Improve quick codegen for aput-object.

1) don't type check known null.
2) if we know types in verify don't check at runtime.
3) if we're runtime checking then move all the code out-of-line.

Also, don't set up a callee-save frame for check-cast, do an instance-of test
then throw an exception if that fails.
Tidy quick entry point of Ldivmod to Lmod which it is on x86 and mips.
Fix monitor-enter/exit NPE for MIPS.
Fix benign bug in mirror::Class::CannotBeAssignedFromOtherTypes, a byte[]
cannot be assigned to from other types.

Change-Id: I9cb3859ec70cca71ed79331ec8df5bec969d6745
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h b/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
index 61f4484..21711e5 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
@@ -419,6 +419,9 @@
                  RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_obj, bool is_long_or_double, bool is_object);
     void GenIPut(uint32_t field_idx, int opt_flags, OpSize size,
                  RegLocation rl_src, RegLocation rl_obj, bool is_long_or_double, bool is_object);
+    void GenArrayObjPut(int opt_flags, RegLocation rl_array, RegLocation rl_index,
+                        RegLocation rl_src);
     void GenConstClass(uint32_t type_idx, RegLocation rl_dest);
     void GenConstString(uint32_t string_idx, RegLocation rl_dest);
     void GenNewInstance(uint32_t type_idx, RegLocation rl_dest);
@@ -475,6 +478,10 @@
     void CallRuntimeHelperImmRegLocationRegLocation(ThreadOffset helper_offset,
                                                     int arg0, RegLocation arg1, RegLocation arg2,
                                                     bool safepoint_pc);
+    void CallRuntimeHelperRegLocationRegLocationRegLocation(ThreadOffset helper_offset,
+                                                            RegLocation arg0, RegLocation arg1,
+                                                            RegLocation arg2,
+                                                            bool safepoint_pc);
     void GenInvoke(CallInfo* info);
     void FlushIns(RegLocation* ArgLocs, RegLocation rl_method);
     int GenDalvikArgsNoRange(CallInfo* info, int call_state, LIR** pcrLabel,
@@ -651,12 +658,11 @@
                                  RegLocation rl_src) = 0;
     virtual void GenSpecialCase(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir,
                                 SpecialCaseHandler special_case) = 0;
-    virtual void GenArrayObjPut(int opt_flags, RegLocation rl_array,
-                                RegLocation rl_index, RegLocation rl_src, int scale) = 0;
     virtual void GenArrayGet(int opt_flags, OpSize size, RegLocation rl_array,
                              RegLocation rl_index, RegLocation rl_dest, int scale) = 0;
     virtual void GenArrayPut(int opt_flags, OpSize size, RegLocation rl_array,
-                     RegLocation rl_index, RegLocation rl_src, int scale) = 0;
+                             RegLocation rl_index, RegLocation rl_src, int scale,
+                             bool card_mark) = 0;
     virtual void GenShiftImmOpLong(Instruction::Code opcode,
                                    RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src1,
                                    RegLocation rl_shift) = 0;