Refactor code so that JIT can parse compiler options.

Currently only the CompilerOptions class. We should also
do it for the CompilerDriver options.

This will fix the flakiness seen on jdwp testing, as the
debuggable flag was not passed to the compiler.

Change-Id: I4218dd5928c9f4fe2d6191ab11e5598e7cf84bcf
diff --git a/compiler/driver/compiler_options.h b/compiler/driver/compiler_options.h
index 18f215d..e6acab4 100644
--- a/compiler/driver/compiler_options.h
+++ b/compiler/driver/compiler_options.h
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include "base/macros.h"
+#include "dex/pass_manager.h"
 #include "globals.h"
+#include "utils.h"
 namespace art {
-class PassManagerOptions;
 class CompilerOptions FINAL {
   enum CompilerFilter {
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@
   static const bool kDefaultIncludePatchInformation = false;
   static const size_t kDefaultInlineDepthLimit = 3;
   static const size_t kDefaultInlineMaxCodeUnits = 20;
+  static constexpr size_t kUnsetInlineDepthLimit = -1;
+  static constexpr size_t kUnsetInlineMaxCodeUnits = -1;
   // Default inlining settings when the space filter is used.
   static constexpr size_t kSpaceFilterInlineDepthLimit = 3;
@@ -78,7 +80,6 @@
                   bool implicit_suspend_checks,
                   bool compile_pic,
                   const std::vector<std::string>* verbose_methods,
-                  PassManagerOptions* pass_manager_options,
                   std::ostream* init_failure_output,
                   bool abort_on_hard_verifier_failure);
@@ -200,47 +201,64 @@
   std::ostream* GetInitFailureOutput() const {
-    return init_failure_output_;
+    return init_failure_output_.get();
   const PassManagerOptions* GetPassManagerOptions() const {
-    return pass_manager_options_.get();
+    return &pass_manager_options_;
   bool AbortOnHardVerifierFailure() const {
     return abort_on_hard_verifier_failure_;
+  bool ParseCompilerOption(const StringPiece& option, UsageFn Usage);
+  void ParseDumpInitFailures(const StringPiece& option, UsageFn Usage);
+  void ParsePassOptions(const StringPiece& option, UsageFn Usage);
+  void ParseDumpCfgPasses(const StringPiece& option, UsageFn Usage);
+  void ParsePrintPasses(const StringPiece& option, UsageFn Usage);
+  void ParseDisablePasses(const StringPiece& option, UsageFn Usage);
+  void ParseInlineMaxCodeUnits(const StringPiece& option, UsageFn Usage);
+  void ParseInlineDepthLimit(const StringPiece& option, UsageFn Usage);
+  void ParseNumDexMethods(const StringPiece& option, UsageFn Usage);
+  void ParseTinyMethodMax(const StringPiece& option, UsageFn Usage);
+  void ParseSmallMethodMax(const StringPiece& option, UsageFn Usage);
+  void ParseLargeMethodMax(const StringPiece& option, UsageFn Usage);
+  void ParseHugeMethodMax(const StringPiece& option, UsageFn Usage);
   CompilerFilter compiler_filter_;
-  const size_t huge_method_threshold_;
-  const size_t large_method_threshold_;
-  const size_t small_method_threshold_;
-  const size_t tiny_method_threshold_;
-  const size_t num_dex_methods_threshold_;
-  const size_t inline_depth_limit_;
-  const size_t inline_max_code_units_;
-  const bool include_patch_information_;
+  size_t huge_method_threshold_;
+  size_t large_method_threshold_;
+  size_t small_method_threshold_;
+  size_t tiny_method_threshold_;
+  size_t num_dex_methods_threshold_;
+  size_t inline_depth_limit_;
+  size_t inline_max_code_units_;
+  bool include_patch_information_;
   // When using a profile file only the top K% of the profiled samples will be compiled.
-  const double top_k_profile_threshold_;
-  const bool debuggable_;
-  const bool generate_debug_info_;
-  const bool implicit_null_checks_;
-  const bool implicit_so_checks_;
-  const bool implicit_suspend_checks_;
-  const bool compile_pic_;
+  double top_k_profile_threshold_;
+  bool debuggable_;
+  bool generate_debug_info_;
+  bool implicit_null_checks_;
+  bool implicit_so_checks_;
+  bool implicit_suspend_checks_;
+  bool compile_pic_;
   // Vector of methods to have verbose output enabled for.
-  const std::vector<std::string>* const verbose_methods_;
+  const std::vector<std::string>* verbose_methods_;
-  std::unique_ptr<PassManagerOptions> pass_manager_options_;
+  PassManagerOptions pass_manager_options_;
   // Abort compilation with an error if we find a class that fails verification with a hard
   // failure.
-  const bool abort_on_hard_verifier_failure_;
+  bool abort_on_hard_verifier_failure_;
   // Log initialization of initialization failures to this stream if not null.
-  std::ostream* const init_failure_output_;
+  std::unique_ptr<std::ostream> init_failure_output_;
+  friend class Dex2Oat;