Test-runner: Accept positional arguments

Make it possible to specify names of tests without the "-t"

Test: ./art/test.py -r -t 001 -t 002 003 004
Change-Id: Id7f55b5277decaaeb79347475ae4ee00ae5b5095
diff --git a/test/testrunner/testrunner.py b/test/testrunner/testrunner.py
index d760fa9..32aa814 100755
--- a/test/testrunner/testrunner.py
+++ b/test/testrunner/testrunner.py
@@ -1110,7 +1110,9 @@
   global csv_result
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Runs all or a subset of the ART test suite.")
-  parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', action='append', dest='tests', help='name(s) of the test(s)')
+  parser.add_argument('tests', action='extend', nargs="*", help='name(s) of the test(s)')
+  parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', action='append', dest='tests', help='name(s) of the test(s)'
+      ' (deprecated: use positional arguments at the end without any option instead)')
   global_group = parser.add_argument_group('Global options',
                                            'Options that affect all tests being run')
   global_group.add_argument('-j', type=int, dest='n_thread', help="""Number of CPUs to use.