Add the implementation for the ARM assembler.
Change-Id: Iabeb834c3cc2b00a043bd79f9e1c4573d0f0a934
diff --git a/src/assembler_arm.h b/src/assembler_arm.h
index 8ba9906..b625249 100644
--- a/src/assembler_arm.h
+++ b/src/assembler_arm.h
@@ -3,9 +3,502 @@
+#include "src/constants_arm.h"
+#include "src/logging.h"
+#include "src/utils.h"
namespace art {
+// Encodes Addressing Mode 1 - Data-processing operands defined in Section 5.1.
+class ShifterOperand {
+ public:
+ // Data-processing operands - Uninitialized
+ ShifterOperand() {
+ type_ = -1;
+ }
+ // Data-processing operands - Immediate
+ explicit ShifterOperand(uint32_t immediate) {
+ CHECK(immediate < (1 << kImmed8Bits));
+ type_ = 1;
+ encoding_ = immediate;
+ }
+ // Data-processing operands - Rotated immediate
+ ShifterOperand(uint32_t rotate, uint32_t immed8) {
+ CHECK((rotate < (1 << kRotateBits)) && (immed8 < (1 << kImmed8Bits)));
+ type_ = 1;
+ encoding_ = (rotate << kRotateShift) | (immed8 << kImmed8Shift);
+ }
+ // Data-processing operands - Register
+ explicit ShifterOperand(Register rm) {
+ type_ = 0;
+ encoding_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(rm);
+ }
+ // Data-processing operands - Logical shift/rotate by immediate
+ ShifterOperand(Register rm, Shift shift, uint32_t shift_imm) {
+ CHECK(shift_imm < (1 << kShiftImmBits));
+ type_ = 0;
+ encoding_ = shift_imm << kShiftImmShift |
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(shift) << kShiftShift |
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(rm);
+ }
+ // Data-processing operands - Logical shift/rotate by register
+ ShifterOperand(Register rm, Shift shift, Register rs) {
+ type_ = 0;
+ encoding_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(rs) << kShiftRegisterShift |
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(shift) << kShiftShift | (1 << 4) |
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(rm);
+ }
+ static bool CanHold(uint32_t immediate, ShifterOperand* shifter_op) {
+ // Avoid the more expensive test for frequent small immediate values.
+ if (immediate < (1 << kImmed8Bits)) {
+ shifter_op->type_ = 1;
+ shifter_op->encoding_ = (0 << kRotateShift) | (immediate << kImmed8Shift);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Note that immediate must be unsigned for the test to work correctly.
+ for (int rot = 0; rot < 16; rot++) {
+ uint32_t imm8 = (immediate << 2*rot) | (immediate >> (32 - 2*rot));
+ if (imm8 < (1 << kImmed8Bits)) {
+ shifter_op->type_ = 1;
+ shifter_op->encoding_ = (rot << kRotateShift) | (imm8 << kImmed8Shift);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool is_valid() const { return (type_ == 0) || (type_ == 1); }
+ uint32_t type() const {
+ CHECK(is_valid());
+ return type_;
+ }
+ uint32_t encoding() const {
+ CHECK(is_valid());
+ return encoding_;
+ }
+ uint32_t type_; // Encodes the type field (bits 27-25) in the instruction.
+ uint32_t encoding_;
+ friend class Assembler;
+ friend class BinaryAssembler;
+enum LoadOperandType {
+ kLoadSignedByte,
+ kLoadUnsignedByte,
+ kLoadSignedHalfword,
+ kLoadUnsignedHalfword,
+ kLoadWord,
+ kLoadWordPair,
+ kLoadSWord,
+ kLoadDWord
+enum StoreOperandType {
+ kStoreByte,
+ kStoreHalfword,
+ kStoreWord,
+ kStoreWordPair,
+ kStoreSWord,
+ kStoreDWord
+// Load/store multiple addressing mode.
+enum BlockAddressMode {
+ // bit encoding P U W
+ DA = (0|0|0) << 21, // decrement after
+ IA = (0|4|0) << 21, // increment after
+ DB = (8|0|0) << 21, // decrement before
+ IB = (8|4|0) << 21, // increment before
+ DA_W = (0|0|1) << 21, // decrement after with writeback to base
+ IA_W = (0|4|1) << 21, // increment after with writeback to base
+ DB_W = (8|0|1) << 21, // decrement before with writeback to base
+ IB_W = (8|4|1) << 21 // increment before with writeback to base
+class Address {
+ public:
+ // Memory operand addressing mode
+ enum Mode {
+ // bit encoding P U W
+ Offset = (8|4|0) << 21, // offset (w/o writeback to base)
+ PreIndex = (8|4|1) << 21, // pre-indexed addressing with writeback
+ PostIndex = (0|4|0) << 21, // post-indexed addressing with writeback
+ NegOffset = (8|0|0) << 21, // negative offset (w/o writeback to base)
+ NegPreIndex = (8|0|1) << 21, // negative pre-indexed with writeback
+ NegPostIndex = (0|0|0) << 21 // negative post-indexed with writeback
+ };
+ explicit Address(Register rn, int32_t offset = 0, Mode am = Offset) {
+ CHECK(IsAbsoluteUint(12, offset));
+ if (offset < 0) {
+ encoding_ = (am ^ (1 << kUShift)) | -offset; // Flip U to adjust sign.
+ } else {
+ encoding_ = am | offset;
+ }
+ encoding_ |= static_cast<uint32_t>(rn) << kRnShift;
+ }
+ static bool CanHoldLoadOffset(LoadOperandType type, int offset);
+ static bool CanHoldStoreOffset(StoreOperandType type, int offset);
+ private:
+ uint32_t encoding() const { return encoding_; }
+ // Encoding for addressing mode 3.
+ uint32_t encoding3() const {
+ const uint32_t offset_mask = (1 << 12) - 1;
+ uint32_t offset = encoding_ & offset_mask;
+ CHECK(offset < 256);
+ return (encoding_ & ~offset_mask) | ((offset & 0xf0) << 4) | (offset & 0xf);
+ }
+ // Encoding for vfp load/store addressing.
+ uint32_t vencoding() const {
+ const uint32_t offset_mask = (1 << 12) - 1;
+ uint32_t offset = encoding_ & offset_mask;
+ CHECK(IsAbsoluteUint(10, offset)); // In the range -1020 to +1020.
+ CHECK(IsAligned(offset, 2)); // Multiple of 4.
+ int mode = encoding_ & ((8|4|1) << 21);
+ CHECK((mode == Offset) || (mode == NegOffset));
+ uint32_t vencoding = (encoding_ & (0xf << kRnShift)) | (offset >> 2);
+ if (mode == Offset) {
+ vencoding |= 1 << 23;
+ }
+ return vencoding;
+ }
+ uint32_t encoding_;
+ friend class Assembler;
class Assembler {
+ public:
+ Assembler() : buffer_() {}
+ // Data-processing instructions.
+ void and_(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void eor(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void sub(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void subs(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void rsb(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void rsbs(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void add(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void adds(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void adc(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void sbc(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void rsc(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void tst(Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void teq(Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void cmp(Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void cmn(Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void orr(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void orrs(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void mov(Register rd, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void movs(Register rd, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void bic(Register rd, Register rn, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void mvn(Register rd, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ void mvns(Register rd, ShifterOperand so, Condition cond = AL);
+ // Miscellaneous data-processing instructions.
+ void clz(Register rd, Register rm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void movw(Register rd, uint16_t imm16, Condition cond = AL);
+ void movt(Register rd, uint16_t imm16, Condition cond = AL);
+ // Multiply instructions.
+ void mul(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void mla(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Register ra,
+ Condition cond = AL);
+ void mls(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Register ra,
+ Condition cond = AL);
+ void umull(Register rd_lo, Register rd_hi, Register rn, Register rm,
+ Condition cond = AL);
+ // Load/store instructions.
+ void ldr(Register rd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void str(Register rd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void ldrb(Register rd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void strb(Register rd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void ldrh(Register rd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void strh(Register rd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void ldrsb(Register rd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void ldrsh(Register rd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void ldrd(Register rd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void strd(Register rd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void ldm(BlockAddressMode am, Register base,
+ RegList regs, Condition cond = AL);
+ void stm(BlockAddressMode am, Register base,
+ RegList regs, Condition cond = AL);
+ void ldrex(Register rd, Register rn, Condition cond = AL);
+ void strex(Register rd, Register rt, Register rn, Condition cond = AL);
+ // Miscellaneous instructions.
+ void clrex();
+ void nop(Condition cond = AL);
+ // Note that gdb sets breakpoints using the undefined instruction 0xe7f001f0.
+ void bkpt(uint16_t imm16);
+ void svc(uint32_t imm24);
+ // Floating point instructions (VFPv3-D16 and VFPv3-D32 profiles).
+ void vmovsr(SRegister sn, Register rt, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmovrs(Register rt, SRegister sn, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmovsrr(SRegister sm, Register rt, Register rt2, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmovrrs(Register rt, Register rt2, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmovdrr(DRegister dm, Register rt, Register rt2, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmovrrd(Register rt, Register rt2, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmovs(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmovd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ // Returns false if the immediate cannot be encoded.
+ bool vmovs(SRegister sd, float s_imm, Condition cond = AL);
+ bool vmovd(DRegister dd, double d_imm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vldrs(SRegister sd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vstrs(SRegister sd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vldrd(DRegister dd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vstrd(DRegister dd, Address ad, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vadds(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vaddd(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vsubs(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vsubd(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmuls(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmuld(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmlas(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmlad(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmlss(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmlsd(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vdivs(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vdivd(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vabss(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vabsd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vnegs(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vnegd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vsqrts(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vsqrtd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcvtsd(SRegister sd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcvtds(DRegister dd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcvtis(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcvtid(SRegister sd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcvtsi(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcvtdi(DRegister dd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcvtus(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcvtud(SRegister sd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcvtsu(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcvtdu(DRegister dd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcmps(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcmpd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcmpsz(SRegister sd, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vcmpdz(DRegister dd, Condition cond = AL);
+ void vmstat(Condition cond = AL); // VMRS APSR_nzcv, FPSCR
+ // Branch instructions.
+ void b(Label* label, Condition cond = AL);
+ void bl(Label* label, Condition cond = AL);
+ void blx(Register rm, Condition cond = AL);
+ // Macros.
+ // Add signed constant value to rd. May clobber IP.
+ void AddConstant(Register rd, int32_t value, Condition cond = AL);
+ void AddConstant(Register rd, Register rn, int32_t value,
+ Condition cond = AL);
+ void AddConstantSetFlags(Register rd, Register rn, int32_t value,
+ Condition cond = AL);
+ void AddConstantWithCarry(Register rd, Register rn, int32_t value,
+ Condition cond = AL);
+ // Load and Store. May clobber IP.
+ void LoadImmediate(Register rd, int32_t value, Condition cond = AL);
+ void LoadSImmediate(SRegister sd, float value, Condition cond = AL);
+ void LoadDImmediate(DRegister dd, double value,
+ Register scratch, Condition cond = AL);
+ void MarkExceptionHandler(Label* label);
+ void LoadFromOffset(LoadOperandType type,
+ Register reg,
+ Register base,
+ int32_t offset,
+ Condition cond = AL);
+ void StoreToOffset(StoreOperandType type,
+ Register reg,
+ Register base,
+ int32_t offset,
+ Condition cond = AL);
+ void LoadSFromOffset(SRegister reg,
+ Register base,
+ int32_t offset,
+ Condition cond = AL);
+ void StoreSToOffset(SRegister reg,
+ Register base,
+ int32_t offset,
+ Condition cond = AL);
+ void LoadDFromOffset(DRegister reg,
+ Register base,
+ int32_t offset,
+ Condition cond = AL);
+ void StoreDToOffset(DRegister reg,
+ Register base,
+ int32_t offset,
+ Condition cond = AL);
+ void Push(Register rd, Condition cond = AL);
+ void Pop(Register rd, Condition cond = AL);
+ void PushList(RegList regs, Condition cond = AL);
+ void PopList(RegList regs, Condition cond = AL);
+ void Mov(Register rd, Register rm, Condition cond = AL);
+ // Convenience shift instructions. Use mov instruction with shifter operand
+ // for variants setting the status flags or using a register shift count.
+ void Lsl(Register rd, Register rm, uint32_t shift_imm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void Lsr(Register rd, Register rm, uint32_t shift_imm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void Asr(Register rd, Register rm, uint32_t shift_imm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void Ror(Register rd, Register rm, uint32_t shift_imm, Condition cond = AL);
+ void Rrx(Register rd, Register rm, Condition cond = AL);
+ // Encode a signed constant in tst instructions, only affecting the flags.
+ void EncodeUint32InTstInstructions(uint32_t data);
+ // ... and decode from a pc pointing to the start of encoding instructions.
+ static uint32_t DecodeUint32FromTstInstructions(uword pc);
+ static bool IsInstructionForExceptionHandling(uword pc);
+ // Debugging and bringup support.
+ void Stop(const char* message);
+ void Unimplemented(const char* message);
+ void Untested(const char* message);
+ void Unreachable(const char* message);
+ // Emit data (e.g. encoded instruction or immediate) to the
+ // instruction stream.
+ void Emit(int32_t value);
+ void Bind(Label* label);
+ private:
+ AssemblerBuffer buffer_;
+ void EmitType01(Condition cond,
+ int type,
+ Opcode opcode,
+ int set_cc,
+ Register rn,
+ Register rd,
+ ShifterOperand so);
+ void EmitType5(Condition cond, int offset, bool link);
+ void EmitMemOp(Condition cond,
+ bool load,
+ bool byte,
+ Register rd,
+ Address ad);
+ void EmitMemOpAddressMode3(Condition cond,
+ int32_t mode,
+ Register rd,
+ Address ad);
+ void EmitMultiMemOp(Condition cond,
+ BlockAddressMode am,
+ bool load,
+ Register base,
+ RegList regs);
+ void EmitShiftImmediate(Condition cond,
+ Shift opcode,
+ Register rd,
+ Register rm,
+ ShifterOperand so);
+ void EmitShiftRegister(Condition cond,
+ Shift opcode,
+ Register rd,
+ Register rm,
+ ShifterOperand so);
+ void EmitMulOp(Condition cond,
+ int32_t opcode,
+ Register rd,
+ Register rn,
+ Register rm,
+ Register rs);
+ void EmitVFPsss(Condition cond,
+ int32_t opcode,
+ SRegister sd,
+ SRegister sn,
+ SRegister sm);
+ void EmitVFPddd(Condition cond,
+ int32_t opcode,
+ DRegister dd,
+ DRegister dn,
+ DRegister dm);
+ void EmitVFPsd(Condition cond,
+ int32_t opcode,
+ SRegister sd,
+ DRegister dm);
+ void EmitVFPds(Condition cond,
+ int32_t opcode,
+ DRegister dd,
+ SRegister sm);
+ void EmitBranch(Condition cond, Label* label, bool link);
+ static int32_t EncodeBranchOffset(int offset, int32_t inst);
+ static int DecodeBranchOffset(int32_t inst);
+ int32_t EncodeTstOffset(int offset, int32_t inst);
+ int DecodeTstOffset(int32_t inst);
+ // Returns whether or not the given register is used for passing parameters.
+ static int RegisterCompare(const Register* reg1, const Register* reg2) {
+ return *reg1 - *reg2;
+ }
} // namespace art