Revert "Revert "ART: Compiler support for invoke-polymorphic.""
This reverts commit 0fb5af1c8287b1ec85c55c306a1c43820c38a337.
This takes us back to the original change and attempts to fix the
issues encountered:
- Adds transition record push/pop around artInvokePolymorphic.
- Changes X86/X64 relocations for MacSDK.
- Implements MIPS entrypoint for art_quick_invoke_polymorphic.
- Corrects size of returned reference in art_quick_invoke_polymorphic
on ARM.
Bug: 30550796,33191393
Test: art/test/run-test 953
Test: m test-art-run-test
Change-Id: Ib6b93e00b37b9d4ab743a3470ab3d77fe857cda8
diff --git a/runtime/arch/mips/quick_entrypoints_mips.S b/runtime/arch/mips/quick_entrypoints_mips.S
index 964ea56..3acc0a9 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/mips/quick_entrypoints_mips.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/mips/quick_entrypoints_mips.S
@@ -2230,7 +2230,7 @@
li $v0, -1 # return -1;
sll $v0, $a2, 1 # $a0 += $a2 * 2
- addu $a0, $a0, $v0 # " " " " "
+ addu $a0, $a0, $v0 # " ditto "
move $v0, $a2 # Set i to fromIndex.
@@ -2280,3 +2280,65 @@
j $ra
END art_quick_string_compareto
+.extern artInvokePolymorphic
+ENTRY art_quick_invoke_polymorphic
+ move $a2, rSELF # Make $a2 an alias for the current Thread.
+ move $a3, $sp # Make $a3 a pointer to the saved frame context.
+ addiu $sp, $sp, -24 # Reserve space for JValue result and 4 words for callee.
+ .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 24
+ sw $zero, 20($sp) # Initialize JValue result.
+ sw $zero, 16($sp)
+ addiu $a0, $sp, 16 # Make $a0 a pointer to the JValue result
+ la $t9, artInvokePolymorphic
+ jalr $t9 # (result, receiver, Thread*, context)
+ nop
+.macro MATCH_RETURN_TYPE c, handler
+ li $t0, \c
+ beq $v0, $t0, \handler
+ MATCH_RETURN_TYPE 'V', .Lcleanup_and_return
+ MATCH_RETURN_TYPE 'L', .Lstore_int_result
+ MATCH_RETURN_TYPE 'I', .Lstore_int_result
+ MATCH_RETURN_TYPE 'J', .Lstore_long_result
+ MATCH_RETURN_TYPE 'B', .Lstore_int_result
+ MATCH_RETURN_TYPE 'C', .Lstore_char_result
+ MATCH_RETURN_TYPE 'D', .Lstore_double_result
+ MATCH_RETURN_TYPE 'F', .Lstore_float_result
+ MATCH_RETURN_TYPE 'S', .Lstore_int_result
+ nop
+ b .Lcleanup_and_return
+ nop
+ lbu $v0, 16($sp) # Move byte from JValue result to return value register.
+ b .Lcleanup_and_return
+ nop
+ lhu $v0, 16($sp) # Move char from JValue result to return value register.
+ b .Lcleanup_and_return
+ nop
+ LDu $f0, $f1, 16, $sp, $t0 # Move double/float from JValue result to return value register.
+ b .Lcleanup_and_return
+ nop
+ lw $v1, 20($sp) # Move upper bits from JValue result to return value register.
+ // Fall-through for lower bits.
+ lw $v0, 16($sp) # Move lower bits from JValue result to return value register.
+ // Fall-through to clean up and return.
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 24 # Remove space for JValue result and the 4 words for the callee.
+ .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -24
+ lw $t7, THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET(rSELF) # Load Thread::Current()->exception_
+ bnez $t7, 1f # Success if no exception is pending.
+ nop
+ jalr $zero, $ra
+ nop
+END art_quick_invoke_polymorphic