Mark DWARF lines in non-debuggable methods as "not a statement".

This is a hint to the debugger that breakpoints and stepping
might not function as intended (since we have limited information).

Change-Id: I23c4a816182cc7548fcd69fbd00112225e7b1710
diff --git a/compiler/debug/elf_debug_line_writer.h b/compiler/debug/elf_debug_line_writer.h
index d3859ca..11be4e9 100644
--- a/compiler/debug/elf_debug_line_writer.h
+++ b/compiler/debug/elf_debug_line_writer.h
@@ -184,6 +184,10 @@
       // Generate mapping opcodes from PC to Java lines.
       if (file_index != 0) {
+        // If the method was not compiled as native-debuggable, we still generate all available
+        // lines, but we try to prevent the debugger from stepping and setting breakpoints since
+        // the information is too inaccurate for that (breakpoints would be set after the calls).
+        const bool default_is_stmt = mi->is_native_debuggable;
         bool first = true;
         for (SrcMapElem pc2dex : pc2dex_map) {
           uint32_t pc = pc2dex.from_;
@@ -205,13 +209,14 @@
                 // Assume that any preceding code is prologue.
                 int first_line = dex2line_map.front().line_;
                 // Prologue is not a sensible place for a breakpoint.
-                opcodes.NegateStmt();
+                opcodes.SetIsStmt(false);
                 opcodes.AddRow(method_address, first_line);
-                opcodes.NegateStmt();
+              opcodes.SetIsStmt(default_is_stmt);
               opcodes.AddRow(method_address + pc, line);
             } else if (line != opcodes.CurrentLine()) {
+              opcodes.SetIsStmt(default_is_stmt);
               opcodes.AddRow(method_address + pc, line);