Revert "Revert "Write dex files to oat file early.""

This reverts commit 919f5536182890d2e03f59b961acf8f7c836ff61.

Fix linker error (Mac build):
Replace inline definition of art::ZipArchive::~ZipArchive()
with an out-of-line definition in to avoid
direct reference to CloseArchive() from libart-compiler due
to inlining. Note that libart is linked against -lziparchive
but libart-compiler is not.

Change-Id: I92620ea0200282ca7ba9b7f61a592cb6468d90d8
diff --git a/compiler/elf_builder.h b/compiler/elf_builder.h
index a7461a5..46484b1 100644
--- a/compiler/elf_builder.h
+++ b/compiler/elf_builder.h
@@ -100,12 +100,6 @@
       header_.sh_entsize = entsize;
-    ~Section() OVERRIDE {
-      if (started_) {
-        CHECK(finished_);
-      }
-    }
     // Start writing of this section.
     void Start() {
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 6859605..12132c0 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -95,25 +95,37 @@
       SafeMap<std::string, std::string> key_value_store;
-      OatWriter oat_writer(class_linker->GetBootClassPath(),
-                           0,
-                           0,
-                           0,
-                           compiler_driver_.get(),
-                           writer.get(),
-                           /*compiling_boot_image*/true,
-                           &timings,
-                           &key_value_store);
+      const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files = class_linker->GetBootClassPath();
       std::unique_ptr<ElfWriter> elf_writer = CreateElfWriterQuick(
-      bool success = writer->PrepareImageAddressSpace();
-      ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+      OatWriter oat_writer(/*compiling_boot_image*/true, &timings);
       OutputStream* rodata = elf_writer->StartRoData();
+      for (const DexFile* dex_file : dex_files) {
+        ArrayRef<const uint8_t> raw_dex_file(
+            reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&dex_file->GetHeader()),
+            dex_file->GetHeader().file_size_);
+        oat_writer.AddRawDexFileSource(raw_dex_file,
+                                       dex_file->GetLocation().c_str(),
+                                       dex_file->GetLocationChecksum());
+      }
+      std::unique_ptr<MemMap> opened_dex_files_map;
+      std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> opened_dex_files;
+      bool dex_files_ok = oat_writer.WriteAndOpenDexFiles(
+          rodata,
+          oat_file.GetFile(),
+          compiler_driver_->GetInstructionSet(),
+          compiler_driver_->GetInstructionSetFeatures(),
+          &key_value_store,
+          &opened_dex_files_map,
+          &opened_dex_files);
+      ASSERT_TRUE(dex_files_ok);
+      oat_writer.PrepareLayout(compiler_driver_.get(), writer.get(), dex_files);
+      bool image_space_ok = writer->PrepareImageAddressSpace();
+      ASSERT_TRUE(image_space_ok);
       bool rodata_ok = oat_writer.WriteRodata(rodata);
@@ -123,12 +135,15 @@
+      bool header_ok = oat_writer.WriteHeader(elf_writer->GetStream(), 0u, 0u, 0u);
+      ASSERT_TRUE(header_ok);
-      success = elf_writer->End();
+      bool success = elf_writer->End();
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 7a2b74e..c0d15f3 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 #include "oat_file-inl.h"
 #include "oat_writer.h"
 #include "scoped_thread_state_change.h"
+#include "utils/test_dex_file_builder.h"
 namespace art {
@@ -127,23 +128,74 @@
                 const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files,
                 SafeMap<std::string, std::string>& key_value_store) {
     TimingLogger timings("WriteElf", false, false);
-    OatWriter oat_writer(dex_files,
-                         42U,
-                         4096U,
-                         0,
-                         compiler_driver_.get(),
-                         nullptr,
-                         /*compiling_boot_image*/false,
-                         &timings,
-                         &key_value_store);
+    OatWriter oat_writer(/*compiling_boot_image*/false, &timings);
+    for (const DexFile* dex_file : dex_files) {
+      ArrayRef<const uint8_t> raw_dex_file(
+          reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&dex_file->GetHeader()),
+          dex_file->GetHeader().file_size_);
+      if (!oat_writer.AddRawDexFileSource(raw_dex_file,
+                                          dex_file->GetLocation().c_str(),
+                                          dex_file->GetLocationChecksum())) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return DoWriteElf(file, oat_writer, key_value_store);
+  }
+  bool WriteElf(File* file,
+                const std::vector<const char*>& dex_filenames,
+                SafeMap<std::string, std::string>& key_value_store) {
+    TimingLogger timings("WriteElf", false, false);
+    OatWriter oat_writer(/*compiling_boot_image*/false, &timings);
+    for (const char* dex_filename : dex_filenames) {
+      if (!oat_writer.AddDexFileSource(dex_filename, dex_filename)) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return DoWriteElf(file, oat_writer, key_value_store);
+  }
+  bool WriteElf(File* file,
+                ScopedFd&& zip_fd,
+                const char* location,
+                SafeMap<std::string, std::string>& key_value_store) {
+    TimingLogger timings("WriteElf", false, false);
+    OatWriter oat_writer(/*compiling_boot_image*/false, &timings);
+    if (!oat_writer.AddZippedDexFilesSource(std::move(zip_fd), location)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    return DoWriteElf(file, oat_writer, key_value_store);
+  }
+  bool DoWriteElf(File* file,
+                  OatWriter& oat_writer,
+                  SafeMap<std::string, std::string>& key_value_store) {
     std::unique_ptr<ElfWriter> elf_writer = CreateElfWriterQuick(
     OutputStream* rodata = elf_writer->StartRoData();
+    std::unique_ptr<MemMap> opened_dex_files_map;
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> opened_dex_files;
+    if (!oat_writer.WriteAndOpenDexFiles(rodata,
+                                         file,
+                                         compiler_driver_->GetInstructionSet(),
+                                         compiler_driver_->GetInstructionSetFeatures(),
+                                         &key_value_store,
+                                         &opened_dex_files_map,
+                                         &opened_dex_files)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
+    ClassLinker* const class_linker = runtime->GetClassLinker();
+    std::vector<const DexFile*> dex_files;
+    for (const std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex_file : opened_dex_files) {
+      dex_files.push_back(dex_file.get());
+      ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+      class_linker->RegisterDexFile(*dex_file, runtime->GetLinearAlloc());
+    }
+    oat_writer.PrepareLayout(compiler_driver_.get(), nullptr, dex_files);
     if (!oat_writer.WriteRodata(rodata)) {
       return false;
@@ -155,6 +207,10 @@
+    if (!oat_writer.WriteHeader(elf_writer->GetStream(), 42U, 4096U, 0)) {
+      return false;
+    }
@@ -167,6 +223,117 @@
   std::unique_ptr<QuickCompilerCallbacks> callbacks_;
+class ZipBuilder {
+ public:
+  explicit ZipBuilder(File* zip_file) : zip_file_(zip_file) { }
+  bool AddFile(const char* location, const void* data, size_t size) {
+    off_t offset = lseek(zip_file_->Fd(), 0, SEEK_CUR);
+    if (offset == static_cast<off_t>(-1)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    ZipFileHeader file_header;
+    file_header.crc32 = crc32(0u, reinterpret_cast<const Bytef*>(data), size);
+    file_header.compressed_size = size;
+    file_header.uncompressed_size = size;
+    file_header.filename_length = strlen(location);
+    if (!zip_file_->WriteFully(&file_header, sizeof(file_header)) ||
+        !zip_file_->WriteFully(location, file_header.filename_length) ||
+        !zip_file_->WriteFully(data, size)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    CentralDirectoryFileHeader cdfh;
+    cdfh.crc32 = file_header.crc32;
+    cdfh.compressed_size = size;
+    cdfh.uncompressed_size = size;
+    cdfh.filename_length = file_header.filename_length;
+    cdfh.relative_offset_of_local_file_header = offset;
+    file_data_.push_back(FileData { cdfh, location });
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool Finish() {
+    off_t offset = lseek(zip_file_->Fd(), 0, SEEK_CUR);
+    if (offset == static_cast<off_t>(-1)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    size_t central_directory_size = 0u;
+    for (const FileData& file_data : file_data_) {
+      if (!zip_file_->WriteFully(&file_data.cdfh, sizeof(file_data.cdfh)) ||
+          !zip_file_->WriteFully(file_data.location, file_data.cdfh.filename_length)) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      central_directory_size += sizeof(file_data.cdfh) + file_data.cdfh.filename_length;
+    }
+    EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord eocd_record;
+    eocd_record.number_of_central_directory_records_on_this_disk = file_data_.size();
+    eocd_record.total_number_of_central_directory_records = file_data_.size();
+    eocd_record.size_of_central_directory = central_directory_size;
+    eocd_record.offset_of_start_of_central_directory = offset;
+    return
+        zip_file_->WriteFully(&eocd_record, sizeof(eocd_record)) &&
+        zip_file_->Flush() == 0;
+  }
+ private:
+  struct PACKED(1) ZipFileHeader {
+    uint32_t signature = 0x04034b50;
+    uint16_t version_needed_to_extract = 10;
+    uint16_t general_purpose_bit_flag = 0;
+    uint16_t compression_method = 0;            // 0 = store only.
+    uint16_t file_last_modification_time = 0u;
+    uint16_t file_last_modification_date = 0u;
+    uint32_t crc32;
+    uint32_t compressed_size;
+    uint32_t uncompressed_size;
+    uint16_t filename_length;
+    uint16_t extra_field_length = 0u;           // No extra fields.
+  };
+  struct PACKED(1) CentralDirectoryFileHeader {
+    uint32_t signature = 0x02014b50;
+    uint16_t version_made_by = 10;
+    uint16_t version_needed_to_extract = 10;
+    uint16_t general_purpose_bit_flag = 0;
+    uint16_t compression_method = 0;            // 0 = store only.
+    uint16_t file_last_modification_time = 0u;
+    uint16_t file_last_modification_date = 0u;
+    uint32_t crc32;
+    uint32_t compressed_size;
+    uint32_t uncompressed_size;
+    uint16_t filename_length;
+    uint16_t extra_field_length = 0u;           // No extra fields.
+    uint16_t file_comment_length = 0u;          // No file comment.
+    uint16_t disk_number_where_file_starts = 0u;
+    uint16_t internal_file_attributes = 0u;
+    uint32_t external_file_attributes = 0u;
+    uint32_t relative_offset_of_local_file_header;
+  };
+  struct PACKED(1) EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord {
+    uint32_t signature = 0x06054b50;
+    uint16_t number_of_this_disk = 0u;
+    uint16_t disk_where_central_directory_starts = 0u;
+    uint16_t number_of_central_directory_records_on_this_disk;
+    uint16_t total_number_of_central_directory_records;
+    uint32_t size_of_central_directory;
+    uint32_t offset_of_start_of_central_directory;
+    uint16_t comment_length = 0u;               // No file comment.
+  };
+  struct FileData {
+    CentralDirectoryFileHeader cdfh;
+    const char* location;
+  };
+  File* zip_file_;
+  std::vector<FileData> file_data_;
 TEST_F(OatTest, WriteRead) {
   TimingLogger timings("OatTest::WriteRead", false, false);
   ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
@@ -327,4 +494,189 @@
   EXPECT_LT(static_cast<size_t>(oat_file->Size()), static_cast<size_t>(tmp.GetFile()->GetLength()));
+TEST_F(OatTest, DexFileInput) {
+  TimingLogger timings("OatTest::DexFileInput", false, false);
+  std::vector<const char*> input_filenames;
+  ScratchFile dex_file1;
+  TestDexFileBuilder builder1;
+  builder1.AddField("Lsome.TestClass;", "int", "someField");
+  builder1.AddMethod("Lsome.TestClass;", "()I", "foo");
+  std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex_file1_data = builder1.Build(dex_file1.GetFilename());
+  bool success = dex_file1.GetFile()->WriteFully(&dex_file1_data->GetHeader(),
+                                                 dex_file1_data->GetHeader().file_size_);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+  success = dex_file1.GetFile()->Flush() == 0;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+  input_filenames.push_back(dex_file1.GetFilename().c_str());
+  ScratchFile dex_file2;
+  TestDexFileBuilder builder2;
+  builder2.AddField("Land.AnotherTestClass;", "boolean", "someOtherField");
+  builder2.AddMethod("Land.AnotherTestClass;", "()J", "bar");
+  std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex_file2_data = builder2.Build(dex_file2.GetFilename());
+  success = dex_file2.GetFile()->WriteFully(&dex_file2_data->GetHeader(),
+                                            dex_file2_data->GetHeader().file_size_);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+  success = dex_file2.GetFile()->Flush() == 0;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+  input_filenames.push_back(dex_file2.GetFilename().c_str());
+  ScratchFile oat_file;
+  SafeMap<std::string, std::string> key_value_store;
+  key_value_store.Put(OatHeader::kImageLocationKey, "");
+  success = WriteElf(oat_file.GetFile(), input_filenames, key_value_store);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+  std::string error_msg;
+  std::unique_ptr<OatFile> opened_oat_file(OatFile::Open(oat_file.GetFilename(),
+                                                         oat_file.GetFilename(),
+                                                         nullptr,
+                                                         nullptr,
+                                                         false,
+                                                         nullptr,
+                                                         &error_msg));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(opened_oat_file != nullptr);
+  ASSERT_EQ(2u, opened_oat_file->GetOatDexFiles().size());
+  std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> opened_dex_file1 =
+      opened_oat_file->GetOatDexFiles()[0]->OpenDexFile(&error_msg);
+  std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> opened_dex_file2 =
+      opened_oat_file->GetOatDexFiles()[1]->OpenDexFile(&error_msg);
+  ASSERT_EQ(dex_file1_data->GetHeader().file_size_, opened_dex_file1->GetHeader().file_size_);
+  ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(&dex_file1_data->GetHeader(),
+                      &opened_dex_file1->GetHeader(),
+                      dex_file1_data->GetHeader().file_size_));
+  ASSERT_EQ(dex_file1_data->GetLocation(), opened_dex_file1->GetLocation());
+  ASSERT_EQ(dex_file2_data->GetHeader().file_size_, opened_dex_file2->GetHeader().file_size_);
+  ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(&dex_file2_data->GetHeader(),
+                      &opened_dex_file2->GetHeader(),
+                      dex_file2_data->GetHeader().file_size_));
+  ASSERT_EQ(dex_file2_data->GetLocation(), opened_dex_file2->GetLocation());
+TEST_F(OatTest, ZipFileInput) {
+  TimingLogger timings("OatTest::DexFileInput", false, false);
+  ScratchFile zip_file;
+  ZipBuilder zip_builder(zip_file.GetFile());
+  ScratchFile dex_file1;
+  TestDexFileBuilder builder1;
+  builder1.AddField("Lsome.TestClass;", "long", "someField");
+  builder1.AddMethod("Lsome.TestClass;", "()D", "foo");
+  std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex_file1_data = builder1.Build(dex_file1.GetFilename());
+  bool success = dex_file1.GetFile()->WriteFully(&dex_file1_data->GetHeader(),
+                                                 dex_file1_data->GetHeader().file_size_);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+  success = dex_file1.GetFile()->Flush() == 0;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+  success = zip_builder.AddFile("classes.dex",
+                                &dex_file1_data->GetHeader(),
+                                dex_file1_data->GetHeader().file_size_);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+  ScratchFile dex_file2;
+  TestDexFileBuilder builder2;
+  builder2.AddField("Land.AnotherTestClass;", "boolean", "someOtherField");
+  builder2.AddMethod("Land.AnotherTestClass;", "()J", "bar");
+  std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex_file2_data = builder2.Build(dex_file2.GetFilename());
+  success = dex_file2.GetFile()->WriteFully(&dex_file2_data->GetHeader(),
+                                            dex_file2_data->GetHeader().file_size_);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+  success = dex_file2.GetFile()->Flush() == 0;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+  success = zip_builder.AddFile("classes2.dex",
+                                &dex_file2_data->GetHeader(),
+                                dex_file2_data->GetHeader().file_size_);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+  success = zip_builder.Finish();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(success) << strerror(errno);
+  SafeMap<std::string, std::string> key_value_store;
+  key_value_store.Put(OatHeader::kImageLocationKey, "");
+  {
+    // Test using the AddDexFileSource() interface with the zip file.
+    std::vector<const char*> input_filenames { zip_file.GetFilename().c_str() };  // NOLINT [readability/braces] [4]
+    ScratchFile oat_file;
+    success = WriteElf(oat_file.GetFile(), input_filenames, key_value_store);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+    std::string error_msg;
+    std::unique_ptr<OatFile> opened_oat_file(OatFile::Open(oat_file.GetFilename(),
+                                                           oat_file.GetFilename(),
+                                                           nullptr,
+                                                           nullptr,
+                                                           false,
+                                                           nullptr,
+                                                           &error_msg));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(opened_oat_file != nullptr);
+    ASSERT_EQ(2u, opened_oat_file->GetOatDexFiles().size());
+    std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> opened_dex_file1 =
+        opened_oat_file->GetOatDexFiles()[0]->OpenDexFile(&error_msg);
+    std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> opened_dex_file2 =
+        opened_oat_file->GetOatDexFiles()[1]->OpenDexFile(&error_msg);
+    ASSERT_EQ(dex_file1_data->GetHeader().file_size_, opened_dex_file1->GetHeader().file_size_);
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(&dex_file1_data->GetHeader(),
+                        &opened_dex_file1->GetHeader(),
+                        dex_file1_data->GetHeader().file_size_));
+    ASSERT_EQ(DexFile::GetMultiDexLocation(0, zip_file.GetFilename().c_str()),
+              opened_dex_file1->GetLocation());
+    ASSERT_EQ(dex_file2_data->GetHeader().file_size_, opened_dex_file2->GetHeader().file_size_);
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(&dex_file2_data->GetHeader(),
+                        &opened_dex_file2->GetHeader(),
+                        dex_file2_data->GetHeader().file_size_));
+    ASSERT_EQ(DexFile::GetMultiDexLocation(1, zip_file.GetFilename().c_str()),
+              opened_dex_file2->GetLocation());
+  }
+  {
+    // Test using the AddZipDexFileSource() interface with the zip file handle.
+    ScopedFd zip_fd(dup(zip_file.GetFd()));
+    ASSERT_NE(-1, zip_fd.get());
+    ScratchFile oat_file;
+    success = WriteElf(oat_file.GetFile(),
+                       std::move(zip_fd),
+                       zip_file.GetFilename().c_str(),
+                       key_value_store);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+    std::string error_msg;
+    std::unique_ptr<OatFile> opened_oat_file(OatFile::Open(oat_file.GetFilename(),
+                                                           oat_file.GetFilename(),
+                                                           nullptr,
+                                                           nullptr,
+                                                           false,
+                                                           nullptr,
+                                                           &error_msg));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(opened_oat_file != nullptr);
+    ASSERT_EQ(2u, opened_oat_file->GetOatDexFiles().size());
+    std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> opened_dex_file1 =
+        opened_oat_file->GetOatDexFiles()[0]->OpenDexFile(&error_msg);
+    std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> opened_dex_file2 =
+        opened_oat_file->GetOatDexFiles()[1]->OpenDexFile(&error_msg);
+    ASSERT_EQ(dex_file1_data->GetHeader().file_size_, opened_dex_file1->GetHeader().file_size_);
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(&dex_file1_data->GetHeader(),
+                        &opened_dex_file1->GetHeader(),
+                        dex_file1_data->GetHeader().file_size_));
+    ASSERT_EQ(DexFile::GetMultiDexLocation(0, zip_file.GetFilename().c_str()),
+              opened_dex_file1->GetLocation());
+    ASSERT_EQ(dex_file2_data->GetHeader().file_size_, opened_dex_file2->GetHeader().file_size_);
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(&dex_file2_data->GetHeader(),
+                        &opened_dex_file2->GetHeader(),
+                        dex_file2_data->GetHeader().file_size_));
+    ASSERT_EQ(DexFile::GetMultiDexLocation(1, zip_file.GetFilename().c_str()),
+              opened_dex_file2->GetLocation());
+  }
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 025e35e..c74c41f 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -16,12 +16,14 @@
 #include "oat_writer.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
 #include <zlib.h>
 #include "arch/arm64/instruction_set_features_arm64.h"
 #include "art_method-inl.h"
 #include "base/allocator.h"
 #include "base/bit_vector.h"
+#include "base/file_magic.h"
 #include "base/stl_util.h"
 #include "base/unix_file/fd_file.h"
 #include "class_linker.h"
@@ -49,9 +51,77 @@
 #include "type_lookup_table.h"
 #include "utils/dex_cache_arrays_layout-inl.h"
 #include "verifier/method_verifier.h"
+#include "zip_archive.h"
 namespace art {
+namespace {  // anonymous namespace
+typedef DexFile::Header __attribute__((aligned(1))) UnalignedDexFileHeader;
+const UnalignedDexFileHeader* AsUnalignedDexFileHeader(const uint8_t* raw_data) {
+    return reinterpret_cast<const UnalignedDexFileHeader*>(raw_data);
+}  // anonymous namespace
+// Defines the location of the raw dex file to write.
+class OatWriter::DexFileSource {
+ public:
+  explicit DexFileSource(ZipEntry* zip_entry)
+      : type_(kZipEntry), source_(zip_entry) {
+    DCHECK(source_ != nullptr);
+  }
+  explicit DexFileSource(File* raw_file)
+      : type_(kRawFile), source_(raw_file) {
+    DCHECK(source_ != nullptr);
+  }
+  explicit DexFileSource(const uint8_t* dex_file)
+      : type_(kRawData), source_(dex_file) {
+    DCHECK(source_ != nullptr);
+  }
+  bool IsZipEntry() const { return type_ == kZipEntry; }
+  bool IsRawFile() const { return type_ == kRawFile; }
+  bool IsRawData() const { return type_ == kRawData; }
+  ZipEntry* GetZipEntry() const {
+    DCHECK(IsZipEntry());
+    DCHECK(source_ != nullptr);
+    return static_cast<ZipEntry*>(const_cast<void*>(source_));
+  }
+  File* GetRawFile() const {
+    DCHECK(IsRawFile());
+    DCHECK(source_ != nullptr);
+    return static_cast<File*>(const_cast<void*>(source_));
+  }
+  const uint8_t* GetRawData() const {
+    DCHECK(IsRawData());
+    DCHECK(source_ != nullptr);
+    return static_cast<const uint8_t*>(source_);
+  }
+  void Clear() {
+    type_ = kNone;
+    source_ = nullptr;
+  }
+ private:
+  enum Type {
+    kNone,
+    kZipEntry,
+    kRawFile,
+    kRawData,
+  };
+  Type type_;
+  const void* source_;
 class OatWriter::OatClass {
   OatClass(size_t offset,
@@ -116,11 +186,30 @@
 class OatWriter::OatDexFile {
-  OatDexFile(size_t offset, const DexFile& dex_file);
+  OatDexFile(const char* dex_file_location,
+             DexFileSource source,
+             CreateTypeLookupTable create_type_lookup_table);
   OatDexFile(OatDexFile&& src) = default;
+  const char* GetLocation() const {
+    return dex_file_location_data_;
+  }
+  void ReserveTypeLookupTable(OatWriter* oat_writer);
+  void ReserveClassOffsets(OatWriter* oat_writer);
   size_t SizeOf() const;
-  bool Write(OatWriter* oat_writer, OutputStream* out, const size_t file_offset) const;
+  bool Write(OatWriter* oat_writer, OutputStream* out) const;
+  bool WriteClassOffsets(OatWriter* oat_writer, OutputStream* out);
+  // The source of the dex file.
+  DexFileSource source_;
+  // Whether to create the type lookup table.
+  CreateTypeLookupTable create_type_lookup_table_;
+  // Dex file size. Initialized when writing the dex file.
+  size_t dex_file_size_;
   // Offset of start of OatDexFile from beginning of OatHeader. It is
   // used to validate file position when writing.
@@ -128,11 +217,13 @@
   // Data to write.
   uint32_t dex_file_location_size_;
-  const uint8_t* dex_file_location_data_;
+  const char* dex_file_location_data_;
   uint32_t dex_file_location_checksum_;
   uint32_t dex_file_offset_;
+  uint32_t class_offsets_offset_;
   uint32_t lookup_table_offset_;
-  TypeLookupTable* lookup_table_;  // Owned by the dex file.
+  // Data to write to a separate section.
   dchecked_vector<uint32_t> class_offsets_;
@@ -151,26 +242,20 @@
   DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<off_t>(file_offset + offset_), out->Seek(0, kSeekCurrent)) \
     << "file_offset=" << file_offset << " offset_=" << offset_
-OatWriter::OatWriter(const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files,
-                     uint32_t image_file_location_oat_checksum,
-                     uintptr_t image_file_location_oat_begin,
-                     int32_t image_patch_delta,
-                     const CompilerDriver* compiler,
-                     ImageWriter* image_writer,
-                     bool compiling_boot_image,
-                     TimingLogger* timings,
-                     SafeMap<std::string, std::string>* key_value_store)
-  : compiler_driver_(compiler),
-    image_writer_(image_writer),
+OatWriter::OatWriter(bool compiling_boot_image, TimingLogger* timings)
+  : write_state_(WriteState::kAddingDexFileSources),
+    timings_(timings),
+    raw_dex_files_(),
+    zip_archives_(),
+    zipped_dex_files_(),
+    zipped_dex_file_locations_(),
+    compiler_driver_(nullptr),
+    image_writer_(nullptr),
-    dex_files_(&dex_files),
+    dex_files_(nullptr),
-    image_file_location_oat_checksum_(image_file_location_oat_checksum),
-    image_file_location_oat_begin_(image_file_location_oat_begin),
-    image_patch_delta_(image_patch_delta),
-    key_value_store_(key_value_store),
@@ -197,55 +282,192 @@
+    size_oat_dex_file_class_offsets_offset_(0),
-    size_oat_dex_file_class_offsets_(0),
+    size_oat_class_offsets_alignment_(0),
+    size_oat_class_offsets_(0),
     method_offset_map_() {
-  CHECK(key_value_store != nullptr);
-  if (compiling_boot_image) {
-    CHECK(image_writer != nullptr);
+bool OatWriter::AddDexFileSource(const char* filename,
+                                 const char* location,
+                                 CreateTypeLookupTable create_type_lookup_table) {
+  DCHECK(write_state_ == WriteState::kAddingDexFileSources);
+  uint32_t magic;
+  std::string error_msg;
+  ScopedFd fd(OpenAndReadMagic(filename, &magic, &error_msg));
+  if (fd.get() == -1) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read magic number from dex file: '" << filename << "'";
+    return false;
+  } else if (IsDexMagic(magic)) {
+    // The file is open for reading, not writing, so it's OK to let the File destructor
+    // close it without checking for explicit Close(), so pass checkUsage = false.
+    raw_dex_files_.emplace_back(new File(fd.release(), location, /* checkUsage */ false));
+    oat_dex_files_.emplace_back(location,
+                                DexFileSource(raw_dex_files_.back().get()),
+                                create_type_lookup_table);
+  } else if (IsZipMagic(magic)) {
+    if (!AddZippedDexFilesSource(std::move(fd), location, create_type_lookup_table)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  } else {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Expected valid zip or dex file: '" << filename << "'";
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+// Add dex file source(s) from a zip file specified by a file handle.
+bool OatWriter::AddZippedDexFilesSource(ScopedFd&& zip_fd,
+                                        const char* location,
+                                        CreateTypeLookupTable create_type_lookup_table) {
+  DCHECK(write_state_ == WriteState::kAddingDexFileSources);
+  std::string error_msg;
+  zip_archives_.emplace_back(ZipArchive::OpenFromFd(zip_fd.release(), location, &error_msg));
+  ZipArchive* zip_archive = zip_archives_.back().get();
+  if (zip_archive == nullptr) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open zip from file descriptor for '" << location << "': "
+        << error_msg;
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (size_t i = 0; ; ++i) {
+    std::string entry_name = DexFile::GetMultiDexClassesDexName(i);
+    std::unique_ptr<ZipEntry> entry(zip_archive->Find(entry_name.c_str(), &error_msg));
+    if (entry == nullptr) {
+      break;
+    }
+    zipped_dex_files_.push_back(std::move(entry));
+    zipped_dex_file_locations_.push_back(DexFile::GetMultiDexLocation(i, location));
+    const char* full_location = zipped_dex_file_locations_.back().c_str();
+    oat_dex_files_.emplace_back(full_location,
+                                DexFileSource(zipped_dex_files_.back().get()),
+                                create_type_lookup_table);
+  }
+  if (zipped_dex_file_locations_.empty()) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "No dex files in zip file '" << location << "': " << error_msg;
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+// Add dex file source from raw memory.
+bool OatWriter::AddRawDexFileSource(const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& data,
+                                    const char* location,
+                                    uint32_t location_checksum,
+                                    CreateTypeLookupTable create_type_lookup_table) {
+  DCHECK(write_state_ == WriteState::kAddingDexFileSources);
+  if (data.size() < sizeof(DexFile::Header)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Provided data is shorter than dex file header. size: "
+               << data.size() << " File: " << location;
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!ValidateDexFileHeader(, location)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  const UnalignedDexFileHeader* header = AsUnalignedDexFileHeader(;
+  if (data.size() < header->file_size_) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Truncated dex file data. Data size: " << data.size()
+               << " file size from header: " << header->file_size_ << " File: " << location;
+    return false;
+  }
+  oat_dex_files_.emplace_back(location, DexFileSource(, create_type_lookup_table);
+  oat_dex_files_.back().dex_file_location_checksum_ = location_checksum;
+  return true;
+dchecked_vector<const char*> OatWriter::GetSourceLocations() const {
+  dchecked_vector<const char*> locations;
+  locations.reserve(oat_dex_files_.size());
+  for (const OatDexFile& oat_dex_file : oat_dex_files_) {
+    locations.push_back(oat_dex_file.GetLocation());
+  }
+  return locations;
+bool OatWriter::WriteAndOpenDexFiles(
+    OutputStream* rodata,
+    File* file,
+    InstructionSet instruction_set,
+    const InstructionSetFeatures* instruction_set_features,
+    SafeMap<std::string, std::string>* key_value_store,
+    /*out*/ std::unique_ptr<MemMap>* opened_dex_files_map,
+    /*out*/ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>* opened_dex_files) {
+  CHECK(write_state_ == WriteState::kAddingDexFileSources);
+  size_t offset = InitOatHeader(instruction_set,
+                                instruction_set_features,
+                                dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(oat_dex_files_.size()),
+                                key_value_store);
+  offset = InitOatDexFiles(offset);
+  size_ = offset;
+  std::unique_ptr<MemMap> dex_files_map;
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
+  if (!WriteDexFiles(rodata, file)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Reserve space for type lookup tables and update type_lookup_table_offset_.
+  for (OatDexFile& oat_dex_file : oat_dex_files_) {
+    oat_dex_file.ReserveTypeLookupTable(this);
+  }
+  size_t size_after_type_lookup_tables = size_;
+  // Reserve space for class offsets and update class_offsets_offset_.
+  for (OatDexFile& oat_dex_file : oat_dex_files_) {
+    oat_dex_file.ReserveClassOffsets(this);
+  }
+  if (!WriteOatDexFiles(rodata) ||
+      !ExtendForTypeLookupTables(rodata, file, size_after_type_lookup_tables) ||
+      !OpenDexFiles(file, &dex_files_map, &dex_files) ||
+      !WriteTypeLookupTables(dex_files_map.get(), dex_files)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  *opened_dex_files_map = std::move(dex_files_map);
+  *opened_dex_files = std::move(dex_files);
+  write_state_ = WriteState::kPrepareLayout;
+  return true;
+void OatWriter::PrepareLayout(const CompilerDriver* compiler,
+                              ImageWriter* image_writer,
+                              const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files) {
+  CHECK(write_state_ == WriteState::kPrepareLayout);
+  dex_files_ = &dex_files;
+  compiler_driver_ = compiler;
+  image_writer_ = image_writer;
+  if (compiling_boot_image_) {
+    CHECK(image_writer_ != nullptr);
   InstructionSet instruction_set = compiler_driver_->GetInstructionSet();
+  CHECK_EQ(instruction_set, oat_header_->GetInstructionSet());
   const InstructionSetFeatures* features = compiler_driver_->GetInstructionSetFeatures();
   relative_patcher_ = linker::RelativePatcher::Create(instruction_set, features,
-  size_t offset;
+  uint32_t offset = size_;
-    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitOatHeader", timings);
-    offset = InitOatHeader();
-  }
-  {
-    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitOatDexFiles", timings);
-    offset = InitOatDexFiles(offset);
-  }
-  {
-    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitDexFiles", timings);
-    offset = InitDexFiles(offset);
-  }
-  {
-    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitLookupTables", timings);
-    offset = InitLookupTables(offset);
-  }
-  {
-    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitOatClasses", timings);
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitOatClasses", timings_);
     offset = InitOatClasses(offset);
-    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitOatMaps", timings);
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitOatMaps", timings_);
     offset = InitOatMaps(offset);
-    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitOatCode", timings);
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitOatCode", timings_);
     offset = InitOatCode(offset);
-    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitOatCodeDexFiles", timings);
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitOatCodeDexFiles", timings_);
     offset = InitOatCodeDexFiles(offset);
   size_ = offset;
@@ -255,7 +477,7 @@
     size_t bss_start = RoundUp(size_, kPageSize);
     size_t pointer_size = GetInstructionSetPointerSize(instruction_set);
     bss_size_ = 0u;
-    for (const DexFile* dex_file : dex_files) {
+    for (const DexFile* dex_file : *dex_files_) {
       dex_cache_arrays_offsets_.Put(dex_file, bss_start + bss_size_);
       DexCacheArraysLayout layout(pointer_size, dex_file);
       bss_size_ += layout.Size();
@@ -265,9 +487,10 @@
   CHECK_EQ(dex_files_->size(), oat_dex_files_.size());
   if (compiling_boot_image_) {
     CHECK_EQ(image_writer_ != nullptr,
-             key_value_store_->find(OatHeader::kImageLocationKey) == key_value_store_->end());
+             oat_header_->GetStoreValueByKey(OatHeader::kImageLocationKey) == nullptr);
-  CHECK_ALIGNED(image_patch_delta_, kPageSize);
+  write_state_ = WriteState::kWriteRoData;
 OatWriter::~OatWriter() {
@@ -1134,59 +1357,26 @@
   return true;
-size_t OatWriter::InitOatHeader() {
-  oat_header_.reset(OatHeader::Create(compiler_driver_->GetInstructionSet(),
-                                      compiler_driver_->GetInstructionSetFeatures(),
-                                      dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(dex_files_->size()),
-                                      key_value_store_));
-  oat_header_->SetImageFileLocationOatChecksum(image_file_location_oat_checksum_);
-  oat_header_->SetImageFileLocationOatDataBegin(image_file_location_oat_begin_);
+size_t OatWriter::InitOatHeader(InstructionSet instruction_set,
+                                const InstructionSetFeatures* instruction_set_features,
+                                uint32_t num_dex_files,
+                                SafeMap<std::string, std::string>* key_value_store) {
+  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitOatHeader", timings_);
+  oat_header_.reset(OatHeader::Create(instruction_set,
+                                      instruction_set_features,
+                                      num_dex_files,
+                                      key_value_store));
+  size_oat_header_ += sizeof(OatHeader);
+  size_oat_header_key_value_store_ += oat_header_->GetHeaderSize() - sizeof(OatHeader);
   return oat_header_->GetHeaderSize();
 size_t OatWriter::InitOatDexFiles(size_t offset) {
-  // create the OatDexFiles
-  for (size_t i = 0; i != dex_files_->size(); ++i) {
-    const DexFile* dex_file = (*dex_files_)[i];
-    CHECK(dex_file != nullptr);
-    oat_dex_files_.emplace_back(offset, *dex_file);
-    offset += oat_dex_files_.back().SizeOf();
-  }
-  return offset;
-size_t OatWriter::InitDexFiles(size_t offset) {
-  // calculate the offsets within OatDexFiles to the DexFiles
-  for (size_t i = 0; i != dex_files_->size(); ++i) {
-    // dex files are required to be 4 byte aligned
-    size_t original_offset = offset;
-    offset = RoundUp(offset, 4);
-    size_dex_file_alignment_ += offset - original_offset;
-    // set offset in OatDexFile to DexFile
-    oat_dex_files_[i].dex_file_offset_ = offset;
-    const DexFile* dex_file = (*dex_files_)[i];
-    // Initialize type lookup table
-    oat_dex_files_[i].lookup_table_ = dex_file->GetTypeLookupTable();
-    offset += dex_file->GetHeader().file_size_;
-  }
-  return offset;
-size_t OatWriter::InitLookupTables(size_t offset) {
+  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("InitOatDexFiles", timings_);
+  // Initialize offsets of dex files.
   for (OatDexFile& oat_dex_file : oat_dex_files_) {
-    if (oat_dex_file.lookup_table_ != nullptr) {
-      uint32_t aligned_offset = RoundUp(offset, 4);
-      oat_dex_file.lookup_table_offset_ = aligned_offset;
-      size_oat_lookup_table_alignment_ += aligned_offset - offset;
-      offset = aligned_offset + oat_dex_file.lookup_table_->RawDataLength();
-    } else {
-      oat_dex_file.lookup_table_offset_ = 0;
-    }
+    oat_dex_file.offset_ = offset;
+    offset += oat_dex_file.SizeOf();
   return offset;
@@ -1239,7 +1429,6 @@
   size_executable_offset_alignment_ = offset - old_offset;
   if (compiler_driver_->IsBootImage()) {
-    CHECK_EQ(image_patch_delta_, 0);
     InstructionSet instruction_set = compiler_driver_->GetInstructionSet();
     #define DO_TRAMPOLINE(field, fn_name) \
@@ -1264,7 +1453,6 @@
-    oat_header_->SetImagePatchDelta(image_patch_delta_);
   return offset;
@@ -1289,22 +1477,15 @@
 bool OatWriter::WriteRodata(OutputStream* out) {
-  if (!GetOatDataOffset(out)) {
+  CHECK(write_state_ == WriteState::kWriteRoData);
+  if (!WriteClassOffsets(out)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write class offsets to " << out->GetLocation();
     return false;
-  const size_t file_offset = oat_data_offset_;
-  // Reserve space for header. It will be written last - after updating the checksum.
-  size_t header_size = oat_header_->GetHeaderSize();
-  if (out->Seek(header_size, kSeekCurrent) == static_cast<off_t>(-1)) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to reserve space for oat header in " << out->GetLocation();
-    return false;
-  }
-  size_oat_header_ += sizeof(OatHeader);
-  size_oat_header_key_value_store_ += oat_header_->GetHeaderSize() - sizeof(OatHeader);
-  if (!WriteTables(out, file_offset)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write oat tables to " << out->GetLocation();
+  if (!WriteClasses(out)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write classes to " << out->GetLocation();
     return false;
@@ -1313,6 +1494,7 @@
     LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to oat code position in " << out->GetLocation();
     return false;
+  size_t file_offset = oat_data_offset_;
   size_t relative_offset = static_cast<size_t>(tables_end_offset) - file_offset;
   relative_offset = WriteMaps(out, file_offset, relative_offset);
   if (relative_offset == 0) {
@@ -1332,11 +1514,13 @@
+  write_state_ = WriteState::kWriteText;
   return true;
 bool OatWriter::WriteCode(OutputStream* out) {
-  size_t header_size = oat_header_->GetHeaderSize();
+  CHECK(write_state_ == WriteState::kWriteText);
   const size_t file_offset = oat_data_offset_;
   size_t relative_offset = oat_header_->GetExecutableOffset();
@@ -1390,10 +1574,12 @@
+    DO_STAT(size_oat_dex_file_class_offsets_offset_);
-    DO_STAT(size_oat_dex_file_class_offsets_);
+    DO_STAT(size_oat_class_offsets_alignment_);
+    DO_STAT(size_oat_class_offsets_);
@@ -1408,88 +1594,90 @@
   CHECK_EQ(file_offset + size_, static_cast<size_t>(oat_end_file_offset));
   CHECK_EQ(size_, relative_offset);
-  // Finalize the header checksum.
+  write_state_ = WriteState::kWriteHeader;
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::WriteHeader(OutputStream* out,
+                            uint32_t image_file_location_oat_checksum,
+                            uintptr_t image_file_location_oat_begin,
+                            int32_t image_patch_delta) {
+  CHECK(write_state_ == WriteState::kWriteHeader);
+  oat_header_->SetImageFileLocationOatChecksum(image_file_location_oat_checksum);
+  oat_header_->SetImageFileLocationOatDataBegin(image_file_location_oat_begin);
+  if (compiler_driver_->IsBootImage()) {
+    CHECK_EQ(image_patch_delta, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(oat_header_->GetImagePatchDelta(), 0);
+  } else {
+    CHECK_ALIGNED(image_patch_delta, kPageSize);
+    oat_header_->SetImagePatchDelta(image_patch_delta);
+  }
-  // Write the header now that the checksum is final.
+  const size_t file_offset = oat_data_offset_;
+  off_t current_offset = out->Seek(0, kSeekCurrent);
+  if (current_offset == static_cast<off_t>(-1)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get current offset from " << out->GetLocation();
+    return false;
+  }
   if (out->Seek(file_offset, kSeekSet) == static_cast<off_t>(-1)) {
     PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to oat header position in " << out->GetLocation();
     return false;
   DCHECK_EQ(file_offset, static_cast<size_t>(out->Seek(0, kSeekCurrent)));
+  // Flush all other data before writing the header.
+  if (!out->Flush()) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush before writing oat header to " << out->GetLocation();
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Write the header.
+  size_t header_size = oat_header_->GetHeaderSize();
   if (!out->WriteFully(oat_header_.get(), header_size)) {
     PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write oat header to " << out->GetLocation();
     return false;
-  if (out->Seek(oat_end_file_offset, kSeekSet) == static_cast<off_t>(-1)) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to end after writing oat header to " << out->GetLocation();
+  // Flush the header data.
+  if (!out->Flush()) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush after writing oat header to " << out->GetLocation();
     return false;
-  DCHECK_EQ(oat_end_file_offset, out->Seek(0, kSeekCurrent));
+  if (out->Seek(current_offset, kSeekSet) == static_cast<off_t>(-1)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek back after writing oat header to " << out->GetLocation();
+    return false;
+  }
+  DCHECK_EQ(current_offset, out->Seek(0, kSeekCurrent));
+  write_state_ = WriteState::kDone;
   return true;
-bool OatWriter::WriteTables(OutputStream* out, const size_t file_offset) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i != oat_dex_files_.size(); ++i) {
-    if (!oat_dex_files_[i].Write(this, out, file_offset)) {
-      PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write oat dex information to " << out->GetLocation();
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  for (size_t i = 0; i != oat_dex_files_.size(); ++i) {
-    uint32_t expected_offset = file_offset + oat_dex_files_[i].dex_file_offset_;
-    off_t actual_offset = out->Seek(expected_offset, kSeekSet);
-    if (static_cast<uint32_t>(actual_offset) != expected_offset) {
-      const DexFile* dex_file = (*dex_files_)[i];
-      PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to dex file section. Actual: " << actual_offset
-                  << " Expected: " << expected_offset << " File: " << dex_file->GetLocation();
-      return false;
-    }
-    const DexFile* dex_file = (*dex_files_)[i];
-    if (!out->WriteFully(&dex_file->GetHeader(), dex_file->GetHeader().file_size_)) {
-      PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write dex file " << dex_file->GetLocation()
-                  << " to " << out->GetLocation();
-      return false;
-    }
-    size_dex_file_ += dex_file->GetHeader().file_size_;
-  }
-  if (!WriteLookupTables(out, file_offset)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  for (size_t i = 0; i != oat_classes_.size(); ++i) {
-    if (!oat_classes_[i].Write(this, out, file_offset)) {
-      PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write oat methods information to " << out->GetLocation();
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-bool OatWriter::WriteLookupTables(OutputStream* out, const size_t file_offset) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < oat_dex_files_.size(); ++i) {
-    const uint32_t lookup_table_offset = oat_dex_files_[i].lookup_table_offset_;
-    const TypeLookupTable* table = oat_dex_files_[i].lookup_table_;
-    DCHECK_EQ(lookup_table_offset == 0, table == nullptr);
-    if (lookup_table_offset == 0) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    const uint32_t expected_offset = file_offset + lookup_table_offset;
-    off_t actual_offset = out->Seek(expected_offset, kSeekSet);
-    if (static_cast<uint32_t>(actual_offset) != expected_offset) {
-      const DexFile* dex_file = (*dex_files_)[i];
-      PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to lookup table section. Actual: " << actual_offset
-                  << " Expected: " << expected_offset << " File: " << dex_file->GetLocation();
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (table != nullptr) {
-      if (!WriteData(out, table->RawData(), table->RawDataLength())) {
-        const DexFile* dex_file = (*dex_files_)[i];
-        PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write lookup table for " << dex_file->GetLocation()
-                    << " to " << out->GetLocation();
+bool OatWriter::WriteClassOffsets(OutputStream* out) {
+  for (OatDexFile& oat_dex_file : oat_dex_files_) {
+    if (oat_dex_file.class_offsets_offset_ != 0u) {
+      uint32_t expected_offset = oat_data_offset_ + oat_dex_file.class_offsets_offset_;
+      off_t actual_offset = out->Seek(expected_offset, kSeekSet);
+      if (static_cast<uint32_t>(actual_offset) != expected_offset) {
+        PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to oat class offsets section. Actual: " << actual_offset
+                    << " Expected: " << expected_offset << " File: " << oat_dex_file.GetLocation();
         return false;
-      size_oat_lookup_table_ += table->RawDataLength();
+      if (!oat_dex_file.WriteClassOffsets(this, out)) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::WriteClasses(OutputStream* out) {
+  for (OatClass& oat_class : oat_classes_) {
+    if (!oat_class.Write(this, out, oat_data_offset_)) {
+      PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write oat methods information to " << out->GetLocation();
+      return false;
   return true;
@@ -1585,6 +1773,455 @@
   return true;
+bool OatWriter::ReadDexFileHeader(File* file, OatDexFile* oat_dex_file) {
+  // Read the dex file header and perform minimal verification.
+  uint8_t raw_header[sizeof(DexFile::Header)];
+  if (!file->ReadFully(&raw_header, sizeof(DexFile::Header))) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read dex file header. Actual: "
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!ValidateDexFileHeader(raw_header, oat_dex_file->GetLocation())) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  const UnalignedDexFileHeader* header = AsUnalignedDexFileHeader(raw_header);
+  oat_dex_file->dex_file_size_ = header->file_size_;
+  oat_dex_file->dex_file_location_checksum_ = header->checksum_;
+  oat_dex_file->class_offsets_.resize(header->class_defs_size_);
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::ValidateDexFileHeader(const uint8_t* raw_header, const char* location) {
+  if (!DexFile::IsMagicValid(raw_header)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid magic number in dex file header. " << " File: " << location;
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!DexFile::IsVersionValid(raw_header)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid version number in dex file header. " << " File: " << location;
+    return false;
+  }
+  const UnalignedDexFileHeader* header = AsUnalignedDexFileHeader(raw_header);
+  if (header->file_size_ < sizeof(DexFile::Header)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Dex file header specifies file size insufficient to contain the header."
+               << " File: " << location;
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::WriteDexFiles(OutputStream* rodata, File* file) {
+  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("WriteDexFiles", timings_);
+  // Get the elf file offset of the oat file.
+  if (!GetOatDataOffset(rodata)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Write dex files.
+  for (OatDexFile& oat_dex_file : oat_dex_files_) {
+    if (!WriteDexFile(rodata, file, &oat_dex_file)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // Close sources.
+  for (OatDexFile& oat_dex_file : oat_dex_files_) {
+    oat_dex_file.source_.Clear();  // Get rid of the reference, it's about to be invalidated.
+  }
+  zipped_dex_files_.clear();
+  zip_archives_.clear();
+  raw_dex_files_.clear();
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::WriteDexFile(OutputStream* rodata, File* file, OatDexFile* oat_dex_file) {
+  if (!SeekToDexFile(rodata, file, oat_dex_file)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (oat_dex_file->source_.IsZipEntry()) {
+    if (!WriteDexFile(rodata, file, oat_dex_file, oat_dex_file->source_.GetZipEntry())) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  } else if (oat_dex_file->source_.IsRawFile()) {
+    if (!WriteDexFile(rodata, file, oat_dex_file, oat_dex_file->source_.GetRawFile())) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  } else {
+    DCHECK(oat_dex_file->source_.IsRawData());
+    if (!WriteDexFile(rodata, oat_dex_file, oat_dex_file->source_.GetRawData())) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // Update current size and account for the written data.
+  DCHECK_EQ(size_, oat_dex_file->dex_file_offset_);
+  size_ += oat_dex_file->dex_file_size_;
+  size_dex_file_ += oat_dex_file->dex_file_size_;
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::SeekToDexFile(OutputStream* out, File* file, OatDexFile* oat_dex_file) {
+  // Dex files are required to be 4 byte aligned.
+  size_t original_offset = size_;
+  size_t offset = RoundUp(original_offset, 4);
+  size_dex_file_alignment_ += offset - original_offset;
+  // Seek to the start of the dex file and flush any pending operations in the stream.
+  // Verify that, after flushing the stream, the file is at the same offset as the stream.
+  uint32_t start_offset = oat_data_offset_ + offset;
+  off_t actual_offset = out->Seek(start_offset, kSeekSet);
+  if (actual_offset != static_cast<off_t>(start_offset)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to dex file section. Actual: " << actual_offset
+                << " Expected: " << start_offset
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!out->Flush()) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush before writing dex file."
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  actual_offset = lseek(file->Fd(), 0, SEEK_CUR);
+  if (actual_offset != static_cast<off_t>(start_offset)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Stream/file position mismatch! Actual: " << actual_offset
+                << " Expected: " << start_offset
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  size_ = offset;
+  oat_dex_file->dex_file_offset_ = offset;
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::WriteDexFile(OutputStream* rodata,
+                             File* file,
+                             OatDexFile* oat_dex_file,
+                             ZipEntry* dex_file) {
+  size_t start_offset = oat_data_offset_ + size_;
+  DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<off_t>(start_offset), rodata->Seek(0, kSeekCurrent));
+  // Extract the dex file and get the extracted size.
+  std::string error_msg;
+  if (!dex_file->ExtractToFile(*file, &error_msg)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to extract dex file from ZIP entry: " << error_msg
+               << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (file->Flush() != 0) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush dex file from ZIP entry."
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  off_t extracted_end = lseek(file->Fd(), 0, SEEK_CUR);
+  if (extracted_end == static_cast<off_t>(-1)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed get end offset after writing dex file from ZIP entry."
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (extracted_end < static_cast<off_t>(start_offset)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Dex file end position is before start position! End: " << extracted_end
+               << " Start: " << start_offset
+               << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  uint64_t extracted_size = static_cast<uint64_t>(extracted_end - start_offset);
+  if (extracted_size < sizeof(DexFile::Header)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Extracted dex file is shorter than dex file header. size: "
+               << extracted_size << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation();
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Read the dex file header and extract required data to OatDexFile.
+  off_t actual_offset = lseek(file->Fd(), start_offset, SEEK_SET);
+  if (actual_offset != static_cast<off_t>(start_offset)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek back to dex file header. Actual: " << actual_offset
+                << " Expected: " << start_offset
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!ReadDexFileHeader(file, oat_dex_file)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (extracted_size < oat_dex_file->dex_file_size_) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Extracted truncated dex file. Extracted size: " << extracted_size
+               << " file size from header: " << oat_dex_file->dex_file_size_
+               << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation();
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Override the checksum from header with the CRC from ZIP entry.
+  oat_dex_file->dex_file_location_checksum_ = dex_file->GetCrc32();
+  // Seek both file and stream to the end offset.
+  size_t end_offset = start_offset + oat_dex_file->dex_file_size_;
+  actual_offset = lseek(file->Fd(), end_offset, SEEK_SET);
+  if (actual_offset != static_cast<off_t>(end_offset)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to end of dex file. Actual: " << actual_offset
+                << " Expected: " << end_offset
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  actual_offset = rodata->Seek(end_offset, kSeekSet);
+  if (actual_offset != static_cast<off_t>(end_offset)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek stream to end of dex file. Actual: " << actual_offset
+                << " Expected: " << end_offset << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation();
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!rodata->Flush()) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush stream after seeking over dex file."
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  // If we extracted more than the size specified in the header, truncate the file.
+  if (extracted_size > oat_dex_file->dex_file_size_) {
+    if (file->SetLength(end_offset) != 0) {
+      PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to truncate excessive dex file length."
+                  << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::WriteDexFile(OutputStream* rodata,
+                             File* file,
+                             OatDexFile* oat_dex_file,
+                             File* dex_file) {
+  size_t start_offset = oat_data_offset_ + size_;
+  DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<off_t>(start_offset), rodata->Seek(0, kSeekCurrent));
+  off_t input_offset = lseek(dex_file->Fd(), 0, SEEK_SET);
+  if (input_offset != static_cast<off_t>(0)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to dex file header. Actual: " << input_offset
+                << " Expected: 0"
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!ReadDexFileHeader(dex_file, oat_dex_file)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Copy the input dex file using sendfile().
+  if (!file->Copy(dex_file, 0, oat_dex_file->dex_file_size_)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to copy dex file to oat file."
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (file->Flush() != 0) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush dex file."
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Check file position and seek the stream to the end offset.
+  size_t end_offset = start_offset + oat_dex_file->dex_file_size_;
+  off_t actual_offset = lseek(file->Fd(), 0, SEEK_CUR);
+  if (actual_offset != static_cast<off_t>(end_offset)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected file position after copying dex file. Actual: " << actual_offset
+                << " Expected: " << end_offset
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  actual_offset = rodata->Seek(end_offset, kSeekSet);
+  if (actual_offset != static_cast<off_t>(end_offset)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek stream to end of dex file. Actual: " << actual_offset
+                << " Expected: " << end_offset << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation();
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!rodata->Flush()) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush stream after seeking over dex file."
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation() << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::WriteDexFile(OutputStream* rodata,
+                             OatDexFile* oat_dex_file,
+                             const uint8_t* dex_file) {
+  // Note: The raw data has already been checked to contain the header
+  // and all the data that the header specifies as the file size.
+  DCHECK(dex_file != nullptr);
+  DCHECK(ValidateDexFileHeader(dex_file, oat_dex_file->GetLocation()));
+  const UnalignedDexFileHeader* header = AsUnalignedDexFileHeader(dex_file);
+  if (!rodata->WriteFully(dex_file, header->file_size_)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write dex file " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation()
+                << " to " << rodata->GetLocation();
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!rodata->Flush()) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush stream after writing dex file."
+                << " File: " << oat_dex_file->GetLocation();
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Update dex file size and resize class offsets in the OatDexFile.
+  // Note: For raw data, the checksum is passed directly to AddRawDexFileSource().
+  oat_dex_file->dex_file_size_ = header->file_size_;
+  oat_dex_file->class_offsets_.resize(header->class_defs_size_);
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::WriteOatDexFiles(OutputStream* rodata) {
+  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("WriteOatDexFiles", timings_);
+  // Seek to the start of OatDexFiles, i.e. to the end of the OatHeader.  If there are
+  // no OatDexFiles, no data is actually written to .rodata before WriteHeader() and
+  // this Seek() ensures that we reserve the space for OatHeader in .rodata.
+  DCHECK(oat_dex_files_.empty() || oat_dex_files_[0u].offset_ == oat_header_->GetHeaderSize());
+  uint32_t expected_offset = oat_data_offset_ + oat_header_->GetHeaderSize();
+  off_t actual_offset = rodata->Seek(expected_offset, kSeekSet);
+  if (static_cast<uint32_t>(actual_offset) != expected_offset) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to OatDexFile table section. Actual: " << actual_offset
+                << " Expected: " << expected_offset << " File: " << rodata->GetLocation();
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (size_t i = 0, size = oat_dex_files_.size(); i != size; ++i) {
+    OatDexFile* oat_dex_file = &oat_dex_files_[i];
+    DCHECK_EQ(oat_data_offset_ + oat_dex_file->offset_,
+              static_cast<size_t>(rodata->Seek(0, kSeekCurrent)));
+    // Write OatDexFile.
+    if (!oat_dex_file->Write(this, rodata)) {
+      PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write oat dex information to " << rodata->GetLocation();
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::ExtendForTypeLookupTables(OutputStream* rodata, File* file, size_t offset) {
+  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("ExtendForTypeLookupTables", timings_);
+  int64_t new_length = oat_data_offset_ + dchecked_integral_cast<int64_t>(offset);
+  if (file->SetLength(new_length) != 0) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to extend file for type lookup tables. new_length: " << new_length
+        << "File: " << file->GetPath();
+    return false;
+  }
+  off_t actual_offset = rodata->Seek(new_length, kSeekSet);
+  if (actual_offset != static_cast<off_t>(new_length)) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek stream after extending file for type lookup tables."
+                << " Actual: " << actual_offset << " Expected: " << new_length
+                << " File: " << rodata->GetLocation();
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!rodata->Flush()) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush stream after extending for type lookup tables."
+                << " File: " << rodata->GetLocation();
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::OpenDexFiles(
+    File* file,
+    /*out*/ std::unique_ptr<MemMap>* opened_dex_files_map,
+    /*out*/ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>* opened_dex_files) {
+  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("OpenDexFiles", timings_);
+  if (oat_dex_files_.empty()) {
+    // Nothing to do.
+    return true;
+  }
+  size_t map_offset = oat_dex_files_[0].dex_file_offset_;
+  size_t length = size_ - map_offset;
+  std::string error_msg;
+  std::unique_ptr<MemMap> dex_files_map(MemMap::MapFile(length,
+                                                        PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+                                                        MAP_SHARED,
+                                                        file->Fd(),
+                                                        oat_data_offset_ + map_offset,
+                                                        /* low_4gb */ false,
+                                                        file->GetPath().c_str(),
+                                                        &error_msg));
+  if (dex_files_map == nullptr) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mmap() dex files from oat file. File: " << file->GetPath()
+               << " error: " << error_msg;
+    return false;
+  }
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
+  for (OatDexFile& oat_dex_file : oat_dex_files_) {
+    // Make sure no one messed with input files while we were copying data.
+    // At the very least we need consistent file size and number of class definitions.
+    const uint8_t* raw_dex_file =
+        dex_files_map->Begin() + oat_dex_file.dex_file_offset_ - map_offset;
+    if (!ValidateDexFileHeader(raw_dex_file, oat_dex_file.GetLocation())) {
+      // Note: ValidateDexFileHeader() already logged an error message.
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to verify written dex file header!"
+          << " Output: " << file->GetPath() << " ~ " << std::hex << map_offset
+          << " ~ " << static_cast<const void*>(raw_dex_file);
+      return false;
+    }
+    const UnalignedDexFileHeader* header = AsUnalignedDexFileHeader(raw_dex_file);
+    if (header->file_size_ != oat_dex_file.dex_file_size_) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "File size mismatch in written dex file header! Expected: "
+          << oat_dex_file.dex_file_size_ << " Actual: " << header->file_size_
+          << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (header->class_defs_size_ != oat_dex_file.class_offsets_.size()) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Class defs size mismatch in written dex file header! Expected: "
+          << oat_dex_file.class_offsets_.size() << " Actual: " << header->class_defs_size_
+          << " Output: " << file->GetPath();
+      return false;
+    }
+    // Now, open the dex file.
+    dex_files.emplace_back(DexFile::Open(raw_dex_file,
+                                         oat_dex_file.dex_file_size_,
+                                         oat_dex_file.GetLocation(),
+                                         oat_dex_file.dex_file_location_checksum_,
+                                         /* oat_dex_file */ nullptr,
+                                         &error_msg));
+    if (dex_files.back() == nullptr) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open dex file from oat file. File:" << oat_dex_file.GetLocation();
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  *opened_dex_files_map = std::move(dex_files_map);
+  *opened_dex_files = std::move(dex_files);
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::WriteTypeLookupTables(
+    MemMap* opened_dex_files_map,
+    const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>& opened_dex_files) {
+  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("WriteTypeLookupTables", timings_);
+  DCHECK_EQ(opened_dex_files.size(), oat_dex_files_.size());
+  for (size_t i = 0, size = opened_dex_files.size(); i != size; ++i) {
+    OatDexFile* oat_dex_file = &oat_dex_files_[i];
+    if (oat_dex_file->lookup_table_offset_ != 0u) {
+      DCHECK(oat_dex_file->create_type_lookup_table_ == CreateTypeLookupTable::kCreate);
+      DCHECK_NE(oat_dex_file->class_offsets_.size(), 0u);
+      size_t map_offset = oat_dex_files_[0].dex_file_offset_;
+      size_t lookup_table_offset = oat_dex_file->lookup_table_offset_;
+      uint8_t* lookup_table = opened_dex_files_map->Begin() + (lookup_table_offset - map_offset);
+      opened_dex_files[i]->CreateTypeLookupTable(lookup_table);
+    }
+  }
+  DCHECK_EQ(opened_dex_files_map == nullptr, opened_dex_files.empty());
+  if (opened_dex_files_map != nullptr && !opened_dex_files_map->Sync()) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to Sync() type lookup tables. Map: " << opened_dex_files_map->GetName();
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
 bool OatWriter::WriteCodeAlignment(OutputStream* out, uint32_t aligned_code_delta) {
   static const uint8_t kPadding[] = {
       0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u
@@ -1611,15 +2248,20 @@
-OatWriter::OatDexFile::OatDexFile(size_t offset, const DexFile& dex_file) {
-  offset_ = offset;
-  const std::string& location(dex_file.GetLocation());
-  dex_file_location_size_ = location.size();
-  dex_file_location_data_ = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
-  dex_file_location_checksum_ = dex_file.GetLocationChecksum();
-  dex_file_offset_ = 0;
-  lookup_table_offset_ = 0;
-  class_offsets_.resize(dex_file.NumClassDefs());
+OatWriter::OatDexFile::OatDexFile(const char* dex_file_location,
+                                  DexFileSource source,
+                                  CreateTypeLookupTable create_type_lookup_table)
+    : source_(source),
+      create_type_lookup_table_(create_type_lookup_table),
+      dex_file_size_(0),
+      offset_(0),
+      dex_file_location_size_(strlen(dex_file_location)),
+      dex_file_location_data_(dex_file_location),
+      dex_file_location_checksum_(0u),
+      dex_file_offset_(0u),
+      class_offsets_offset_(0u),
+      lookup_table_offset_(0u),
+      class_offsets_() {
 size_t OatWriter::OatDexFile::SizeOf() const {
@@ -1627,24 +2269,54 @@
           + dex_file_location_size_
           + sizeof(dex_file_location_checksum_)
           + sizeof(dex_file_offset_)
-          + sizeof(lookup_table_offset_)
-          + (sizeof(class_offsets_[0]) * class_offsets_.size());
+          + sizeof(class_offsets_offset_)
+          + sizeof(lookup_table_offset_);
-bool OatWriter::OatDexFile::Write(OatWriter* oat_writer,
-                                  OutputStream* out,
-                                  const size_t file_offset) const {
+void OatWriter::OatDexFile::ReserveTypeLookupTable(OatWriter* oat_writer) {
+  DCHECK_EQ(lookup_table_offset_, 0u);
+  if (create_type_lookup_table_ == CreateTypeLookupTable::kCreate && !class_offsets_.empty()) {
+    size_t table_size = TypeLookupTable::RawDataLength(class_offsets_.size());
+    if (table_size != 0u) {
+      // Type tables are required to be 4 byte aligned.
+      size_t original_offset = oat_writer->size_;
+      size_t offset = RoundUp(original_offset, 4);
+      oat_writer->size_oat_lookup_table_alignment_ += offset - original_offset;
+      lookup_table_offset_ = offset;
+      oat_writer->size_ = offset + table_size;
+      oat_writer->size_oat_lookup_table_ += table_size;
+    }
+  }
+void OatWriter::OatDexFile::ReserveClassOffsets(OatWriter* oat_writer) {
+  DCHECK_EQ(class_offsets_offset_, 0u);
+  if (!class_offsets_.empty()) {
+    // Class offsets are required to be 4 byte aligned.
+    size_t original_offset = oat_writer->size_;
+    size_t offset = RoundUp(original_offset, 4);
+    oat_writer->size_oat_class_offsets_alignment_ += offset - original_offset;
+    class_offsets_offset_ = offset;
+    oat_writer->size_ = offset + GetClassOffsetsRawSize();
+  }
+bool OatWriter::OatDexFile::Write(OatWriter* oat_writer, OutputStream* out) const {
+  const size_t file_offset = oat_writer->oat_data_offset_;
   if (!oat_writer->WriteData(out, &dex_file_location_size_, sizeof(dex_file_location_size_))) {
     PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write dex file location length to " << out->GetLocation();
     return false;
   oat_writer->size_oat_dex_file_location_size_ += sizeof(dex_file_location_size_);
   if (!oat_writer->WriteData(out, dex_file_location_data_, dex_file_location_size_)) {
     PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write dex file location data to " << out->GetLocation();
     return false;
   oat_writer->size_oat_dex_file_location_data_ += dex_file_location_size_;
   if (!oat_writer->WriteData(out,
                              sizeof(dex_file_location_checksum_))) {
@@ -1652,21 +2324,35 @@
     return false;
   oat_writer->size_oat_dex_file_location_checksum_ += sizeof(dex_file_location_checksum_);
   if (!oat_writer->WriteData(out, &dex_file_offset_, sizeof(dex_file_offset_))) {
     PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write dex file offset to " << out->GetLocation();
     return false;
   oat_writer->size_oat_dex_file_offset_ += sizeof(dex_file_offset_);
+  if (!oat_writer->WriteData(out, &class_offsets_offset_, sizeof(class_offsets_offset_))) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write class offsets offset to " << out->GetLocation();
+    return false;
+  }
+  oat_writer->size_oat_dex_file_class_offsets_offset_ += sizeof(class_offsets_offset_);
   if (!oat_writer->WriteData(out, &lookup_table_offset_, sizeof(lookup_table_offset_))) {
     PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write lookup table offset to " << out->GetLocation();
     return false;
   oat_writer->size_oat_dex_file_lookup_table_offset_ += sizeof(lookup_table_offset_);
+  return true;
+bool OatWriter::OatDexFile::WriteClassOffsets(OatWriter* oat_writer, OutputStream* out) {
   if (!oat_writer->WriteData(out,, GetClassOffsetsRawSize())) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write methods offsets to " << out->GetLocation();
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write oat class offsets for " << GetLocation()
+                << " to " << out->GetLocation();
     return false;
-  oat_writer->size_oat_dex_file_class_offsets_ += GetClassOffsetsRawSize();
+  oat_writer->size_oat_class_offsets_ += GetClassOffsetsRawSize();
   return true;
diff --git a/compiler/oat_writer.h b/compiler/oat_writer.h
index 5feb5fc..d681998 100644
--- a/compiler/oat_writer.h
+++ b/compiler/oat_writer.h
@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@
 #include "method_reference.h"
 #include "mirror/class.h"
 #include "oat.h"
+#include "os.h"
 #include "safe_map.h"
+#include "ScopedFd.h"
 #include "utils/array_ref.h"
 namespace art {
@@ -39,6 +41,7 @@
 class OutputStream;
 class TimingLogger;
 class TypeLookupTable;
+class ZipEntry;
 namespace dwarf {
 struct MethodDebugInfo;
@@ -61,6 +64,11 @@
 // ...
 // TypeLookupTable[D]
+// ClassOffsets[0]   one table of OatClass offsets for each class def for each OatDexFile.
+// ClassOffsets[1]
+// ...
+// ClassOffsets[D]
 // OatClass[0]       one variable sized OatClass for each of C DexFile::ClassDefs
 // OatClass[1]       contains OatClass entries with class status, offsets to code, etc.
 // ...
@@ -93,15 +101,65 @@
 class OatWriter {
-  OatWriter(const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files,
-            uint32_t image_file_location_oat_checksum,
-            uintptr_t image_file_location_oat_begin,
-            int32_t image_patch_delta,
-            const CompilerDriver* compiler,
-            ImageWriter* image_writer,
-            bool compiling_boot_image,
-            TimingLogger* timings,
-            SafeMap<std::string, std::string>* key_value_store);
+  enum class CreateTypeLookupTable {
+    kCreate,
+    kDontCreate,
+    kDefault = kCreate
+  };
+  OatWriter(bool compiling_boot_image, TimingLogger* timings);
+  // To produce a valid oat file, the user must first add sources with any combination of
+  //   - AddDexFileSource(),
+  //   - AddZippedDexFilesSource(),
+  //   - AddRawDexFileSource().
+  // Then the user must call in order
+  //   - WriteAndOpenDexFiles()
+  //   - PrepareLayout(),
+  //   - WriteRodata(),
+  //   - WriteCode(),
+  //   - WriteHeader().
+  // Add dex file source(s) from a file, either a plain dex file or
+  // a zip file with one or more dex files.
+  bool AddDexFileSource(
+      const char* filename,
+      const char* location,
+      CreateTypeLookupTable create_type_lookup_table = CreateTypeLookupTable::kDefault);
+  // Add dex file source(s) from a zip file specified by a file handle.
+  bool AddZippedDexFilesSource(
+      ScopedFd&& zip_fd,
+      const char* location,
+      CreateTypeLookupTable create_type_lookup_table = CreateTypeLookupTable::kDefault);
+  // Add dex file source from raw memory.
+  bool AddRawDexFileSource(
+      const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& data,
+      const char* location,
+      uint32_t location_checksum,
+      CreateTypeLookupTable create_type_lookup_table = CreateTypeLookupTable::kDefault);
+  dchecked_vector<const char*> GetSourceLocations() const;
+  // Write raw dex files to the .rodata section and open them from the oat file.
+  bool WriteAndOpenDexFiles(OutputStream* rodata,
+                            File* file,
+                            InstructionSet instruction_set,
+                            const InstructionSetFeatures* instruction_set_features,
+                            SafeMap<std::string, std::string>* key_value_store,
+                            /*out*/ std::unique_ptr<MemMap>* opened_dex_files_map,
+                            /*out*/ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>* opened_dex_files);
+  // Prepare layout of remaining data.
+  void PrepareLayout(const CompilerDriver* compiler,
+                     ImageWriter* image_writer,
+                     const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files);
+  // Write the rest of .rodata section (ClassOffsets[], OatClass[], maps).
+  bool WriteRodata(OutputStream* out);
+  // Write the code to the .text section.
+  bool WriteCode(OutputStream* out);
+  // Write the oat header. This finalizes the oat file.
+  bool WriteHeader(OutputStream* out,
+                   uint32_t image_file_location_oat_checksum,
+                   uintptr_t image_file_location_oat_begin,
+                   int32_t image_patch_delta);
   // Returns whether the oat file has an associated image.
   bool HasImage() const {
@@ -130,9 +188,6 @@
     return ArrayRef<const uintptr_t>(absolute_patch_locations_);
-  bool WriteRodata(OutputStream* out);
-  bool WriteCode(OutputStream* out);
   ArrayRef<const dwarf::MethodDebugInfo> GetMethodDebugInfo() const {
@@ -144,6 +199,7 @@
+  class DexFileSource;
   class OatClass;
   class OatDexFile;
@@ -174,29 +230,65 @@
   // with a given DexMethodVisitor.
   bool VisitDexMethods(DexMethodVisitor* visitor);
-  size_t InitOatHeader();
+  size_t InitOatHeader(InstructionSet instruction_set,
+                       const InstructionSetFeatures* instruction_set_features,
+                       uint32_t num_dex_files,
+                       SafeMap<std::string, std::string>* key_value_store);
   size_t InitOatDexFiles(size_t offset);
-  size_t InitLookupTables(size_t offset);
-  size_t InitDexFiles(size_t offset);
   size_t InitOatClasses(size_t offset);
   size_t InitOatMaps(size_t offset);
   size_t InitOatCode(size_t offset);
   size_t InitOatCodeDexFiles(size_t offset);
-  bool WriteTables(OutputStream* out, const size_t file_offset);
-  bool WriteLookupTables(OutputStream* out, const size_t file_offset);
+  bool WriteClassOffsets(OutputStream* out);
+  bool WriteClasses(OutputStream* out);
   size_t WriteMaps(OutputStream* out, const size_t file_offset, size_t relative_offset);
   size_t WriteCode(OutputStream* out, const size_t file_offset, size_t relative_offset);
   size_t WriteCodeDexFiles(OutputStream* out, const size_t file_offset, size_t relative_offset);
   bool GetOatDataOffset(OutputStream* out);
+  bool ReadDexFileHeader(File* file, OatDexFile* oat_dex_file);
+  bool ValidateDexFileHeader(const uint8_t* raw_header, const char* location);
+  bool WriteDexFiles(OutputStream* rodata, File* file);
+  bool WriteDexFile(OutputStream* rodata, File* file, OatDexFile* oat_dex_file);
+  bool SeekToDexFile(OutputStream* rodata, File* file, OatDexFile* oat_dex_file);
+  bool WriteDexFile(OutputStream* rodata, File* file, OatDexFile* oat_dex_file, ZipEntry* dex_file);
+  bool WriteDexFile(OutputStream* rodata, File* file, OatDexFile* oat_dex_file, File* dex_file);
+  bool WriteDexFile(OutputStream* rodata, OatDexFile* oat_dex_file, const uint8_t* dex_file);
+  bool WriteOatDexFiles(OutputStream* rodata);
+  bool ExtendForTypeLookupTables(OutputStream* rodata, File* file, size_t offset);
+  bool OpenDexFiles(File* file,
+                    /*out*/ std::unique_ptr<MemMap>* opened_dex_files_map,
+                    /*out*/ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>* opened_dex_files);
+  bool WriteTypeLookupTables(MemMap* opened_dex_files_map,
+                             const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>& opened_dex_files);
   bool WriteCodeAlignment(OutputStream* out, uint32_t aligned_code_delta);
   bool WriteData(OutputStream* out, const void* data, size_t size);
+  enum class WriteState {
+    kAddingDexFileSources,
+    kPrepareLayout,
+    kWriteRoData,
+    kWriteText,
+    kWriteHeader,
+    kDone
+  };
+  WriteState write_state_;
+  TimingLogger* timings_;
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> raw_dex_files_;
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ZipArchive>> zip_archives_;
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ZipEntry>> zipped_dex_files_;
+  // Using std::list<> which doesn't move elements around on push/emplace_back().
+  // We need this because we keep plain pointers to the strings' c_str().
+  std::list<std::string> zipped_dex_file_locations_;
   dchecked_vector<dwarf::MethodDebugInfo> method_info_;
-  const CompilerDriver* const compiler_driver_;
-  ImageWriter* const image_writer_;
+  const CompilerDriver* compiler_driver_;
+  ImageWriter* image_writer_;
   const bool compiling_boot_image_;
   // note OatFile does not take ownership of the DexFiles
@@ -215,13 +307,7 @@
   // Offset of the oat data from the start of the mmapped region of the elf file.
   size_t oat_data_offset_;
-  // dependencies on the image.
-  uint32_t image_file_location_oat_checksum_;
-  uintptr_t image_file_location_oat_begin_;
-  int32_t image_patch_delta_;
   // data to write
-  SafeMap<std::string, std::string>* key_value_store_;
   std::unique_ptr<OatHeader> oat_header_;
   dchecked_vector<OatDexFile> oat_dex_files_;
   dchecked_vector<OatClass> oat_classes_;
@@ -257,10 +343,12 @@
   uint32_t size_oat_dex_file_location_data_;
   uint32_t size_oat_dex_file_location_checksum_;
   uint32_t size_oat_dex_file_offset_;
+  uint32_t size_oat_dex_file_class_offsets_offset_;
   uint32_t size_oat_dex_file_lookup_table_offset_;
-  uint32_t size_oat_dex_file_class_offsets_;
   uint32_t size_oat_lookup_table_alignment_;
   uint32_t size_oat_lookup_table_;
+  uint32_t size_oat_class_offsets_alignment_;
+  uint32_t size_oat_class_offsets_;
   uint32_t size_oat_class_type_;
   uint32_t size_oat_class_status_;
   uint32_t size_oat_class_method_bitmaps_;
@@ -269,7 +357,7 @@
   std::unique_ptr<linker::RelativePatcher> relative_patcher_;
   // The locations of absolute patches relative to the start of the executable section.
-  std::vector<uintptr_t> absolute_patch_locations_;
+  dchecked_vector<uintptr_t> absolute_patch_locations_;
   // Map method reference to assigned offset.
   // Wrap the map in a class implementing linker::RelativePatcherTargetProvider.
diff --git a/compiler/utils/test_dex_file_builder.h b/compiler/utils/test_dex_file_builder.h
index b6a228c..e57a540 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/test_dex_file_builder.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/test_dex_file_builder.h
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include <set>
 #include <map>
 #include <vector>
+#include <zlib.h>
 #include "base/bit_utils.h"
 #include "base/logging.h"
@@ -161,7 +162,6 @@
     uint32_t total_size = data_section_offset + data_section_size;
-    std::memcpy(&dex_file_data_[0],, sizeof(DexFile::Header));
     for (const auto& entry : strings_) {
       CHECK_LT(entry.first.size(), 128u);
@@ -210,7 +210,12 @@
       Write32(raw_offset + 4u, GetStringIdx(;
-    // Leave checksum and signature as zeros.
+    // Leave signature as zeros.
+    header->file_size_ = dex_file_data_.size();
+    size_t skip = sizeof(header->magic_) + sizeof(header->checksum_);
+    header->checksum_ = adler32(0u, + skip, dex_file_data_.size() - skip);
+    std::memcpy(&dex_file_data_[0],, sizeof(DexFile::Header));
     std::string error_msg;
     std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex_file(DexFile::Open(