Revert "Revert "Store resolved Strings for AOT code in .bss.""

Fixed oat_test to keep dex files alive. Fixed mips build.
Rewritten the .bss GC root visiting and added write barrier
to the artResolveStringFromCode().

Test: build aosp_mips-eng
Test: m ART_DEFAULT_GC_TYPE=SS test-art-target-host-gtest-oat_test
Test: Run ART test suite on host and Nexus 9.
Bug: 20323084
Bug: 30627598

This reverts commit 5f926055cb88089d8ca27243f35a9dfd89d981f0.

Change-Id: I07fa2278d82b8eb64964c9a4b66cb93726ccda6b
diff --git a/runtime/class_table.h b/runtime/class_table.h
index 8c91806..acb15c7 100644
--- a/runtime/class_table.h
+++ b/runtime/class_table.h
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 namespace art {
+class OatFile;
 namespace mirror {
   class ClassLoader;
 }  // namespace mirror
@@ -173,6 +175,8 @@
   // loader which may not be owned by the class loader must be held strongly live. Also dex caches
   // are held live to prevent them being unloading once they have classes in them.
   std::vector<GcRoot<mirror::Object>> strong_roots_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
+  // Keep track of oat files with GC roots associated with dex caches in `strong_roots_`.
+  std::vector<const OatFile*> oat_files_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
   friend class ImageWriter;  // for InsertWithoutLocks.