Runtime access checks on virtual method calls

At verification time we may not know that an illegal access or method
not found exception should be raised and so we defer the decision to
runtime. When the decision is deferred we perform an appropriate slow
path method invocation that can check for access violations.

This change also attempts to reduce code duplication, improve the
diagnostic information in exceptions, clean up field slow paths slightly
and to move the slow path calls lower in the Thread class so that they
don't effect the offsets of data items when calls are added or removed.

Change-Id: I8376b83dcd7e302cbbddf44c1a55a25687b9dcdb
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index c4c8424..8210c9b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -250,20 +250,32 @@
   return referrer_class->CanAccess(resolved_class) && resolved_class->IsInstantiable();
+static Class* ComputeReferrerClass(CompilationUnit* cUnit) {
+  const DexFile::MethodId& referrer_method_id = cUnit->dex_file->GetMethodId(cUnit->method_idx);
+  return cUnit->class_linker->ResolveType(*cUnit->dex_file, referrer_method_id.class_idx_,
+                                          cUnit->dex_cache, cUnit->class_loader);
+static Field* ComputeReferrerField(CompilationUnit* cUnit, uint32_t field_idx) {
+  return cUnit->class_linker->ResolveField(*cUnit->dex_file, field_idx, cUnit->dex_cache,
+                                           cUnit->class_loader, false);
+static Method* ComputeReferrerMethod(CompilationUnit* cUnit, uint32_t method_idx) {
+  return cUnit->class_linker->ResolveMethod(*cUnit->dex_file, method_idx, cUnit->dex_cache,
+                                            cUnit->class_loader, true);
 bool Compiler::ComputeInstanceFieldInfo(uint32_t field_idx, CompilationUnit* cUnit,
                                         int& field_offset, bool& is_volatile) const {
   // Conservative defaults
   field_offset = -1;
   is_volatile = true;
   // Try to resolve field
-  Field* resolved_field =
-      cUnit->class_linker->ResolveField(*cUnit->dex_file, field_idx, cUnit->dex_cache,
-                                        cUnit->class_loader, false);
+  Field* resolved_field = ComputeReferrerField(cUnit, field_idx);
   if (resolved_field != NULL) {
-    const DexFile::MethodId& referrer_method_id = cUnit->dex_file->GetMethodId(cUnit->method_idx);
-    Class* referrer_class =
-        cUnit->class_linker->ResolveType(*cUnit->dex_file, referrer_method_id.class_idx_,
-                                         cUnit->dex_cache, cUnit->class_loader);
+    Class* referrer_class = ComputeReferrerClass(cUnit);
     // Try to resolve referring class then access check, failure to pass the
     Class* fields_class = resolved_field->GetDeclaringClass();
     if (referrer_class != NULL &&
@@ -292,14 +304,10 @@
   is_referrers_class = false;
   is_volatile = true;
   // Try to resolve field
-  Field* resolved_field =
-      cUnit->class_linker->ResolveField(*cUnit->dex_file, field_idx, cUnit->dex_cache,
-                                        cUnit->class_loader, true);
+  Field* resolved_field = ComputeReferrerField(cUnit, field_idx);
   if (resolved_field != NULL) {
-    const DexFile::MethodId& referrer_method_id = cUnit->dex_file->GetMethodId(cUnit->method_idx);
-    Class* referrer_class =
-        cUnit->class_linker->ResolveType(*cUnit->dex_file, referrer_method_id.class_idx_,
-                                         cUnit->dex_cache, cUnit->class_loader);
+    DCHECK(resolved_field->IsStatic());
+    Class* referrer_class = ComputeReferrerClass(cUnit);
     if (referrer_class != NULL) {
       if (resolved_field->GetDeclaringClass() == referrer_class) {
         is_referrers_class = true;  // implies no worrying about class initialization
@@ -350,6 +358,54 @@
   return false;  // Incomplete knowledge needs slow path.
+bool Compiler::ComputeInvokeInfo(uint32_t method_idx, CompilationUnit* cUnit,
+                                 bool is_interface, bool is_super,
+                                 int& vtable_idx) const {
+  vtable_idx = -1;
+  Method* resolved_method = ComputeReferrerMethod(cUnit, method_idx);
+  if (resolved_method != NULL) {
+    Class* referrer_class = ComputeReferrerClass(cUnit);
+    if (referrer_class != NULL) {
+      Class* methods_class = resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass();
+      if (!referrer_class->CanAccess(methods_class) ||
+          !referrer_class->CanAccessMember(methods_class,
+                                          resolved_method->GetAccessFlags())) {
+        // The referring class can't access the resolved method, this may occur as a result of a
+        // protected method being made public by implementing an interface that re-declares the
+        // method public. Resort to the dex file to determine the correct class for the access check
+        const DexFile& dex_file = cUnit->class_linker->FindDexFile(referrer_class->GetDexCache());
+        methods_class =
+            cUnit->class_linker->ResolveType(dex_file,
+                                             dex_file.GetMethodId(method_idx).class_idx_,
+                                             referrer_class);
+      }
+      if (referrer_class->CanAccess(methods_class) &&
+          referrer_class->CanAccessMember(methods_class,
+                                          resolved_method->GetAccessFlags())) {
+        vtable_idx = resolved_method->GetMethodIndex();
+        if (is_interface || is_super) {
+          // nothing left to do for virtual/interface dispatch
+          return true;
+        } else {
+          // ensure the vtable index will be correct to dispatch in the vtable of the super class
+          Class* super_class = methods_class->GetSuperClass();
+          if (super_class != NULL && vtable_idx <= super_class->GetVTable()->GetLength()) {
+            vtable_idx = resolved_method->GetMethodIndex();
+            return true;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Clean up any exception left by method/type resolution
+  Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
+  if (thread->IsExceptionPending()) {
+      thread->ClearException();
+  }
+  return false;  // Incomplete knowledge needs slow path.
 // Return true if the class should be skipped during compilation. We
 // never skip classes in the boot class loader. However, if we have a
 // non-boot class loader and we can resolve the class in the boot