Build ART run-tests using the same settings as Libcore tests.


  sdk_version: "core_platform",

in the definition of ART run-test modules does not allow us to build
some ART run-tests (e.g. the ones that use `sun.misc.Unsafe`).
Instead, use:

  sdk_version: "none",
  system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",

Test: m art-run-test-001-HelloWorld
Bug: b/147814778
Change-Id: I93610bf1f74f3b7bbd8afe4616ebd59bfd5d4d0b
diff --git a/test/Android.bp b/test/Android.bp
index 6efd4e0..6be4562 100644
--- a/test/Android.bp
+++ b/test/Android.bp
@@ -195,10 +195,17 @@
 java_defaults {
     name: "art-run-test-defaults",
     // Compile against the "core" bootclasspath, not the "default" one (current
-    // platform). See also function `javac_with_bootclasspath` in
-    // `test/etc/default-build`, as well as `art/test/etc/default-build`).
-    sdk_version: "core_platform",
+    // platform) -- use the same settings as Libcore tests (see e.g. the
+    // definition of module `core-tests` in libcore/JavaLibrary.bp).
+    //
+    // Note: The legacy way to build ART run-tests uses the
+    // `javac_with_bootclasspath` function defined in `test/etc/default-build`.
+    // See also `tools/`.
+    sdk_version: "none",
+    system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",
     data: ["expected.txt"],
     test_config_template: ":art-run-test-template",
     test_suites: ["general-tests"],