Runtime implementation of try catch inlining
The main differences in the runtime are:
1) We now use a list of dex_pcs to find the correct catch handler
instead of a single dex pc
2) We now need to restore vregs of the whole frame, which may be
an inline frame.
Bug: 227283224
Test: art/test/testrunner/ --host --64 --optimizing -b
Change-Id: I95d2f32088e1d420c83962a1693be18f3b63f8b4
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index f86e0b9..f55ba8e 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -194,15 +194,13 @@
OatQuickMethodHeader* header = OatQuickMethodHeader::FromEntryPoint(
- fake_stack.push_back(header->ToNativeQuickPc(
- method_g_, kDexPc, /* is_for_catch_handler= */ false)); // return pc
+ fake_stack.push_back(header->ToNativeQuickPc(method_g_, kDexPc)); // return pc
// Create/push fake 16byte stack frame for method g
- fake_stack.push_back(header->ToNativeQuickPc(
- method_g_, kDexPc, /* is_for_catch_handler= */ false)); // return pc
+ fake_stack.push_back(header->ToNativeQuickPc(method_g_, kDexPc)); // return pc
// Create/push fake 16byte stack frame for method f
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index bd8db30..1c5912d 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "code_generator.h"
+#include "base/globals.h"
#include "code_generator_arm_vixl.h"
@@ -1339,8 +1340,11 @@
- // Get the outer dex_pc
- uint32_t outer_dex_pc = block->GetDexPc();
+ // Get the outer dex_pc. We save the full environment list for DCHECK purposes in kIsDebugBuild.
+ std::vector<uint32_t> dex_pc_list_for_verification;
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ dex_pc_list_for_verification.push_back(block->GetDexPc());
+ }
HEnvironment* const environment = block->GetFirstInstruction()->GetEnvironment();
@@ -1348,15 +1352,26 @@
HEnvironment* outer_environment = environment;
while (outer_environment->GetParent() != nullptr) {
outer_environment = outer_environment->GetParent();
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ dex_pc_list_for_verification.push_back(outer_environment->GetDexPc());
+ }
- outer_dex_pc = outer_environment->GetDexPc();
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ // dex_pc_list_for_verification is set from innnermost to outermost. Let's reverse it
+ // since we are expected to pass from outermost to innermost.
+ std::reverse(dex_pc_list_for_verification.begin(), dex_pc_list_for_verification.end());
+ DCHECK_EQ(dex_pc_list_for_verification.front(), outer_environment->GetDexPc());
+ }
uint32_t native_pc = GetAddressOf(block);
- stack_map_stream->BeginStackMapEntry(outer_dex_pc,
+ stack_map_stream->BeginStackMapEntry(outer_environment->GetDexPc(),
/* register_mask= */ 0,
/* sp_mask= */ nullptr,
- StackMap::Kind::Catch);
+ StackMap::Kind::Catch,
+ /* needs_vreg_info= */ true,
+ dex_pc_list_for_verification);
/* slow_path= */ nullptr,
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index c13a355..31428d5 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include "art_method-inl.h"
+#include "base/globals.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "class_linker.h"
#include "dex/dex_file.h"
@@ -101,16 +102,21 @@
-void StackMapStream::BeginStackMapEntry(uint32_t dex_pc,
- uint32_t native_pc_offset,
- uint32_t register_mask,
- BitVector* stack_mask,
- StackMap::Kind kind,
- bool needs_vreg_info) {
+void StackMapStream::BeginStackMapEntry(
+ uint32_t dex_pc,
+ uint32_t native_pc_offset,
+ uint32_t register_mask,
+ BitVector* stack_mask,
+ StackMap::Kind kind,
+ bool needs_vreg_info,
+ const std::vector<uint32_t>& dex_pc_list_for_catch_verification) {
DCHECK(in_method_) << "Call BeginMethod first";
DCHECK(!in_stack_map_) << "Mismatched Begin/End calls";
in_stack_map_ = true;
+ DCHECK_IMPLIES(!dex_pc_list_for_catch_verification.empty(), kind == StackMap::Kind::Catch);
+ DCHECK_IMPLIES(!dex_pc_list_for_catch_verification.empty(), kIsDebugBuild);
current_stack_map_ = BitTableBuilder<StackMap>::Entry();
current_stack_map_[StackMap::kKind] = static_cast<uint32_t>(kind);
current_stack_map_[StackMap::kPackedNativePc] =
@@ -151,7 +157,8 @@
CHECK_EQ(stack_map.Row(), stack_map_index);
} else if (kind == StackMap::Kind::Catch) {
- StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetCatchStackMapForDexPc(dex_pc);
+ StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetCatchStackMapForDexPc(
+ ArrayRef<const uint32_t>(dex_pc_list_for_catch_verification));
CHECK_EQ(stack_map.Row(), stack_map_index);
StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetStackMapAt(stack_map_index);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/stack_map_stream.h b/compiler/optimizing/stack_map_stream.h
index 1aaa6ae..2ba6027 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/stack_map_stream.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/stack_map_stream.h
@@ -68,12 +68,15 @@
bool debuggable);
void EndMethod(size_t code_size);
- void BeginStackMapEntry(uint32_t dex_pc,
- uint32_t native_pc_offset,
- uint32_t register_mask = 0,
- BitVector* sp_mask = nullptr,
- StackMap::Kind kind = StackMap::Kind::Default,
- bool needs_vreg_info = true);
+ void BeginStackMapEntry(
+ uint32_t dex_pc,
+ uint32_t native_pc_offset,
+ uint32_t register_mask = 0,
+ BitVector* sp_mask = nullptr,
+ StackMap::Kind kind = StackMap::Kind::Default,
+ bool needs_vreg_info = true,
+ const std::vector<uint32_t>& dex_pc_list_for_catch_verification = std::vector<uint32_t>());
void EndStackMapEntry();
void AddDexRegisterEntry(DexRegisterLocation::Kind kind, int32_t value) {
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 8fbf02a..f0764da 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -57,33 +57,61 @@
uintptr_t OatQuickMethodHeader::ToNativeQuickPc(ArtMethod* method,
const uint32_t dex_pc,
- bool is_for_catch_handler,
bool abort_on_failure) const {
const void* entry_point = GetEntryPoint();
+ // For catch handlers use the ArrayRef<const uint32_t> version of ToNativeQuickPc.
+ DCHECK(!IsNterpMethodHeader());
+ DCHECK(IsOptimized());
+ // Search for the dex-to-pc mapping in stack maps.
+ CodeInfo code_info = CodeInfo::DecodeInlineInfoOnly(this);
+ StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetStackMapForDexPc(dex_pc);
+ if (stack_map.IsValid()) {
+ return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(entry_point) + stack_map.GetNativePcOffset(kRuntimeISA);
+ }
+ if (abort_on_failure) {
+ ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to find native offset for dex pc 0x" << std::hex << dex_pc << " in "
+ << method->PrettyMethod();
+ }
+ return UINTPTR_MAX;
+uintptr_t OatQuickMethodHeader::ToNativeQuickPcForCatchHandlers(
+ ArtMethod* method,
+ ArrayRef<const uint32_t> dex_pc_list,
+ /* out */ uint32_t* stack_map_row,
+ bool abort_on_failure) const {
+ const void* entry_point = GetEntryPoint();
+ DCHECK(!method->IsNative());
if (IsNterpMethodHeader()) {
- // This should only be called on an nterp frame for getting a catch handler.
- CHECK(is_for_catch_handler);
return NterpGetCatchHandler();
// Search for the dex-to-pc mapping in stack maps.
CodeInfo code_info = CodeInfo::DecodeInlineInfoOnly(this);
- // All stack maps are stored in the same CodeItem section, safepoint stack
- // maps first, then catch stack maps. We use `is_for_catch_handler` to select
- // the order of iteration.
- StackMap stack_map =
- LIKELY(is_for_catch_handler) ? code_info.GetCatchStackMapForDexPc(dex_pc)
- : code_info.GetStackMapForDexPc(dex_pc);
+ StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetCatchStackMapForDexPc(dex_pc_list);
+ *stack_map_row = stack_map.Row();
if (stack_map.IsValid()) {
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(entry_point) +
if (abort_on_failure) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ bool first = true;
+ ss << "Failed to find native offset for dex pcs (from outermost to innermost) " << std::hex;
+ for (auto dex_pc : dex_pc_list) {
+ if (!first) {
+ ss << ", ";
+ }
+ first = false;
+ ss << "0x" << dex_pc;
+ }
ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
- LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to find native offset for dex pc 0x" << std::hex << dex_pc
- << " in " << method->PrettyMethod();
+ ss << " in " << method->PrettyMethod();
+ LOG(FATAL) << ss.str();
diff --git a/runtime/oat_quick_method_header.h b/runtime/oat_quick_method_header.h
index 8e6d08e..769d67f 100644
--- a/runtime/oat_quick_method_header.h
+++ b/runtime/oat_quick_method_header.h
@@ -161,11 +161,17 @@
return frame_size - core_spill_size - fpu_spill_size - kShouldDeoptimizeFlagSize;
+ // For non-catch handlers. Only used in test code.
uintptr_t ToNativeQuickPc(ArtMethod* method,
const uint32_t dex_pc,
- bool is_for_catch_handler,
bool abort_on_failure = true) const;
+ // For catch handlers.
+ uintptr_t ToNativeQuickPcForCatchHandlers(ArtMethod* method,
+ ArrayRef<const uint32_t> dex_pc_list,
+ /* out */ uint32_t* stack_map_row,
+ bool abort_on_failure = true) const;
uint32_t ToDexPc(ArtMethod** frame,
const uintptr_t pc,
bool abort_on_failure = true) const
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 82f5034..b9dd3e1 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -15,11 +15,14 @@
#include "quick_exception_handler.h"
#include <ios>
#include <queue>
+#include <sstream>
#include "arch/context.h"
#include "art_method-inl.h"
+#include "base/array_ref.h"
#include "base/enums.h"
#include "base/globals.h"
#include "base/logging.h" // For VLOG_IS_ON.
@@ -56,7 +59,6 @@
- handler_dex_pc_(0),
full_fragment_done_(false) {}
@@ -133,10 +135,12 @@
uint32_t found_dex_pc = method->FindCatchBlock(to_find, dex_pc, &clear_exception);
if (found_dex_pc != dex::kDexNoIndex) {
- exception_handler_->SetHandlerDexPc(found_dex_pc);
+ exception_handler_->SetHandlerDexPcList(ComputeDexPcList(found_dex_pc));
+ uint32_t stack_map_row = -1;
- GetCurrentOatQuickMethodHeader()->ToNativeQuickPc(
- method, found_dex_pc, /* is_for_catch_handler= */ true));
+ GetCurrentOatQuickMethodHeader()->ToNativeQuickPcForCatchHandlers(
+ method, exception_handler_->GetHandlerDexPcList(), &stack_map_row));
+ exception_handler_->SetCatchStackMapRow(stack_map_row);
return false; // End stack walk.
@@ -215,10 +219,24 @@
if (GetHandlerMethod() != nullptr) {
const DexFile* dex_file = GetHandlerMethod()->GetDexFile();
- int line_number =
- annotations::GetLineNumFromPC(dex_file, GetHandlerMethod(), handler_dex_pc_);
+ DCHECK_GE(handler_dex_pc_list_.size(), 1u);
+ int line_number = annotations::GetLineNumFromPC(
+ dex_file, GetHandlerMethod(), handler_dex_pc_list_.front());
+ // We may have an inlined method. If so, we can add some extra logging.
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ArtMethod* maybe_inlined_method = visitor.GetMethod();
+ if (maybe_inlined_method != GetHandlerMethod()) {
+ const DexFile* inlined_dex_file = maybe_inlined_method->GetDexFile();
+ DCHECK_GE(handler_dex_pc_list_.size(), 2u);
+ int inlined_line_number = annotations::GetLineNumFromPC(
+ inlined_dex_file, maybe_inlined_method, handler_dex_pc_list_.back());
+ ss << " which ends up calling inlined method " << maybe_inlined_method->PrettyMethod()
+ << " (line: " << inlined_line_number << ")";
+ }
LOG(INFO) << "Handler: " << GetHandlerMethod()->PrettyMethod() << " (line: "
- << line_number << ")";
+ << line_number << ")" << ss.str();
// Exception was cleared as part of delivery.
@@ -283,15 +301,18 @@
self_->DumpStack(LOG_STREAM(INFO) << "Setting catch phis: ");
- CodeItemDataAccessor accessor(GetHandlerMethod()->DexInstructionData());
- const size_t number_of_vregs = accessor.RegistersSize();
CodeInfo code_info(handler_method_header_);
// Find stack map of the catch block.
- StackMap catch_stack_map = code_info.GetCatchStackMapForDexPc(GetHandlerDexPc());
+ ArrayRef<const uint32_t> dex_pc_list = GetHandlerDexPcList();
+ DCHECK_GE(dex_pc_list.size(), 1u);
+ StackMap catch_stack_map = code_info.GetStackMapAt(GetCatchStackMapRow());
- DexRegisterMap catch_vreg_map = code_info.GetDexRegisterMapOf(catch_stack_map);
- DCHECK_EQ(catch_vreg_map.size(), number_of_vregs);
+ DCHECK_EQ(catch_stack_map.Row(), code_info.GetCatchStackMapForDexPc(dex_pc_list).Row());
+ const uint32_t catch_depth = dex_pc_list.size() - 1;
+ const size_t number_of_registers = stack_visitor->GetNumberOfRegisters(&code_info, catch_depth);
+ DexRegisterMap catch_vreg_map =
+ code_info.GetDexRegisterMapOf(catch_stack_map, /* first= */ 0, number_of_registers);
if (!catch_vreg_map.HasAnyLiveDexRegisters()) {
@@ -301,26 +322,47 @@
StackMap throw_stack_map =
- DexRegisterMap throw_vreg_map = code_info.GetDexRegisterMapOf(throw_stack_map);
- DCHECK_EQ(throw_vreg_map.size(), number_of_vregs);
+ const uint32_t throw_depth = stack_visitor->InlineDepth();
+ DCHECK_EQ(throw_depth, catch_depth);
+ DexRegisterMap throw_vreg_map =
+ code_info.GetDexRegisterMapOf(throw_stack_map, /* first= */ 0, number_of_registers);
+ DCHECK_EQ(throw_vreg_map.size(), catch_vreg_map.size());
- // Copy values between them.
- for (uint16_t vreg = 0; vreg < number_of_vregs; ++vreg) {
- DexRegisterLocation::Kind catch_location = catch_vreg_map[vreg].GetKind();
- if (catch_location == DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kNone) {
+ // First vreg that it is part of the catch's environment.
+ const size_t catch_vreg_start = catch_depth == 0
+ ? 0
+ : stack_visitor->GetNumberOfRegisters(&code_info, catch_depth - 1);
+ // We don't need to copy anything in the parent's environment.
+ for (size_t vreg = 0; vreg < catch_vreg_start; ++vreg) {
+ DexRegisterLocation::Kind catch_location_kind = catch_vreg_map[vreg].GetKind();
+ DCHECK(catch_location_kind == DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kNone ||
+ catch_location_kind == DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kConstant ||
+ catch_location_kind == DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kInStack)
+ << "Unexpected catch_location_kind: " << catch_location_kind;
+ }
+ // Copy values between the throw and the catch.
+ for (size_t vreg = catch_vreg_start; vreg < catch_vreg_map.size(); ++vreg) {
+ DexRegisterLocation::Kind catch_location_kind = catch_vreg_map[vreg].GetKind();
+ if (catch_location_kind == DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kNone) {
- DCHECK(catch_location == DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kInStack);
- // Get vreg value from its current location.
+ // Consistency checks.
+ DCHECK_EQ(catch_location_kind, DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kInStack);
uint32_t vreg_value;
VRegKind vreg_kind = ToVRegKind(throw_vreg_map[vreg].GetKind());
- bool get_vreg_success =
- stack_visitor->GetVReg(stack_visitor->GetMethod(),
- vreg,
- vreg_kind,
- &vreg_value,
- throw_vreg_map[vreg]);
+ DCHECK_NE(vreg_kind, kReferenceVReg)
+ << "The fast path in GetVReg doesn't expect a kReferenceVReg.";
+ // Get vreg value from its current location.
+ bool get_vreg_success = stack_visitor->GetVReg(stack_visitor->GetMethod(),
+ vreg,
+ vreg_kind,
+ &vreg_value,
+ throw_vreg_map[vreg],
+ /* need_full_register_list= */ true);
CHECK(get_vreg_success) << "VReg " << vreg << " was optimized out ("
<< "method=" << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(stack_visitor->GetMethod())
<< ", dex_pc=" << stack_visitor->GetDexPc() << ", "
@@ -701,8 +743,10 @@
if (!is_deoptimization_ &&
handler_method_header_ != nullptr &&
handler_method_header_->IsNterpMethodHeader()) {
+ // Interpreter procceses one method at a time i.e. not inlining
+ DCHECK_EQ(handler_dex_pc_list_.size(), 1u) << "We shouldn't have any inlined frames.";
- GetHandlerMethod()->DexInstructions().Insns() + handler_dex_pc_));
+ GetHandlerMethod()->DexInstructions().Insns() + handler_dex_pc_list_.front()));
diff --git a/runtime/quick_exception_handler.h b/runtime/quick_exception_handler.h
index 9554f1d..c87e38d 100644
--- a/runtime/quick_exception_handler.h
+++ b/runtime/quick_exception_handler.h
@@ -18,10 +18,13 @@
#include <android-base/logging.h>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "base/array_ref.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/mutex.h"
#include "deoptimization_kind.h"
+#include "stack_map.h"
#include "stack_reference.h"
namespace art {
@@ -103,12 +106,20 @@
return *handler_quick_frame_;
- uint32_t GetHandlerDexPc() const {
- return handler_dex_pc_;
+ ArrayRef<const uint32_t> GetHandlerDexPcList() const {
+ return ArrayRef<const uint32_t>(handler_dex_pc_list_);
- void SetHandlerDexPc(uint32_t dex_pc) {
- handler_dex_pc_ = dex_pc;
+ void SetHandlerDexPcList(std::vector<uint32_t>&& handler_dex_pc_list) {
+ handler_dex_pc_list_ = std::move(handler_dex_pc_list);
+ }
+ uint32_t GetCatchStackMapRow() const {
+ return catch_stack_map_row_;
+ }
+ void SetCatchStackMapRow(uint32_t stack_map_row) {
+ catch_stack_map_row_ = stack_map_row;
bool GetClearException() const {
@@ -151,8 +162,11 @@
const OatQuickMethodHeader* handler_method_header_;
// The value for argument 0.
uintptr_t handler_quick_arg0_;
- // The handler's dex PC, zero implies an uncaught exception.
- uint32_t handler_dex_pc_;
+ // The handler's dex PC list including the inline dex_pcs. The dex_pcs are ordered from outermost
+ // to innermost. An empty list implies an uncaught exception.
+ std::vector<uint32_t> handler_dex_pc_list_;
+ // StackMap row corresponding to the found catch.
+ uint32_t catch_stack_map_row_;
// Should the exception be cleared as the catch block has no move-exception?
bool clear_exception_;
// Frame depth of the catch handler or the upcall.
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 5ee20e5..c83814a 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -140,6 +140,29 @@
+std::vector<uint32_t> StackVisitor::ComputeDexPcList(uint32_t handler_dex_pc) const {
+ std::vector<uint32_t> result;
+ if (cur_shadow_frame_ == nullptr && cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr && IsInInlinedFrame()) {
+ const BitTableRange<InlineInfo>& infos = current_inline_frames_;
+ DCHECK_NE(infos.size(), 0u);
+ // Outermost dex_pc.
+ result.push_back(GetCurrentStackMap()->GetDexPc());
+ // The mid dex_pcs. Note that we skip the last one since we want to change that for
+ // `handler_dex_pc`.
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < infos.size() - 1; ++index) {
+ result.push_back(infos[index].GetDexPc());
+ }
+ }
+ // The innermost dex_pc has to be the handler dex_pc. In the case of no inline frames, it will be
+ // just the one dex_pc. In the case of inlining we will be replacing the innermost InlineInfo's
+ // dex_pc with this one.
+ result.push_back(handler_dex_pc);
+ return result;
extern "C" mirror::Object* artQuickGetProxyThisObject(ArtMethod** sp)
@@ -213,7 +236,8 @@
uint16_t vreg,
VRegKind kind,
uint32_t* val,
- std::optional<DexRegisterLocation> location) const {
+ std::optional<DexRegisterLocation> location,
+ bool need_full_register_list) const {
if (cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr) {
DCHECK(context_ != nullptr); // You can't reliably read registers without a context.
DCHECK(m == GetMethod());
@@ -235,10 +259,10 @@
// which does not decode the stack maps.
result = GetVRegFromOptimizedCode(location.value(), val);
// Compare to the slower overload.
- DCHECK_EQ(result, GetVRegFromOptimizedCode(m, vreg, kind, &val2));
+ DCHECK_EQ(result, GetVRegFromOptimizedCode(m, vreg, kind, &val2, need_full_register_list));
DCHECK_EQ(*val, val2);
} else {
- result = GetVRegFromOptimizedCode(m, vreg, kind, val);
+ result = GetVRegFromOptimizedCode(m, vreg, kind, val, need_full_register_list);
if (kind == kReferenceVReg) {
@@ -261,16 +285,20 @@
+size_t StackVisitor::GetNumberOfRegisters(CodeInfo* code_info, int depth) const {
+ return depth == 0
+ ? code_info->GetNumberOfDexRegisters()
+ : current_inline_frames_[depth - 1].GetNumberOfDexRegisters();
bool StackVisitor::GetVRegFromOptimizedCode(ArtMethod* m,
uint16_t vreg,
VRegKind kind,
- uint32_t* val) const {
+ uint32_t* val,
+ bool need_full_register_list) const {
DCHECK_EQ(m, GetMethod());
// Can't be null or how would we compile its instructions?
DCHECK(m->GetCodeItem() != nullptr) << m->PrettyMethod();
- CodeItemDataAccessor accessor(m->DexInstructionData());
- uint16_t number_of_dex_registers = accessor.RegistersSize();
- DCHECK_LT(vreg, number_of_dex_registers);
const OatQuickMethodHeader* method_header = GetCurrentOatQuickMethodHeader();
CodeInfo code_info(method_header);
@@ -278,13 +306,18 @@
StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetStackMapForNativePcOffset(native_pc_offset);
- DexRegisterMap dex_register_map = IsInInlinedFrame()
- ? code_info.GetInlineDexRegisterMapOf(stack_map, current_inline_frames_.back())
- : code_info.GetDexRegisterMapOf(stack_map);
+ DexRegisterMap dex_register_map = (IsInInlinedFrame() && !need_full_register_list)
+ ? code_info.GetInlineDexRegisterMapOf(stack_map, current_inline_frames_.back())
+ : code_info.GetDexRegisterMapOf(stack_map,
+ /* first= */ 0,
+ GetNumberOfRegisters(&code_info, InlineDepth()));
if (dex_register_map.empty()) {
return false;
- DCHECK_EQ(dex_register_map.size(), number_of_dex_registers);
+ const size_t number_of_dex_registers = dex_register_map.size();
+ DCHECK_LT(vreg, number_of_dex_registers);
DexRegisterLocation::Kind location_kind = dex_register_map[vreg].GetKind();
switch (location_kind) {
case DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kInStack: {
diff --git a/runtime/stack.h b/runtime/stack.h
index bfda57b..56f38ae 100644
--- a/runtime/stack.h
+++ b/runtime/stack.h
@@ -192,6 +192,12 @@
uint32_t GetDexPc(bool abort_on_failure = true) const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+ // Returns a vector of the inlined dex pcs, in order from outermost to innermost but it replaces
+ // the innermost one with `handler_dex_pc`. In essence, (outermost dex pc, mid dex pc #1, ..., mid
+ // dex pc #n-1, `handler_dex_pc`).
+ std::vector<uint32_t> ComputeDexPcList(uint32_t handler_dex_pc) const
+ REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
ObjPtr<mirror::Object> GetThisObject() const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
size_t GetNativePcOffset() const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
@@ -225,9 +231,8 @@
uint16_t vreg,
VRegKind kind,
uint32_t* val,
- std::optional<DexRegisterLocation> location =
- std::optional<DexRegisterLocation>()) const
- REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+ std::optional<DexRegisterLocation> location = std::optional<DexRegisterLocation>(),
+ bool need_full_register_list = false) const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
bool GetVRegPair(ArtMethod* m, uint16_t vreg, VRegKind kind_lo, VRegKind kind_hi,
uint64_t* val) const
@@ -263,10 +268,16 @@
return !current_inline_frames_.empty();
+ size_t InlineDepth() const { return current_inline_frames_.size(); }
InlineInfo GetCurrentInlinedFrame() const {
return current_inline_frames_.back();
+ const BitTableRange<InlineInfo>& GetCurrentInlinedFrames() const {
+ return current_inline_frames_;
+ }
uintptr_t GetCurrentQuickFramePc() const {
return cur_quick_frame_pc_;
@@ -306,6 +317,11 @@
return (should_deopt_flag & static_cast<uint8_t>(DeoptimizeFlagValue::kDebug)) != 0;
+ // Return the number of dex register in the map from the outermost frame to the number of inlined
+ // frames indicated by `depth`. If `depth` is 0, grab just the registers from the outermost level.
+ // If it is greater than 0, grab as many inline frames as `depth` indicates.
+ size_t GetNumberOfRegisters(CodeInfo* code_info, int depth) const;
// Private constructor known in the case that num_frames_ has already been computed.
StackVisitor(Thread* thread,
@@ -334,7 +350,8 @@
bool GetVRegFromOptimizedCode(ArtMethod* m,
uint16_t vreg,
VRegKind kind,
- uint32_t* val) const
+ uint32_t* val,
+ bool need_full_register_list = false) const
bool GetVRegPairFromDebuggerShadowFrame(uint16_t vreg,
diff --git a/runtime/stack_map.h b/runtime/stack_map.h
index 430aaa3..514d30e 100644
--- a/runtime/stack_map.h
+++ b/runtime/stack_map.h
@@ -20,9 +20,12 @@
#include <limits>
#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
+#include "base/array_ref.h"
#include "base/bit_memory_region.h"
#include "base/bit_table.h"
#include "base/bit_utils.h"
+#include "base/globals.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory_region.h"
#include "dex/dex_file_types.h"
#include "dex_register_location.h"
@@ -360,15 +363,12 @@
return GetMethodInfoOf(inline_info).GetMethodIndex();
+ // Returns the dex registers for `stack_map`, ignoring any inlined dex registers.
ALWAYS_INLINE DexRegisterMap GetDexRegisterMapOf(StackMap stack_map) const {
- if (stack_map.HasDexRegisterMap()) {
- DexRegisterMap map(number_of_dex_registers_, DexRegisterLocation::Invalid());
- DecodeDexRegisterMap(stack_map.Row(), /* first_dex_register= */ 0, &map);
- return map;
- }
- return DexRegisterMap(0, DexRegisterLocation::None());
+ return GetDexRegisterMapOf(stack_map, /* first= */ 0, number_of_dex_registers_);
+ // Returns the dex register map of `inline_info`, and just those registers.
ALWAYS_INLINE DexRegisterMap GetInlineDexRegisterMapOf(StackMap stack_map,
InlineInfo inline_info) const {
if (stack_map.HasDexRegisterMap()) {
@@ -381,6 +381,17 @@
? number_of_dex_registers_
: inline_infos_.GetRow(inline_info.Row() - 1).GetNumberOfDexRegisters();
uint32_t last = inline_info.GetNumberOfDexRegisters();
+ return GetDexRegisterMapOf(stack_map, first, last);
+ }
+ return DexRegisterMap(0, DexRegisterLocation::None());
+ }
+ // Returns the dex register map of `stack_map` in the range the range [first, last).
+ ALWAYS_INLINE DexRegisterMap GetDexRegisterMapOf(StackMap stack_map,
+ uint32_t first,
+ uint32_t last) const {
+ if (stack_map.HasDexRegisterMap()) {
+ DCHECK_LE(first, last);
DexRegisterMap map(last - first, DexRegisterLocation::Invalid());
DecodeDexRegisterMap(stack_map.Row(), first, &map);
return map;
@@ -409,12 +420,39 @@
return stack_maps_.GetInvalidRow();
- // Searches the stack map list backwards because catch stack maps are stored at the end.
- StackMap GetCatchStackMapForDexPc(uint32_t dex_pc) const {
+ StackMap GetCatchStackMapForDexPc(ArrayRef<const uint32_t> dex_pcs) const {
+ // Searches the stack map list backwards because catch stack maps are stored at the end.
for (size_t i = GetNumberOfStackMaps(); i > 0; --i) {
StackMap stack_map = GetStackMapAt(i - 1);
- if (stack_map.GetDexPc() == dex_pc && stack_map.GetKind() == StackMap::Kind::Catch) {
- return stack_map;
+ if (UNLIKELY(stack_map.GetKind() != StackMap::Kind::Catch)) {
+ // Early break since we should have catch stack maps only at the end.
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ for (size_t j = i - 1; j > 0; --j) {
+ DCHECK(GetStackMapAt(j - 1).GetKind() != StackMap::Kind::Catch);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Both the handler dex_pc and all of the inline dex_pcs have to match i.e. we want dex_pcs to
+ // be [stack_map_dex_pc, inline_dex_pc_1, ..., inline_dex_pc_n].
+ if (stack_map.GetDexPc() != dex_pcs.front()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const BitTableRange<InlineInfo>& inline_infos = GetInlineInfosOf(stack_map);
+ if (inline_infos.size() == dex_pcs.size() - 1) {
+ bool matching_dex_pcs = true;
+ for (size_t inline_info_index = 0; inline_info_index < inline_infos.size();
+ ++inline_info_index) {
+ if (inline_infos[inline_info_index].GetDexPc() != dex_pcs[inline_info_index + 1]) {
+ matching_dex_pcs = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (matching_dex_pcs) {
+ return stack_map;
+ }
return stack_maps_.GetInvalidRow();
@@ -453,6 +491,10 @@
return (*code_info_data & kIsDebuggable) != 0;
+ uint32_t GetNumberOfDexRegisters() {
+ return number_of_dex_registers_;
+ }
// Scan backward to determine dex register locations at given stack map.
void DecodeDexRegisterMap(uint32_t stack_map_index,
diff --git a/test/004-ReferenceMap/ b/test/004-ReferenceMap/
index 0659c0b..c84bd88 100644
--- a/test/004-ReferenceMap/
+++ b/test/004-ReferenceMap/
@@ -25,9 +25,8 @@
int t_size = sizeof(t) / sizeof(*t); \
const OatQuickMethodHeader* method_header = GetCurrentOatQuickMethodHeader(); \
uintptr_t native_quick_pc = method_header->ToNativeQuickPc(GetMethod(), \
- dex_pc, \
- /* is_catch_handler */ false, \
- abort_if_not_found); \
+ dex_pc, \
+ abort_if_not_found); \
if (native_quick_pc != UINTPTR_MAX) { \
CheckReferences(t, \
t_size, \