Inline across dex files for compiler options' non-BCP methods

We are now able to inline across dexfiles for the dexfiles present
in compiler options' dex_files_for_oat_file_.

Note that the dex files in the Class Loader Context are not included
in this implementation since they will not have an OatDexFile.

Bug: 154012332
Test: ART tests

Change-Id: I7704217d936afecb66fc952c10529bb1030d6981
diff --git a/runtime/stack_map.h b/runtime/stack_map.h
index 7148957..a86d638 100644
--- a/runtime/stack_map.h
+++ b/runtime/stack_map.h
@@ -262,11 +262,15 @@
 // Method indices are not very dedup friendly.
 // Separating them greatly improves dedup efficiency of the other tables.
-class MethodInfo : public BitTableAccessor<2> {
+class MethodInfo : public BitTableAccessor<3> {
   BIT_TABLE_COLUMN(0, MethodIndex)
-  BIT_TABLE_COLUMN(1, DexFileIndex)
+  BIT_TABLE_COLUMN(1, DexFileIndexKind)
+  BIT_TABLE_COLUMN(2, DexFileIndex)
+  static constexpr uint32_t kKindNonBCP = -1;
+  static constexpr uint32_t kKindBCP = 0;
   static constexpr uint32_t kSameDexFile = -1;