ART: Refactor TI events

Refactor for type safety of event dispatch. Use template specialization
to ensure that only correct calls will work.

Bug: 31684920
Test: m test-art-host
Change-Id: Ifbb47447fb46dd6e799bc824a60df51b15b73618
diff --git a/runtime/openjdkjvmti/ b/runtime/openjdkjvmti/
index af4fb71..745c0f5 100644
--- a/runtime/openjdkjvmti/
+++ b/runtime/openjdkjvmti/
@@ -68,19 +68,17 @@
   for (ArtClassDefinition& def : *definitions) {
     jint new_len = -1;
     unsigned char* new_data = nullptr;
-    // Static casts are so that we get the right template initialization for the special event
-    // handling code required by the ClassFileLoadHooks.
-    gEventHandler.DispatchEvent(self,
-                                ArtJvmtiEvent::kClassFileLoadHookRetransformable,
-                                GetJniEnv(env),
-                                static_cast<jclass>(def.klass),
-                                static_cast<jobject>(def.loader),
-                                static_cast<const char*>(,
-                                static_cast<jobject>(def.protection_domain),
-                                static_cast<jint>(def.dex_len),
-                                static_cast<const unsigned char*>(def.dex_data.get()),
-                                static_cast<jint*>(&new_len),
-                                static_cast<unsigned char**>(&new_data));
+    gEventHandler.DispatchEvent<ArtJvmtiEvent::kClassFileLoadHookRetransformable>(
+        self,
+        GetJniEnv(env),
+        def.klass,
+        def.loader,
+        def.protection_domain,
+        def.dex_len,
+        static_cast<const unsigned char*>(def.dex_data.get()),
+        &new_len,
+        &new_data);
     def.SetNewDexData(env, new_len, new_data);
   return OK;