Revert "Make arm64-scratch-register less dexer dependent"
Fails with:
/b/build/slave/angler-armv8-ndebug/build/art/test/626-checker-arm64-scratch-register: FAILED!
#################### info
# Regression test checking that the ARM64 scratch register pool is not
# exhausted during moves between stack slots (b/32545705).
#################### diffs
--- expected.txt 2017-01-04 09:57:07.060588086 -0800
+++ output.txt 2017-11-15 15:38:39.610475786 -0800
@@ -1 +1,10 @@
+error: Assertion could not be matched starting from line 222106
+Smali.smali:1317: ldr s13, pc+580 (addr 0x61c) (100)
+CondA = z229
+CondB = z347
+ElseBlockA = B114
+ElseBlockB = B117
+ThenBlockA = B113
+ThenBlockB = B116
+This = l0
626-checker-arm64-scratch-register files deleted from host
and from target
This reverts commit c82745f28c3e4bef01030e4c7c8324aff0d2e5f7.
Change-Id: I4af4b1ec0b91c59d87b50d73ebc3b183e958bae5
diff --git a/test/626-checker-arm64-scratch-register/smali/Smali.smali b/test/626-checker-arm64-scratch-register/smali/Smali.smali
deleted file mode 100644
index e6943cf..0000000
--- a/test/626-checker-arm64-scratch-register/smali/Smali.smali
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2119 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-.class public LSmali;
-.super Ljava/lang/Object;
-.field b00:Z
-.field b01:Z
-.field b02:Z
-.field b03:Z
-.field b04:Z
-.field b05:Z
-.field b06:Z
-.field b07:Z
-.field b08:Z
-.field b09:Z
-.field b10:Z
-.field b11:Z
-.field b12:Z
-.field b13:Z
-.field b14:Z
-.field b15:Z
-.field b16:Z
-.field b17:Z
-.field b18:Z
-.field b19:Z
-.field b20:Z
-.field b21:Z
-.field b22:Z
-.field b23:Z
-.field b24:Z
-.field b25:Z
-.field b26:Z
-.field b27:Z
-.field b28:Z
-.field b29:Z
-.field b30:Z
-.field b31:Z
-.field b32:Z
-.field b33:Z
-.field b34:Z
-.field b35:Z
-.field b36:Z
-.field conditionA:Z
-.field conditionB:Z
-.field conditionC:Z
-.method public constructor <init>()V
- .registers 1
- invoke-direct {p0}, Ljava/lang/Object;-><init>()V
- return-void
-.end method
-## CHECK-START-ARM64: void Smali.test() register (after)
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "B0"
-## CHECK: <<This:l\d+>> ParameterValue
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: successors "<<ThenBlock:B\d+>>" "<<ElseBlock:B\d+>>"
-## CHECK: <<CondB:z\d+>> InstanceFieldGet [<<This>>] field_name:Smali.conditionB
-## CHECK: If [<<CondB>>]
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "<<ElseBlock>>"
-## CHECK: ParallelMove moves:[40(sp)->d0,24(sp)->32(sp),28(sp)->36(sp),d0->d3,d3->d4,d2->d5,d4->d6,d5->d7,d6->d18,d7->d19,d18->d20,d19->d21,d20->d22,d21->d23,d22->d10,d23->d11,16(sp)->24(sp),20(sp)->28(sp),d10->d14,d11->d12,d12->d13,d13->d1,d14->d2,32(sp)->16(sp),36(sp)->20(sp)]
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK-START-ARM64: void Smali.test() disassembly (after)
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "B0"
-## CHECK: <<This:l\d+>> ParameterValue
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: successors "<<ThenBlock:B\d+>>" "<<ElseBlock:B\d+>>"
-## CHECK: <<CondB:z\d+>> InstanceFieldGet [<<This>>] field_name:Smali.conditionB
-## CHECK: If [<<CondB>>]
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "<<ElseBlock>>"
-## CHECK: ParallelMove moves:[invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid]
-## CHECK: fmov d31, d2
-## CHECK: ldr s2, [sp, #36]
-## CHECK: ldr w16, [sp, #16]
-## CHECK: str w16, [sp, #36]
-## CHECK: str s14, [sp, #16]
-## CHECK: ldr s14, [sp, #28]
-## CHECK: str s1, [sp, #28]
-## CHECK: ldr s1, [sp, #32]
-## CHECK: str s31, [sp, #32]
-## CHECK: ldr s31, [sp, #20]
-## CHECK: str s31, [sp, #40]
-## CHECK: str s12, [sp, #20]
-## CHECK: fmov d12, d11
-## CHECK: fmov d11, d10
-## CHECK: fmov d10, d23
-## CHECK: fmov d23, d22
-## CHECK: fmov d22, d21
-## CHECK: fmov d21, d20
-## CHECK: fmov d20, d19
-## CHECK: fmov d19, d18
-## CHECK: fmov d18, d7
-## CHECK: fmov d7, d6
-## CHECK: fmov d6, d5
-## CHECK: fmov d5, d4
-## CHECK: fmov d4, d3
-## CHECK: fmov d3, d13
-## CHECK: ldr s13, [sp, #24]
-## CHECK: str s3, [sp, #24]
-## CHECK: ldr s3, pc+{{\d+}} (addr {{0x[0-9a-f]+}}) (100)
-## CHECK: end_block
-.method public test()V
- .registers 45
- const-string v39, ""
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b17:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_367
- const/16 v19, 0x0
- :goto_c
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b16:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_36b
- const/16 v18, 0x0
- :goto_16
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b18:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_36f
- const/16 v20, 0x0
- :goto_20
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b19:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_373
- const/16 v21, 0x0
- :goto_2a
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b20:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_377
- const/16 v22, 0x0
- :goto_34
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b21:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_37b
- const/16 v23, 0x0
- :goto_3e
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b15:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_37f
- const/16 v17, 0x0
- :goto_48
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b00:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_383
- const/4 v2, 0x0
- :goto_51
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b22:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_387
- const/16 v24, 0x0
- :goto_5b
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b23:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_38b
- const/16 v25, 0x0
- :goto_65
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b24:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_38f
- const/16 v26, 0x0
- :goto_6f
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b25:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_393
- const/16 v27, 0x0
- :goto_79
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b26:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_397
- const/16 v28, 0x0
- :goto_83
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b27:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_39b
- const/16 v29, 0x0
- :goto_8d
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b29:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_39f
- const/16 v31, 0x0
- :goto_97
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b28:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3a3
- const/16 v30, 0x0
- :goto_a1
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b01:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3a7
- const/4 v3, 0x0
- :goto_aa
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b02:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3ab
- const/4 v4, 0x0
- :goto_b3
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b03:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3af
- const/4 v5, 0x0
- :goto_bc
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b04:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3b3
- const/4 v6, 0x0
- :goto_c5
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b05:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3b7
- const/4 v7, 0x0
- :goto_ce
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b07:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3bb
- const/4 v9, 0x0
- :goto_d7
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b06:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3bf
- const/4 v8, 0x0
- :goto_e0
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b30:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3c3
- const/16 v32, 0x0
- :goto_ea
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b31:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3c7
- const/16 v33, 0x0
- :goto_f4
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b32:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3cb
- const/16 v34, 0x0
- :goto_fe
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b33:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3cf
- const/16 v35, 0x0
- :goto_108
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b34:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3d3
- const/16 v36, 0x0
- :goto_112
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b36:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3d7
- const/16 v38, 0x0
- :goto_11c
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b35:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3db
- const/16 v37, 0x0
- :goto_126
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b08:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3df
- const/4 v10, 0x0
- :goto_12f
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b09:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3e3
- const/4 v11, 0x0
- :goto_138
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b10:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3e7
- const/4 v12, 0x0
- :goto_141
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b11:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3eb
- const/4 v13, 0x0
- :goto_14a
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b12:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3ef
- const/4 v14, 0x0
- :goto_153
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b14:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3f3
- const/16 v16, 0x0
- :goto_15d
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->b13:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_3f7
- const/4 v15, 0x0
- :goto_166
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->conditionA:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_202
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v18, v18, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v19, v19, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v20, v20, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v21, v21, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v22, v22, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v23, v23, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v17, v17, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v10, v10, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v11, v11, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v12, v12, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v13, v13, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v14, v14, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v32, v32, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v33, v33, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v34, v34, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v35, v35, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v36, v36, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v3, v3, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v4, v4, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v5, v5, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v6, v6, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v7, v7, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v25, v25, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v26, v26, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v27, v27, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v28, v28, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v29, v29, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v24, v24, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v2, v2, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v16, v16, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v15, v15, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v38, v38, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v37, v37, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v9, v9, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v8, v8, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v31, v31, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float v30, v30, v42
- :cond_202
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->conditionB:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_29e
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v18, v18, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v19, v19, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v20, v20, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v21, v21, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v22, v22, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v23, v23, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v17, v17, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v10, v10, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v11, v11, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v12, v12, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v13, v13, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v14, v14, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v32, v32, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v33, v33, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v34, v34, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v35, v35, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v36, v36, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v3, v3, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v4, v4, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v5, v5, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v6, v6, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v7, v7, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v25, v25, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v26, v26, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v27, v27, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v28, v28, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v29, v29, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v24, v24, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v2, v2, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v16, v16, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v15, v15, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v38, v38, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v37, v37, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v9, v9, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v8, v8, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v31, v31, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v30, v30, v42
- :cond_29e
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- iget-boolean v0, v0, LSmali;->conditionC:Z
- move/from16 v42, v0
- if-eqz v42, :cond_33a
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v18, v18, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v19, v19, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v20, v20, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v21, v21, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v22, v22, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v23, v23, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v17, v17, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v10, v10, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v11, v11, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v12, v12, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v13, v13, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v14, v14, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v32, v32, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v33, v33, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v34, v34, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v35, v35, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v36, v36, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v3, v3, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v4, v4, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v5, v5, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v6, v6, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v7, v7, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v25, v25, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v26, v26, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v27, v27, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v28, v28, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v29, v29, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v24, v24, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v2, v2, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v16, v16, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v15, v15, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v38, v38, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v37, v37, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v9, v9, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v8, v8, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v31, v31, v42
- const/high16 v42, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float v30, v30, v42
- :cond_33a
- const/16 v41, 0x0
- const/high16 v42, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- mul-float v42, v42, v41
- invoke-static/range {v42 .. v42}, Ljava/lang/Math;->round(F)I
- move-result v42
- move/from16 v0, v42
- int-to-float v0, v0
- move/from16 v42, v0
- const/high16 v43, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- div-float v41, v42, v43
- new-instance v42, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
- invoke-direct/range {v42 .. v42}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;-><init>()V
- move-object/from16 v0, v42
- move/from16 v1, v41
- invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(F)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
- move-result-object v42
- move-object/from16 v0, v42
- move-object/from16 v1, v39
- invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
- move-result-object v42
- invoke-virtual/range {v42 .. v42}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
- move-result-object v40
- return-void
- :cond_367
- const/high16 v19, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_c
- :cond_36b
- const/high16 v18, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_16
- :cond_36f
- const/high16 v20, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_20
- :cond_373
- const/high16 v21, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_2a
- :cond_377
- const/high16 v22, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_34
- :cond_37b
- const/high16 v23, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_3e
- :cond_37f
- const/high16 v17, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_48
- :cond_383
- const/high16 v2, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_51
- :cond_387
- const/high16 v24, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_5b
- :cond_38b
- const/high16 v25, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_65
- :cond_38f
- const/high16 v26, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_6f
- :cond_393
- const/high16 v27, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_79
- :cond_397
- const/high16 v28, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_83
- :cond_39b
- const/high16 v29, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_8d
- :cond_39f
- const/high16 v31, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_97
- :cond_3a3
- const/high16 v30, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_a1
- :cond_3a7
- const/high16 v3, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_aa
- :cond_3ab
- const/high16 v4, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_b3
- :cond_3af
- const/high16 v5, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_bc
- :cond_3b3
- const/high16 v6, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_c5
- :cond_3b7
- const/high16 v7, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_ce
- :cond_3bb
- const/high16 v9, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_d7
- :cond_3bf
- const/high16 v8, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_e0
- :cond_3c3
- const/high16 v32, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_ea
- :cond_3c7
- const/high16 v33, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_f4
- :cond_3cb
- const/high16 v34, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_fe
- :cond_3cf
- const/high16 v35, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_108
- :cond_3d3
- const/high16 v36, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_112
- :cond_3d7
- const/high16 v38, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_11c
- :cond_3db
- const/high16 v37, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_126
- :cond_3df
- const/high16 v10, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_12f
- :cond_3e3
- const/high16 v11, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_138
- :cond_3e7
- const/high16 v12, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_141
- :cond_3eb
- const/high16 v13, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_14a
- :cond_3ef
- const/high16 v14, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_153
- :cond_3f3
- const/high16 v16, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_15d
- :cond_3f7
- const/high16 v15, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- goto/16 :goto_166
-.end method
-## CHECK-START-ARM64: void Smali.testD8() register (after)
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "B0"
-## CHECK: <<This:l\d+>> ParameterValue
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: successors "<<ThenBlockA:B\d+>>" "<<ElseBlockA:B\d+>>"
-## CHECK: <<CondA:z\d+>> InstanceFieldGet [<<This>>] field_name:Smali.conditionA
-## CHECK: If [<<CondA>>]
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "<<ThenBlockA>>"
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "<<ElseBlockA>>"
-## CHECK: ParallelMove moves:[d2->d0,40(sp)->d17,d20->d26,d19->d27,d27->d1,d26->d2,d14->d20,d13->d19,d17->d14,d0->d13]
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: successors "<<ThenBlockB:B\d+>>" "<<ElseBlockB:B\d+>>"
-## CHECK: <<CondB:z\d+>> InstanceFieldGet [<<This>>] field_name:Smali.conditionB
-## CHECK: If [<<CondB>>]
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "<<ThenBlockB>>"
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "<<ElseBlockB>>"
-## CHECK: ParallelMove moves:[#100->d13,16(sp)->d1,20(sp)->d2,28(sp)->d19,24(sp)->d20,36(sp)->d14,32(sp)->16(sp),d1->20(sp),d2->24(sp),d20->28(sp),d19->32(sp),d14->36(sp),d13->40(sp)]
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK-START-ARM64: void Smali.testD8() disassembly (after)
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "B0"
-## CHECK: <<This:l\d+>> ParameterValue
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: successors "<<ThenBlockA:B\d+>>" "<<ElseBlockA:B\d+>>"
-## CHECK: <<CondA:z\d+>> InstanceFieldGet [<<This>>] field_name:Smali.conditionA
-## CHECK: If [<<CondA>>]
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "<<ThenBlockA>>"
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "<<ElseBlockA>>"
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: successors "<<ThenBlockB:B\d+>>" "<<ElseBlockB:B\d+>>"
-## CHECK: <<CondB:z\d+>> InstanceFieldGet [<<This>>] field_name:Smali.conditionB
-## CHECK: If [<<CondB>>]
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "<<ThenBlockB>>"
-## CHECK: end_block
-## CHECK: begin_block
-## CHECK: name "<<ElseBlockB>>"
-## CHECK: ParallelMove moves:[invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid]
-## CHECK: ldr w16, [sp, #32]
-## CHECK: str s19, [sp, #32]
-## CHECK: ldr s19, [sp, #28]
-## CHECK: str s20, [sp, #28]
-## CHECK: ldr s20, [sp, #24]
-## CHECK: str s2, [sp, #24]
-## CHECK: ldr s2, [sp, #20]
-## CHECK: str s1, [sp, #20]
-## CHECK: ldr s1, [sp, #16]
-## CHECK: str w16, [sp, #16]
-## CHECK: fmov d31, d14
-## CHECK: ldr s14, [sp, #36]
-## CHECK: str s31, [sp, #36]
-## CHECK: str s13, [sp, #40]
-## CHECK: ldr s13, pc+580 (addr 0x61c) (100)
-## CHECK: end_block
-.method public testD8()V
- .registers 47
- move-object/from16 v0, p0
- const-string v1, ""
- iget-boolean v2, v0, LSmali;->b17:Z
- if-eqz v2, :cond_a
- const/4 v2, 0x0
- goto :goto_c
- :cond_a
- const/high16 v2, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_c
- iget-boolean v5, v0, LSmali;->b16:Z
- if-eqz v5, :cond_12
- const/4 v5, 0x0
- goto :goto_14
- :cond_12
- const/high16 v5, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_14
- iget-boolean v6, v0, LSmali;->b18:Z
- if-eqz v6, :cond_1a
- const/4 v6, 0x0
- goto :goto_1c
- :cond_1a
- const/high16 v6, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_1c
- iget-boolean v7, v0, LSmali;->b19:Z
- if-eqz v7, :cond_22
- const/4 v7, 0x0
- goto :goto_24
- :cond_22
- const/high16 v7, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_24
- iget-boolean v8, v0, LSmali;->b20:Z
- if-eqz v8, :cond_2a
- const/4 v8, 0x0
- goto :goto_2c
- :cond_2a
- const/high16 v8, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_2c
- iget-boolean v9, v0, LSmali;->b21:Z
- if-eqz v9, :cond_32
- const/4 v9, 0x0
- goto :goto_34
- :cond_32
- const/high16 v9, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_34
- iget-boolean v10, v0, LSmali;->b15:Z
- if-eqz v10, :cond_3a
- const/4 v10, 0x0
- goto :goto_3c
- :cond_3a
- const/high16 v10, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_3c
- iget-boolean v11, v0, LSmali;->b00:Z
- if-eqz v11, :cond_42
- const/4 v11, 0x0
- goto :goto_44
- :cond_42
- const/high16 v11, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_44
- iget-boolean v12, v0, LSmali;->b22:Z
- if-eqz v12, :cond_4a
- const/4 v12, 0x0
- goto :goto_4c
- :cond_4a
- const/high16 v12, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_4c
- iget-boolean v13, v0, LSmali;->b23:Z
- if-eqz v13, :cond_52
- const/4 v13, 0x0
- goto :goto_54
- :cond_52
- const/high16 v13, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_54
- iget-boolean v14, v0, LSmali;->b24:Z
- if-eqz v14, :cond_5a
- const/4 v14, 0x0
- goto :goto_5c
- :cond_5a
- const/high16 v14, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_5c
- iget-boolean v15, v0, LSmali;->b25:Z
- if-eqz v15, :cond_62
- const/4 v15, 0x0
- goto :goto_64
- :cond_62
- const/high16 v15, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_64
- iget-boolean v3, v0, LSmali;->b26:Z
- if-eqz v3, :cond_6a
- const/4 v3, 0x0
- goto :goto_6c
- :cond_6a
- const/high16 v3, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_6c
- iget-boolean v4, v0, LSmali;->b27:Z
- if-eqz v4, :cond_72
- const/4 v4, 0x0
- goto :goto_74
- :cond_72
- const/high16 v4, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_74
- move-object/from16 v18, v1
- iget-boolean v1, v0, LSmali;->b29:Z
- if-eqz v1, :cond_7c
- const/4 v1, 0x0
- goto :goto_7e
- :cond_7c
- const/high16 v1, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_7e
- move/from16 v19, v1
- iget-boolean v1, v0, LSmali;->b28:Z
- if-eqz v1, :cond_86
- const/4 v1, 0x0
- goto :goto_88
- :cond_86
- const/high16 v1, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_88
- move/from16 v20, v1
- iget-boolean v1, v0, LSmali;->b01:Z
- if-eqz v1, :cond_90
- const/4 v1, 0x0
- goto :goto_92
- :cond_90
- const/high16 v1, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_92
- move/from16 v21, v11
- iget-boolean v11, v0, LSmali;->b02:Z
- if-eqz v11, :cond_9a
- const/4 v11, 0x0
- goto :goto_9c
- :cond_9a
- const/high16 v11, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_9c
- move/from16 v22, v12
- iget-boolean v12, v0, LSmali;->b03:Z
- if-eqz v12, :cond_a4
- const/4 v12, 0x0
- goto :goto_a6
- :cond_a4
- const/high16 v12, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_a6
- move/from16 v23, v4
- iget-boolean v4, v0, LSmali;->b04:Z
- if-eqz v4, :cond_ae
- const/4 v4, 0x0
- goto :goto_b0
- :cond_ae
- const/high16 v4, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_b0
- move/from16 v24, v3
- iget-boolean v3, v0, LSmali;->b05:Z
- if-eqz v3, :cond_b8
- const/4 v3, 0x0
- goto :goto_ba
- :cond_b8
- const/high16 v3, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_ba
- move/from16 v25, v15
- iget-boolean v15, v0, LSmali;->b07:Z
- if-eqz v15, :cond_c2
- const/4 v15, 0x0
- goto :goto_c4
- :cond_c2
- const/high16 v15, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_c4
- move/from16 v26, v15
- iget-boolean v15, v0, LSmali;->b06:Z
- if-eqz v15, :cond_cc
- const/4 v15, 0x0
- goto :goto_ce
- :cond_cc
- const/high16 v15, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_ce
- move/from16 v27, v15
- iget-boolean v15, v0, LSmali;->b30:Z
- if-eqz v15, :cond_d6
- const/4 v15, 0x0
- goto :goto_d8
- :cond_d6
- const/high16 v15, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_d8
- move/from16 v28, v14
- iget-boolean v14, v0, LSmali;->b31:Z
- if-eqz v14, :cond_e0
- const/4 v14, 0x0
- goto :goto_e2
- :cond_e0
- const/high16 v14, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_e2
- move/from16 v29, v13
- iget-boolean v13, v0, LSmali;->b32:Z
- if-eqz v13, :cond_ea
- const/4 v13, 0x0
- goto :goto_ec
- :cond_ea
- const/high16 v13, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_ec
- move/from16 v30, v3
- iget-boolean v3, v0, LSmali;->b33:Z
- if-eqz v3, :cond_f4
- const/4 v3, 0x0
- goto :goto_f6
- :cond_f4
- const/high16 v3, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_f6
- move/from16 v31, v4
- iget-boolean v4, v0, LSmali;->b34:Z
- if-eqz v4, :cond_fe
- const/4 v4, 0x0
- goto :goto_100
- :cond_fe
- const/high16 v4, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_100
- move/from16 v32, v12
- iget-boolean v12, v0, LSmali;->b36:Z
- if-eqz v12, :cond_108
- const/4 v12, 0x0
- goto :goto_10a
- :cond_108
- const/high16 v12, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_10a
- move/from16 v33, v12
- iget-boolean v12, v0, LSmali;->b35:Z
- if-eqz v12, :cond_112
- const/4 v12, 0x0
- goto :goto_114
- :cond_112
- const/high16 v12, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_114
- move/from16 v34, v12
- iget-boolean v12, v0, LSmali;->b08:Z
- if-eqz v12, :cond_11c
- const/4 v12, 0x0
- goto :goto_11e
- :cond_11c
- const/high16 v12, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_11e
- move/from16 v35, v11
- iget-boolean v11, v0, LSmali;->b09:Z
- if-eqz v11, :cond_126
- const/4 v11, 0x0
- goto :goto_128
- :cond_126
- const/high16 v11, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_128
- move/from16 v36, v1
- iget-boolean v1, v0, LSmali;->b10:Z
- if-eqz v1, :cond_130
- const/4 v1, 0x0
- goto :goto_132
- :cond_130
- const/high16 v1, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_132
- move/from16 v37, v4
- iget-boolean v4, v0, LSmali;->b11:Z
- if-eqz v4, :cond_13a
- const/4 v4, 0x0
- goto :goto_13c
- :cond_13a
- const/high16 v4, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_13c
- move/from16 v38, v3
- iget-boolean v3, v0, LSmali;->b12:Z
- if-eqz v3, :cond_144
- const/4 v3, 0x0
- goto :goto_146
- :cond_144
- const/high16 v3, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_146
- move/from16 v39, v13
- iget-boolean v13, v0, LSmali;->b14:Z
- if-eqz v13, :cond_14e
- const/4 v13, 0x0
- goto :goto_150
- :cond_14e
- const/high16 v13, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_150
- move/from16 v40, v13
- iget-boolean v13, v0, LSmali;->b13:Z
- if-eqz v13, :cond_159
- const/16 v16, 0x0
- goto :goto_15b
- :cond_159
- const/high16 v16, 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
- :goto_15b
- move/from16 v13, v16
- move/from16 v41, v13
- iget-boolean v13, v0, LSmali;->conditionA:Z
- if-eqz v13, :cond_1a2
- const/high16 v13, 0x447a0000 # 1000.0f
- div-float/2addr v5, v13
- div-float/2addr v2, v13
- div-float/2addr v6, v13
- div-float/2addr v7, v13
- div-float/2addr v8, v13
- div-float/2addr v9, v13
- div-float/2addr v10, v13
- div-float/2addr v12, v13
- div-float/2addr v11, v13
- div-float/2addr v1, v13
- div-float/2addr v4, v13
- div-float/2addr v3, v13
- div-float/2addr v15, v13
- div-float/2addr v14, v13
- div-float v16, v39, v13
- div-float v38, v38, v13
- div-float v37, v37, v13
- div-float v36, v36, v13
- div-float v35, v35, v13
- div-float v32, v32, v13
- div-float v31, v31, v13
- div-float v30, v30, v13
- div-float v29, v29, v13
- div-float v28, v28, v13
- div-float v25, v25, v13
- div-float v24, v24, v13
- div-float v23, v23, v13
- div-float v22, v22, v13
- div-float v21, v21, v13
- div-float v39, v40, v13
- div-float v40, v41, v13
- div-float v33, v33, v13
- div-float v34, v34, v13
- div-float v26, v26, v13
- div-float v27, v27, v13
- div-float v19, v19, v13
- div-float v13, v20, v13
- goto :goto_1aa
- :cond_1a2
- move/from16 v13, v20
- move/from16 v16, v39
- move/from16 v39, v40
- move/from16 v40, v41
- :goto_1aa
- move/from16 v42, v13
- iget-boolean v13, v0, LSmali;->conditionB:Z
- const/high16 v20, 0x42c80000 # 100.0f
- if-eqz v13, :cond_1fd
- div-float v5, v5, v20
- div-float v2, v2, v20
- div-float v6, v6, v20
- div-float v7, v7, v20
- div-float v8, v8, v20
- div-float v9, v9, v20
- div-float v10, v10, v20
- div-float v12, v12, v20
- div-float v11, v11, v20
- div-float v1, v1, v20
- div-float v4, v4, v20
- div-float v3, v3, v20
- div-float v15, v15, v20
- div-float v14, v14, v20
- div-float v16, v16, v20
- div-float v38, v38, v20
- div-float v37, v37, v20
- div-float v36, v36, v20
- div-float v35, v35, v20
- div-float v32, v32, v20
- div-float v31, v31, v20
- div-float v30, v30, v20
- div-float v29, v29, v20
- div-float v28, v28, v20
- div-float v25, v25, v20
- div-float v24, v24, v20
- div-float v23, v23, v20
- div-float v22, v22, v20
- div-float v21, v21, v20
- div-float v39, v39, v20
- div-float v40, v40, v20
- div-float v33, v33, v20
- div-float v34, v34, v20
- div-float v26, v26, v20
- div-float v27, v27, v20
- div-float v19, v19, v20
- div-float v13, v42, v20
- goto :goto_1ff
- :cond_1fd
- move/from16 v13, v42
- :goto_1ff
- move/from16 v43, v13
- iget-boolean v13, v0, LSmali;->conditionC:Z
- if-eqz v13, :cond_244
- const/high16 v13, 0x41400000 # 12.0f
- div-float/2addr v5, v13
- div-float/2addr v2, v13
- div-float/2addr v6, v13
- div-float/2addr v7, v13
- div-float/2addr v8, v13
- div-float/2addr v9, v13
- div-float/2addr v10, v13
- div-float/2addr v12, v13
- div-float/2addr v11, v13
- div-float/2addr v1, v13
- div-float/2addr v4, v13
- div-float/2addr v3, v13
- div-float/2addr v15, v13
- div-float/2addr v14, v13
- div-float v16, v16, v13
- div-float v38, v38, v13
- div-float v37, v37, v13
- div-float v36, v36, v13
- div-float v35, v35, v13
- div-float v32, v32, v13
- div-float v31, v31, v13
- div-float v30, v30, v13
- div-float v29, v29, v13
- div-float v28, v28, v13
- div-float v25, v25, v13
- div-float v24, v24, v13
- div-float v23, v23, v13
- div-float v22, v22, v13
- div-float v21, v21, v13
- div-float v39, v39, v13
- div-float v40, v40, v13
- div-float v33, v33, v13
- div-float v34, v34, v13
- div-float v26, v26, v13
- div-float v27, v27, v13
- div-float v19, v19, v13
- div-float v13, v43, v13
- goto :goto_246
- :cond_244
- move/from16 v13, v43
- :goto_246
- const/16 v17, 0x0
- mul-float v0, v20, v17
- invoke-static {v0}, Ljava/lang/Math;->round(F)I
- move-result v0
- int-to-float v0, v0
- div-float v0, v0, v20
- move/from16 v44, v1
- new-instance v1, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
- invoke-direct {v1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;-><init>()V
- invoke-virtual {v1, v0}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(F)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
- move/from16 v45, v0
- move-object/from16 v0, v18
- invoke-virtual {v1, v0}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
- invoke-virtual {v1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
- move-result-object v1
- return-void
-.end method
diff --git a/test/626-checker-arm64-scratch-register/src/ b/test/626-checker-arm64-scratch-register/src/
index cf94b87..1394917 100644
--- a/test/626-checker-arm64-scratch-register/src/
+++ b/test/626-checker-arm64-scratch-register/src/
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
-import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class Main {
@@ -65,17 +63,14 @@
/// CHECK: name "B0"
/// CHECK: <<This:l\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK: end_block
/// CHECK: begin_block
- /// CHECK: successors "<<ThenBlockA:B\d+>>" "<<ElseBlockA:B\d+>>"
- /// CHECK: <<CondA:z\d+>> InstanceFieldGet [<<This>>] field_name:Main.conditionA
- /// CHECK: If [<<CondA>>]
- /// CHECK: end_block
- /// CHECK: begin_block
- /// CHECK: successors "<<ThenBlockB:B\d+>>" "<<ElseBlockB:B\d+>>"
+ /// CHECK: successors "<<ThenBlock:B\d+>>" "<<ElseBlock:B\d+>>"
/// CHECK: <<CondB:z\d+>> InstanceFieldGet [<<This>>] field_name:Main.conditionB
/// CHECK: If [<<CondB>>]
+ /// CHECK: end_block
+ /// CHECK: begin_block
+ /// CHECK: name "<<ElseBlock>>"
+ /// CHECK: ParallelMove moves:[40(sp)->d0,24(sp)->32(sp),28(sp)->36(sp),d0->d3,d3->d4,d2->d5,d4->d6,d5->d7,d6->d18,d7->d19,d18->d20,d19->d21,d20->d22,d21->d23,d22->d10,d23->d11,16(sp)->24(sp),20(sp)->28(sp),d10->d14,d11->d12,d12->d13,d13->d1,d14->d2,32(sp)->16(sp),36(sp)->20(sp)]
/// CHECK: end_block
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: void Main.test() disassembly (after)
@@ -87,6 +82,39 @@
/// CHECK: successors "<<ThenBlock:B\d+>>" "<<ElseBlock:B\d+>>"
/// CHECK: <<CondB:z\d+>> InstanceFieldGet [<<This>>] field_name:Main.conditionB
/// CHECK: If [<<CondB>>]
+ /// CHECK: end_block
+ /// CHECK: begin_block
+ /// CHECK: name "<<ElseBlock>>"
+ /// CHECK: ParallelMove moves:[invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid,invalid->invalid]
+ /// CHECK: fmov d31, d2
+ /// CHECK: ldr s2, [sp, #36]
+ /// CHECK: ldr w16, [sp, #16]
+ /// CHECK: str w16, [sp, #36]
+ /// CHECK: str s14, [sp, #16]
+ /// CHECK: ldr s14, [sp, #28]
+ /// CHECK: str s1, [sp, #28]
+ /// CHECK: ldr s1, [sp, #32]
+ /// CHECK: str s31, [sp, #32]
+ /// CHECK: ldr s31, [sp, #20]
+ /// CHECK: str s31, [sp, #40]
+ /// CHECK: str s12, [sp, #20]
+ /// CHECK: fmov d12, d11
+ /// CHECK: fmov d11, d10
+ /// CHECK: fmov d10, d23
+ /// CHECK: fmov d23, d22
+ /// CHECK: fmov d22, d21
+ /// CHECK: fmov d21, d20
+ /// CHECK: fmov d20, d19
+ /// CHECK: fmov d19, d18
+ /// CHECK: fmov d18, d7
+ /// CHECK: fmov d7, d6
+ /// CHECK: fmov d6, d5
+ /// CHECK: fmov d5, d4
+ /// CHECK: fmov d4, d3
+ /// CHECK: fmov d3, d13
+ /// CHECK: ldr s13, [sp, #24]
+ /// CHECK: str s3, [sp, #24]
+ /// CHECK: ldr s3, pc+{{\d+}} (addr {{0x[0-9a-f]+}}) (100)
/// CHECK: end_block
public void test() {
@@ -261,20 +289,9 @@
String res = s + r;
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
Main main = new Main();
- Class<?> cl = Class.forName("Smali");
- Constructor<?> cons = cl.getConstructor();
- Object o = cons.newInstance();
- Method test = cl.getMethod("test");
- test.invoke(o);
- Method testD8 = cl.getMethod("testD8");
- testD8.invoke(o);