Improve Mir2Lir::GenIntrinsic() performance.
GenIntrinsic() spends most time just comparing the method's
declaring class name to the class names we're looking for
without hiting anything. Reduce the number of comparisons
by splitting the path for java.lang.* and other calls.
Change-Id: Ic0d42ee2bde9e86b602b421c11fb2315de774a29
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/ b/compiler/dex/quick/
index 7225262..d1a9a13 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/
@@ -1245,84 +1245,87 @@
const DexFile::TypeId& declaring_type = cu_->dex_file->GetTypeId(target_mid.class_idx_);
StringPiece tgt_methods_declaring_class(
- if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Ljava/lang/Double;")) {
- std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
- if (tgt_method == "long java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits(double)") {
- return GenInlinedDoubleCvt(info);
- }
- if (tgt_method == "double java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble(long)") {
- return GenInlinedDoubleCvt(info);
- }
- } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Ljava/lang/Float;")) {
- std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
- if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits(float)") {
- return GenInlinedFloatCvt(info);
- }
- if (tgt_method == "float java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat(int)") {
- return GenInlinedFloatCvt(info);
- }
- } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Ljava/lang/Integer;")) {
- std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
- if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.Integer.reverseBytes(int)") {
- return GenInlinedReverseBytes(info, kWord);
- }
- } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Ljava/lang/Long;")) {
- std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
- if (tgt_method == "long java.lang.Long.reverseBytes(long)") {
- return GenInlinedReverseBytes(info, kLong);
- }
- } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Ljava/lang/Math;") ||
- tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Ljava/lang/StrictMath;")) {
- std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
- if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.Math.abs(int)" ||
- tgt_method == "int java.lang.StrictMath.abs(int)") {
- return GenInlinedAbsInt(info);
- }
- if (tgt_method == "long java.lang.Math.abs(long)" ||
- tgt_method == "long java.lang.StrictMath.abs(long)") {
- return GenInlinedAbsLong(info);
- }
- if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.Math.max(int, int)" ||
- tgt_method == "int java.lang.StrictMath.max(int, int)") {
- return GenInlinedMinMaxInt(info, false /* is_min */);
- }
- if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.Math.min(int, int)" ||
- tgt_method == "int java.lang.StrictMath.min(int, int)") {
- return GenInlinedMinMaxInt(info, true /* is_min */);
- }
- if (tgt_method == "double java.lang.Math.sqrt(double)" ||
- tgt_method == "double java.lang.StrictMath.sqrt(double)") {
- return GenInlinedSqrt(info);
- }
- } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Ljava/lang/Short;")) {
- std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
- if (tgt_method == "short java.lang.Short.reverseBytes(short)") {
- return GenInlinedReverseBytes(info, kSignedHalf);
- }
- } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Ljava/lang/String;")) {
- std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
- if (tgt_method == "char java.lang.String.charAt(int)") {
- return GenInlinedCharAt(info);
- }
- if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.String.compareTo(java.lang.String)") {
- return GenInlinedStringCompareTo(info);
- }
- if (tgt_method == "boolean java.lang.String.is_empty()") {
- return GenInlinedStringIsEmptyOrLength(info, true /* is_empty */);
- }
- if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.String.index_of(int, int)") {
- return GenInlinedIndexOf(info, false /* base 0 */);
- }
- if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.String.index_of(int)") {
- return GenInlinedIndexOf(info, true /* base 0 */);
- }
- if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.String.length()") {
- return GenInlinedStringIsEmptyOrLength(info, false /* is_empty */);
- }
- } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Ljava/lang/Thread;")) {
- std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
- if (tgt_method == "java.lang.Thread java.lang.Thread.currentThread()") {
- return GenInlinedCurrentThread(info);
+ if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Ljava/lang/")) {
+ tgt_methods_declaring_class.remove_prefix(sizeof("Ljava/lang/") - 1);
+ if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Double;")) {
+ std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
+ if (tgt_method == "long java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits(double)") {
+ return GenInlinedDoubleCvt(info);
+ }
+ if (tgt_method == "double java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble(long)") {
+ return GenInlinedDoubleCvt(info);
+ }
+ } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Float;")) {
+ std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
+ if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits(float)") {
+ return GenInlinedFloatCvt(info);
+ }
+ if (tgt_method == "float java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat(int)") {
+ return GenInlinedFloatCvt(info);
+ }
+ } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Integer;")) {
+ std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
+ if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.Integer.reverseBytes(int)") {
+ return GenInlinedReverseBytes(info, kWord);
+ }
+ } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Long;")) {
+ std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
+ if (tgt_method == "long java.lang.Long.reverseBytes(long)") {
+ return GenInlinedReverseBytes(info, kLong);
+ }
+ } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Math;") ||
+ tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("StrictMath;")) {
+ std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
+ if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.Math.abs(int)" ||
+ tgt_method == "int java.lang.StrictMath.abs(int)") {
+ return GenInlinedAbsInt(info);
+ }
+ if (tgt_method == "long java.lang.Math.abs(long)" ||
+ tgt_method == "long java.lang.StrictMath.abs(long)") {
+ return GenInlinedAbsLong(info);
+ }
+ if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.Math.max(int, int)" ||
+ tgt_method == "int java.lang.StrictMath.max(int, int)") {
+ return GenInlinedMinMaxInt(info, false /* is_min */);
+ }
+ if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.Math.min(int, int)" ||
+ tgt_method == "int java.lang.StrictMath.min(int, int)") {
+ return GenInlinedMinMaxInt(info, true /* is_min */);
+ }
+ if (tgt_method == "double java.lang.Math.sqrt(double)" ||
+ tgt_method == "double java.lang.StrictMath.sqrt(double)") {
+ return GenInlinedSqrt(info);
+ }
+ } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Short;")) {
+ std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
+ if (tgt_method == "short java.lang.Short.reverseBytes(short)") {
+ return GenInlinedReverseBytes(info, kSignedHalf);
+ }
+ } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("String;")) {
+ std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
+ if (tgt_method == "char java.lang.String.charAt(int)") {
+ return GenInlinedCharAt(info);
+ }
+ if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.String.compareTo(java.lang.String)") {
+ return GenInlinedStringCompareTo(info);
+ }
+ if (tgt_method == "boolean java.lang.String.is_empty()") {
+ return GenInlinedStringIsEmptyOrLength(info, true /* is_empty */);
+ }
+ if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.String.index_of(int, int)") {
+ return GenInlinedIndexOf(info, false /* base 0 */);
+ }
+ if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.String.index_of(int)") {
+ return GenInlinedIndexOf(info, true /* base 0 */);
+ }
+ if (tgt_method == "int java.lang.String.length()") {
+ return GenInlinedStringIsEmptyOrLength(info, false /* is_empty */);
+ }
+ } else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Thread;")) {
+ std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));
+ if (tgt_method == "java.lang.Thread java.lang.Thread.currentThread()") {
+ return GenInlinedCurrentThread(info);
+ }
} else if (tgt_methods_declaring_class.starts_with("Llibcore/io/Memory;")) {
std::string tgt_method(PrettyMethod(info->index, *cu_->dex_file));