Knock 0.5s off the Calculator startup time.

Down to 2.5s on mysid. We now only mess around with std::strings when we need
to synthesize a descriptor. If we can just hand out a const char* straight from
the dex file -- which most of the time we can -- we now do.

Change-Id: Iddec7062d8bd578bd25f671eb4d597e9ed064d65
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 50bfb83..1d8b526 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     // old code assumed this but if you recurse from "[Foo" to "Foo" to "oo",
     // you shouldn't assume there isn't a class "oo".
-  std::string sub_array_descriptor(ClassHelper(array_class).GetDescriptor(), 1);
+  std::string sub_array_descriptor(ClassHelper(array_class).GetDescriptor() + 1);
   ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
   Class* sub_array_class = class_linker->FindClass(sub_array_descriptor,
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
   DCHECK(javaDimArray != NULL);
   Object* dimensions_obj = Decode<Object*>(env, javaDimArray);
-  DCHECK_STREQ(ClassHelper(dimensions_obj->GetClass()).GetDescriptor().c_str(), "[I");
+  DCHECK_STREQ(ClassHelper(dimensions_obj->GetClass()).GetDescriptor(), "[I");
   IntArray* dimensions_array = down_cast<IntArray*>(dimensions_obj);
   // Verify dimensions.