Heap allocate class supporting arrays for fields, methods, interfaces
Other supporting changes
- fix ref to reflect
- add shared array_interfaces_ array_iftable_
- fixed issue with loaded class overwriting special object_size_ cases
- added Class::interfaces_idx to avoid reuse of interfaces_ for non-Object data
Change-Id: Ibcbeee6ac001baefdbba9a194123b3c6fe488f1f
diff --git a/src/class_linker.cc b/src/class_linker.cc
index 04f703b..6ee3af3 100644
--- a/src/class_linker.cc
+++ b/src/class_linker.cc
@@ -29,11 +29,6 @@
void ClassLinker::Init(std::vector<DexFile*> boot_class_path) {
- // setup boot_class_path_ so that object_array_class_ can be properly initialized
- for (size_t i = 0; i != boot_class_path.size(); ++i) {
- AppendToBootClassPath(boot_class_path[i]);
- }
// Allocate and partially initialize the Class, Object, Field, Method classes.
// Initialization will be completed when the definitions are loaded.
java_lang_Class_ = down_cast<Class*>(Heap::AllocObject(NULL, sizeof(Class)));
@@ -48,21 +43,13 @@
java_lang_Class_->super_class_ = java_lang_Object_;
- java_lang_ref_Field_ = AllocClass(NULL);
- CHECK(java_lang_ref_Field_ != NULL);
- java_lang_ref_Field_->descriptor_ = "Ljava/lang/ref/Field;";
+ java_lang_reflect_Field_ = AllocClass(NULL);
+ CHECK(java_lang_reflect_Field_ != NULL);
+ java_lang_reflect_Field_->descriptor_ = "Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;";
- java_lang_ref_Method_ = AllocClass(NULL);
- CHECK(java_lang_ref_Method_ != NULL);
- java_lang_ref_Method_->descriptor_ = "Ljava/lang/Method;";
- java_lang_Cloneable_ = AllocClass(NULL);
- CHECK(java_lang_Cloneable_ != NULL);
- java_lang_Cloneable_->descriptor_ = "Ljava/lang/Cloneable;";
- java_io_Serializable_ = AllocClass(NULL);
- CHECK(java_io_Serializable_ != NULL);
- java_io_Serializable_->descriptor_ = "Ljava/io/Serializable;";
+ java_lang_reflect_Method_ = AllocClass(NULL);
+ CHECK(java_lang_reflect_Method_ != NULL);
+ java_lang_reflect_Method_->descriptor_ = "Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;";
java_lang_String_ = AllocClass(NULL);
CHECK(java_lang_String_ != NULL);
@@ -79,11 +66,50 @@
primitive_boolean_ = CreatePrimitiveClass("Z");
primitive_void_ = CreatePrimitiveClass("V");
+ // object_array_class_ is needed to heap alloc DexCache instances
+ // created by AppendToBootClassPath below
+ object_array_class_ = AllocClass(NULL);
+ CHECK(object_array_class_ != NULL);
+ // setup boot_class_path_ so that the below array classes can be
+ // initialized using the normal FindSystemClass API
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != boot_class_path.size(); ++i) {
+ AppendToBootClassPath(boot_class_path[i]);
+ }
+ // A single, global copy of "interfaces" and "iftable" for reuse across array classes
+ java_lang_Cloneable_ = AllocClass(NULL);
+ CHECK(java_lang_Cloneable_ != NULL);
+ java_lang_Cloneable_->descriptor_ = "Ljava/lang/Cloneable;";
+ java_io_Serializable_ = AllocClass(NULL);
+ CHECK(java_io_Serializable_ != NULL);
+ java_io_Serializable_->descriptor_ = "Ljava/io/Serializable;";
+ array_interfaces_ = AllocObjectArray(2);
+ CHECK(array_interfaces_ != NULL);
+ array_interfaces_->Set(0, java_lang_Cloneable_);
+ array_interfaces_->Set(1, java_io_Serializable_);
+ // We assume that Cloneable/Serializable don't have superinterfaces --
+ // normally we'd have to crawl up and explicitly list all of the
+ // supers as well. These interfaces don't have any methods, so we
+ // don't have to worry about the ifviPool either.
+ array_iftable_ = new InterfaceEntry[2];
+ CHECK(array_iftable_ != NULL);
+ memset(array_iftable_, 0, sizeof(InterfaceEntry) * 2);
+ array_iftable_[0].SetClass(down_cast<Class*>(array_interfaces_->Get(0)));
+ array_iftable_[1].SetClass(down_cast<Class*>(array_interfaces_->Get(1)));
char_array_class_ = FindSystemClass("[C");
CHECK(char_array_class_ != NULL);
+ class_array_class_ = FindSystemClass("[Ljava/lang/Class;");
+ CHECK(class_array_class_ != NULL);
+ field_array_class_ = FindSystemClass("[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;");
+ CHECK(field_array_class_ != NULL);
+ method_array_class_ = FindSystemClass("[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;");
+ CHECK(method_array_class_ != NULL);
- object_array_class_ = FindSystemClass("[Ljava/lang/Object;");
- CHECK(object_array_class_ != NULL);
DexCache* ClassLinker::AllocDexCache() {
@@ -97,17 +123,17 @@
StaticField* ClassLinker::AllocStaticField() {
- return down_cast<StaticField*>(Heap::AllocObject(java_lang_ref_Field_,
+ return down_cast<StaticField*>(Heap::AllocObject(java_lang_reflect_Field_,
InstanceField* ClassLinker::AllocInstanceField() {
- return down_cast<InstanceField*>(Heap::AllocObject(java_lang_ref_Field_,
+ return down_cast<InstanceField*>(Heap::AllocObject(java_lang_reflect_Field_,
Method* ClassLinker::AllocMethod() {
- return down_cast<Method*>(Heap::AllocObject(java_lang_ref_Method_,
+ return down_cast<Method*>(Heap::AllocObject(java_lang_reflect_Method_,
@@ -143,6 +169,7 @@
const DexFile::ClassDef* dex_class_def = pair.second;
DexCache* dex_cache = FindDexCache(dex_file);
// Load the class from the dex file.
+ // TODO add fast path to avoid all these comparisons once special cases are found
if (descriptor == "Ljava/lang/Object;") {
klass = java_lang_Object_;
klass->dex_cache_ = dex_cache;
@@ -152,26 +179,31 @@
klass = java_lang_Class_;
klass->dex_cache_ = dex_cache;
klass->object_size_ = sizeof(Class);
- } else if (descriptor == "Ljava/lang/ref/Field;") {
- klass = java_lang_ref_Field_;
+ } else if (descriptor == "Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;") {
+ klass = java_lang_reflect_Field_;
klass->dex_cache_ = dex_cache;
klass->object_size_ = sizeof(Field);
- } else if (descriptor == "Ljava/lang/ref/Method;") {
- klass = java_lang_ref_Method_;
+ } else if (descriptor == "Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;") {
+ klass = java_lang_reflect_Method_;
klass->dex_cache_ = dex_cache;
klass->object_size_ = sizeof(Method);
- } else if (descriptor == "Ljava/lang/Cloneable;") {
- klass = java_lang_Cloneable_;
- klass->dex_cache_ = dex_cache;
- } else if (descriptor == "Ljava/io/Serializable;") {
- klass = java_io_Serializable_;
- klass->dex_cache_ = dex_cache;
} else if (descriptor == "Ljava/lang/String;") {
klass = java_lang_String_;
klass->dex_cache_ = dex_cache;
klass->object_size_ = sizeof(String);
+ } else if (descriptor == "Ljava/lang/Cloneable;") {
+ klass = java_lang_Cloneable_;
+ klass->dex_cache_ = dex_cache;
+ klass->object_size_ = 0;
+ } else if (descriptor == "Ljava/io/Serializable;") {
+ klass = java_io_Serializable_;
+ klass->dex_cache_ = dex_cache;
+ klass->object_size_ = 0;
} else {
klass = AllocClass(dex_cache);
+ // LinkInstanceFields only will update object_size_ if it is 0
+ // to avoid overwriting the special initialized cases above.
+ klass->object_size_ = 0;
LoadClass(*dex_file, *dex_class_def, klass);
// Check for a pending exception during load
@@ -245,10 +277,10 @@
klass->super_class_ = NULL;
klass->super_class_idx_ = dex_class_def.superclass_idx_;
- klass->num_static_fields_ = header.static_fields_size_;
- klass->num_instance_fields_ = header.instance_fields_size_;
- klass->num_direct_methods_ = header.direct_methods_size_;
- klass->num_virtual_methods_ = header.virtual_methods_size_;
+ size_t num_static_fields = header.static_fields_size_;
+ size_t num_instance_fields = header.instance_fields_size_;
+ size_t num_direct_methods = header.direct_methods_size_;
+ size_t num_virtual_methods = header.virtual_methods_size_;
klass->source_file_ = dex_file.dexGetSourceFile(dex_class_def);
@@ -256,58 +288,61 @@
LoadInterfaces(dex_file, dex_class_def, klass);
// Load static fields.
- if (klass->NumStaticFields() != 0) {
- // TODO: allocate on the object heap.
- klass->sfields_ = new StaticField*[klass->NumStaticFields()]();
+ DCHECK(klass->sfields_ == NULL);
+ if (num_static_fields != 0) {
+ klass->sfields_ = AllocObjectArray(num_static_fields);
uint32_t last_idx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumStaticFields(); ++i) {
DexFile::Field dex_field;
dex_file.dexReadClassDataField(&class_data, &dex_field, &last_idx);
StaticField* sfield = AllocStaticField();
- klass->sfields_[i] = sfield;
+ klass->SetStaticField(i, sfield);
LoadField(dex_file, dex_field, klass, sfield);
// Load instance fields.
- if (klass->NumInstanceFields() != 0) {
+ DCHECK(klass->ifields_ == NULL);
+ if (num_instance_fields != 0) {
// TODO: allocate on the object heap.
- klass->ifields_ = new InstanceField*[klass->NumInstanceFields()]();
+ klass->ifields_ = AllocObjectArray(num_instance_fields);
uint32_t last_idx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumInstanceFields(); ++i) {
DexFile::Field dex_field;
dex_file.dexReadClassDataField(&class_data, &dex_field, &last_idx);
InstanceField* ifield = AllocInstanceField();
- klass->ifields_[i] = ifield;
+ klass->SetInstanceField(i, ifield);
LoadField(dex_file, dex_field, klass, ifield);
// Load direct methods.
- if (klass->NumDirectMethods() != 0) {
+ DCHECK(klass->direct_methods_ == NULL);
+ if (num_direct_methods != 0) {
// TODO: append direct methods to class object
- klass->direct_methods_ = new Method*[klass->NumDirectMethods()]();
+ klass->direct_methods_ = AllocObjectArray(num_direct_methods);
uint32_t last_idx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumDirectMethods(); ++i) {
DexFile::Method dex_method;
dex_file.dexReadClassDataMethod(&class_data, &dex_method, &last_idx);
Method* meth = AllocMethod();
- klass->direct_methods_[i] = meth;
+ klass->SetDirectMethod(i, meth);
LoadMethod(dex_file, dex_method, klass, meth);
// TODO: register maps
// Load virtual methods.
- if (klass->NumVirtualMethods() != 0) {
+ DCHECK(klass->virtual_methods_ == NULL);
+ if (num_virtual_methods != 0) {
// TODO: append virtual methods to class object
- klass->virtual_methods_ = new Method*[klass->NumVirtualMethods()]();
+ klass->virtual_methods_ = AllocObjectArray(num_virtual_methods);
uint32_t last_idx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumVirtualMethods(); ++i) {
DexFile::Method dex_method;
dex_file.dexReadClassDataMethod(&class_data, &dex_method, &last_idx);
Method* meth = AllocMethod();
- klass->virtual_methods_[i] = meth;
+ klass->SetVirtualMethod(i, meth);
LoadMethod(dex_file, dex_method, klass, meth);
// TODO: register maps
@@ -319,12 +354,13 @@
Class* klass) {
const DexFile::TypeList* list = dex_file.GetInterfacesList(dex_class_def);
if (list != NULL) {
- klass->interface_count_ = list->Size();
- // TODO: allocate the interfaces array on the object heap.
- klass->interfaces_ = new Class*[list->Size()]();
+ DCHECK(klass->interfaces_ == NULL);
+ klass->interfaces_ = AllocObjectArray(list->Size());
+ DCHECK(klass->interfaces_idx_ == NULL);
+ klass->interfaces_idx_ = new uint32_t[list->Size()];
for (size_t i = 0; i < list->Size(); ++i) {
const DexFile::TypeItem& type_item = list->GetTypeItem(i);
- klass->interfaces_[i] = reinterpret_cast<Class*>(type_item.type_idx_);
+ klass->interfaces_idx_[i] = type_item.type_idx_;
@@ -515,9 +551,16 @@
// Array classes are simple enough that we don't need to do a full
// link step.
- Class* new_class = AllocClass(NULL);
- if (new_class == NULL) {
- return NULL;
+ Class* new_class;
+ if (descriptor == "[Ljava/lang/Object;") {
+ CHECK(object_array_class_);
+ new_class = object_array_class_;
+ } else {
+ new_class = AllocClass(NULL);
+ if (new_class == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
new_class->descriptor_alloc_ = new std::string(descriptor.data(),
@@ -542,26 +585,15 @@
// so we need to make sure the class object is GC-valid while we're in
// there. Do this by clearing the interface list so the GC will just
// think that the entries are null.
- //
- // TODO?
- // We may want to create a single, global copy of "interfaces" and
- // "iftable" somewhere near the start and just point to those (and
- // remember not to free them for arrays).
- new_class->interface_count_ = 2;
- new_class->interfaces_ = new Class*[2];
- memset(new_class->interfaces_, 0, sizeof(Class*) * 2);
- new_class->interfaces_[0] = java_lang_Cloneable_;
- new_class->interfaces_[1] = java_io_Serializable_;
- // We assume that Cloneable/Serializable don't have superinterfaces --
- // normally we'd have to crawl up and explicitly list all of the
- // supers as well. These interfaces don't have any methods, so we
- // don't have to worry about the ifviPool either.
+ // Use the single, global copies of "interfaces" and "iftable"
+ // (remember not to free them for arrays).
+ DCHECK(array_interfaces_ != NULL);
+ new_class->interfaces_ = array_interfaces_;
new_class->iftable_count_ = 2;
- new_class->iftable_ = new InterfaceEntry[2];
- memset(new_class->iftable_, 0, sizeof(InterfaceEntry) * 2);
- new_class->iftable_[0].SetClass(new_class->interfaces_[0]);
- new_class->iftable_[1].SetClass(new_class->interfaces_[1]);
+ DCHECK(array_iftable_ != NULL);
+ new_class->iftable_ = array_iftable_;
// Inherit access flags from the component type. Arrays can't be
// used as a superclass or interface, so we want to add "final"
@@ -992,15 +1024,6 @@
bool ClassLinker::LinkInterfaces(Class* klass, const DexFile* dex_file) {
- scoped_array<uint32_t> interfaces_idx;
- // TODO: store interfaces_idx in the Class object
- // TODO: move this outside of link interfaces
- if (klass->interface_count_ > 0) {
- size_t length = klass->interface_count_ * sizeof(klass->interfaces_[0]);
- interfaces_idx.reset(new uint32_t[klass->interface_count_]);
- memcpy(interfaces_idx.get(), klass->interfaces_, length);
- memset(klass->interfaces_, 0xFF, length);
- }
// Mark the class as loaded.
klass->status_ = Class::kStatusLoaded;
if (klass->super_class_idx_ != DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
@@ -1011,16 +1034,16 @@
klass->super_class_ = super_class; // TODO: write barrier
- if (klass->interface_count_ > 0) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->interface_count_; ++i) {
- uint32_t idx = interfaces_idx[i];
- klass->interfaces_[i] = ResolveClass(klass, idx, dex_file);
- if (klass->interfaces_[i] == NULL) {
+ if (klass->NumInterfaces() > 0) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumInterfaces(); ++i) {
+ uint32_t idx = klass->interfaces_idx_[i];
+ klass->SetInterface(i, ResolveClass(klass, idx, dex_file));
+ if (klass->GetInterface(i) == NULL) {
LG << "Failed to resolve interface";
return false;
// Verify
- if (!klass->CanAccess(klass->interfaces_[i])) {
+ if (!klass->CanAccess(klass->GetInterface(i))) {
LG << "Inaccessible interface";
return false;
@@ -1165,26 +1188,26 @@
} else {
super_ifcount = 0;
- size_t ifCount = super_ifcount;
- ifCount += klass->interface_count_;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->interface_count_; i++) {
- ifCount += klass->interfaces_[i]->iftable_count_;
+ size_t ifcount = super_ifcount;
+ ifcount += klass->NumInterfaces();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumInterfaces(); i++) {
+ ifcount += klass->GetInterface(i)->iftable_count_;
- if (ifCount == 0) {
+ if (ifcount == 0) {
DCHECK(klass->iftable_count_ == 0);
DCHECK(klass->iftable_ == NULL);
return true;
- klass->iftable_ = new InterfaceEntry[ifCount * sizeof(InterfaceEntry)];
- memset(klass->iftable_, 0x00, sizeof(InterfaceEntry) * ifCount);
+ klass->iftable_ = new InterfaceEntry[ifcount * sizeof(InterfaceEntry)];
+ memset(klass->iftable_, 0x00, sizeof(InterfaceEntry) * ifcount);
if (super_ifcount != 0) {
memcpy(klass->iftable_, klass->GetSuperClass()->iftable_,
sizeof(InterfaceEntry) * super_ifcount);
// Flatten the interface inheritance hierarchy.
size_t idx = super_ifcount;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->interface_count_; i++) {
- Class* interf = klass->interfaces_[i];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumInterfaces(); i++) {
+ Class* interf = klass->GetInterface(i);
DCHECK(interf != NULL);
if (!interf->IsInterface()) {
LG << "Class implements non-interface class"; // TODO: IncompatibleClassChangeError
@@ -1195,12 +1218,12 @@
- CHECK_EQ(idx, ifCount);
- klass->iftable_count_ = ifCount;
- if (klass->IsInterface() || super_ifcount == ifCount) {
+ CHECK_EQ(idx, ifcount);
+ klass->iftable_count_ = ifcount;
+ if (klass->IsInterface() || super_ifcount == ifcount) {
return true;
- for (size_t i = super_ifcount; i < ifCount; i++) {
+ for (size_t i = super_ifcount; i < ifcount; i++) {
pool_size += klass->iftable_[i].GetClass()->NumVirtualMethods();
if (pool_size == 0) {
@@ -1209,7 +1232,7 @@
klass->ifvi_pool_count_ = pool_size;
klass->ifvi_pool_ = new uint32_t[pool_size];
std::vector<Method*> miranda_list;
- for (size_t i = super_ifcount; i < ifCount; ++i) {
+ for (size_t i = super_ifcount; i < ifcount; ++i) {
klass->iftable_[i].method_index_array_ = klass->ifvi_pool_ + pool_offset;
Class* interface = klass->iftable_[i].GetClass();
pool_offset += interface->NumVirtualMethods(); // end here
@@ -1250,19 +1273,18 @@
if (miranda_count != 0) {
- int oldMethodCount = klass->NumVirtualMethods();
- int newMethodCount = oldMethodCount + miranda_count;
- Method** newVirtualMethods = new Method*[newMethodCount];
+ int old_method_count = klass->NumVirtualMethods();
+ int new_method_count = old_method_count + miranda_count;
+ ObjectArray* new_virtual_methods = AllocObjectArray(new_method_count);
if (klass->virtual_methods_ != NULL) {
- memcpy(newVirtualMethods,
- klass->virtual_methods_,
- klass->NumVirtualMethods() * sizeof(Method*));
+ ObjectArray::Copy(klass->virtual_methods_, 0,
+ new_virtual_methods, 0,
+ old_method_count);
- klass->virtual_methods_ = newVirtualMethods;
- klass->num_virtual_methods_ = newMethodCount;
+ klass->virtual_methods_ = new_virtual_methods;
CHECK(klass->vtable_ != NULL);
- int oldVtableCount = klass->vtable_count_;
+ int old_vtable_count = klass->vtable_count_;
klass->vtable_count_ += miranda_count;
for (int i = 0; i < miranda_count; i++) {
@@ -1270,9 +1292,9 @@
memcpy(meth, miranda_list[i], sizeof(Method));
meth->klass_ = klass;
meth->access_flags_ |= kAccMiranda;
- meth->method_index_ = 0xFFFF & (oldVtableCount + i);
- klass->virtual_methods_[oldMethodCount+i] = meth;
- klass->vtable_[oldVtableCount + i] = meth;
+ meth->method_index_ = 0xFFFF & (old_vtable_count + i);
+ klass->SetVirtualMethod(old_method_count + i, meth);
+ klass->vtable_[old_vtable_count + i] = meth;
return true;
@@ -1415,7 +1437,10 @@
- klass->object_size_ = field_offset;
+ if (klass->object_size_ == 0) {
+ // avoid overwriting object_size_ of special crafted classes such as java_lang_*_
+ klass->object_size_ = field_offset;
+ }
return true;