Avoid interleaving JDWP requests and events.

To avoid bad synchronization between the debugger and the debuggee, we should
not send any events while processing a request (before sending its reply).

This particularly prevents from sending the VM_DEATH event (and consequently
closing the JDWP connection) after receiving the VM_Resume command but before
sending its reply.

Bug: 12581527
Change-Id: I197cc54e980a983faae4b545f25dfe7fe812e841
diff --git a/runtime/jdwp/jdwp_main.cc b/runtime/jdwp/jdwp_main.cc
index 928f53d..ba49c45 100644
--- a/runtime/jdwp/jdwp_main.cc
+++ b/runtime/jdwp/jdwp_main.cc
@@ -218,6 +218,9 @@
       event_thread_lock_("JDWP event thread lock"),
       event_thread_cond_("JDWP event thread condition variable", event_thread_lock_),
+      process_request_lock_("JDWP process request lock"),
+      process_request_cond_("JDWP process request condition variable", process_request_lock_),
+      processing_request_(false),
       exit_status_(0) {
@@ -383,9 +386,12 @@
   JdwpNetStateBase* netStateBase = reinterpret_cast<JdwpNetStateBase*>(netState);
   JDWP::Request request(netStateBase->input_buffer_, netStateBase->input_count_);
+  StartProcessingRequest();
   ExpandBuf* pReply = expandBufAlloc();
   ProcessRequest(request, pReply);
   ssize_t cc = netStateBase->WritePacket(pReply);
+  EndProcessingRequest();
   if (cc != (ssize_t) expandBufGetLength(pReply)) {
     PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed sending reply to debugger";