More parallel GC, rewritten parallel mark stack processing.

Card scanning may now be done in parallel. This speeds up sticky and
reduces pause times for all GC types.

Speedup on my mako (ritz perf):
Average pause time for sticky GC (~250 samples):
Without parallel cards scanning enabled: 2.524904215ms
Parallel card scanning (num_gc_threads_): 1.552123552ms
Throughput (~250 samples):
Sticky GC throughput with parallel card scanning: 69MB/s
Sticky GC throughput without parallel card scanning: 51MB/s

Rewrote the mark stack processing to be LIFO and use a prefetch queue
like the non parallel version.

Cleaned up some of the logcat printing for the activity manager
process state listening.

Added unlikely hints to object scanning since arrays and classes are
scanned much less often than normal objects.

Fixed a bug where the number of GC threads was clamped to 1 due to a
bool instead of a size_t.

Fixed a race condition when we added references to the reference
queues. Sharded the reference queue lock into one lock for each reference
type (weak, soft, phatom, finalizer).

Changed timing splits to be different for processing gray objects with
and without mutators paused since sticky GC does both.

Mask out the class bit when visiting fields as an optimization, this is
valid since classes are held live by the class linker.

Partially completed: Parallel recursive mark + finger.

Bug: 10245302
Bug: 9969166
Bug: 9986532
Bug: 9961698

Change-Id: I142d09718c4609b7c2387cb28f517a6983c73288
diff --git a/runtime/gc/ b/runtime/gc/
index d5a8d75..159e379 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/
+++ b/runtime/gc/
@@ -80,7 +80,10 @@
-      reference_queue_lock_(NULL),
+      soft_ref_queue_lock_(NULL),
+      weak_ref_queue_lock_(NULL),
+      finalizer_ref_queue_lock_(NULL),
+      phantom_ref_queue_lock_(NULL),
@@ -97,7 +100,7 @@
       // Initially care about pauses in case we never get notified of process states, or if the JNI
       // code becomes broken.
-      concurrent_start_bytes_(concurrent_gc ? initial_size - (kMinConcurrentRemainingBytes)
+      concurrent_start_bytes_(concurrent_gc ? initial_size - kMinConcurrentRemainingBytes
                                             :  std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()),
@@ -219,8 +222,11 @@
   gc_complete_cond_.reset(new ConditionVariable("GC complete condition variable",
-  // Create the reference queue lock, this is required so for parallel object scanning in the GC.
-  reference_queue_lock_ = new Mutex("reference queue lock");
+  // Create the reference queue locks, this is required so for parallel object scanning in the GC.
+  soft_ref_queue_lock_ = new Mutex("Soft reference queue lock");
+  weak_ref_queue_lock_ = new Mutex("Weak reference queue lock");
+  finalizer_ref_queue_lock_ = new Mutex("Finalizer reference queue lock");
+  phantom_ref_queue_lock_ = new Mutex("Phantom reference queue lock");
   last_gc_time_ns_ = NanoTime();
   last_gc_size_ = GetBytesAllocated();
@@ -240,20 +246,15 @@
 void Heap::CreateThreadPool() {
-  thread_pool_.reset(new ThreadPool(num_gc_threads_));
+  if (num_gc_threads_ != 0) {
+    thread_pool_.reset(new ThreadPool(num_gc_threads_));
+  }
 void Heap::DeleteThreadPool() {
-// Sort spaces based on begin address
-struct ContinuousSpaceSorter {
-  bool operator()(const space::ContinuousSpace* a, const space::ContinuousSpace* b) const {
-    return a->Begin() < b->Begin();
-  }
 static bool ReadStaticInt(JNIEnvExt* env, jclass clz, const char* name, int* out_value) {
   CHECK(out_value != NULL);
   jfieldID field = env->GetStaticFieldID(clz, name, "I");
@@ -266,7 +267,7 @@
 void Heap::ListenForProcessStateChange() {
-  VLOG(gc) << "Heap notified of process state change";
+  VLOG(heap) << "Heap notified of process state change";
   Thread* self = Thread::Current();
   JNIEnvExt* env = self->GetJniEnv();
@@ -320,8 +321,8 @@
       int process_state = 0;
       if (ReadStaticInt(env, activity_manager.get(), care_about_pauses[i], &process_state)) {
-        VLOG(gc) << "Adding process state " << process_state
-                 << " to set of states which care about pause time";
+        VLOG(heap) << "Adding process state " << process_state
+                   << " to set of states which care about pause time";
@@ -367,8 +368,8 @@
     care_about_pause_times_ = process_state_cares_about_pause_time_.find(process_state) !=
-    VLOG(gc) << "New process state " << process_state
-             << " care about pauses " << care_about_pause_times_;
+    VLOG(heap) << "New process state " << process_state
+               << " care about pauses " << care_about_pause_times_;
@@ -385,7 +386,10 @@
   // Ensure that spaces remain sorted in increasing order of start address (required for CMS finger)
-  std::sort(continuous_spaces_.begin(), continuous_spaces_.end(), ContinuousSpaceSorter());
+  std::sort(continuous_spaces_.begin(), continuous_spaces_.end(),
+            [](const space::ContinuousSpace* a, const space::ContinuousSpace* b) {
+              return a->Begin() < b->Begin();
+            });
   // Ensure that ImageSpaces < ZygoteSpaces < AllocSpaces so that we can do address based checks to
   // avoid redundant marking.
@@ -493,7 +497,10 @@
   delete gc_complete_lock_;
-  delete reference_queue_lock_;
+  delete soft_ref_queue_lock_;
+  delete weak_ref_queue_lock_;
+  delete finalizer_ref_queue_lock_;
+  delete phantom_ref_queue_lock_;
 space::ContinuousSpace* Heap::FindContinuousSpaceFromObject(const mirror::Object* obj,
@@ -1155,7 +1162,6 @@
                                                bool clear_soft_references) {
   Thread* self = Thread::Current();
   ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kWaitingPerformingGc);
@@ -1249,7 +1255,7 @@
                        << ((i != pauses.size() - 1) ? ", " : "");
       LOG(INFO) << gc_cause << " " << collector->GetName()
-                << "GC freed " << PrettySize(collector->GetFreedBytes()) << ", "
+                << " GC freed " << PrettySize(collector->GetFreedBytes()) << ", "
                 << percent_free << "% free, " << PrettySize(current_heap_size) << "/"
                 << PrettySize(total_memory) << ", " << "paused " << pause_string.str()
                 << " total " << PrettyDuration((duration / 1000) * 1000);
@@ -1835,17 +1841,18 @@
 void Heap::EnqueuePendingReference(mirror::Object* ref, mirror::Object** list) {
   DCHECK(ref != NULL);
   DCHECK(list != NULL);
-  // TODO: Remove this lock, use atomic stacks for storing references.
-  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *reference_queue_lock_);
-  if (*list == NULL) {
-    ref->SetFieldObject(reference_pendingNext_offset_, ref, false);
-    *list = ref;
-  } else {
-    mirror::Object* head =
-        (*list)->GetFieldObject<mirror::Object*>(reference_pendingNext_offset_, false);
-    ref->SetFieldObject(reference_pendingNext_offset_, head, false);
-    (*list)->SetFieldObject(reference_pendingNext_offset_, ref, false);
+  mirror::Object* pending =
+      ref->GetFieldObject<mirror::Object*>(reference_pendingNext_offset_, false);
+  if (pending == NULL) {
+    if (*list == NULL) {
+      ref->SetFieldObject(reference_pendingNext_offset_, ref, false);
+      *list = ref;
+    } else {
+      mirror::Object* head =
+          (*list)->GetFieldObject<mirror::Object*>(reference_pendingNext_offset_, false);
+      ref->SetFieldObject(reference_pendingNext_offset_, head, false);
+      (*list)->SetFieldObject(reference_pendingNext_offset_, ref, false);
+    }