Isolate concurrent collector related libcore failures.

Expect CC-related failures on the CC configuration only.

Bug: 25883050
Change-Id: I326f727fef3eb8048a08d195ddcee85e1319810b
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 11ed8b9..f346239 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -32,6 +32,12 @@
   exit 1
+expectations="--expectations art/tools/libcore_failures.txt"
+if [ "x$ART_USE_READ_BARRIER" = xtrue ]; then
+  # Tolerate some more failures on the concurrent collector configurations.
+  expectations="$expectations --expectations art/tools/libcore_failures_concurrent_collector.txt"
 if [ "$ANDROID_SERIAL" = "emulator-5554" ]; then
@@ -105,4 +111,4 @@
 # Run the tests using vogar.
 echo "Running tests for the following test packages:"
 echo ${working_packages[@]} | tr " " "\n"
-vogar $vogar_args --vm-arg -Xusejit:true --expectations art/tools/libcore_failures.txt --classpath $jsr166_test_jar --classpath $test_jar ${working_packages[@]}
+vogar $vogar_args --vm-arg -Xusejit:true $expectations --classpath $jsr166_test_jar --classpath $test_jar ${working_packages[@]}