ART: Force constants into the entry block

Optimizations such as GVN and BCE make the assumption that all
constants are located in the entry block of the CFG, but not all
passes adhere to this rule.

This patch makes constructors of constants private and only accessible
to friend classes - HGraph for int/long constants and SsaBuilder for
float/double - which ensure that they are placed correctly and not

Note that the ArenaAllocatorAdapter was modified to not increment
the ArenaAllocator's internal reference counter in order to allow
for use of ArenaSafeMap inside an arena-allocated objects. Because
their destructor is not called, the counter does not get decremented.

Change-Id: I36a4fa29ae34fb905cdefd482ccbf386cff14166
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 4f6565d..dca612e 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -287,39 +287,62 @@
   return true;
-void HGraph::AddConstant(HConstant* instruction) {
-  HInstruction* last_instruction = entry_block_->GetLastInstruction();
-  if (last_instruction == nullptr || !last_instruction->IsControlFlow()) {
-    // Called from the builder. Insert at the end of the block.
-    entry_block_->AddInstruction(instruction);
+void HGraph::InsertConstant(HConstant* constant) {
+  // New constants are inserted before the final control-flow instruction
+  // of the graph, or at its end if called from the graph builder.
+  if (entry_block_->EndsWithControlFlowInstruction()) {
+    entry_block_->InsertInstructionBefore(constant, entry_block_->GetLastInstruction());
   } else {
-    // Entry block ends with control-flow. Insert before the last instruction.
-    entry_block_->InsertInstructionBefore(instruction, last_instruction);
+    entry_block_->AddInstruction(constant);
 HNullConstant* HGraph::GetNullConstant() {
   if (cached_null_constant_ == nullptr) {
     cached_null_constant_ = new (arena_) HNullConstant();
-    AddConstant(cached_null_constant_);
+    InsertConstant(cached_null_constant_);
   return cached_null_constant_;
-HIntConstant* HGraph::GetIntConstant0() {
-  if (cached_int_constant0_ == nullptr) {
-    cached_int_constant0_ = new (arena_) HIntConstant(0);
-    AddConstant(cached_int_constant0_);
+template <class InstructionType, typename ValueType>
+InstructionType* HGraph::CreateConstant(ValueType value,
+                                        ArenaSafeMap<ValueType, InstructionType*>* cache) {
+  // Try to find an existing constant of the given value.
+  InstructionType* constant = nullptr;
+  auto cached_constant = cache->find(value);
+  if (cached_constant != cache->end()) {
+    constant = cached_constant->second;
-  return cached_int_constant0_;
+  // If not found or previously deleted, create and cache a new instruction.
+  if (constant == nullptr || constant->GetBlock() == nullptr) {
+    constant = new (arena_) InstructionType(value);
+    cache->Overwrite(value, constant);
+    InsertConstant(constant);
+  }
+  return constant;
-HIntConstant* HGraph::GetIntConstant1() {
-  if (cached_int_constant1_ == nullptr) {
-    cached_int_constant1_ = new (arena_) HIntConstant(1);
-    AddConstant(cached_int_constant1_);
+HConstant* HGraph::GetConstant(Primitive::Type type, int64_t value) {
+  switch (type) {
+    case Primitive::Type::kPrimBoolean:
+      DCHECK(IsUint<1>(value));
+    case Primitive::Type::kPrimByte:
+    case Primitive::Type::kPrimChar:
+    case Primitive::Type::kPrimShort:
+    case Primitive::Type::kPrimInt:
+      DCHECK(IsInt(Primitive::ComponentSize(type) * kBitsPerByte, value));
+      return GetIntConstant(static_cast<int32_t>(value));
+    case Primitive::Type::kPrimLong:
+      return GetLongConstant(value);
+    default:
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported constant type";
-  return cached_int_constant1_;
 void HLoopInformation::Add(HBasicBlock* block) {
@@ -676,7 +699,7 @@
 HConstant* HUnaryOperation::TryStaticEvaluation() const {
   if (GetInput()->IsIntConstant()) {
     int32_t value = Evaluate(GetInput()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue());
-    return new(GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetArena()) HIntConstant(value);
+    return GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetIntConstant(value);
   } else if (GetInput()->IsLongConstant()) {
     // TODO: Implement static evaluation of long unary operations.
@@ -692,15 +715,15 @@
   if (GetLeft()->IsIntConstant() && GetRight()->IsIntConstant()) {
     int32_t value = Evaluate(GetLeft()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue(),
-    return new(GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetArena()) HIntConstant(value);
+    return GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetIntConstant(value);
   } else if (GetLeft()->IsLongConstant() && GetRight()->IsLongConstant()) {
     int64_t value = Evaluate(GetLeft()->AsLongConstant()->GetValue(),
     if (GetResultType() == Primitive::kPrimLong) {
-      return new(GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetArena()) HLongConstant(value);
+      return GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetLongConstant(value);
     } else {
       DCHECK_EQ(GetResultType(), Primitive::kPrimInt);
-      return new(GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetArena()) HIntConstant(value);
+      return GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetIntConstant(static_cast<int32_t>(value));
   return nullptr;
@@ -733,16 +756,6 @@
   return this == if_->GetPreviousDisregardingMoves();
-HConstant* HConstant::NewConstant(ArenaAllocator* allocator, Primitive::Type type, int64_t val) {
-  if (type == Primitive::kPrimInt) {
-    DCHECK(IsInt<32>(val));
-    return new (allocator) HIntConstant(val);
-  } else {
-    DCHECK_EQ(type, Primitive::kPrimLong);
-    return new (allocator) HLongConstant(val);
-  }
 bool HInstruction::Equals(HInstruction* other) const {
   if (!InstructionTypeEquals(other)) return false;
   DCHECK_EQ(GetKind(), other->GetKind());
@@ -832,6 +845,10 @@
          && (loop_info == nullptr || !loop_info->IsBackEdge(*this));
+bool HBasicBlock::EndsWithControlFlowInstruction() const {
+  return !GetInstructions().IsEmpty() && GetLastInstruction()->IsControlFlow();
 bool HBasicBlock::EndsWithIf() const {
   return !GetInstructions().IsEmpty() && GetLastInstruction()->IsIf();