Opt compiler: Basic simplification for arithmetic operations.
The optimisations in this patch do not look further than the
inputs of each operation.
Change-Id: Iddd0ab6b360b9e7bb042db22086d51a31be85530
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/instruction_simplifier.cc b/compiler/optimizing/instruction_simplifier.cc
index fd99070..2ef19b9 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/instruction_simplifier.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/instruction_simplifier.cc
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
: HGraphVisitor(graph), stats_(stats) {}
+ void VisitShift(HBinaryOperation* shift);
void VisitSuspendCheck(HSuspendCheck* check) OVERRIDE;
void VisitEqual(HEqual* equal) OVERRIDE;
void VisitArraySet(HArraySet* equal) OVERRIDE;
@@ -34,6 +36,16 @@
void VisitNullCheck(HNullCheck* instruction) OVERRIDE;
void VisitArrayLength(HArrayLength* instruction) OVERRIDE;
void VisitCheckCast(HCheckCast* instruction) OVERRIDE;
+ void VisitAdd(HAdd* instruction) OVERRIDE;
+ void VisitAnd(HAnd* instruction) OVERRIDE;
+ void VisitDiv(HDiv* instruction) OVERRIDE;
+ void VisitMul(HMul* instruction) OVERRIDE;
+ void VisitOr(HOr* instruction) OVERRIDE;
+ void VisitShl(HShl* instruction) OVERRIDE;
+ void VisitShr(HShr* instruction) OVERRIDE;
+ void VisitSub(HSub* instruction) OVERRIDE;
+ void VisitUShr(HUShr* instruction) OVERRIDE;
+ void VisitXor(HXor* instruction) OVERRIDE;
OptimizingCompilerStats* stats_;
@@ -43,6 +55,29 @@
+namespace {
+bool AreAllBitsSet(HConstant* constant) {
+ return Int64FromConstant(constant) == -1;
+} // namespace
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitShift(HBinaryOperation* instruction) {
+ DCHECK(instruction->IsShl() || instruction->IsShr() || instruction->IsUShr());
+ HConstant* input_cst = instruction->GetConstantRight();
+ HInstruction* input_other = instruction->GetLeastConstantLeft();
+ if ((input_cst != nullptr) && input_cst->IsZero()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // SHL dst, src, 0
+ // with
+ // src
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(input_other);
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ }
void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitNullCheck(HNullCheck* null_check) {
HInstruction* obj = null_check->InputAt(0);
if (!obj->CanBeNull()) {
@@ -137,4 +172,234 @@
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitAdd(HAdd* instruction) {
+ HConstant* input_cst = instruction->GetConstantRight();
+ HInstruction* input_other = instruction->GetLeastConstantLeft();
+ if ((input_cst != nullptr) && input_cst->IsZero()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // ADD dst, src, 0
+ // with
+ // src
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(input_other);
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ }
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitAnd(HAnd* instruction) {
+ HConstant* input_cst = instruction->GetConstantRight();
+ HInstruction* input_other = instruction->GetLeastConstantLeft();
+ if ((input_cst != nullptr) && AreAllBitsSet(input_cst)) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // AND dst, src, 0xFFF...FF
+ // with
+ // src
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(input_other);
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ return;
+ }
+ // We assume that GVN has run before, so we only perform a pointer comparison.
+ // If for some reason the values are equal but the pointers are different, we
+ // are still correct and only miss an optimisation opportunity.
+ if (instruction->GetLeft() == instruction->GetRight()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // AND dst, src, src
+ // with
+ // src
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(instruction->GetLeft());
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ }
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitDiv(HDiv* instruction) {
+ HConstant* input_cst = instruction->GetConstantRight();
+ HInstruction* input_other = instruction->GetLeastConstantLeft();
+ Primitive::Type type = instruction->GetType();
+ if ((input_cst != nullptr) && input_cst->IsOne()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // DIV dst, src, 1
+ // with
+ // src
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(input_other);
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((input_cst != nullptr) && input_cst->IsMinusOne() &&
+ (Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(type) || Primitive::IsIntOrLongType(type))) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // DIV dst, src, -1
+ // with
+ // NEG dst, src
+ instruction->GetBlock()->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(
+ instruction, (new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) HNeg(type, input_other)));
+ }
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitMul(HMul* instruction) {
+ HConstant* input_cst = instruction->GetConstantRight();
+ HInstruction* input_other = instruction->GetLeastConstantLeft();
+ Primitive::Type type = instruction->GetType();
+ HBasicBlock* block = instruction->GetBlock();
+ ArenaAllocator* allocator = GetGraph()->GetArena();
+ if (input_cst == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (input_cst->IsOne()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // MUL dst, src, 1
+ // with
+ // src
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(input_other);
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (input_cst->IsMinusOne() &&
+ (Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(type) || Primitive::IsIntOrLongType(type))) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // MUL dst, src, -1
+ // with
+ // NEG dst, src
+ HNeg* neg = new (allocator) HNeg(type, input_other);
+ block->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(instruction, neg);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(type) &&
+ ((input_cst->IsFloatConstant() && input_cst->AsFloatConstant()->GetValue() == 2.0f) ||
+ (input_cst->IsDoubleConstant() && input_cst->AsDoubleConstant()->GetValue() == 2.0))) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // FP_MUL dst, src, 2.0
+ // with
+ // FP_ADD dst, src, src
+ // The 'int' and 'long' cases are handled below.
+ block->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(instruction,
+ new (allocator) HAdd(type, input_other, input_other));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Primitive::IsIntOrLongType(type)) {
+ int64_t factor = Int64FromConstant(input_cst);
+ // We expect the `0` case to have been handled in the constant folding pass.
+ DCHECK_NE(factor, 0);
+ if (IsPowerOfTwo(factor)) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // MUL dst, src, pow_of_2
+ // with
+ // SHL dst, src, log2(pow_of_2)
+ HIntConstant* shift = new (allocator) HIntConstant(WhichPowerOf2(factor));
+ block->InsertInstructionBefore(shift, instruction);
+ HShl* shl = new(allocator) HShl(type, input_other, shift);
+ block->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(instruction, shl);
+ }
+ }
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitOr(HOr* instruction) {
+ HConstant* input_cst = instruction->GetConstantRight();
+ HInstruction* input_other = instruction->GetLeastConstantLeft();
+ if ((input_cst != nullptr) && input_cst->IsZero()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // OR dst, src, 0
+ // with
+ // src
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(input_other);
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ return;
+ }
+ // We assume that GVN has run before, so we only perform a pointer comparison.
+ // If for some reason the values are equal but the pointers are different, we
+ // are still correct and only miss an optimisation opportunity.
+ if (instruction->GetLeft() == instruction->GetRight()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // OR dst, src, src
+ // with
+ // src
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(instruction->GetLeft());
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ }
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitShl(HShl* instruction) {
+ VisitShift(instruction);
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitShr(HShr* instruction) {
+ VisitShift(instruction);
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitSub(HSub* instruction) {
+ HConstant* input_cst = instruction->GetConstantRight();
+ HInstruction* input_other = instruction->GetLeastConstantLeft();
+ if ((input_cst != nullptr) && input_cst->IsZero()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // SUB dst, src, 0
+ // with
+ // src
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(input_other);
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ return;
+ }
+ Primitive::Type type = instruction->GetType();
+ if (!Primitive::IsIntegralType(type)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ HBasicBlock* block = instruction->GetBlock();
+ ArenaAllocator* allocator = GetGraph()->GetArena();
+ if (instruction->GetLeft()->IsConstant()) {
+ int64_t left = Int64FromConstant(instruction->GetLeft()->AsConstant());
+ if (left == 0) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // SUB dst, 0, src
+ // with
+ // NEG dst, src
+ // Note that we cannot optimise `0.0 - x` to `-x` for floating-point. When
+ // `x` is `0.0`, the former expression yields `0.0`, while the later
+ // yields `-0.0`.
+ HNeg* neg = new (allocator) HNeg(type, instruction->GetRight());
+ block->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(instruction, neg);
+ }
+ }
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitUShr(HUShr* instruction) {
+ VisitShift(instruction);
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitXor(HXor* instruction) {
+ HConstant* input_cst = instruction->GetConstantRight();
+ HInstruction* input_other = instruction->GetLeastConstantLeft();
+ if ((input_cst != nullptr) && input_cst->IsZero()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // XOR dst, src, 0
+ // with
+ // src
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(input_other);
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((input_cst != nullptr) && AreAllBitsSet(input_cst)) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // XOR dst, src, 0xFFF...FF
+ // with
+ // NOT dst, src
+ HNot* bitwise_not = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) HNot(instruction->GetType(), input_other);
+ instruction->GetBlock()->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(instruction, bitwise_not);
+ return;
+ }
} // namespace art