LSE: Index load substitutes by load ids.
And address some late comments on .
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: --host --optimizing
Bug: 77906240
Change-Id: I3726f62125387b87f78857cbce8256ac2e94ba3f
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index e08c585..d69442e 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -31,17 +31,19 @@
* We use load-store analysis to collect a list of heap locations and perform
* alias analysis of those heap locations. LSE then keeps track of a list of
* heap values corresponding to the heap locations and stores that put those
- * values in these locations. In phase 1, we visit basic blocks in reverse post
- * order and for each basic block, visit instructions sequentially, recording
- * heap values and looking for loads and stores to eliminate without relying on
- * loop Phis. In phase, we look for loads that can be replaced by creating loop
- * Phis or using a loop-invariant value. In phase 3, we determine which stores
- * are dead and can be eliminated and based on that information we re-evaluate
- * whether some kept stores are storing the same value as the value in the heap
- * location; such stores are also marked for elimination. In phase 4, we commit
- * the changes, replacing loads marked for elimination in previous processing
- * and removing stores not marked for keeping. We also remove allocations that
- * are no longer needed.
+ * values in these locations.
+ * - In phase 1, we visit basic blocks in reverse post order and for each basic
+ * block, visit instructions sequentially, recording heap values and looking
+ * for loads and stores to eliminate without relying on loop Phis.
+ * - In phase 2, we look for loads that can be replaced by creating loop Phis
+ * or using a loop-invariant value.
+ * - In phase 3, we determine which stores are dead and can be eliminated and
+ * based on that information we re-evaluate whether some kept stores are
+ * storing the same value as the value in the heap location; such stores are
+ * also marked for elimination.
+ * - In phase 4, we commit the changes, replacing loads marked for elimination
+ * in previous processing and removing stores not marked for keeping. We also
+ * remove allocations that are no longer needed.
* 1. Walk over blocks and their instructions.
@@ -213,12 +215,10 @@
* The time complexity of this phase is
* O(instructions + instruction_uses) .
- * FIXME: The time complexity described above assumes that FindSubstitute()
- * is O(1) but it is currently O(removed_loads_.size()); this can be fixed
- * by introducing a vector of replacements indexed by instruction id.
- * It also assumes that the HeapLocationCollector finds a heap location for
- * an instruction in O(1) time but it is currently O(heap_locations); this
- * can be fixed by adding a hash map to the HeapLocationCollector.
+ * FIXME: The time complexity described above assumes that the
+ * HeapLocationCollector finds a heap location for an instruction in O(1)
+ * time but it is currently O(heap_locations); this can be fixed by adding
+ * a hash map to the HeapLocationCollector.
namespace art {
@@ -481,18 +481,14 @@
// Find an instruction's substitute if it's a removed load.
// Return the same instruction if it should not be removed.
HInstruction* FindSubstitute(HInstruction* instruction) const {
- if (!IsLoad(instruction)) {
+ size_t id = static_cast<size_t>(instruction->GetId());
+ if (id >= substitute_instructions_for_loads_.size()) {
+ DCHECK(!IsLoad(instruction)); // New Phi (may not be in the graph yet) or default value.
return instruction;
- for (size_t i = 0u, size = removed_loads_.size(); i != size; ++i) {
- if (removed_loads_[i] == instruction) {
- HInstruction* substitute = substitute_instructions_for_loads_[i];
- // The substitute list is a flat hierarchy.
- DCHECK_EQ(FindSubstitute(substitute), substitute);
- return substitute;
- }
- }
- return instruction;
+ HInstruction* substitute = substitute_instructions_for_loads_[id];
+ DCHECK(substitute == nullptr || IsLoad(instruction));
+ return (substitute != nullptr) ? substitute : instruction;
void AddRemovedLoad(HInstruction* load, HInstruction* heap_value) {
@@ -516,9 +512,8 @@
HTypeConversion* type_conversion = FindOrAddTypeConversionIfNecessary(
load, heap_value, load->GetType());
- removed_loads_.push_back(load);
- substitute_instructions_for_loads_.push_back(
- type_conversion != nullptr ? type_conversion : heap_value);
+ substitute_instructions_for_loads_[load->GetId()] =
+ type_conversion != nullptr ? type_conversion : heap_value;
static bool IsLoad(HInstruction* instruction) {
@@ -921,11 +916,6 @@
// One array of heap value records for each block.
ScopedArenaVector<ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>> heap_values_for_;
- // We record the instructions that should be eliminated but may be
- // used by heap locations. They'll be removed in the end.
- ScopedArenaVector<HInstruction*> removed_loads_;
- ScopedArenaVector<HInstruction*> substitute_instructions_for_loads_;
// We record loads and stores for re-processing when we find a loop Phi placeholder
// with unknown value from a predecessor, and also for removing stores that are
// found to be dead, i.e. not marked in `kept_stores_` at the end.
@@ -935,6 +925,11 @@
ScopedArenaVector<LoadStoreRecord> loads_and_stores_;
+ // We record the substitute instructions for loads that should be
+ // eliminated but may be used by heap locations. They'll be removed
+ // in the end. These are indexed by the load's id.
+ ScopedArenaVector<HInstruction*> substitute_instructions_for_loads_;
// Record stores to keep in a bit vector indexed by instruction ID.
ArenaBitVector kept_stores_;
// When we need to keep all stores that feed a Phi placeholder, we just record the
@@ -1017,11 +1012,12 @@
- removed_loads_(allocator_.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)),
- substitute_instructions_for_loads_(allocator_.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)),
- // We may add new instructions (default values, Phis) but we're not adding stores,
- // so we do not need the following BitVector to be expandable.
+ // We may add new instructions (default values, Phis) but we're not adding loads
+ // or stores, so we shall not need to resize following vector and BitVector.
+ substitute_instructions_for_loads_(graph->GetCurrentInstructionId(),
+ nullptr,
+ allocator_.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)),
/*start_bits=*/ graph->GetCurrentInstructionId(),
/*expandable=*/ false,
@@ -1889,13 +1885,10 @@
// Use local allocator to reduce peak memory usage.
- // FIXME: This is currently incompatible with calls to AddRemovedLoad();
- // that function should change also for performance reasons as
- // searches in `removed_loads_` are O(n).
- // ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_.GetArenaStack());
+ ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_.GetArenaStack());
// Reuse one temporary vector for all remaining blocks.
size_t num_heap_locations = heap_location_collector_.GetNumberOfHeapLocations();
- ScopedArenaVector<Value> local_heap_values(allocator_.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
+ ScopedArenaVector<Value> local_heap_values(allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
auto get_initial_value = [this](HBasicBlock* block, size_t idx) {
Value value;
@@ -1945,7 +1938,21 @@
continue; // This load or store never needed a loop Phi.
ValueRecord& record = it->second;
- if (!is_store) {
+ if (is_store) {
+ // Process the store by updating `local_heap_values[idx]`. The last update shall
+ // be propagated to the `heap_values[idx].value` if it previously needed a loop Phi
+ // at the end of the block.
+ Value replacement = ReplacementOrValue(record.value);
+ if (replacement.NeedsLoopPhi()) {
+ // No replacement yet, use the Phi placeholder from the load.
+ DCHECK(record.value.NeedsLoopPhi());
+ local_heap_values[idx] = record.value;
+ } else {
+ // If the load fetched a known value, use it, otherwise use the load.
+ local_heap_values[idx] = Value::ForInstruction(
+ replacement.IsUnknown() ? stored_value : replacement.GetInstruction());
+ }
+ } else {
// Process the load unless it has previously been marked unreplaceable.
if (record.value.NeedsLoopPhi()) {
if (local_heap_values[idx].IsInvalid()) {
@@ -1975,20 +1982,6 @@
- } else {
- // Process the store by updating `local_heap_values[idx]`. The last update shall
- // be propagated to the `heap_values[idx].value` if it previously needed a loop Phi
- // at the end of the block.
- Value replacement = ReplacementOrValue(record.value);
- if (replacement.NeedsLoopPhi()) {
- // No replacement yet, use the Phi placeholder from the load.
- DCHECK(record.value.NeedsLoopPhi());
- local_heap_values[idx] = record.value;
- } else {
- // If the load fetched a known value, use it, otherwise use the load.
- local_heap_values[idx] = Value::ForInstruction(
- replacement.IsUnknown() ? stored_value : replacement.GetInstruction());
- }
@@ -2217,15 +2210,16 @@
// 4. Replace loads and remove unnecessary stores and singleton allocations.
// Remove recorded load instructions that should be eliminated.
- size_t size = removed_loads_.size();
- DCHECK_EQ(size, substitute_instructions_for_loads_.size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
- HInstruction* load = removed_loads_[i];
+ for (const LoadStoreRecord& record : loads_and_stores_) {
+ size_t id = dchecked_integral_cast<size_t>(record.load_or_store->GetId());
+ HInstruction* substitute = substitute_instructions_for_loads_[id];
+ if (substitute == nullptr) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ HInstruction* load = record.load_or_store;
DCHECK(load != nullptr);
DCHECK(load->GetBlock() != nullptr) << load->DebugName() << "@" << load->GetDexPc();
- HInstruction* substitute = substitute_instructions_for_loads_[i];
- DCHECK(substitute != nullptr);
// We proactively retrieve the substitute for a removed load, so
// a load that has a substitute should not be observed as a heap
// location value.