Add support for invoke-static in optimizing compiler.

Support is limited to calls without parameters and returning
void. For simplicity, we currently follow the Quick ABI.

Change-Id: I54805161141b7eac5959f1cae0dc138dd0b2e8a5
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index e74ed82..50d5c59 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@
   M(Goto)                                                  \
   M(If)                                                    \
   M(IntConstant)                                           \
+  M(InvokeStatic)                                          \
   M(LoadLocal)                                             \
   M(Local)                                                 \
   M(Return)                                                \
@@ -554,6 +555,42 @@
+class HInvoke : public HInstruction {
+ public:
+  HInvoke(ArenaAllocator* arena, uint32_t number_of_arguments, int32_t dex_pc)
+    : inputs_(arena, number_of_arguments),
+      dex_pc_(dex_pc) {
+    inputs_.SetSize(number_of_arguments);
+  }
+  virtual intptr_t InputCount() const { return inputs_.Size(); }
+  virtual HInstruction* InputAt(intptr_t i) const { return inputs_.Get(i); }
+  int32_t GetDexPc() const { return dex_pc_; }
+ protected:
+  GrowableArray<HInstruction*> inputs_;
+  const int32_t dex_pc_;
+ private:
+class HInvokeStatic : public HInvoke {
+ public:
+  HInvokeStatic(ArenaAllocator* arena, uint32_t number_of_arguments, int32_t dex_pc, int32_t index_in_dex_cache)
+      : HInvoke(arena, number_of_arguments, dex_pc), index_in_dex_cache_(index_in_dex_cache) { }
+  uint32_t GetIndexInDexCache() const { return index_in_dex_cache_; }
+ private:
+  uint32_t index_in_dex_cache_;
 class HGraphVisitor : public ValueObject {
   explicit HGraphVisitor(HGraph* graph) : graph_(graph) { }