Fill out the list of JDWP commands.
This also changes to reporting ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED rather than aborting for
a command we don't have a handler for. (As opposed to a command we have a
handler for, but whose handler just calls UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) --- there's
no change to that. This just means that for stuff like jdb's "threadlocks"
command that dalvik never supported, using it now causes jdb to say
"Command 'threadlocks' is not supported on the target VM" instead of causing
the VM to abort and jdb to be thereby disconnected.)
Change-Id: I1b7952d4ca6a540afb9fde6ae54de11b36345d4e
diff --git a/src/jdwp/ b/src/jdwp/
index c7db5e9..b30a6a2 100644
--- a/src/jdwp/
+++ b/src/jdwp/
@@ -1563,7 +1563,7 @@
/* VirtualMachine command set (1) */
{ 1, 1, handleVM_Version, "VirtualMachine.Version" },
{ 1, 2, handleVM_ClassesBySignature, "VirtualMachine.ClassesBySignature" },
- //1, 3, VirtualMachine.AllClasses
+ { 1, 3, NULL, "VirtualMachine.AllClasses" },
{ 1, 4, handleVM_AllThreads, "VirtualMachine.AllThreads" },
{ 1, 5, handleVM_TopLevelThreadGroups, "VirtualMachine.TopLevelThreadGroups" },
{ 1, 6, handleVM_Dispose, "VirtualMachine.Dispose" },
@@ -1575,23 +1575,23 @@
{ 1, 12, handleVM_Capabilities, "VirtualMachine.Capabilities" },
{ 1, 13, handleVM_ClassPaths, "VirtualMachine.ClassPaths" },
{ 1, 14, HandleVM_DisposeObjects, "VirtualMachine.DisposeObjects" },
- //1, 15, HoldEvents
- //1, 16, ReleaseEvents
+ { 1, 15, NULL, "VirtualMachine.HoldEvents" },
+ { 1, 16, NULL, "VirtualMachine.ReleaseEvents" },
{ 1, 17, handleVM_CapabilitiesNew, "VirtualMachine.CapabilitiesNew" },
- //1, 18, RedefineClasses
- //1, 19, SetDefaultStratum
- { 1, 20, handleVM_AllClassesWithGeneric, "VirtualMachine.AllClassesWithGeneric"},
- //1, 21, InstanceCounts
+ { 1, 18, NULL, "VirtualMachine.RedefineClasses" },
+ { 1, 19, NULL, "VirtualMachine.SetDefaultStratum" },
+ { 1, 20, handleVM_AllClassesWithGeneric, "VirtualMachine.AllClassesWithGeneric" },
+ { 1, 21, NULL, "VirtualMachine.InstanceCounts" },
/* ReferenceType command set (2) */
{ 2, 1, handleRT_Signature, "ReferenceType.Signature" },
{ 2, 2, handleRT_ClassLoader, "ReferenceType.ClassLoader" },
{ 2, 3, handleRT_Modifiers, "ReferenceType.Modifiers" },
- //2, 4, Fields
- //2, 5, Methods
+ { 2, 4, NULL, "ReferenceType.Fields" },
+ { 2, 5, NULL, "ReferenceType.Methods" },
{ 2, 6, handleRT_GetValues, "ReferenceType.GetValues" },
{ 2, 7, handleRT_SourceFile, "ReferenceType.SourceFile" },
- //2, 8, NestedTypes
+ { 2, 8, NULL, "ReferenceType.NestedTypes" },
{ 2, 9, handleRT_Status, "ReferenceType.Status" },
{ 2, 10, handleRT_Interfaces, "ReferenceType.Interfaces" },
{ 2, 11, handleRT_ClassObject, "ReferenceType.ClassObject" },
@@ -1599,9 +1599,9 @@
{ 2, 13, handleRT_SignatureWithGeneric, "ReferenceType.SignatureWithGeneric" },
{ 2, 14, handleRT_FieldsWithGeneric, "ReferenceType.FieldsWithGeneric" },
{ 2, 15, handleRT_MethodsWithGeneric, "ReferenceType.MethodsWithGeneric" },
- //2, 16, Instances
- //2, 17, ClassFileVersion
- //2, 18, ConstantPool
+ { 2, 16, NULL, "ReferenceType.Instances" },
+ { 2, 17, NULL, "ReferenceType.ClassFileVersion" },
+ { 2, 18, NULL, "ReferenceType.ConstantPool" },
/* ClassType command set (3) */
{ 3, 1, handleCT_Superclass, "ClassType.Superclass" },
@@ -1616,9 +1616,9 @@
/* Method command set (6) */
{ 6, 1, handleM_LineTable, "Method.LineTable" },
- //6, 2, VariableTable
- //6, 3, Bytecodes
- //6, 4, IsObsolete
+ { 6, 2, NULL, "Method.VariableTable" },
+ { 6, 3, NULL, "Method.Bytecodes" },
+ { 6, 4, NULL, "Method.IsObsolete" },
{ 6, 5, handleM_VariableTableWithGeneric, "Method.VariableTableWithGeneric" },
/* Field command set (8) */
@@ -1627,13 +1627,13 @@
{ 9, 1, handleOR_ReferenceType, "ObjectReference.ReferenceType" },
{ 9, 2, handleOR_GetValues, "ObjectReference.GetValues" },
{ 9, 3, handleOR_SetValues, "ObjectReference.SetValues" },
- //9, 4, (not defined)
- //9, 5, MonitorInfo
+ { 9, 4, NULL, "ObjectReference.UNUSED" },
+ { 9, 5, NULL, "ObjectReference.MonitorInfo" },
{ 9, 6, handleOR_InvokeMethod, "ObjectReference.InvokeMethod" },
{ 9, 7, handleOR_DisableCollection, "ObjectReference.DisableCollection" },
{ 9, 8, handleOR_EnableCollection, "ObjectReference.EnableCollection" },
{ 9, 9, handleOR_IsCollected, "ObjectReference.IsCollected" },
- //9, 10, ReferringObjects
+ { 9, 10, NULL, "ObjectReference.ReferringObjects" },
/* StringReference command set (10) */
{ 10, 1, handleSR_Value, "StringReference.Value" },
@@ -1646,13 +1646,13 @@
{ 11, 5, handleTR_ThreadGroup, "ThreadReference.ThreadGroup" },
{ 11, 6, handleTR_Frames, "ThreadReference.Frames" },
{ 11, 7, handleTR_FrameCount, "ThreadReference.FrameCount" },
- //11, 8, OwnedMonitors
+ { 11, 8, NULL, "ThreadReference.OwnedMonitors" },
{ 11, 9, handleTR_CurrentContendedMonitor, "ThreadReference.CurrentContendedMonitor" },
- //11, 10, Stop
- //11, 11, Interrupt
+ { 11, 10, NULL, "ThreadReference.Stop" },
+ { 11, 11, NULL,"ThreadReference.Interrupt" },
{ 11, 12, handleTR_SuspendCount, "ThreadReference.SuspendCount" },
- //11, 13, OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo
- //11, 14, ForceEarlyReturn
+ { 11, 13, NULL, "ThreadReference.OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo" },
+ { 11, 14, NULL, "ThreadReference.ForceEarlyReturn" },
/* ThreadGroupReference command set (12) */
{ 12, 1, handleTGR_Name, "ThreadGroupReference.Name" },
@@ -1670,23 +1670,40 @@
/* EventRequest command set (15) */
{ 15, 1, handleER_Set, "EventRequest.Set" },
{ 15, 2, handleER_Clear, "EventRequest.Clear" },
- //15, 3, ClearAllBreakpoints
+ { 15, 3, NULL, "EventRequest.ClearAllBreakpoints" },
/* StackFrame command set (16) */
{ 16, 1, handleSF_GetValues, "StackFrame.GetValues" },
{ 16, 2, handleSF_SetValues, "StackFrame.SetValues" },
{ 16, 3, handleSF_ThisObject, "StackFrame.ThisObject" },
- //16, 4, PopFrames
+ { 16, 4, NULL, "StackFrame.PopFrames" },
/* ClassObjectReference command set (17) */
{ 17, 1, handleCOR_ReflectedType,"ClassObjectReference.ReflectedType" },
/* Event command set (64) */
- //64, 100, Composite <-- sent from VM to debugger, never received by VM
+ { 64, 100, NULL, "Event.Composite" }, // sent from VM to debugger, never received by VM
{ 199, 1, handleDDM_Chunk, "DDM.Chunk" },
+static const char* GetCommandName(size_t cmdSet, size_t cmd) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int) arraysize(gHandlerMap); i++) {
+ if (gHandlerMap[i].cmdSet == cmdSet && gHandlerMap[i].cmd == cmd) {
+ return gHandlerMap[i].descr;
+ }
+ }
+ return "?UNKNOWN?";
+static std::string DescribeCommand(const JdwpReqHeader* pHeader, int dataLen) {
+ std::string result;
+ result += "REQ: ";
+ result += GetCommandName(pHeader->cmdSet, pHeader->cmd);
+ result += StringPrintf(" (dataLen=%d id=0x%06x)", dataLen, pHeader->id);
+ return result;
* Process a request from the debugger.
@@ -1694,7 +1711,6 @@
void JdwpState::ProcessRequest(const JdwpReqHeader* pHeader, const uint8_t* buf, int dataLen, ExpandBuf* pReply) {
JdwpError result = ERR_NONE;
- int i, respLen;
if (pHeader->cmdSet != kJDWPDdmCmdSet) {
@@ -1732,19 +1748,20 @@
expandBufAddSpace(pReply, kJDWPHeaderLen);
- for (i = 0; i < (int) arraysize(gHandlerMap); i++) {
- if (gHandlerMap[i].cmdSet == pHeader->cmdSet && gHandlerMap[i].cmd == pHeader->cmd) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << StringPrintf("REQ: %s (cmd=%d/%d dataLen=%d id=0x%06x)", gHandlerMap[i].descr, pHeader->cmdSet, pHeader->cmd, dataLen, pHeader->id);
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < arraysize(gHandlerMap); i++) {
+ if (gHandlerMap[i].cmdSet == pHeader->cmdSet && gHandlerMap[i].cmd == pHeader->cmd && gHandlerMap[i].func != NULL) {
+ LOG(VERBOSE) << DescribeCommand(pHeader, dataLen);
result = (*gHandlerMap[i].func)(this, buf, dataLen, pReply);
if (i == arraysize(gHandlerMap)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf("REQ: UNSUPPORTED (cmd=%d/%d dataLen=%d id=0x%06x)", pHeader->cmdSet, pHeader->cmd, dataLen, pHeader->id);
+ LOG(ERROR) << DescribeCommand(pHeader, dataLen);
if (dataLen > 0) {
HexDump(buf, dataLen);
- LOG(FATAL) << "command not implemented"; // make it *really* obvious
+ LOG(ERROR) << "command not implemented";
@@ -1763,7 +1780,7 @@
Set4BE(replyBuf + 0, kJDWPHeaderLen);
- respLen = expandBufGetLength(pReply) - kJDWPHeaderLen;
+ size_t respLen = expandBufGetLength(pReply) - kJDWPHeaderLen;
if (false) {
LOG(INFO) << "reply: dataLen=" << respLen << " err=" << result << (result != ERR_NONE ? " **FAILED**" : "");
if (respLen > 0) {