Remove the need of VerifiedMethod in the compiler.
The compiler only needs to know if a method is compilable or not. So
just record a set of uncompilable methods (in some cases, we cannot have
an ArtMethod, but the method can still be compiled).
Bug: 28313047
Change-Id: Ic4235bc8160ec91daa5ebf6504741089b43e99cb
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index b6ab9fb..16abf9d 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@
#include "debug/elf_debug_writer.h"
#include "debug/method_debug_info.h"
#include "dex/dex_file_types.h"
-#include "dex/verification_results.h"
-#include "dex/verified_method.h"
#include "driver/compiled_method_storage.h"
#include "driver/compiler_options.h"
#include "driver/dex_compilation_unit.h"
@@ -63,7 +61,6 @@
#include "ssa_phi_elimination.h"
#include "stack_map_stream.h"
#include "utils/assembler.h"
-#include "verifier/verifier_compiler_binding.h"
namespace art {
@@ -1017,98 +1014,84 @@
CompiledMethod* compiled_method = nullptr;
Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
- const VerifiedMethod* verified_method = compiler_options.GetVerifiedMethod(&dex_file, method_idx);
- DCHECK(!verified_method->HasRuntimeThrow());
- if (compiler_options.IsMethodVerifiedWithoutFailures(method_idx, class_def_idx, dex_file) ||
- verifier::CanCompilerHandleVerificationFailure(
- verified_method->GetEncounteredVerificationFailures())) {
- ArenaAllocator allocator(runtime->GetArenaPool());
- ArenaStack arena_stack(runtime->GetArenaPool());
- CodeVectorAllocator code_allocator(&allocator);
- std::unique_ptr<CodeGenerator> codegen;
- bool compiled_intrinsic = false;
- {
- ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
- ArtMethod* method =
- runtime->GetClassLinker()->ResolveMethod<ClassLinker::ResolveMode::kCheckICCEAndIAE>(
- method_idx, dex_cache, jclass_loader, /*referrer=*/ nullptr, invoke_type);
- DCHECK_EQ(method == nullptr, soa.Self()->IsExceptionPending());
- soa.Self()->ClearException(); // Suppress exception if any.
- VariableSizedHandleScope handles(soa.Self());
- Handle<mirror::Class> compiling_class =
- handles.NewHandle(method != nullptr ? method->GetDeclaringClass() : nullptr);
- DexCompilationUnit dex_compilation_unit(
- jclass_loader,
- runtime->GetClassLinker(),
- dex_file,
- code_item,
- class_def_idx,
- method_idx,
- access_flags,
- /*verified_method=*/ nullptr, // Not needed by the Optimizing compiler.
- dex_cache,
- compiling_class);
- // All signature polymorphic methods are native.
- DCHECK(method == nullptr || !method->IsSignaturePolymorphic());
- // Go to native so that we don't block GC during compilation.
- ScopedThreadSuspension sts(soa.Self(), kNative);
- // Try to compile a fully intrinsified implementation.
- if (method != nullptr && UNLIKELY(method->IsIntrinsic())) {
- DCHECK(compiler_options.IsBootImage());
- codegen.reset(
- TryCompileIntrinsic(&allocator,
- &arena_stack,
- &code_allocator,
- dex_compilation_unit,
- method,
- &handles));
- if (codegen != nullptr) {
- compiled_intrinsic = true;
- }
- }
- if (codegen == nullptr) {
- codegen.reset(
- TryCompile(&allocator,
- &arena_stack,
- &code_allocator,
- dex_compilation_unit,
- method,
- compiler_options.IsBaseline()
- ? CompilationKind::kBaseline
- : CompilationKind::kOptimized,
- &handles));
+ ArenaAllocator allocator(runtime->GetArenaPool());
+ ArenaStack arena_stack(runtime->GetArenaPool());
+ CodeVectorAllocator code_allocator(&allocator);
+ std::unique_ptr<CodeGenerator> codegen;
+ bool compiled_intrinsic = false;
+ {
+ ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+ ArtMethod* method =
+ runtime->GetClassLinker()->ResolveMethod<ClassLinker::ResolveMode::kCheckICCEAndIAE>(
+ method_idx, dex_cache, jclass_loader, /*referrer=*/ nullptr, invoke_type);
+ DCHECK_EQ(method == nullptr, soa.Self()->IsExceptionPending());
+ soa.Self()->ClearException(); // Suppress exception if any.
+ VariableSizedHandleScope handles(soa.Self());
+ Handle<mirror::Class> compiling_class =
+ handles.NewHandle(method != nullptr ? method->GetDeclaringClass() : nullptr);
+ DexCompilationUnit dex_compilation_unit(
+ jclass_loader,
+ runtime->GetClassLinker(),
+ dex_file,
+ code_item,
+ class_def_idx,
+ method_idx,
+ access_flags,
+ /*verified_method=*/ nullptr, // Not needed by the Optimizing compiler.
+ dex_cache,
+ compiling_class);
+ // All signature polymorphic methods are native.
+ DCHECK(method == nullptr || !method->IsSignaturePolymorphic());
+ // Go to native so that we don't block GC during compilation.
+ ScopedThreadSuspension sts(soa.Self(), kNative);
+ // Try to compile a fully intrinsified implementation.
+ if (method != nullptr && UNLIKELY(method->IsIntrinsic())) {
+ DCHECK(compiler_options.IsBootImage());
+ codegen.reset(
+ TryCompileIntrinsic(&allocator,
+ &arena_stack,
+ &code_allocator,
+ dex_compilation_unit,
+ method,
+ &handles));
+ if (codegen != nullptr) {
+ compiled_intrinsic = true;
- if (codegen.get() != nullptr) {
- compiled_method = Emit(&allocator,
- &code_allocator,
- codegen.get(),
- compiled_intrinsic ? nullptr : code_item);
- if (compiled_intrinsic) {
- compiled_method->MarkAsIntrinsic();
- }
+ if (codegen == nullptr) {
+ codegen.reset(
+ TryCompile(&allocator,
+ &arena_stack,
+ &code_allocator,
+ dex_compilation_unit,
+ method,
+ compiler_options.IsBaseline()
+ ? CompilationKind::kBaseline
+ : CompilationKind::kOptimized,
+ &handles));
+ }
+ }
+ if (codegen.get() != nullptr) {
+ compiled_method = Emit(&allocator,
+ &code_allocator,
+ codegen.get(),
+ compiled_intrinsic ? nullptr : code_item);
+ if (compiled_intrinsic) {
+ compiled_method->MarkAsIntrinsic();
+ }
- if (kArenaAllocatorCountAllocations) {
- codegen.reset(); // Release codegen's ScopedArenaAllocator for memory accounting.
- size_t total_allocated = allocator.BytesAllocated() + arena_stack.PeakBytesAllocated();
- if (total_allocated > kArenaAllocatorMemoryReportThreshold) {
- MemStats mem_stats(allocator.GetMemStats());
- MemStats peak_stats(arena_stack.GetPeakStats());
- LOG(INFO) << "Used " << total_allocated << " bytes of arena memory for compiling "
- << dex_file.PrettyMethod(method_idx)
- << "\n" << Dumpable<MemStats>(mem_stats)
- << "\n" << Dumpable<MemStats>(peak_stats);
- }
+ if (kArenaAllocatorCountAllocations) {
+ codegen.reset(); // Release codegen's ScopedArenaAllocator for memory accounting.
+ size_t total_allocated = allocator.BytesAllocated() + arena_stack.PeakBytesAllocated();
+ if (total_allocated > kArenaAllocatorMemoryReportThreshold) {
+ MemStats mem_stats(allocator.GetMemStats());
+ MemStats peak_stats(arena_stack.GetPeakStats());
+ LOG(INFO) << "Used " << total_allocated << " bytes of arena memory for compiling "
+ << dex_file.PrettyMethod(method_idx)
+ << "\n" << Dumpable<MemStats>(mem_stats)
+ << "\n" << Dumpable<MemStats>(peak_stats);
- } else {
- MethodCompilationStat method_stat;
- if (compiler_options.VerifyAtRuntime()) {
- method_stat = MethodCompilationStat::kNotCompiledVerifyAtRuntime;
- } else {
- method_stat = MethodCompilationStat::kNotCompiledVerificationError;
- }
- MaybeRecordStat(compilation_stats_.get(), method_stat);
if (kIsDebugBuild &&