Add compiler stats, fix super call slow path
Add statistics of when the compiler framework has allowed AOT
compilation to be optimistic.
Fix bug that was forcing many calls to be unnecessarily slow path.
Change-Id: I8f0f6ab4738b11161855cf0dc424babed774c998
diff --git a/src/compiler.h b/src/compiler.h
index b55960b..1c71330 100644
--- a/src/compiler.h
+++ b/src/compiler.h
@@ -36,6 +36,69 @@
class Context;
class TimingLogger;
typedef struct CompilationUnit CompilationUnit;
+class AOTCompilationStats {
+ public:
+ AOTCompilationStats() : stats_lock_("AOT compilation statistics lock"),
+ types_in_dex_cache_(0), types_not_in_dex_cache_(0),
+ strings_in_dex_cache_(0), strings_not_in_dex_cache_(0),
+ resolved_types_(0), unresolved_types_(0),
+ resolved_instance_fields_(0), unresolved_instance_fields_(0),
+ resolved_local_static_fields_(0), resolved_static_fields_(0), unresolved_static_fields_(0),
+ resolved_virtual_methods_(0), unresolved_virtual_methods_(0),
+ resolved_super_methods_(0), unresolved_super_methods_(0),
+ resolved_interface_methods_(0), unresolved_interface_methods_(0) {}
+ void Dump();
+ void TypeInDexCache();
+ void TypeNotInDexCache();
+ void StringInDexCache();
+ void StringNotInDexCache();
+ void TypeDoesntNeedAccessCheck();
+ void TypeNeedsAccessCheck();
+ void ResolvedInstanceField();
+ void UnresolvedInstanceField();
+ void ResolvedLocalStaticField();
+ void ResolvedStaticField();
+ void UnresolvedStaticField();
+ void ResolvedMethod(bool is_interface, bool is_super);
+ void UnresolvedMethod(bool is_interface, bool is_super);
+ private:
+ Mutex stats_lock_;
+ size_t types_in_dex_cache_;
+ size_t types_not_in_dex_cache_;
+ size_t strings_in_dex_cache_;
+ size_t strings_not_in_dex_cache_;
+ size_t resolved_types_;
+ size_t unresolved_types_;
+ size_t resolved_instance_fields_;
+ size_t unresolved_instance_fields_;
+ size_t resolved_local_static_fields_;
+ size_t resolved_static_fields_;
+ size_t unresolved_static_fields_;
+ size_t resolved_virtual_methods_;
+ size_t unresolved_virtual_methods_;
+ size_t resolved_super_methods_;
+ size_t unresolved_super_methods_;
+ size_t resolved_interface_methods_;
+ size_t unresolved_interface_methods_;
class Compiler {
@@ -87,31 +150,31 @@
// Callbacks from OAT/ART compiler to see what runtime checks must be generated
- bool CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(const DexCache* dex_cache, uint32_t type_idx) const;
+ bool CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(const DexCache* dex_cache, uint32_t type_idx);
- bool CanAssumeStringIsPresentInDexCache(const DexCache* dex_cache, uint32_t string_idx) const;
+ bool CanAssumeStringIsPresentInDexCache(const DexCache* dex_cache, uint32_t string_idx);
// Are runtime access checks necessary in the compiled code?
bool CanAccessTypeWithoutChecks(uint32_t referrer_idx, const DexCache* dex_cache,
- const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t type_idx) const;
+ const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t type_idx);
// Are runtime access and instantiable checks necessary in the code?
bool CanAccessInstantiableTypeWithoutChecks(uint32_t referrer_idx, const DexCache* dex_cache,
- const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t type_idx) const;
+ const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t type_idx);
// Can we fast path instance field access? Computes field's offset and volatility
bool ComputeInstanceFieldInfo(uint32_t field_idx, CompilationUnit* cUnit,
- int& field_offset, bool& is_volatile) const;
+ int& field_offset, bool& is_volatile);
// Can we fastpath static field access? Computes field's offset, volatility and whether the
// field is within the referrer (which can avoid checking class initialization)
bool ComputeStaticFieldInfo(uint32_t field_idx, CompilationUnit* cUnit,
int& field_offset, int& ssb_index,
- bool& is_referrers_class, bool& is_volatile) const;
+ bool& is_referrers_class, bool& is_volatile);
// Can we fastpath a interface, super class or virtual method call? Computes method's vtable index
bool ComputeInvokeInfo(uint32_t method_idx, CompilationUnit* cUnit, bool is_interface,
- bool is_super, int& vtable_idx) const;
+ bool is_super, int& vtable_idx);
@@ -177,6 +240,8 @@
size_t thread_count_;
uint64_t start_ns_;
+ AOTCompilationStats stats_;
const std::set<std::string>* image_classes_;