Revert^4 "Initial support for adding virtuals with structural redefinition"
This reverts commit 2f8c1ac61b0c611d67badea70261c851ed19b82a.
If there were pending tasks to jit compile a method which is made
obsolete the JIT would CHECK fail, since the newly obsolete method is
marked DontCompile. This didn't happen with non-structural
redefinition since in that case the 'valid' ArtMethod always remains
the same.
To fix this we just have the JitTask check if the method it's
compiling is compilable and fail if it's not.
Reason for revert: Fixed JIT check failure.
Test: ./ --host
Bug: 134162467
Bug: 144168550
Bug: 144729319
Change-Id: Ib867b2de13bb4c2978b4538a5851c647caf0e1cc
diff --git a/openjdkjvmti/ b/openjdkjvmti/
index 1d18390..b25b4d1 100644
--- a/openjdkjvmti/
+++ b/openjdkjvmti/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "ti_heap.h"
#include <ios>
+#include <unordered_map>
#include "android-base/logging.h"
#include "android-base/thread_annotations.h"
@@ -1613,8 +1614,9 @@
namespace {
using ObjectPtr = art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object>;
+using ObjectMap = std::unordered_map<ObjectPtr, ObjectPtr, art::HashObjPtr>;
-static void ReplaceObjectReferences(ObjectPtr old_obj_ptr, ObjectPtr new_obj_ptr)
+static void ReplaceObjectReferences(const ObjectMap& map)
art::Roles::uninterruptible_) {
@@ -1623,8 +1625,7 @@
class ResizeReferenceVisitor {
using CompressedObj = art::mirror::CompressedReference<art::mirror::Object>;
- ResizeReferenceVisitor(ObjectPtr old_arr, ObjectPtr new_arr)
- : old_obj_(old_arr), new_obj_(new_arr) {}
+ explicit ResizeReferenceVisitor(const ObjectMap& map) : map_(map) {}
// Ignore class roots.
void VisitRootIfNonNull(CompressedObj* root) const
@@ -1634,20 +1635,29 @@
void VisitRoot(CompressedObj* root) const REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- if (root->AsMirrorPtr() == old_obj_) {
- root->Assign(new_obj_);
- art::WriteBarrier::ForEveryFieldWrite(new_obj_);
+ auto it = map_.find(root->AsMirrorPtr());
+ if (it != map_.end()) {
+ root->Assign(it->second);
+ art::WriteBarrier::ForEveryFieldWrite(it->second);
void operator()(art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object> obj,
art::MemberOffset off,
- bool is_static ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const
+ bool is_static) const
REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- if (obj->GetFieldObject<art::mirror::Object>(off) == old_obj_) {
+ auto it = map_.find(obj->GetFieldObject<art::mirror::Object>(off));
+ if (it != map_.end()) {
+ UNUSED(is_static);
+ if (UNLIKELY(!is_static && off == art::mirror::Object::ClassOffset())) {
+ // We don't want to update the declaring class of any objects. They will be replaced
+ // in the heap and we need the declaring class to know its size.
+ return;
+ }
VLOG(plugin) << "Updating field at offset " << off.Uint32Value() << " of type "
<< obj->GetClass()->PrettyClass();
- obj->SetFieldObject</*transaction*/ false>(off, new_obj_);
+ obj->SetFieldObject</*transaction*/ false>(off, it->second);
+ art::WriteBarrier::ForEveryFieldWrite(obj);
@@ -1659,11 +1669,10 @@
- ObjectPtr old_obj_;
- ObjectPtr new_obj_;
+ const ObjectMap& map_;
- ResizeReferenceVisitor rrv(old_obj_ptr, new_obj_ptr);
+ ResizeReferenceVisitor rrv(map);
if (ref->IsClass()) {
// Class object native roots are the ArtField and ArtMethod 'declaring_class_' fields
// which we don't want to be messing with as it would break ref-visitor assumptions about
@@ -1678,13 +1687,12 @@
-static void ReplaceStrongRoots(art::Thread* self, ObjectPtr old_obj_ptr, ObjectPtr new_obj_ptr)
+static void ReplaceStrongRoots(art::Thread* self, const ObjectMap& map)
REQUIRES(art::Locks::mutator_lock_, art::Roles::uninterruptible_) {
// replace root references expcept java frames.
struct ResizeRootVisitor : public art::RootVisitor {
- ResizeRootVisitor(ObjectPtr new_val, ObjectPtr old_val)
- : new_val_(new_val), old_val_(old_val) {}
+ explicit ResizeRootVisitor(const ObjectMap& map) : map_(map) {}
// TODO It's somewhat annoying to have to have this function implemented twice. It might be
// good/useful to implement operator= for CompressedReference to allow us to use a template to
@@ -1693,7 +1701,8 @@
REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) {
art::mirror::Object*** end = roots + count;
for (art::mirror::Object** obj = *roots; roots != end; obj = *(++roots)) {
- if (*obj == old_val_) {
+ auto it = map_.find(*obj);
+ if (it != map_.end()) {
// Java frames might have the JIT doing optimizations (for example loop-unrolling or
// eliding bounds checks) so we need deopt them once we're done here.
if (info.GetType() == art::RootType::kRootJavaFrame) {
@@ -1708,7 +1717,7 @@
- *obj = new_val_.Ptr();
+ *obj = it->second.Ptr();
@@ -1719,7 +1728,8 @@
art::mirror::CompressedReference<art::mirror::Object>** end = roots + count;
for (art::mirror::CompressedReference<art::mirror::Object>* obj = *roots; roots != end;
obj = *(++roots)) {
- if (obj->AsMirrorPtr() == old_val_) {
+ auto it = map_.find(obj->AsMirrorPtr());
+ if (it != map_.end()) {
// Java frames might have the JIT doing optimizations (for example loop-unrolling or
// eliding bounds checks) so we need deopt them once we're done here.
if (info.GetType() == art::RootType::kRootJavaFrame) {
@@ -1734,7 +1744,7 @@
- obj->Assign(new_val_);
+ obj->Assign(it->second);
@@ -1744,11 +1754,10 @@
- ObjectPtr new_val_;
- ObjectPtr old_val_;
+ const ObjectMap& map_;
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> threads_with_roots_;
- ResizeRootVisitor rrv(new_obj_ptr, old_obj_ptr);
+ ResizeRootVisitor rrv(map);
art::Runtime::Current()->VisitRoots(&rrv, art::VisitRootFlags::kVisitRootFlagAllRoots);
// Handle java Frames. Annoyingly the JIT can embed information about the length of the array into
// the compiled code. By changing the length of the array we potentially invalidate these
@@ -1773,8 +1782,7 @@
static void ReplaceWeakRoots(art::Thread* self,
EventHandler* event_handler,
- ObjectPtr old_obj_ptr,
- ObjectPtr new_obj_ptr)
+ const ObjectMap& map)
REQUIRES(art::Locks::mutator_lock_, art::Roles::uninterruptible_) {
// Handle tags. We want to do this seprately from other weak-refs (handled below) because we need
// to send additional events and handle cases where the agent might have tagged the new
@@ -1786,25 +1794,33 @@
// situations where the order of weak-ref visiting affects the final tagging state. Since we have
// the mutator_lock_ and gc-paused throughout this whole process no threads should be able to see
// the interval where the objects are not tagged.
- std::unordered_map<ArtJvmTiEnv*, jlong> obsolete_tags;
- std::unordered_map<ArtJvmTiEnv*, jlong> non_obsolete_tags;
+ struct NewTagValue {
+ public:
+ ObjectPtr obsolete_obj_;
+ jlong obsolete_tag_;
+ ObjectPtr new_obj_;
+ jlong new_tag_;
+ };
+ // Map from the environment to the list of <obsolete_tag, new_tag> pairs that were changed.
+ std::unordered_map<ArtJvmTiEnv*, std::vector<NewTagValue>> changed_tags;
event_handler->ForEachEnv(self, [&](ArtJvmTiEnv* env) {
// Cannot have REQUIRES(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) since ForEachEnv doesn't require it.
// Get the tags and clear them (so we don't need to special-case the normal weak-ref visitor)
- jlong new_tag = 0;
- jlong obsolete_tag = 0;
- bool had_new_tag = env->object_tag_table->RemoveLocked(new_obj_ptr, &new_tag);
- bool had_obsolete_tag = env->object_tag_table->RemoveLocked(old_obj_ptr, &obsolete_tag);
- // Dispatch event.
- if (had_obsolete_tag || had_new_tag) {
- event_handler->DispatchEventOnEnv<ArtJvmtiEvent::kObsoleteObjectCreated>(env,
- self,
- &obsolete_tag,
- &new_tag);
- obsolete_tags[env] = obsolete_tag;
- non_obsolete_tags[env] = new_tag;
+ for (auto it : map) {
+ jlong new_tag = 0;
+ jlong obsolete_tag = 0;
+ bool had_obsolete_tag = env->object_tag_table->RemoveLocked(it.first, &obsolete_tag);
+ bool had_new_tag = env->object_tag_table->RemoveLocked(it.second, &new_tag);
+ // Dispatch event.
+ if (had_obsolete_tag || had_new_tag) {
+ event_handler->DispatchEventOnEnv<ArtJvmtiEvent::kObsoleteObjectCreated>(
+ env, self, &obsolete_tag, &new_tag);
+ changed_tags.try_emplace(env).first->second.push_back(
+ { it.first, obsolete_tag, it.second, new_tag });
+ }
// After weak-ref update we need to go back and re-add obsoletes. We wait to avoid having to
// deal with the visit-weaks overwriting the initial new_obj_ptr tag and generally making things
@@ -1814,34 +1830,34 @@
// Handle weak-refs.
struct ReplaceWeaksVisitor : public art::IsMarkedVisitor {
- ReplaceWeaksVisitor(ObjectPtr old_obj, ObjectPtr new_obj)
- : old_obj_(old_obj), new_obj_(new_obj) {}
+ ReplaceWeaksVisitor(const ObjectMap& map) : map_(map) {}
art::mirror::Object* IsMarked(art::mirror::Object* obj)
REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- if (obj == old_obj_) {
- return new_obj_.Ptr();
+ auto it = map_.find(obj);
+ if (it != map_.end()) {
+ return it->second.Ptr();
} else {
return obj;
- ObjectPtr old_obj_;
- ObjectPtr new_obj_;
+ const ObjectMap& map_;
- ReplaceWeaksVisitor rwv(old_obj_ptr, new_obj_ptr);
+ ReplaceWeaksVisitor rwv(map);
// Re-add the object tags. At this point all weak-references to the old_obj_ptr are gone.
event_handler->ForEachEnv(self, [&](ArtJvmTiEnv* env) {
// Cannot have REQUIRES(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) since ForEachEnv doesn't require it.
- if (obsolete_tags.find(env) != obsolete_tags.end()) {
- env->object_tag_table->SetLocked(old_obj_ptr, obsolete_tags[env]);
- }
- if (non_obsolete_tags.find(env) != non_obsolete_tags.end()) {
- env->object_tag_table->SetLocked(new_obj_ptr, non_obsolete_tags[env]);
+ auto it = changed_tags.find(env);
+ if (it != changed_tags.end()) {
+ for (const NewTagValue& v : it->second) {
+ env->object_tag_table->SetLocked(v.obsolete_obj_, v.obsolete_tag_);
+ env->object_tag_table->SetLocked(v.new_obj_, v.new_tag_);
+ }
@@ -1852,9 +1868,14 @@
void HeapExtensions::ReplaceReference(art::Thread* self,
art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object> old_obj_ptr,
art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Object> new_obj_ptr) {
- ReplaceObjectReferences(old_obj_ptr, new_obj_ptr);
- ReplaceStrongRoots(self, old_obj_ptr, new_obj_ptr);
- ReplaceWeakRoots(self, HeapExtensions::gEventHandler, old_obj_ptr, new_obj_ptr);
+ ObjectMap map { { old_obj_ptr, new_obj_ptr } };
+ ReplaceReferences(self, map);
+void HeapExtensions::ReplaceReferences(art::Thread* self, const ObjectMap& map) {
+ ReplaceObjectReferences(map);
+ ReplaceStrongRoots(self, map);
+ ReplaceWeakRoots(self, HeapExtensions::gEventHandler, map);
jvmtiError HeapExtensions::ChangeArraySize(jvmtiEnv* env, jobject arr, jsize new_size) {