Experimental Sticky-Bit (Generational) CC collection
Use the card table to quickly collect regions allocated since the
last GC. This is similar in behavior to sticky CMS.
TODO: This is using the existing sticky CMS ergonomics, we can
maybe improve on these.
Guard Generational Concurrent Copying collection with compile-time
flag art::kEnableGenerationalConcurrentCopyingCollection, set by
environment variable ART_USE_GENERATIONAL_CC.
Test: ART run-tests & gtests, libcore tests, JDWP tests (host & device)
Test: Device/emulator boot test
Bug: 67628039
Bug: 12687968
Change-Id: I9c8023b71a029b0a73527cf67d924675c4c14305
diff --git a/runtime/gc/heap.cc b/runtime/gc/heap.cc
index 58becb1..1be2d6b 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/heap.cc
+++ b/runtime/gc/heap.cc
@@ -102,7 +102,8 @@
// Sticky GC throughput adjustment, divided by 4. Increasing this causes sticky GC to occur more
// relative to partial/full GC. This may be desirable since sticky GCs interfere less with mutator
// threads (lower pauses, use less memory bandwidth).
-static constexpr double kStickyGcThroughputAdjustment = 1.0;
+static constexpr double kStickyGcThroughputAdjustment =
+ kEnableGenerationalConcurrentCopyingCollection ? 0.5 : 1.0;
// Whether or not we compact the zygote in PreZygoteFork.
static constexpr bool kCompactZygote = kMovingCollector;
// How many reserve entries are at the end of the allocation stack, these are only needed if the
@@ -260,6 +261,8 @@
+ active_concurrent_copying_collector_(nullptr),
+ young_concurrent_copying_collector_(nullptr),
@@ -594,11 +597,26 @@
if (MayUseCollector(kCollectorTypeCC)) {
concurrent_copying_collector_ = new collector::ConcurrentCopying(this,
+ /*young_gen*/false,
+ if (kEnableGenerationalConcurrentCopyingCollection) {
+ young_concurrent_copying_collector_ = new collector::ConcurrentCopying(
+ this,
+ /*young_gen*/true,
+ "young",
+ measure_gc_performance);
+ }
+ active_concurrent_copying_collector_ = concurrent_copying_collector_;
DCHECK(region_space_ != nullptr);
+ if (kEnableGenerationalConcurrentCopyingCollection) {
+ young_concurrent_copying_collector_->SetRegionSpace(region_space_);
+ }
+ if (kEnableGenerationalConcurrentCopyingCollection) {
+ garbage_collectors_.push_back(young_concurrent_copying_collector_);
+ }
if (!GetBootImageSpaces().empty() && non_moving_space_ != nullptr &&
@@ -2120,6 +2138,9 @@
switch (collector_type_) {
case kCollectorTypeCC: {
+ if (kEnableGenerationalConcurrentCopyingCollection) {
+ gc_plan_.push_back(collector::kGcTypeSticky);
+ }
if (use_tlab_) {
@@ -2159,7 +2180,8 @@
if (IsGcConcurrent()) {
concurrent_start_bytes_ =
- std::max(max_allowed_footprint_, kMinConcurrentRemainingBytes) - kMinConcurrentRemainingBytes;
+ std::max(max_allowed_footprint_, kMinConcurrentRemainingBytes) -
+ kMinConcurrentRemainingBytes;
} else {
concurrent_start_bytes_ = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
@@ -2567,12 +2589,19 @@
collector = semi_space_collector_;
case kCollectorTypeCC:
- collector = concurrent_copying_collector_;
+ if (kEnableGenerationalConcurrentCopyingCollection) {
+ // TODO: Other threads must do the flip checkpoint before they start poking at
+ // active_concurrent_copying_collector_. So we should not concurrency here.
+ active_concurrent_copying_collector_ = (gc_type == collector::kGcTypeSticky) ?
+ young_concurrent_copying_collector_ : concurrent_copying_collector_;
+ active_concurrent_copying_collector_->SetRegionSpace(region_space_);
+ }
+ collector = active_concurrent_copying_collector_;
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid collector type " << static_cast<size_t>(collector_type_);
- if (collector != concurrent_copying_collector_) {
+ if (collector != active_concurrent_copying_collector_) {
temp_space_->GetMemMap()->Protect(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
if (kIsDebugBuild) {
// Try to read each page of the memory map in case mprotect didn't work properly b/19894268.
@@ -3435,7 +3464,8 @@
uint64_t target_size;
collector::GcType gc_type = collector_ran->GetGcType();
// Use the multiplier to grow more for foreground.
- const double multiplier = HeapGrowthMultiplier();
+ const double multiplier =
+ HeapGrowthMultiplier() + (kEnableGenerationalConcurrentCopyingCollection ? 3.0 : 0.0);
const uint64_t adjusted_min_free = static_cast<uint64_t>(min_free_ * multiplier);
const uint64_t adjusted_max_free = static_cast<uint64_t>(max_free_ * multiplier);
if (gc_type != collector::kGcTypeSticky) {
@@ -3451,6 +3481,12 @@
collector::GcType non_sticky_gc_type = NonStickyGcType();
// Find what the next non sticky collector will be.
collector::GarbageCollector* non_sticky_collector = FindCollectorByGcType(non_sticky_gc_type);
+ if (kEnableGenerationalConcurrentCopyingCollection) {
+ if (non_sticky_collector == nullptr) {
+ non_sticky_collector = FindCollectorByGcType(collector::kGcTypePartial);
+ }
+ CHECK(non_sticky_collector != nullptr);
+ }
// If the throughput of the current sticky GC >= throughput of the non sticky collector, then
// do another sticky collection next.
// We also check that the bytes allocated aren't over the footprint limit in order to prevent a