Runtime implementation of try catch inlining

The main differences in the runtime are:
1) We now use a list of dex_pcs to find the correct catch handler
   instead of a single dex pc
2) We now need to restore vregs of the whole frame, which may be
   an inline frame.

Bug: 227283224
Test: art/test/testrunner/ --host --64 --optimizing -b
Change-Id: I95d2f32088e1d420c83962a1693be18f3b63f8b4
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index c13a355..31428d5 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include "art_method-inl.h"
+#include "base/globals.h"
 #include "base/stl_util.h"
 #include "class_linker.h"
 #include "dex/dex_file.h"
@@ -101,16 +102,21 @@
-void StackMapStream::BeginStackMapEntry(uint32_t dex_pc,
-                                        uint32_t native_pc_offset,
-                                        uint32_t register_mask,
-                                        BitVector* stack_mask,
-                                        StackMap::Kind kind,
-                                        bool needs_vreg_info) {
+void StackMapStream::BeginStackMapEntry(
+    uint32_t dex_pc,
+    uint32_t native_pc_offset,
+    uint32_t register_mask,
+    BitVector* stack_mask,
+    StackMap::Kind kind,
+    bool needs_vreg_info,
+    const std::vector<uint32_t>& dex_pc_list_for_catch_verification) {
   DCHECK(in_method_) << "Call BeginMethod first";
   DCHECK(!in_stack_map_) << "Mismatched Begin/End calls";
   in_stack_map_ = true;
+  DCHECK_IMPLIES(!dex_pc_list_for_catch_verification.empty(), kind == StackMap::Kind::Catch);
+  DCHECK_IMPLIES(!dex_pc_list_for_catch_verification.empty(), kIsDebugBuild);
   current_stack_map_ = BitTableBuilder<StackMap>::Entry();
   current_stack_map_[StackMap::kKind] = static_cast<uint32_t>(kind);
   current_stack_map_[StackMap::kPackedNativePc] =
@@ -151,7 +157,8 @@
         CHECK_EQ(stack_map.Row(), stack_map_index);
       } else if (kind == StackMap::Kind::Catch) {
-        StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetCatchStackMapForDexPc(dex_pc);
+        StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetCatchStackMapForDexPc(
+            ArrayRef<const uint32_t>(dex_pc_list_for_catch_verification));
         CHECK_EQ(stack_map.Row(), stack_map_index);
       StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetStackMapAt(stack_map_index);