ART: Update arm assembly to use current syntax

Some of the ancient mterp code uses old-style arm opcode names
which are supported by gas, but not by clang's integrated

Partial fix for internal b/27473367

Change-Id: Ic6128b98dfbf30f252e7487f802e9dfbe0a42b6a
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpg_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpg_float.S
index d5d2df2..965091f 100644
--- a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpg_float.S
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpg_float.S
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3           @ r3<- &vCC
     flds    s0, [r2]                    @ s0<- vBB
     flds    s1, [r3]                    @ s1<- vCC
-    fcmpes  s0, s1                      @ compare (vBB, vCC)
+    vcmpe.f32 s0, s1                    @ compare (vBB, vCC)
     FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2                @ advance rPC, load rINST
     mov     r0, #1                      @ r0<- 1 (default)
     GET_INST_OPCODE ip                  @ extract opcode from rINST