Fix clang static analyzer on potential memory leaks.
First was not really a leak, but the combination of stack/heap
allocated data structures with a single re-allocation was a bit
complex for static analysis. Second was a true leak.
Change-Id: I10c2095f3061bd2ad49f24f7c25fcd7ca0f95111
diff --git a/dexdump/ b/dexdump/
index 48b773e..565a8f0 100644
--- a/dexdump/
+++ b/dexdump/
@@ -777,15 +777,13 @@
* Helper for dumpInstruction(), which builds the string
- * representation for the index in the given instruction. This will
- * first try to use the given buffer, but if the result won't fit,
- * then this will allocate a new buffer to hold the result. A pointer
- * to the buffer which holds the full result is always returned, and
- * this can be compared with the one passed in, to see if the result
- * needs to be free()d.
+ * representation for the index in the given instruction.
+ * Returns a pointer to a buffer of sufficient size.
-static char* indexString(const DexFile* pDexFile,
- const Instruction* pDecInsn, char* buf, size_t bufSize) {
+static std::unique_ptr<char[]> indexString(const DexFile* pDexFile,
+ const Instruction* pDecInsn,
+ size_t bufSize) {
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[bufSize]);
// Determine index and width of the string.
u4 index = 0;
u4 width = 4;
@@ -821,27 +819,27 @@
case Instruction::kIndexUnknown:
// This function should never get called for this type, but do
// something sensible here, just to help with debugging.
- outSize = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "<unknown-index>");
+ outSize = snprintf(buf.get(), bufSize, "<unknown-index>");
case Instruction::kIndexNone:
// This function should never get called for this type, but do
// something sensible here, just to help with debugging.
- outSize = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "<no-index>");
+ outSize = snprintf(buf.get(), bufSize, "<no-index>");
case Instruction::kIndexTypeRef:
if (index < pDexFile->GetHeader().type_ids_size_) {
const char* tp = pDexFile->StringByTypeIdx(index);
- outSize = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "%s // type@%0*x", tp, width, index);
+ outSize = snprintf(buf.get(), bufSize, "%s // type@%0*x", tp, width, index);
} else {
- outSize = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "<type?> // type@%0*x", width, index);
+ outSize = snprintf(buf.get(), bufSize, "<type?> // type@%0*x", width, index);
case Instruction::kIndexStringRef:
if (index < pDexFile->GetHeader().string_ids_size_) {
const char* st = pDexFile->StringDataByIdx(index);
- outSize = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "\"%s\" // string@%0*x", st, width, index);
+ outSize = snprintf(buf.get(), bufSize, "\"%s\" // string@%0*x", st, width, index);
} else {
- outSize = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "<string?> // string@%0*x", width, index);
+ outSize = snprintf(buf.get(), bufSize, "<string?> // string@%0*x", width, index);
case Instruction::kIndexMethodRef:
@@ -850,10 +848,10 @@
const char* name = pDexFile->StringDataByIdx(pMethodId.name_idx_);
const Signature signature = pDexFile->GetMethodSignature(pMethodId);
const char* backDescriptor = pDexFile->StringByTypeIdx(pMethodId.class_idx_);
- outSize = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "%s.%s:%s // method@%0*x",
+ outSize = snprintf(buf.get(), bufSize, "%s.%s:%s // method@%0*x",
backDescriptor, name, signature.ToString().c_str(), width, index);
} else {
- outSize = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "<method?> // method@%0*x", width, index);
+ outSize = snprintf(buf.get(), bufSize, "<method?> // method@%0*x", width, index);
case Instruction::kIndexFieldRef:
@@ -862,38 +860,33 @@
const char* name = pDexFile->StringDataByIdx(pFieldId.name_idx_);
const char* typeDescriptor = pDexFile->StringByTypeIdx(pFieldId.type_idx_);
const char* backDescriptor = pDexFile->StringByTypeIdx(pFieldId.class_idx_);
- outSize = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "%s.%s:%s // field@%0*x",
+ outSize = snprintf(buf.get(), bufSize, "%s.%s:%s // field@%0*x",
backDescriptor, name, typeDescriptor, width, index);
} else {
- outSize = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "<field?> // field@%0*x", width, index);
+ outSize = snprintf(buf.get(), bufSize, "<field?> // field@%0*x", width, index);
case Instruction::kIndexVtableOffset:
- outSize = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "[%0*x] // vtable #%0*x",
+ outSize = snprintf(buf.get(), bufSize, "[%0*x] // vtable #%0*x",
width, index, width, index);
case Instruction::kIndexFieldOffset:
- outSize = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "[obj+%0*x]", width, index);
+ outSize = snprintf(buf.get(), bufSize, "[obj+%0*x]", width, index);
// case Instruction::kIndexVaries:
// case Instruction::kIndexInlineMethod:
- outSize = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "<?>");
+ outSize = snprintf(buf.get(), bufSize, "<?>");
} // switch
// Determine success of string construction.
if (outSize >= bufSize) {
- // The buffer wasn't big enough; allocate and retry. Note:
- // snprintf() doesn't count the '\0' as part of its returned
- // size, so we add explicit space for it here.
- outSize++;
- buf = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(outSize));
- if (buf == nullptr) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- return indexString(pDexFile, pDecInsn, buf, outSize);
+ // The buffer wasn't big enough; retry with computed size. Note: snprintf()
+ // doesn't count/ the '\0' as part of its returned size, so we add explicit
+ // space for it here.
+ return indexString(pDexFile, pDecInsn, outSize + 1);
return buf;
@@ -941,11 +934,9 @@
// Set up additional argument.
- char indexBufChars[200];
- char *indexBuf = indexBufChars;
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> indexBuf;
if (Instruction::IndexTypeOf(pDecInsn->Opcode()) != Instruction::kIndexNone) {
- indexBuf = indexString(pDexFile, pDecInsn,
- indexBufChars, sizeof(indexBufChars));
+ indexBuf = indexString(pDexFile, pDecInsn, 200);
// Dump the instruction.
@@ -1003,7 +994,7 @@
case Instruction::k21c: // op vAA, thing@BBBB
case Instruction::k31c: // op vAA, thing@BBBBBBBB
- fprintf(gOutFile, " v%d, %s", pDecInsn->VRegA(), indexBuf);
+ fprintf(gOutFile, " v%d, %s", pDecInsn->VRegA(), indexBuf.get());
case Instruction::k23x: // op vAA, vBB, vCC
fprintf(gOutFile, " v%d, v%d, v%d",
@@ -1032,7 +1023,7 @@
// case Instruction::k22cs: // [opt] op vA, vB, field offset CCCC
fprintf(gOutFile, " v%d, v%d, %s",
- pDecInsn->VRegA(), pDecInsn->VRegB(), indexBuf);
+ pDecInsn->VRegA(), pDecInsn->VRegB(), indexBuf.get());
case Instruction::k30t:
fprintf(gOutFile, " #%08x", pDecInsn->VRegA());
@@ -1069,7 +1060,7 @@
fprintf(gOutFile, ", v%d", arg[i]);
} // for
- fprintf(gOutFile, "}, %s", indexBuf);
+ fprintf(gOutFile, "}, %s", indexBuf.get());
case Instruction::k25x: { // op vC, {vD, vE, vF, vG} (B: count)
@@ -1101,7 +1092,7 @@
fprintf(gOutFile, ", v%d", pDecInsn->VRegC() + i);
} // for
- fprintf(gOutFile, "}, %s", indexBuf);
+ fprintf(gOutFile, "}, %s", indexBuf.get());
case Instruction::k51l: { // op vAA, #+BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
@@ -1124,10 +1115,6 @@
} // switch
fputc('\n', gOutFile);
- if (indexBuf != indexBufChars) {
- free(indexBuf);
- }
@@ -1274,7 +1261,7 @@
// Primitive char, copy it.
if (strchr("ZBCSIFJD", *base) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: bad method signature '%s'\n", base);
- goto bail;
+ break; // while
*cp++ = *base++;