Put a handle on the String object.

Otherwise, a GC could occur in the loop below, and the String
be moved (note that there was already one for the Class object to
protect for that same problem).

Change-Id: I5ad0e0cac148bc6e028d05eff67f18932ec46ea8
diff --git a/runtime/native/java_lang_Class.cc b/runtime/native/java_lang_Class.cc
index 6b7ca40..0624da3 100644
--- a/runtime/native/java_lang_Class.cc
+++ b/runtime/native/java_lang_Class.cc
@@ -238,12 +238,13 @@
   DCHECK(name != nullptr);
   DCHECK(self != nullptr);
-  StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
+  StackHandleScope<2> hs(self);
   MutableHandle<mirror::Class> h_clazz(hs.NewHandle(clazz));
+  Handle<mirror::String> h_name(hs.NewHandle(name));
   // We search the current class, its direct interfaces then its superclass.
   while (h_clazz.Get() != nullptr) {
-    mirror::Field* result = GetDeclaredField(self, h_clazz.Get(), name);
+    mirror::Field* result = GetDeclaredField(self, h_clazz.Get(), h_name.Get());
     if ((result != nullptr) && (result->GetAccessFlags() & kAccPublic)) {
       return result;
     } else if (UNLIKELY(self->IsExceptionPending())) {
@@ -258,7 +259,7 @@
         return nullptr;
-      result = GetPublicFieldRecursive(self, iface, name);
+      result = GetPublicFieldRecursive(self, iface, h_name.Get());
       if (result != nullptr) {
         DCHECK(result->GetAccessFlags() & kAccPublic);
         return result;