JNI: Rewrite read barrier slow path.
Preserve all argument registers in the slow path to prepare
for moving arguments in registers for @FastNative. Move the
read barrier check earlier as it logically belongs to the
transition frame creation. For Baker read barriers, add a
mark bit check with fast return to the main path.
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: testrunner.py --host --optimizing
Test: run-gtests.sh
Test: testrunner.py --target --optimizing
Bug: 172332525
Change-Id: I50bbc0bc9d54577281e7667aafebb4a53a539af1
diff --git a/compiler/jni/quick/jni_compiler.cc b/compiler/jni/quick/jni_compiler.cc
index 9d96372..82c2555 100644
--- a/compiler/jni/quick/jni_compiler.cc
+++ b/compiler/jni/quick/jni_compiler.cc
@@ -224,8 +224,10 @@
- // 1. Build the frame saving all callee saves, Method*, and PC return address.
- // For @CriticalNative, this includes space for out args, otherwise just the managed frame.
+ // 1. Build and register the native method frame.
+ // 1.1. Build the frame saving all callee saves, Method*, and PC return address.
+ // For @CriticalNative, this includes space for out args, otherwise just the managed frame.
const size_t managed_frame_size = main_jni_conv->FrameSize();
const size_t main_out_arg_size = main_jni_conv->OutFrameSize();
size_t current_frame_size = is_critical_native ? main_out_arg_size : managed_frame_size;
@@ -235,42 +237,12 @@
__ BuildFrame(current_frame_size, method_register, callee_save_regs);
DCHECK_EQ(jni_asm->cfi().GetCurrentCFAOffset(), static_cast<int>(current_frame_size));
- if (LIKELY(!is_critical_native)) {
- // Spill all register arguments.
- // TODO: Pass these in a single call to let the assembler use multi-register stores.
- // TODO: Spill native stack args straight to their stack locations (adjust SP earlier).
- // TODO: For @FastNative, move args in registers, spill only references.
- mr_conv->ResetIterator(FrameOffset(current_frame_size));
- for (; mr_conv->HasNext(); mr_conv->Next()) {
- if (mr_conv->IsCurrentParamInRegister()) {
- size_t size = mr_conv->IsCurrentParamALongOrDouble() ? 8u : 4u;
- __ Store(mr_conv->CurrentParamStackOffset(), mr_conv->CurrentParamRegister(), size);
- }
- }
- // 2. Write out the end of the quick frames.
- __ StoreStackPointerToThread(Thread::TopOfManagedStackOffset<kPointerSize>());
- // NOTE: @CriticalNative does not need to store the stack pointer to the thread
- // because garbage collections are disabled within the execution of a
- // @CriticalNative method.
- } // if (!is_critical_native)
- // 3. Move frame down to allow space for out going args.
- size_t current_out_arg_size = main_out_arg_size;
- if (UNLIKELY(is_critical_native)) {
- DCHECK_EQ(main_out_arg_size, current_frame_size);
- } else {
- __ IncreaseFrameSize(main_out_arg_size);
- current_frame_size += main_out_arg_size;
- }
- // 4. Check if we need to go to the slow path to emit the read barrier for the declaring class
- // in the method for a static call.
- // Skip this for @CriticalNative because we're not passing a `jclass` to the native method.
+ // 1.2. Check if we need to go to the slow path to emit the read barrier
+ // for the declaring class in the method for a static call.
+ // Skip this for @CriticalNative because we're not passing a `jclass` to the native method.
std::unique_ptr<JNIMacroLabel> jclass_read_barrier_slow_path;
std::unique_ptr<JNIMacroLabel> jclass_read_barrier_return;
- if (kUseReadBarrier && is_static && !is_critical_native) {
+ if (kUseReadBarrier && is_static && LIKELY(!is_critical_native)) {
jclass_read_barrier_slow_path = __ CreateLabel();
jclass_read_barrier_return = __ CreateLabel();
@@ -281,9 +253,43 @@
__ Bind(jclass_read_barrier_return.get());
- // 5. Call into appropriate JniMethodStart passing Thread* so that transition out of Runnable
- // can occur. We abuse the JNI calling convention here, that is guaranteed to support passing
- // two pointer arguments.
+ // 1.3. Write out the end of the quick frames.
+ // NOTE: @CriticalNative does not need to store the stack pointer to the thread
+ // because garbage collections are disabled within the execution of a
+ // @CriticalNative method.
+ if (LIKELY(!is_critical_native)) {
+ __ StoreStackPointerToThread(Thread::TopOfManagedStackOffset<kPointerSize>());
+ }
+ // 2. Call into appropriate JniMethodStart to transition out of Runnable for normal native.
+ // 2.1. Spill all register arguments to preserve them across the JniMethodStart call.
+ if (LIKELY(!is_critical_native)) {
+ // TODO: Pass these in a single call to let the assembler use multi-register stores.
+ // TODO: Spill native stack args straight to their stack locations (adjust SP earlier).
+ // TODO: For @FastNative, move args in registers, spill only references.
+ mr_conv->ResetIterator(FrameOffset(current_frame_size));
+ for (; mr_conv->HasNext(); mr_conv->Next()) {
+ if (mr_conv->IsCurrentParamInRegister()) {
+ size_t size = mr_conv->IsCurrentParamALongOrDouble() ? 8u : 4u;
+ __ Store(mr_conv->CurrentParamStackOffset(), mr_conv->CurrentParamRegister(), size);
+ }
+ }
+ } // if (!is_critical_native)
+ // 2.2. Move frame down to allow space for out going args.
+ // This prepares for both the JniMethodStart call as well as the main native call.
+ size_t current_out_arg_size = main_out_arg_size;
+ if (UNLIKELY(is_critical_native)) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(main_out_arg_size, current_frame_size);
+ } else {
+ __ IncreaseFrameSize(main_out_arg_size);
+ current_frame_size += main_out_arg_size;
+ }
+ // 2.3. Call into appropriate JniMethodStart passing Thread* so that transition out of Runnable
+ // can occur. We abuse the JNI calling convention here, that is guaranteed to support
+ // passing two pointer arguments.
std::unique_ptr<JNIMacroLabel> monitor_enter_exception_slow_path =
UNLIKELY(is_synchronized) ? __ CreateLabel() : nullptr;
if (LIKELY(!is_critical_native && !is_fast_native)) {
@@ -329,7 +335,7 @@
- // 6. Push local reference frame.
+ // 3. Push local reference frame.
// Skip this for @CriticalNative methods, they cannot use any references.
ManagedRegister jni_env_reg = ManagedRegister::NoRegister();
ManagedRegister saved_cookie_reg = ManagedRegister::NoRegister();
@@ -353,7 +359,9 @@
jni_asm.get(), jni_env_reg, saved_cookie_reg, callee_save_temp);
- // 7. Fill arguments.
+ // 4. Make the main native call.
+ // 4.1. Fill arguments.
if (UNLIKELY(is_critical_native)) {
ArenaVector<ArgumentLocation> src_args(allocator.Adapter());
ArenaVector<ArgumentLocation> dest_args(allocator.Adapter());
@@ -432,8 +440,8 @@
CopyParameter(jni_asm.get(), mr_conv.get(), main_jni_conv.get());
- // 8. For static method, create jclass argument as a pointer to the method's declaring class.
- // Make sure the method is in a register even for non-static methods.
+ // 4.2. For static method, create jclass argument as a pointer to the method's declaring class.
+ // Make sure the method is in a register even for non-static methods.
DCHECK_EQ(ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().SizeValue(), 0u);
FrameOffset method_offset =
FrameOffset(current_out_arg_size + mr_conv->MethodStackOffset().SizeValue());
@@ -468,7 +476,7 @@
// Set the iterator back to the incoming Method*.
- // 9. Create 1st argument, the JNI environment ptr.
+ // 4.3. Create 1st argument, the JNI environment ptr.
if (main_jni_conv->IsCurrentParamInRegister()) {
ManagedRegister jni_env_arg = main_jni_conv->CurrentParamRegister();
__ Move(jni_env_arg, jni_env_reg, kRawPointerSize);
@@ -478,7 +486,7 @@
- // 10. Plant call to native code associated with method.
+ // 4.4. Plant call to native code associated with method.
MemberOffset jni_entrypoint_offset =
if (UNLIKELY(is_critical_native)) {
@@ -495,7 +503,7 @@
method_register = ManagedRegister::NoRegister();
- // 11. Fix differences in result widths.
+ // 4.5. Fix differences in result widths.
if (main_jni_conv->RequiresSmallResultTypeExtension()) {
CHECK(!is_critical_native || !main_jni_conv->UseTailCall());
@@ -511,7 +519,10 @@
- // 12. Process return value
+ // 5. Call into appropriate JniMethodEnd to transition out of Runnable for normal native.
+ // 5.1. Spill or move the return value if needed.
+ // TODO: Use `callee_save_temp` instead of stack slot when possible.
bool spill_return_value = main_jni_conv->SpillsReturnValue();
FrameOffset return_save_location =
spill_return_value ? main_jni_conv->ReturnValueSaveLocation() : FrameOffset(0);
@@ -546,16 +557,16 @@
- // 13. For @FastNative that returns a reference, do an early exception check so that the
- // `JniDecodeReferenceResult()` in the main path does not need to check for exceptions.
+ // 5.2. For @FastNative that returns a reference, do an early exception check so that the
+ // `JniDecodeReferenceResult()` in the main path does not need to check for exceptions.
std::unique_ptr<JNIMacroLabel> exception_slow_path =
LIKELY(!is_critical_native) ? __ CreateLabel() : nullptr;
if (UNLIKELY(is_fast_native) && reference_return) {
__ ExceptionPoll(exception_slow_path.get());
- // 14. For @FastNative that returns a reference, do an early suspend check so that we
- // do not need to encode the decoded reference in a stack map.
+ // 5.3. For @FastNative that returns a reference, do an early suspend check so that we
+ // do not need to encode the decoded reference in a stack map.
std::unique_ptr<JNIMacroLabel> suspend_check_slow_path =
UNLIKELY(is_fast_native) ? __ CreateLabel() : nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<JNIMacroLabel> suspend_check_resume =
@@ -566,7 +577,7 @@
if (LIKELY(!is_critical_native)) {
- // Increase frame size for out args if needed by the end_jni_conv.
+ // 5.4. Increase frame size for out args if needed by the end_jni_conv.
const size_t end_out_arg_size = end_jni_conv->OutFrameSize();
if (end_out_arg_size > current_out_arg_size) {
@@ -578,8 +589,8 @@
- // 15. Call JniMethodEnd for normal native.
- // For @FastNative with reference return, decode the `jobject`.
+ // 5.5. Call JniMethodEnd for normal native.
+ // For @FastNative with reference return, decode the `jobject`.
if (LIKELY(!is_fast_native) || reference_return) {
ThreadOffset<kPointerSize> jni_end = is_fast_native
? QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(kPointerSize, pJniDecodeReferenceResult)
@@ -631,42 +642,44 @@
- // 16. Reload return value
+ // 5.6. Reload return value if it was spilled.
if (spill_return_value) {
__ Load(mr_conv->ReturnRegister(), return_save_location, mr_conv->SizeOfReturnValue());
} // if (!is_critical_native)
- // 17. Pop local reference frame.
+ // 6. Pop local reference frame.
if (LIKELY(!is_critical_native)) {
jni_asm.get(), jni_env_reg, saved_cookie_reg, callee_save_temp);
- // 18. Move frame up now we're done with the out arg space.
- // @CriticalNative remove out args together with the frame in RemoveFrame().
+ // 7. Return from the JNI stub.
+ // 7.1. Move frame up now we're done with the out arg space.
+ // @CriticalNative remove out args together with the frame in RemoveFrame().
if (LIKELY(!is_critical_native)) {
__ DecreaseFrameSize(current_out_arg_size);
current_frame_size -= current_out_arg_size;
- // 19. Process pending exceptions from JNI call or monitor exit.
- // @CriticalNative methods do not need exception poll in the stub.
- // @FastNative methods with reference return emit the exception poll earlier.
+ // 7.2. Process pending exceptions from JNI call or monitor exit.
+ // @CriticalNative methods do not need exception poll in the stub.
+ // @FastNative methods with reference return emit the exception poll earlier.
if (LIKELY(!is_critical_native) && (LIKELY(!is_fast_native) || !reference_return)) {
__ ExceptionPoll(exception_slow_path.get());
- // 20. For @FastNative, we never transitioned out of runnable, so there is no transition back.
- // Perform a suspend check if there is a flag raised, unless we have done that above
- // for reference return.
+ // 7.3. For @FastNative, we never transitioned out of runnable, so there is no transition back.
+ // Perform a suspend check if there is a flag raised, unless we have done that above
+ // for reference return.
if (UNLIKELY(is_fast_native) && !reference_return) {
__ SuspendCheck(suspend_check_slow_path.get());
__ Bind(suspend_check_resume.get());
- // 21. Remove activation - need to restore callee save registers since the GC may have changed
- // them.
+ // 7.4. Remove activation - need to restore callee save registers since the GC
+ // may have changed them.
DCHECK_EQ(jni_asm->cfi().GetCurrentCFAOffset(), static_cast<int>(current_frame_size));
if (LIKELY(!is_critical_native) || !main_jni_conv->UseTailCall()) {
// We expect the compiled method to possibly be suspended during its
@@ -676,63 +689,44 @@
DCHECK_EQ(jni_asm->cfi().GetCurrentCFAOffset(), static_cast<int>(current_frame_size));
- // 22. Read barrier slow path for the declaring class in the method for a static call.
- // Skip this for @CriticalNative because we're not passing a `jclass` to the native method.
+ // 8. Emit slow paths.
+ // 8.1. Read barrier slow path for the declaring class in the method for a static call.
+ // Skip this for @CriticalNative because we're not passing a `jclass` to the native method.
if (kUseReadBarrier && is_static && !is_critical_native) {
__ Bind(jclass_read_barrier_slow_path.get());
- // We do the marking check after adjusting for outgoing arguments. That ensures that
- // we have space available for at least two params in case we need to pass the read
- // barrier parameters on stack (only x86). But that means we must adjust the CFI
- // offset accordingly as it does not include the outgoing args after `RemoveFrame().
- if (main_out_arg_size != 0) {
- // Note: The DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset emitted by `RemoveFrame()` above
- // is useless when it is immediatelly overridden here but avoiding
- // it adds a lot of code complexity for minimal gain.
- jni_asm->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(main_out_arg_size);
- }
- // We enter the slow path with the method register unclobbered.
- method_register = mr_conv->MethodRegister();
// Construct slow path for read barrier:
- // Call into the runtime's ReadBarrierJni and have it fix up
- // the object address if it was moved.
+ // For baker read barrier, do a fast check whether the class is already marked.
+ //
+ // Call into the runtime's `art_read_barrier_jni` and have it fix up
+ // the class address if it was moved.
+ //
+ // The entrypoint preserves the method register and argument registers.
+ if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
+ // We enter the slow path with the method register unclobbered and callee-save
+ // registers already spilled, so we can use callee-save scratch registers.
+ method_register = mr_conv->MethodRegister();
+ ManagedRegister temp = __ CoreRegisterWithSize(
+ main_jni_conv->CalleeSaveScratchRegisters()[0], kObjectReferenceSize);
+ // Load the declaring class reference.
+ DCHECK_EQ(ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().SizeValue(), 0u);
+ __ Load(temp, method_register, MemberOffset(0u), kObjectReferenceSize);
+ // Return to main path if the class object is marked.
+ __ TestMarkBit(temp, jclass_read_barrier_return.get(), JNIMacroUnaryCondition::kNotZero);
+ }
ThreadOffset<kPointerSize> read_barrier = QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(kPointerSize,
- main_jni_conv->ResetIterator(FrameOffset(main_out_arg_size));
- // Pass the pointer to the method's declaring class as the first argument.
- DCHECK_EQ(ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().SizeValue(), 0u);
- SetNativeParameter(jni_asm.get(), main_jni_conv.get(), method_register);
- main_jni_conv->Next();
- // Pass the current thread as the second argument and call.
- if (main_jni_conv->IsCurrentParamInRegister()) {
- __ GetCurrentThread(main_jni_conv->CurrentParamRegister());
- __ Call(main_jni_conv->CurrentParamRegister(), Offset(read_barrier));
- } else {
- __ GetCurrentThread(main_jni_conv->CurrentParamStackOffset());
- __ CallFromThread(read_barrier);
- }
- if (UNLIKELY(is_synchronized || is_fast_native)) {
- // Reload the method pointer in the slow path because it is needed
- // as an argument for the `JniMethodStartSynchronized`, or for @FastNative.
- __ Load(method_register,
- FrameOffset(main_out_arg_size + mr_conv->MethodStackOffset().SizeValue()),
- kRawPointerSize);
- }
+ __ CallFromThread(read_barrier);
// Return to main path.
__ Jump(jclass_read_barrier_return.get());
- // Undo the CFI offset adjustment at the start of the slow path.
- if (main_out_arg_size != 0) {
- jni_asm->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-main_out_arg_size);
- }
- // 23. Emit suspend check slow path.
+ // 8.2. Suspend check slow path.
if (UNLIKELY(is_fast_native)) {
__ Bind(suspend_check_slow_path.get());
if (reference_return && main_out_arg_size != 0) {
@@ -752,7 +746,7 @@
__ Jump(suspend_check_resume.get());
- // 24. Emit exception poll slow paths.
+ // 8.3. Exception poll slow path(s).
if (LIKELY(!is_critical_native)) {
if (UNLIKELY(is_synchronized)) {
@@ -776,7 +770,7 @@
__ DeliverPendingException();
- // 21. Finalize code generation
+ // 9. Finalize code generation.
__ FinalizeCode();
size_t cs = __ CodeSize();
std::vector<uint8_t> managed_code(cs);
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/jni_macro_assembler_arm_vixl.cc b/compiler/utils/arm/jni_macro_assembler_arm_vixl.cc
index e81e378..2857ff4 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm/jni_macro_assembler_arm_vixl.cc
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/jni_macro_assembler_arm_vixl.cc
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <type_traits>
#include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints.h"
+#include "lock_word.h"
#include "thread.h"
using namespace vixl::aarch32; // NOLINT(build/namespaces)
@@ -1065,6 +1066,29 @@
+void ArmVIXLJNIMacroAssembler::TestMarkBit(ManagedRegister mref,
+ JNIMacroLabel* label,
+ JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) {
+ DCHECK(kUseBakerReadBarrier);
+ vixl32::Register ref = AsVIXLRegister(mref.AsArm());
+ UseScratchRegisterScope temps(asm_.GetVIXLAssembler());
+ vixl32::Register scratch = temps.Acquire();
+ ___ Ldr(scratch, MemOperand(ref, mirror::Object::MonitorOffset().SizeValue()));
+ static_assert(LockWord::kMarkBitStateSize == 1u);
+ ___ Tst(scratch, LockWord::kMarkBitStateMaskShifted);
+ switch (cond) {
+ case JNIMacroUnaryCondition::kZero:
+ ___ B(eq, ArmVIXLJNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsArm());
+ break;
+ case JNIMacroUnaryCondition::kNotZero:
+ ___ B(ne, ArmVIXLJNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsArm());
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemented unary condition: " << static_cast<int>(cond);
+ }
void ArmVIXLJNIMacroAssembler::Bind(JNIMacroLabel* label) {
CHECK(label != nullptr);
___ Bind(ArmVIXLJNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsArm());
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/jni_macro_assembler_arm_vixl.h b/compiler/utils/arm/jni_macro_assembler_arm_vixl.h
index 07ace97..f4dc1d1 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm/jni_macro_assembler_arm_vixl.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/jni_macro_assembler_arm_vixl.h
@@ -197,6 +197,8 @@
void Jump(JNIMacroLabel* label) override;
// Emit a conditional jump to the label by applying a unary condition test to the GC marking flag.
void TestGcMarking(JNIMacroLabel* label, JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) override;
+ // Emit a conditional jump to the label by applying a unary condition test to object's mark bit.
+ void TestMarkBit(ManagedRegister ref, JNIMacroLabel* label, JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) override;
// Code at this offset will serve as the target for the Jump call.
void Bind(JNIMacroLabel* label) override;
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm64/jni_macro_assembler_arm64.cc b/compiler/utils/arm64/jni_macro_assembler_arm64.cc
index f7144d0..57e0823 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm64/jni_macro_assembler_arm64.cc
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm64/jni_macro_assembler_arm64.cc
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "jni_macro_assembler_arm64.h"
#include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints.h"
+#include "lock_word.h"
#include "managed_register_arm64.h"
#include "offsets.h"
#include "thread.h"
@@ -804,6 +805,28 @@
+void Arm64JNIMacroAssembler::TestMarkBit(ManagedRegister m_ref,
+ JNIMacroLabel* label,
+ JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) {
+ DCHECK(kUseBakerReadBarrier);
+ Register ref = reg_x(m_ref.AsArm64().AsOverlappingXRegister());
+ UseScratchRegisterScope temps(asm_.GetVIXLAssembler());
+ Register scratch = temps.AcquireW();
+ ___ Ldr(scratch, MEM_OP(ref, mirror::Object::MonitorOffset().SizeValue()));
+ static_assert(LockWord::kMarkBitStateSize == 1u);
+ switch (cond) {
+ case JNIMacroUnaryCondition::kZero:
+ ___ Tbz(scratch, LockWord::kMarkBitStateShift, Arm64JNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsArm64());
+ break;
+ case JNIMacroUnaryCondition::kNotZero:
+ ___ Tbnz(scratch, LockWord::kMarkBitStateShift, Arm64JNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsArm64());
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemented unary condition: " << static_cast<int>(cond);
+ }
void Arm64JNIMacroAssembler::Bind(JNIMacroLabel* label) {
CHECK(label != nullptr);
___ Bind(Arm64JNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsArm64());
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm64/jni_macro_assembler_arm64.h b/compiler/utils/arm64/jni_macro_assembler_arm64.h
index 5d6a0e4..32f1ea9 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm64/jni_macro_assembler_arm64.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm64/jni_macro_assembler_arm64.h
@@ -181,6 +181,8 @@
void Jump(JNIMacroLabel* label) override;
// Emit a conditional jump to the label by applying a unary condition test to the GC marking flag.
void TestGcMarking(JNIMacroLabel* label, JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) override;
+ // Emit a conditional jump to the label by applying a unary condition test to object's mark bit.
+ void TestMarkBit(ManagedRegister ref, JNIMacroLabel* label, JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) override;
// Code at this offset will serve as the target for the Jump call.
void Bind(JNIMacroLabel* label) override;
diff --git a/compiler/utils/jni_macro_assembler.h b/compiler/utils/jni_macro_assembler.h
index 0ccf4cd..7f5dc2f 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/jni_macro_assembler.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/jni_macro_assembler.h
@@ -257,6 +257,10 @@
virtual void Jump(JNIMacroLabel* label) = 0;
// Emit a conditional jump to the label by applying a unary condition test to the GC marking flag.
virtual void TestGcMarking(JNIMacroLabel* label, JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) = 0;
+ // Emit a conditional jump to the label by applying a unary condition test to object's mark bit.
+ virtual void TestMarkBit(ManagedRegister ref,
+ JNIMacroLabel* label,
+ JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) = 0;
// Code at this offset will serve as the target for the Jump call.
virtual void Bind(JNIMacroLabel* label) = 0;
diff --git a/compiler/utils/x86/jni_macro_assembler_x86.cc b/compiler/utils/x86/jni_macro_assembler_x86.cc
index f805556..2e7f23d 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/x86/jni_macro_assembler_x86.cc
+++ b/compiler/utils/x86/jni_macro_assembler_x86.cc
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "base/casts.h"
#include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints.h"
+#include "lock_word.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "utils/assembler.h"
@@ -590,27 +591,37 @@
__ jmp(X86JNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsX86());
-void X86JNIMacroAssembler::TestGcMarking(JNIMacroLabel* label, JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) {
- CHECK(label != nullptr);
- art::x86::Condition x86_cond;
+static Condition UnaryConditionToX86Condition(JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) {
switch (cond) {
case JNIMacroUnaryCondition::kZero:
- x86_cond = art::x86::kZero;
- break;
+ return kZero;
case JNIMacroUnaryCondition::kNotZero:
- x86_cond = art::x86::kNotZero;
- break;
+ return kNotZero;
LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemented condition: " << static_cast<int>(cond);
+void X86JNIMacroAssembler::TestGcMarking(JNIMacroLabel* label, JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) {
+ CHECK(label != nullptr);
// CMP self->tls32_.is_gc_marking, 0
// Jcc <Offset>
DCHECK_EQ(Thread::IsGcMarkingSize(), 4u);
__ fs()->cmpl(Address::Absolute(Thread::IsGcMarkingOffset<kX86PointerSize>()), Immediate(0));
- __ j(x86_cond, X86JNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsX86());
+ __ j(UnaryConditionToX86Condition(cond), X86JNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsX86());
+void X86JNIMacroAssembler::TestMarkBit(ManagedRegister mref,
+ JNIMacroLabel* label,
+ JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) {
+ DCHECK(kUseBakerReadBarrier);
+ Register ref = mref.AsX86().AsCpuRegister();
+ static_assert(LockWord::kMarkBitStateSize == 1u);
+ __ testl(Address(ref, mirror::Object::MonitorOffset().SizeValue()),
+ Immediate(LockWord::kMarkBitStateMaskShifted));
+ __ j(UnaryConditionToX86Condition(cond), X86JNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsX86());
void X86JNIMacroAssembler::Bind(JNIMacroLabel* label) {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/x86/jni_macro_assembler_x86.h b/compiler/utils/x86/jni_macro_assembler_x86.h
index 486cd7e..68822f8 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/x86/jni_macro_assembler_x86.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/x86/jni_macro_assembler_x86.h
@@ -173,6 +173,8 @@
void Jump(JNIMacroLabel* label) override;
// Emit a conditional jump to the label by applying a unary condition test to the GC marking flag.
void TestGcMarking(JNIMacroLabel* label, JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) override;
+ // Emit a conditional jump to the label by applying a unary condition test to object's mark bit.
+ void TestMarkBit(ManagedRegister ref, JNIMacroLabel* label, JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) override;
// Code at this offset will serve as the target for the Jump call.
void Bind(JNIMacroLabel* label) override;
diff --git a/compiler/utils/x86_64/jni_macro_assembler_x86_64.cc b/compiler/utils/x86_64/jni_macro_assembler_x86_64.cc
index fcc517e..afed413 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/x86_64/jni_macro_assembler_x86_64.cc
+++ b/compiler/utils/x86_64/jni_macro_assembler_x86_64.cc
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "base/casts.h"
#include "base/memory_region.h"
#include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints.h"
+#include "lock_word.h"
#include "thread.h"
namespace art {
@@ -673,28 +674,38 @@
__ jmp(X86_64JNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsX86_64());
-void X86_64JNIMacroAssembler::TestGcMarking(JNIMacroLabel* label, JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) {
- CHECK(label != nullptr);
- art::x86_64::Condition x86_64_cond;
+static Condition UnaryConditionToX86_64Condition(JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) {
switch (cond) {
case JNIMacroUnaryCondition::kZero:
- x86_64_cond = art::x86_64::kZero;
- break;
+ return kZero;
case JNIMacroUnaryCondition::kNotZero:
- x86_64_cond = art::x86_64::kNotZero;
- break;
+ return kNotZero;
LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemented condition: " << static_cast<int>(cond);
+void X86_64JNIMacroAssembler::TestGcMarking(JNIMacroLabel* label, JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) {
+ CHECK(label != nullptr);
// CMP self->tls32_.is_gc_marking, 0
// Jcc <Offset>
DCHECK_EQ(Thread::IsGcMarkingSize(), 4u);
__ gs()->cmpl(Address::Absolute(Thread::IsGcMarkingOffset<kX86_64PointerSize>(), true),
- __ j(x86_64_cond, X86_64JNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsX86_64());
+ __ j(UnaryConditionToX86_64Condition(cond), X86_64JNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsX86_64());
+void X86_64JNIMacroAssembler::TestMarkBit(ManagedRegister mref,
+ JNIMacroLabel* label,
+ JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) {
+ DCHECK(kUseBakerReadBarrier);
+ CpuRegister ref = mref.AsX86_64().AsCpuRegister();
+ static_assert(LockWord::kMarkBitStateSize == 1u);
+ __ testl(Address(ref, mirror::Object::MonitorOffset().SizeValue()),
+ Immediate(LockWord::kMarkBitStateMaskShifted));
+ __ j(UnaryConditionToX86_64Condition(cond), X86_64JNIMacroLabel::Cast(label)->AsX86_64());
void X86_64JNIMacroAssembler::Bind(JNIMacroLabel* label) {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/x86_64/jni_macro_assembler_x86_64.h b/compiler/utils/x86_64/jni_macro_assembler_x86_64.h
index baebf48..71c3035 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/x86_64/jni_macro_assembler_x86_64.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/x86_64/jni_macro_assembler_x86_64.h
@@ -193,6 +193,8 @@
void Jump(JNIMacroLabel* label) override;
// Emit a conditional jump to the label by applying a unary condition test to the GC marking flag.
void TestGcMarking(JNIMacroLabel* label, JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) override;
+ // Emit a conditional jump to the label by applying a unary condition test to object's mark bit.
+ void TestMarkBit(ManagedRegister ref, JNIMacroLabel* label, JNIMacroUnaryCondition cond) override;
// Code at this offset will serve as the target for the Jump call.
void Bind(JNIMacroLabel* label) override;