
+ private:
+  BitVector* data_;
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/libartbase/base/ b/libartbase/base/
index 2ef81c6..5f1b167 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/
+++ b/libartbase/base/
@@ -15,11 +15,13 @@
 #include <memory>
+#include <random>
 #include "allocator.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
 #include "bit_vector-inl.h"
-#include "transform_iterator.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "transform_iterator.h"
 namespace art {
@@ -363,4 +365,58 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(alloc.AllocCount(), 1u);
+TEST(BitVector, ArrayCol) {
+  {
+    BitVectorArray bva(100, 200, true, Allocator::GetMallocAllocator());
+    for (uint32_t i : Range(bva.NumColumns())) {
+      bva.SetBit(bva.NumRows() / 2, i);
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(bva.GetRawData().NumSetBits(), bva.NumColumns());
+  }
+  {
+    BitVectorArray bva(100, 200, true, Allocator::GetMallocAllocator());
+    for (uint32_t i : Range(bva.NumRows())) {
+      bva.SetBit(i, bva.NumColumns() / 2);
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(bva.GetRawData().NumSetBits(), bva.NumRows());
+  }
+TEST(BitVector, ArrayUnion) {
+  {
+    BitVectorArray bva(100, 200, true, Allocator::GetMallocAllocator());
+    bva.SetBit(4, 12);
+    bva.SetBit(40, 120);
+    bva.SetBit(40, 121);
+    bva.SetBit(40, 122);
+    bva.UnionRows(4, 40);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(bva.IsBitSet(4, 12));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(bva.IsBitSet(4, 120));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(bva.IsBitSet(4, 121));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(bva.IsBitSet(4, 122));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(bva.IsBitSet(40, 12));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(bva.IsBitSet(40, 120));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(bva.IsBitSet(40, 121));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(bva.IsBitSet(40, 122));
+    EXPECT_EQ(bva.GetRawData().NumSetBits(), 7u);
+  }
+  {
+    BitVectorArray bva(100, 100, true, Allocator::GetMallocAllocator());
+    for (uint32_t i : Range(bva.NumRows())) {
+      bva.SetBit(i, i);
+    }
+    for (uint32_t i : Range(1, bva.NumRows())) {
+      bva.UnionRows(0, i);
+    }
+    for (uint32_t col : Range(bva.NumColumns())) {
+      for (uint32_t row : Range(bva.NumRows())) {
+        // We set every bit where row== column and every bit on row 0 up to number of rows.
+        EXPECT_EQ(bva.IsBitSet(row, col), row == col || (row == 0 && col < bva.NumRows()));
+      }
+    }
+  }
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/libartbase/base/hash_map.h b/libartbase/base/hash_map.h
index 7d01892..32c232a 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/hash_map.h
+++ b/libartbase/base/hash_map.h
@@ -81,6 +81,13 @@
   HashMap() : Base() { }
   explicit HashMap(const Alloc& alloc)
       : Base(alloc) { }
+  // Used to insert a new mapping.
+  typename Base::iterator Overwrite(const Key& k, const Value& v) {
+    auto res = Base::insert({ k, v }).first;
+    *res = { k, v };
+    return res;
+  }
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/libartbase/base/iteration_range.h b/libartbase/base/iteration_range.h
index eaed8b0..c916250 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/iteration_range.h
+++ b/libartbase/base/iteration_range.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 #include <iterator>
+#include <type_traits>
 namespace art {
@@ -49,9 +50,11 @@
   return IterationRange<Iter>(begin_it, end_it);
-template<typename List>
-inline IterationRange<typename List::iterator> MakeIterationRange(List& list) {
-  return IterationRange<typename List::iterator>(list.begin(), list.end());
+template <typename List>
+inline auto MakeIterationRange(List& list) -> IterationRange<decltype(list.begin())> {
+  static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(list.begin()), decltype(list.end())>,
+                "Different iterator types");
+  return MakeIterationRange(list.begin(), list.end());
 template <typename Iter>
diff --git a/libartbase/base/stl_util.h b/libartbase/base/stl_util.h
index cd7b812..503dfee 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/stl_util.h
+++ b/libartbase/base/stl_util.h
@@ -229,6 +229,64 @@
                         ZipLeftIter(iter_left.end(), iter_right.end()));
+static inline IterationRange<CountIter> Range(size_t start, size_t end) {
+  return IterationRange(CountIter(start), CountIter(end));
+static inline IterationRange<CountIter> Range(size_t end) {
+  return Range(0, end);
+template <typename RealIter, typename Filter>
+struct FilterIterator
+    : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, typename RealIter::value_type> {
+ public:
+  FilterIterator(RealIter rl,
+                 Filter cond,
+                 std::optional<RealIter> end = std::nullopt)
+      : real_iter_(rl), cond_(cond), end_(end) {
+    DCHECK(std::make_optional(rl) == end_ || cond_(*real_iter_));
+  }
+  FilterIterator<RealIter, Filter>& operator++() {
+    DCHECK(std::make_optional(real_iter_) != end_);
+    do {
+      if (std::make_optional(++real_iter_) == end_) {
+        break;
+      }
+    } while (!cond_(*real_iter_));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  FilterIterator<RealIter, Filter> operator++(int) {
+    FilterIterator<RealIter, Filter> ret(real_iter_, cond_, end_);
+    ++(*this);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  bool operator==(const FilterIterator<RealIter, Filter>& other) const {
+    return real_iter_ == other.real_iter_;
+  }
+  bool operator!=(const FilterIterator<RealIter, Filter>& other) const {
+    return !(*this == other);
+  }
+  typename RealIter::value_type operator*() const {
+    return *real_iter_;
+  }
+ private:
+  RealIter real_iter_;
+  Filter cond_;
+  std::optional<RealIter> end_;
+template <typename Iter, typename Filter>
+static inline IterationRange<FilterIterator<Iter, Filter>> Filter(
+    IterationRange<Iter> it, Filter cond) {
+  auto end = it.end();
+  auto start = std::find_if(it.begin(), end, cond);
+  return MakeIterationRange(FilterIterator(start, cond, std::make_optional(end)),
+                            FilterIterator(end, cond, std::make_optional(end)));
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/test/530-checker-lse/src/ b/test/530-checker-lse/src/
index b2ae3a1..f250aa5 100644
--- a/test/530-checker-lse/src/
+++ b/test/530-checker-lse/src/
@@ -84,6 +84,12 @@
 public class Main {
+  static Object ESCAPE = null;
+  static void $noinline$Escape(TestClass o) {
+    ESCAPE = o;
+  }
   /// CHECK-START: double Main.calcCircleArea(double) load_store_elimination (before)
   /// CHECK: NewInstance
   /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
@@ -3728,6 +3734,65 @@
     return t;
+  private static boolean $noinline$getBoolean(boolean val) {
+    return val;
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testPartialEscape1(TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (before)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     NewInstance
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     InstanceFieldSet
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     InstanceFieldGet
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     InstanceFieldGet
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     InstanceFieldSet
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     InstanceFieldGet
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     InstanceFieldGet
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     Phi
+  //
+  /// CHECK-NOT:     NewInstance
+  /// CHECK-NOT:     InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  /// CHECK-NOT:     InstanceFieldSet
+  /// CHECK-NOT:     InstanceFieldGet
+  //
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testPartialEscape1(TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     NewInstance
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     Phi
+  //
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testPartialEscape1(TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (after)
+  /// CHECK:         InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  /// CHECK:         InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  //
+  /// CHECK-NOT:     InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testPartialEscape1(TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (after)
+  /// CHECK:         InstanceFieldSet
+  //
+  /// CHECK-NOT:     InstanceFieldSet
+  //
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testPartialEscape1(TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (after)
+  /// CHECK:         InstanceFieldGet
+  /// CHECK:         InstanceFieldGet
+  /// CHECK:         InstanceFieldGet
+  //
+  /// CHECK-NOT:     InstanceFieldGet
+  private static int $noinline$testPartialEscape1(TestClass obj, boolean escape) {
+    TestClass i = new SubTestClass();
+    int res;
+    if ($noinline$getBoolean(escape)) {
+ = obj;
+      $noinline$Escape(i);
+      res =;
+    } else {
+ = obj;
+      res =;
+    }
+    return res;
+  }
   private static void $noinline$clobberObservables() {}
   static void assertLongEquals(long result, long expected) {
@@ -4129,5 +4194,7 @@
     assertIntEquals(testNestedLoop8(new TestClass(), 3), 0);
     assertLongEquals(testOverlapLoop(10), 34l);
     assertLongEquals(testOverlapLoop(50), 7778742049l);
+    assertIntEquals($noinline$testPartialEscape1(new TestClass(), true), 1);
+    assertIntEquals($noinline$testPartialEscape1(new TestClass(), false), 0);