Revert "Revert "Revert "Revert "Fixes and improvements in ReferenceTypePropagation""""
This reverts commit e344a8070d4549d513413c06767abf8a2c5e9709.
Change-Id: I400fab0e02ce3c11376cc1f3ae9c7cf2c82ffcc1
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index 7f446d4..5c5cecc 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -1596,6 +1596,7 @@
// Does not apply for all instructions, but having this at top level greatly
// simplifies the null check elimination.
+ // TODO: Consider merging can_be_null into ReferenceTypeInfo.
virtual bool CanBeNull() const {
DCHECK_EQ(GetType(), Primitive::kPrimNot) << "CanBeNull only applies to reference types";
return true;
@@ -4201,27 +4202,40 @@
class HBoundType : public HExpression<1> {
- HBoundType(HInstruction* input, ReferenceTypeInfo bound_type)
+ HBoundType(HInstruction* input, ReferenceTypeInfo upper_bound, bool upper_can_be_null)
: HExpression(Primitive::kPrimNot, SideEffects::None()),
- bound_type_(bound_type) {
+ upper_bound_(upper_bound),
+ upper_can_be_null_(upper_can_be_null),
+ can_be_null_(upper_can_be_null) {
DCHECK_EQ(input->GetType(), Primitive::kPrimNot);
SetRawInputAt(0, input);
- const ReferenceTypeInfo& GetBoundType() const { return bound_type_; }
+ // GetUpper* should only be used in reference type propagation.
+ const ReferenceTypeInfo& GetUpperBound() const { return upper_bound_; }
+ bool GetUpperCanBeNull() const { return upper_can_be_null_; }
- bool CanBeNull() const OVERRIDE {
- // `null instanceof ClassX` always return false so we can't be null.
- return false;
+ void SetCanBeNull(bool can_be_null) {
+ DCHECK(upper_can_be_null_ || !can_be_null);
+ can_be_null_ = can_be_null;
+ bool CanBeNull() const OVERRIDE { return can_be_null_; }
// Encodes the most upper class that this instruction can have. In other words
- // it is always the case that GetBoundType().IsSupertypeOf(GetReferenceType()).
- // It is used to bound the type in cases like `if (x instanceof ClassX) {}`
- const ReferenceTypeInfo bound_type_;
+ // it is always the case that GetUpperBound().IsSupertypeOf(GetReferenceType()).
+ // It is used to bound the type in cases like:
+ // if (x instanceof ClassX) {
+ // // uper_bound_ will be ClassX
+ // }
+ const ReferenceTypeInfo upper_bound_;
+ // Represents the top constraint that can_be_null_ cannot exceed (i.e. if this
+ // is false then can_be_null_ cannot be true).
+ const bool upper_can_be_null_;
+ bool can_be_null_;