Fix DexFileLoader argument in hiddenapi_test

Fix clang-tidy issue in test.

The test was still passing because the first three arguments
don't really affect the semantic of the test.

Bug: 286566899
Test: ./art/ -b --host --64
Change-Id: I29419969e1b9f0a31c2cdf908b6b38207bded345
diff --git a/tools/hiddenapi/ b/tools/hiddenapi/
index 36e80c5..7eb7480 100644
--- a/tools/hiddenapi/
+++ b/tools/hiddenapi/
@@ -116,7 +116,10 @@
     ArtDexFileLoader dex_loader(fd.Release(), file.GetFilename());
     std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex_file(dex_loader.Open(
-        /* verify= */ true, /* verify_checksum= */ true, /* mmap_shared= */ false, &error_msg));
+        /*location_checksum=*/0,
+        /*verify=*/true,
+        /*verify_checksum=*/true,
+        &error_msg));
     if (dex_file.get() == nullptr) {
       LOG(FATAL) << "Open failed for '" << file.GetFilename() << "' " << error_msg;