arm/arm64: Clean up intrinsic slow paths.

Generalize and use the slow path template IntrinsicSlowPath
from intrinsics_utils.h.

Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: --host --optimizing
Test: aosp_taimen-userdebug boot image is unchanged.
Change-Id: Ia8fa4e1b31c1f190fc5f02671336caec15e4cf4d
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index d88e034..93a99b1 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints.h"
 #include "heap_poisoning.h"
 #include "intrinsics.h"
+#include "intrinsics_utils.h"
 #include "lock_word.h"
 #include "mirror/array-inl.h"
 #include "mirror/object_array-inl.h"
@@ -46,7 +47,6 @@
 namespace arm64 {
 using helpers::DRegisterFrom;
-using helpers::FPRegisterFrom;
 using helpers::HeapOperand;
 using helpers::LocationFrom;
 using helpers::OperandFrom;
@@ -74,87 +74,12 @@
   return codegen_->GetGraph()->GetAllocator();
+using IntrinsicSlowPathARM64 = IntrinsicSlowPath<InvokeDexCallingConventionVisitorARM64,
+                                                 SlowPathCodeARM64,
+                                                 Arm64Assembler>;
 #define __ codegen->GetVIXLAssembler()->
-static void MoveFromReturnRegister(Location trg,
-                                   DataType::Type type,
-                                   CodeGeneratorARM64* codegen) {
-  if (!trg.IsValid()) {
-    DCHECK(type == DataType::Type::kVoid);
-    return;
-  }
-  DCHECK_NE(type, DataType::Type::kVoid);
-  if (DataType::IsIntegralType(type) || type == DataType::Type::kReference) {
-    Register trg_reg = RegisterFrom(trg, type);
-    Register res_reg = RegisterFrom(ARM64ReturnLocation(type), type);
-    __ Mov(trg_reg, res_reg, kDiscardForSameWReg);
-  } else {
-    VRegister trg_reg = FPRegisterFrom(trg, type);
-    VRegister res_reg = FPRegisterFrom(ARM64ReturnLocation(type), type);
-    __ Fmov(trg_reg, res_reg);
-  }
-static void MoveArguments(HInvoke* invoke, CodeGeneratorARM64* codegen) {
-  InvokeDexCallingConventionVisitorARM64 calling_convention_visitor;
-  IntrinsicVisitor::MoveArguments(invoke, codegen, &calling_convention_visitor);
-// Slow-path for fallback (calling the managed code to handle the intrinsic) in an intrinsified
-// call. This will copy the arguments into the positions for a regular call.
-// Note: The actual parameters are required to be in the locations given by the invoke's location
-//       summary. If an intrinsic modifies those locations before a slowpath call, they must be
-//       restored!
-class IntrinsicSlowPathARM64 : public SlowPathCodeARM64 {
- public:
-  explicit IntrinsicSlowPathARM64(HInvoke* invoke)
-      : SlowPathCodeARM64(invoke), invoke_(invoke) { }
-  void EmitNativeCode(CodeGenerator* codegen_in) override {
-    CodeGeneratorARM64* codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorARM64*>(codegen_in);
-    __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
-    SaveLiveRegisters(codegen, invoke_->GetLocations());
-    MoveArguments(invoke_, codegen);
-    {
-      // Ensure that between the BLR (emitted by Generate*Call) and RecordPcInfo there
-      // are no pools emitted.
-      vixl::EmissionCheckScope guard(codegen->GetVIXLAssembler(), kInvokeCodeMarginSizeInBytes);
-      if (invoke_->IsInvokeStaticOrDirect()) {
-        codegen->GenerateStaticOrDirectCall(
-            invoke_->AsInvokeStaticOrDirect(), LocationFrom(kArtMethodRegister), this);
-      } else {
-        codegen->GenerateVirtualCall(
-            invoke_->AsInvokeVirtual(), LocationFrom(kArtMethodRegister), this);
-      }
-    }
-    // Copy the result back to the expected output.
-    Location out = invoke_->GetLocations()->Out();
-    if (out.IsValid()) {
-      DCHECK(out.IsRegister());  // TODO: Replace this when we support output in memory.
-      DCHECK(!invoke_->GetLocations()->GetLiveRegisters()->ContainsCoreRegister(out.reg()));
-      MoveFromReturnRegister(out, invoke_->GetType(), codegen);
-    }
-    RestoreLiveRegisters(codegen, invoke_->GetLocations());
-    __ B(GetExitLabel());
-  }
-  const char* GetDescription() const override { return "IntrinsicSlowPathARM64"; }
- private:
-  // The instruction where this slow path is happening.
-  HInvoke* const invoke_;
 // Slow path implementing the SystemArrayCopy intrinsic copy loop with read barriers.
 class ReadBarrierSystemArrayCopySlowPathARM64 : public SlowPathCodeARM64 {