Update source ART APEX version number from 1 to 319999900.

Bump the version number of the ART APEX built from sources (used, in
particular, for development and testing), so that it has a higher
version number that the (Android S) pre-built ART APEX (currently
31071600) and can be installed on devices running an image with such a
pre-built ART APEX.

Test: banchan com.google.android.art mainline_modules_x86_64
      # Check built ART APEX version number.
      aapt dump badging $OUT/system/apex/com.google.android.art.apex
      acloud create --local-instance --branch git_sc-release
        --build-id 7539480 --build-target cf_x86_64_phone-userdebug
      # Check prebuilt ART APEX version on AVD.
      adb shell dumpsys package | grep -A4 com.google.android.art
      adb install $OUT/system/apex/com.google.android.art.apex
      adb reboot
      # Check updated ART APEX version on AVD.
      adb shell dumpsys package | grep -A4 com.google.android.art
Bug: 193059742
Change-Id: I1e3147b79c8017692a3de6f2a4cfce42f39c3425
Ignore-AOSP-First: Change intended for Android S and downstream branches
1 file changed