Run a simplification pass before code generation.

The code generators assume things that only the instruction
simplier ensures. So it has to be run last in case previous
optimiziations broke those assumptions.


Change-Id: I1f84016017bf691c2a34982e202a505b269f609a
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index c695abe..8d43ada 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -340,9 +340,11 @@
   InstructionSimplifier* simplify2 = new (arena) InstructionSimplifier(
       graph, stats, "instruction_simplifier_after_types");
   InstructionSimplifier* simplify3 = new (arena) InstructionSimplifier(
-      graph, stats, "last_instruction_simplifier");
+      graph, stats, "instruction_simplifier_after_bce");
   ReferenceTypePropagation* type_propagation2 =
       new (arena) ReferenceTypePropagation(graph, handles);
+  InstructionSimplifier* simplify4 = new (arena) InstructionSimplifier(
+      graph, stats, "instruction_simplifier_before_codegen");
   IntrinsicsRecognizer* intrinsics = new (arena) IntrinsicsRecognizer(graph, driver);
@@ -367,6 +369,10 @@
+    // The codegen has a few assumptions that only the instruction simplifier can
+    // satisfy. For example, the code generator does not expect to see a
+    // HTypeConversion from a type to the same type.
+    simplify4,
   RunOptimizations(optimizations, arraysize(optimizations), pass_info_printer);