Do not force-intern Strings in images.

Interning all image Strings breaks the reference equality
semantics. See for an example
where it goes against the intent of the Java code.

Instead, only put interned strings (weakly and strongly) to
the image intern tables. Since image interns are referenced
as long as the image is memory, we can promote weak interns
to strong interns. Doing this before the image layout helps
ImageWriter::CalculateNewObjectOffsets() which would not
have previously found weak interns.

Added a regression test that relies on better initialization
of app image classes, so it shall be "active" only after an
improvement in that area. (This can be checked by commenting
out the NoClinitInDependency() check in CompilerDriver's

Bug: 134746125
Test: 176-app-image-string
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: --host --optimizing
Test: aosp_taimen-userdebug boots.
Test: --target --optimizing
Change-Id: I51fa1edf953c9060c41f39812f3ba27f12b02801
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 8fed3ca..1343b16 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -1326,14 +1326,16 @@
- * A class used to ensure that all strings in an AppImage have been properly
- * interned, and is only ever run in debug mode.
+ * A class used to ensure that all references to strings interned in an AppImage have been
+ * properly recorded in the interned references list, and is only ever run in debug mode.
-class VerifyStringInterningVisitor {
+class CountInternedStringReferencesVisitor {
-  explicit VerifyStringInterningVisitor(const gc::space::ImageSpace& space) :
-      space_(space),
-      intern_table_(*Runtime::Current()->GetInternTable()) {}
+  CountInternedStringReferencesVisitor(const gc::space::ImageSpace& space,
+                                       const InternTable::UnorderedSet& image_interns)
+      : space_(space),
+        image_interns_(image_interns),
+        count_(0u) {}
   void TestObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> referred_obj) const
       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
@@ -1341,15 +1343,9 @@
         space_.HasAddress(referred_obj.Ptr()) &&
         referred_obj->IsString()) {
       ObjPtr<mirror::String> referred_str = referred_obj->AsString();
-      if (kIsDebugBuild) {
-        // Saved to temporary variables to aid in debugging.
-        ObjPtr<mirror::String> strong_lookup_result =
-            intern_table_.LookupStrong(Thread::Current(), referred_str);
-        ObjPtr<mirror::String> weak_lookup_result =
-            intern_table_.LookupWeak(Thread::Current(), referred_str);
-        DCHECK((strong_lookup_result == referred_str) || (weak_lookup_result == referred_str));
+      auto it = image_interns_.find(GcRoot<mirror::String>(referred_str));
+      if (it != image_interns_.end() && it->Read() == referred_str) {
+        ++count_;
@@ -1372,33 +1368,35 @@
                   MemberOffset offset,
                   bool is_static ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const
       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
-    // There could be overlap between ranges, we must avoid visiting the same reference twice.
-    // Avoid the class field since we already fixed it up in FixupClassVisitor.
-    if (offset.Uint32Value() != mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Uint32Value()) {
-      // Updating images, don't do a read barrier.
-      ObjPtr<mirror::Object> referred_obj =
-          obj->GetFieldObject<mirror::Object, kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>(offset);
-      TestObject(referred_obj);
-    }
+    // References within image or across images don't need a read barrier.
+    ObjPtr<mirror::Object> referred_obj =
+        obj->GetFieldObject<mirror::Object, kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>(offset);
+    TestObject(referred_obj);
   void operator()(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
                   ObjPtr<mirror::Reference> ref) const
       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) {
-    operator()(ref, mirror::Reference::ReferentOffset(), false);
+    operator()(ref, mirror::Reference::ReferentOffset(), /*is_static=*/ false);
+  size_t GetCount() const {
+    return count_;
+  }
+ private:
   const gc::space::ImageSpace& space_;
-  InternTable& intern_table_;
+  const InternTable::UnorderedSet& image_interns_;
+  mutable size_t count_;  // Modified from the `const` callbacks.
- * This function verifies that string references in the AppImage have been
- * properly interned.  To be considered properly interned a reference must
- * point to the same version of the string that the intern table does.
+ * This function counts references to strings interned in the AppImage.
+ * This is used in debug build to check against the number of the recorded references.
-void VerifyStringInterning(gc::space::ImageSpace& space) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+size_t CountInternedStringReferences(gc::space::ImageSpace& space,
+                                     const InternTable::UnorderedSet& image_interns)
+    REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   const gc::accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* bitmap = space.GetMarkBitmap();
   const ImageHeader& image_header = space.GetImageHeader();
   const uint8_t* target_base = space.GetMemMap()->Begin();
@@ -1407,7 +1405,7 @@
   auto objects_begin = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(target_base + objects_section.Offset());
   auto objects_end = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(target_base + objects_section.End());
-  VerifyStringInterningVisitor visitor(space);
+  CountInternedStringReferencesVisitor visitor(space, image_interns);
                            [&space, &visitor](mirror::Object* obj)
@@ -1427,6 +1425,119 @@
+  return visitor.GetCount();
+template <typename Visitor>
+static void VisitInternedStringReferences(
+    gc::space::ImageSpace* space,
+    bool use_preresolved_strings,
+    const Visitor& visitor) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+  const uint8_t* target_base = space->Begin();
+  const ImageSection& sro_section =
+      space->GetImageHeader().GetImageStringReferenceOffsetsSection();
+  const size_t num_string_offsets = sro_section.Size() / sizeof(AppImageReferenceOffsetInfo);
+  VLOG(image)
+      << "ClassLinker:AppImage:InternStrings:imageStringReferenceOffsetCount = "
+      << num_string_offsets;
+  const auto* sro_base =
+      reinterpret_cast<const AppImageReferenceOffsetInfo*>(target_base + sro_section.Offset());
+  for (size_t offset_index = 0; offset_index < num_string_offsets; ++offset_index) {
+    uint32_t base_offset = sro_base[offset_index].first;
+    if (HasDexCacheStringNativeRefTag(base_offset)) {
+      base_offset = ClearDexCacheNativeRefTags(base_offset);
+      DCHECK_ALIGNED(base_offset, 2);
+      ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache =
+          reinterpret_cast<mirror::DexCache*>(space->Begin() + base_offset);
+      uint32_t string_slot_index = sro_base[offset_index].second;
+      mirror::StringDexCachePair source =
+          dex_cache->GetStrings()[string_slot_index].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+      ObjPtr<mirror::String> referred_string = source.object.Read();
+      DCHECK(referred_string != nullptr);
+      ObjPtr<mirror::String> visited = visitor(referred_string);
+      if (visited != referred_string) {
+        // Because we are not using a helper function we need to mark the GC card manually.
+        WriteBarrier::ForEveryFieldWrite(dex_cache);
+        dex_cache->GetStrings()[string_slot_index].store(
+            mirror::StringDexCachePair(visited, source.index), std::memory_order_relaxed);
+      }
+    } else if (HasDexCachePreResolvedStringNativeRefTag(base_offset)) {
+      if (use_preresolved_strings) {
+        base_offset = ClearDexCacheNativeRefTags(base_offset);
+        DCHECK_ALIGNED(base_offset, 2);
+        ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache =
+            reinterpret_cast<mirror::DexCache*>(space->Begin() + base_offset);
+        uint32_t string_index = sro_base[offset_index].second;
+        ObjPtr<mirror::String> referred_string =
+            dex_cache->GetPreResolvedStrings()[string_index].Read();
+        DCHECK(referred_string != nullptr);
+        ObjPtr<mirror::String> visited = visitor(referred_string);
+        if (visited != referred_string) {
+          // Because we are not using a helper function we need to mark the GC card manually.
+          WriteBarrier::ForEveryFieldWrite(dex_cache);
+          dex_cache->GetPreResolvedStrings()[string_index] = GcRoot<mirror::String>(visited);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      uint32_t raw_member_offset = sro_base[offset_index].second;
+      DCHECK_ALIGNED(base_offset, 2);
+      DCHECK_ALIGNED(raw_member_offset, 2);
+      ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj_ptr =
+          reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(space->Begin() + base_offset);
+      MemberOffset member_offset(raw_member_offset);
+      ObjPtr<mirror::String> referred_string =
+          obj_ptr->GetFieldObject<mirror::String,
+                                  kVerifyNone,
+                                  kWithoutReadBarrier,
+                                  /* kIsVolatile= */ false>(member_offset);
+      DCHECK(referred_string != nullptr);
+      ObjPtr<mirror::String> visited = visitor(referred_string);
+      if (visited != referred_string) {
+        obj_ptr->SetFieldObject</* kTransactionActive= */ false,
+                                /* kCheckTransaction= */ false,
+                                kVerifyNone,
+                                /* kIsVolatile= */ false>(member_offset, visited);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+static void VerifyInternedStringReferences(gc::space::ImageSpace* space)
+    REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+  InternTable::UnorderedSet image_interns;
+  const ImageSection& section = space->GetImageHeader().GetInternedStringsSection();
+  if (section.Size() > 0) {
+    size_t read_count;
+    const uint8_t* data = space->Begin() + section.Offset();
+    InternTable::UnorderedSet image_set(data, /*make_copy_of_data=*/ false, &read_count);
+    image_set.swap(image_interns);
+  }
+  size_t num_recorded_refs = 0u;
+  VisitInternedStringReferences(
+      space,
+      /*use_preresolved_strings=*/ true,
+      [&image_interns, &num_recorded_refs](ObjPtr<mirror::String> str)
+          REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+        auto it = image_interns.find(GcRoot<mirror::String>(str));
+        CHECK(it != image_interns.end());
+        CHECK(it->Read() == str);
+        ++num_recorded_refs;
+        return str;
+      });
+  size_t num_found_refs = CountInternedStringReferences(*space, image_interns);
+  CHECK_EQ(num_recorded_refs, num_found_refs);
 // new_class_set is the set of classes that were read from the class table section in the image.
@@ -1445,12 +1556,6 @@
   static void HandleAppImageStrings(gc::space::ImageSpace* space)
-  static void UpdateInternStrings(
-      gc::space::ImageSpace* space,
-      bool use_preresolved_strings,
-      const SafeMap<mirror::String*, mirror::String*>& intern_remap)
-      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
 void AppImageLoadingHelper::Update(
@@ -1463,6 +1568,12 @@
     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   ScopedTrace app_image_timing("AppImage:Updating");
+  if (kIsDebugBuild && ClassLinker::kAppImageMayContainStrings) {
+    // In debug build, verify the string references before applying
+    // the Runtime::LoadAppImageStartupCache() option.
+    VerifyInternedStringReferences(space);
+  }
   Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
   Runtime* const runtime = Runtime::Current();
   gc::Heap* const heap = runtime->GetHeap();
@@ -1535,10 +1646,6 @@
   if (ClassLinker::kAppImageMayContainStrings) {
-    if (kIsDebugBuild) {
-      VerifyStringInterning(*space);
-    }
   if (kVerifyArtMethodDeclaringClasses) {
@@ -1555,104 +1662,6 @@
-void AppImageLoadingHelper::UpdateInternStrings(
-    gc::space::ImageSpace* space,
-    bool use_preresolved_strings,
-    const SafeMap<mirror::String*, mirror::String*>& intern_remap) {
-  const uint8_t* target_base = space->Begin();
-  const ImageSection& sro_section =
-      space->GetImageHeader().GetImageStringReferenceOffsetsSection();
-  const size_t num_string_offsets = sro_section.Size() / sizeof(AppImageReferenceOffsetInfo);
-  InternTable* const intern_table = Runtime::Current()->GetInternTable();
-  VLOG(image)
-      << "ClassLinker:AppImage:InternStrings:imageStringReferenceOffsetCount = "
-      << num_string_offsets;
-  const auto* sro_base =
-      reinterpret_cast<const AppImageReferenceOffsetInfo*>(target_base + sro_section.Offset());
-  for (size_t offset_index = 0; offset_index < num_string_offsets; ++offset_index) {
-    uint32_t base_offset = sro_base[offset_index].first;
-    if (HasDexCacheStringNativeRefTag(base_offset)) {
-      base_offset = ClearDexCacheNativeRefTags(base_offset);
-      DCHECK_ALIGNED(base_offset, 2);
-      ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache =
-          reinterpret_cast<mirror::DexCache*>(space->Begin() + base_offset);
-      uint32_t string_index = sro_base[offset_index].second;
-      mirror::StringDexCachePair source = dex_cache->GetStrings()[string_index].load();
-      ObjPtr<mirror::String> referred_string = source.object.Read();
-      DCHECK(referred_string != nullptr);
-      auto it = intern_remap.find(referred_string.Ptr());
-      if (it != intern_remap.end()) {
-        // This doesn't use SetResolvedString to maintain consistency with how
-        // we load the string.  The index from the source string must be
-        // re-used due to the circular nature of the cache.  Because we are not
-        // using a helper function we need to mark the GC card manually.
-        WriteBarrier::ForEveryFieldWrite(dex_cache);
-        dex_cache->GetStrings()[string_index].store(
-            mirror::StringDexCachePair(it->second, source.index));
-      } else if (!use_preresolved_strings) {
-        dex_cache->GetStrings()[string_index].store(
-            mirror::StringDexCachePair(intern_table->InternStrong(referred_string), source.index));
-      }
-    } else if (HasDexCachePreResolvedStringNativeRefTag(base_offset)) {
-      if (use_preresolved_strings) {
-        base_offset = ClearDexCacheNativeRefTags(base_offset);
-        DCHECK_ALIGNED(base_offset, 2);
-        ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache =
-            reinterpret_cast<mirror::DexCache*>(space->Begin() + base_offset);
-        uint32_t string_index = sro_base[offset_index].second;
-        ObjPtr<mirror::String> referred_string =
-            dex_cache->GetPreResolvedStrings()[string_index].Read();
-        DCHECK(referred_string != nullptr);
-        auto it = intern_remap.find(referred_string.Ptr());
-        if (it != intern_remap.end()) {
-          // Because we are not using a helper function we need to mark the GC card manually.
-          WriteBarrier::ForEveryFieldWrite(dex_cache);
-          dex_cache->GetPreResolvedStrings()[string_index] = GcRoot<mirror::String>(it->second);
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      uint32_t raw_member_offset = sro_base[offset_index].second;
-      DCHECK_ALIGNED(base_offset, 2);
-      DCHECK_ALIGNED(raw_member_offset, 2);
-      ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj_ptr =
-          reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(space->Begin() + base_offset);
-      MemberOffset member_offset(raw_member_offset);
-      ObjPtr<mirror::String> referred_string =
-          obj_ptr->GetFieldObject<mirror::String,
-                                  kVerifyNone,
-                                  kWithoutReadBarrier,
-                                  /* kIsVolatile= */ false>(member_offset);
-      DCHECK(referred_string != nullptr);
-      auto it = intern_remap.find(referred_string.Ptr());
-      if (it != intern_remap.end()) {
-        obj_ptr->SetFieldObject</* kTransactionActive= */ false,
-                                /* kCheckTransaction= */ false,
-                                kVerifyNone,
-                                /* kIsVolatile= */ false>(member_offset, it->second);
-      } else if (!use_preresolved_strings) {
-        obj_ptr->SetFieldObject</* kTransactionActive= */ false,
-                                /* kCheckTransaction= */ false,
-                                kVerifyNone,
-                                /* kIsVolatile= */ false>(
-            member_offset,
-            intern_table->InternStrong(referred_string));
-      }
-    }
-  }
 void AppImageLoadingHelper::HandleAppImageStrings(gc::space::ImageSpace* space) {
   // Iterate over the string reference offsets stored in the image and intern
   // the strings they point to.
@@ -1711,23 +1720,19 @@
-  bool update_intern_strings;
-  if (load_startup_cache) {
-    VLOG(image) << "AppImage:load_startup_cache";
-    // Only add the intern table if we are using the startup cache. Otherwise,
-    // UpdateInternStrings adds the strings to the intern table.
-    intern_table->AddImageStringsToTable(space, func);
-    update_intern_strings = kIsDebugBuild || !intern_remap.empty();
+  intern_table->AddImageStringsToTable(space, func);
+  if (!intern_remap.empty()) {
     VLOG(image) << "AppImage:conflictingInternStrings = " << intern_remap.size();
-  } else {
-    update_intern_strings = true;
-  }
-  // For debug builds, always run the code below to get coverage.
-  if (update_intern_strings) {
-    // Slow path case is when there are conflicting intern strings to fix up.
-    UpdateInternStrings(space, /*use_preresolved_strings=*/ load_startup_cache, intern_remap);
+    VisitInternedStringReferences(
+        space,
+        load_startup_cache,
+        [&intern_remap](ObjPtr<mirror::String> str) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+          auto it = intern_remap.find(str.Ptr());
+          if (it != intern_remap.end()) {
+            return ObjPtr<mirror::String>(it->second);
+          }
+          return str;
+        });