ART: Refactor SchedulingGraph for consistency and clarity

The CL moves functionality from SchedulingGraph to other classes,
deletes unused code and moves code used for testing to the tests source
1. SchedulingGraph::AddDependency: move checks whether a dependency has
been added to SchedulingNode::Add*Predecessor as it is a SchedulingNode
responsibility to keep a unique set of predecessors.
2. Create SideEffectDependencyAnalysis class. Code doing side effect dependency
analysis is moved from SchedulingGraph into the class.
3. Remove SchedulingGraph::HasImmediate*Dependency methods as there are
SchedulingNode::Has*Dependency methods for such kind of checks.
4. SchedulingGraph::HasImmediate*Dependency(HInstruction,HInstruction) methods
are only used by tests. Their code is moved to a new class TestSchedulingGraph in
the tests source file.

Test: --host --optimizing --jit --gtest
Test: --target --optimizing --jit

Change-Id: Id16eb6e9f8b9706e616dff0ccc1d0353ed968367
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index e0e265a..4c47f2e 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -146,9 +146,7 @@
     environment->SetRawEnvAt(1, mul);
     mul->AddEnvUseAt(div_check->GetEnvironment(), 1);
-    SchedulingGraph scheduling_graph(scheduler,
-                                     GetScopedAllocator(),
-                                     /* heap_location_collector= */ nullptr);
+    TestSchedulingGraph scheduling_graph(GetScopedAllocator());
     // Instructions must be inserted in reverse order into the scheduling graph.
     for (HInstruction* instr : ReverseRange(block_instructions)) {
@@ -283,7 +281,7 @@
     HeapLocationCollector heap_location_collector(graph_);
-    SchedulingGraph scheduling_graph(scheduler, GetScopedAllocator(), &heap_location_collector);
+    TestSchedulingGraph scheduling_graph(GetScopedAllocator(), &heap_location_collector);
     for (HInstruction* instr : ReverseRange(block_instructions)) {
       // Build scheduling graph with memory access aliasing information
@@ -357,6 +355,41 @@
+  class TestSchedulingGraph : public SchedulingGraph {
+   public:
+    explicit TestSchedulingGraph(ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator,
+                                 const HeapLocationCollector *heap_location_collector = nullptr)
+        : SchedulingGraph(allocator, heap_location_collector) {}
+    bool HasImmediateDataDependency(const HInstruction* instruction,
+                                    const HInstruction* other_instruction) const {
+      const SchedulingNode* node = GetNode(instruction);
+      const SchedulingNode* other = GetNode(other_instruction);
+      if (node == nullptr || other == nullptr) {
+        // Both instructions must be in current basic block, i.e. the SchedulingGraph can see their
+        // corresponding SchedulingNode in the graph, and tell whether there is a dependency.
+        // Otherwise there is no dependency from SchedulingGraph's perspective, for example,
+        // instruction and other_instruction are in different basic blocks.
+        return false;
+      }
+      return node->HasDataDependency(other);
+    }
+    bool HasImmediateOtherDependency(const HInstruction* instruction,
+                                     const HInstruction* other_instruction) const {
+      const SchedulingNode* node = GetNode(instruction);
+      const SchedulingNode* other = GetNode(other_instruction);
+      if (node == nullptr || other == nullptr) {
+        // Both instructions must be in current basic block, i.e. the SchedulingGraph can see their
+        // corresponding SchedulingNode in the graph, and tell whether there is a dependency.
+        // Otherwise there is no dependency from SchedulingGraph's perspective, for example,
+        // instruction and other_instruction are in different basic blocks.
+        return false;
+      }
+      return node->HasOtherDependency(other);
+    }
+  };
   HGraph* graph_;