Abstract Method Error unit test and fixes.
Change-Id: I14015ffd9f8adca9d0b2d90b91811c920b13716d
diff --git a/src/compiler_test.cc b/src/compiler_test.cc
index 7886e60..e951ade 100644
--- a/src/compiler_test.cc
+++ b/src/compiler_test.cc
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
void EnsureCompiled(const ClassLoader* class_loader,
const char* class_name, const char* method, const char* signature, bool is_virtual) {
+ runtime_->Start();
env_ = Thread::Current()->GetJniEnv();
class_ = env_->FindClass(class_name);
CHECK(class_ != NULL) << "Class not found: " << class_name;
@@ -163,19 +164,24 @@
-TEST_F(CompilerTest, DISABLED_AbstractMethodErrorStub) {
+TEST_F(CompilerTest, AbstractMethodErrorStub) {
const ClassLoader* class_loader = LoadDex("AbstractMethod");
- EnsureCompiled(class_loader, "AbstractMethod", "callme", "()V", true);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(class_loader != NULL);
+ EnsureCompiled(class_loader, "AbstractClass", "foo", "()V", true);
- // Create a jobj_ of class "B", NOT class "AbstractMethod".
- jclass b_class = env_->FindClass("B");
- jmethodID constructor = env_->GetMethodID(b_class, "<init>", "()V");
- jobject jobj_ = env_->NewObject(b_class, constructor);
+ // Create a jobj_ of ConcreteClass, NOT AbstractClass.
+ jclass c_class = env_->FindClass("ConcreteClass");
+ jmethodID constructor = env_->GetMethodID(c_class, "<init>", "()V");
+ jobject jobj_ = env_->NewObject(c_class, constructor);
#if defined(__arm__)
- // Will throw AbstractMethodError exception.
+ Class* jlame = class_linker_->FindClass("Ljava/lang/AbstractMethodError;", class_loader);
+ // Force non-virtal call to AbstractClass foo, will throw AbstractMethodError exception.
env_->CallNonvirtualVoidMethod(jobj_, class_, mid_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Thread::Current()->IsExceptionPending());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Thread::Current()->GetException()->InstanceOf(jlame));
+ Thread::Current()->ClearException();
#endif // __arm__