Add `CtsLibcoreJsr166TestCases` to the generated ART MTS definition.

Add this test module to the existing ART MTS shard 02.

Test: m mts && mts-tradefed run commandAndExit mts-art
Test: m mts && mts-tradefed run commandAndExit mts-art-shard-02
Bug: 167385698
Change-Id: Ie80a43e745c8a04f1d43980e25cc7e18a67365f1
diff --git a/test/utils/regen-test-files b/test/utils/regen-test-files
index 06f0d3a..f990255 100755
--- a/test/utils/regen-test-files
+++ b/test/utils/regen-test-files
@@ -824,11 +824,16 @@
         "CTS Libcore non-OJ tests", ["CtsLibcoreTestCases"], cts_libcore_tests_shard_num, 2020)
-    # CTS Libcore OJ tests (`CtsLibcoreOjTestCases`) shard.
-    cts_libcore_oj_tests_shard_num = len(mts_test_shards)
-    cts_libcore_oj_tests_shard = self.create_mts_test_shard(
-        "CTS Libcore OJ tests", ["CtsLibcoreOjTestCases"], cts_libcore_oj_tests_shard_num, 2021)
-    mts_test_shards.append(cts_libcore_oj_tests_shard)
+    # Other CTS Libcore tests shard.
+    other_cts_libcore_tests_shard_num = len(mts_test_shards)
+    other_cts_libcore_tests_shard_tests = [
+        "CtsLibcoreOjTestCases",
+        "CtsLibcoreJsr166TestCases"
+    ]
+    other_cts_libcore_tests_shard = self.create_mts_test_shard(
+        "CTS Libcore OJ tests", other_cts_libcore_tests_shard_tests,
+        other_cts_libcore_tests_shard_num, 2021)
+    mts_test_shards.append(other_cts_libcore_tests_shard)
     for s in mts_test_shards: