Semi-pruned SSA support for sea-ir.

Added the following:

Per file:
sea_ir/sea.*: IDominator pass, dominance frontiers, global variables for ssa
              transformation, phi-function insertion pass, SSA renaming pass.
sea_ir/instruction_tools.*: These tools provide info needed by dataflow analysis
                            that is dependent on dex format.
compiler/utils/scoped_hashtable.h: Scoped hashtable implementation that
                                   allows fast SSA renaming.
src/compiler/utils/ Test for scoped_hashtable.h. Changed semantics of the VRegA,B,C function
                    to return NO_REGISTER instead
                    of aborting if the instruction does not
                    have register operands. Added support for scoped_hashtable test.

Change-Id: I990fe4c213d241a033e43a04a67c6083fca4b347
diff --git a/src/compiler/driver/ b/src/compiler/driver/
index c876252..8759958 100644
--- a/src/compiler/driver/
+++ b/src/compiler/driver/
@@ -2268,7 +2268,7 @@
       CompilerFn compiler = compiler_;
       bool use_sea = Runtime::Current()->IsSeaIRMode();
-      use_sea &&= (std::string::npos != PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file).find("fibonacci"));
+      use_sea = use_sea && (std::string::npos != PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file).find("fibonacci"));
       if (use_sea) {
         compiler = sea_ir_compiler_;
diff --git a/src/compiler/sea_ir/ b/src/compiler/sea_ir/
index 4a9bc72..9c43538 100644
--- a/src/compiler/sea_ir/
+++ b/src/compiler/sea_ir/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 #include "compiler/sea_ir/sea.h"
 #include "file_output_stream.h"
+#include "instruction_tools.h"
@@ -30,6 +32,7 @@
 void SeaGraph::DumpSea(std::string filename) const {
+  LOG(INFO) << "Starting to write SEA string to file.";
   std::string result;
   result += "digraph seaOfNodes {\n";
   for (std::vector<Region*>::const_iterator cit = regions_.begin(); cit != regions_.end(); cit++) {
@@ -47,6 +50,97 @@
+void SeaGraph::ComputeRPO(Region* current_region, int& current_rpo) {
+  current_region->SetRPO(VISITING);
+  std::vector<sea_ir::Region*>* succs = current_region->GetSuccessors();
+  for (std::vector<sea_ir::Region*>::iterator succ_it = succs->begin();
+      succ_it != succs->end(); ++succ_it) {
+    if (NOT_VISITED == (*succ_it)->GetRPO()) {
+      SeaGraph::ComputeRPO(*succ_it, current_rpo);
+    }
+  }
+  current_region->SetRPO(current_rpo--);
+void SeaGraph::ComputeIDominators() {
+  bool changed = true;
+  while (changed) {
+    changed = false;
+    // Entry node has itself as IDOM.
+    std::vector<Region*>::iterator crt_it;
+    std::set<Region*> processedNodes;
+    // Find and mark the entry node(s).
+    for (crt_it = regions_.begin(); crt_it != regions_.end(); ++crt_it) {
+      if ((*crt_it)->GetPredecessors()->size() == 0) {
+        processedNodes.insert(*crt_it);
+        (*crt_it)->SetIDominator(*crt_it);
+      }
+    }
+    for (crt_it = regions_.begin(); crt_it != regions_.end(); ++crt_it) {
+      if ((*crt_it)->GetPredecessors()->size() == 0) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      // NewIDom = first (processed) predecessor of b.
+      Region* new_dom = NULL;
+      std::vector<Region*>* preds = (*crt_it)->GetPredecessors();
+      DCHECK(NULL != preds);
+      Region* root_pred = NULL;
+      for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator pred_it = preds->begin();
+          pred_it != preds->end(); ++pred_it) {
+        if (processedNodes.end() != processedNodes.find((*pred_it))) {
+          root_pred = *pred_it;
+          new_dom = root_pred;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      // For all other predecessors p of b, if idom is not set,
+      // then NewIdom = Intersect(p, NewIdom)
+      for (std::vector<Region*>::const_iterator pred_it = preds->begin();
+          pred_it != preds->end(); ++pred_it) {
+        DCHECK(NULL != *pred_it);
+        // if IDOMS[p] != UNDEFINED
+        if ((*pred_it != root_pred) && (*pred_it)->GetIDominator() != NULL) {
+          DCHECK(NULL != new_dom);
+          new_dom = SeaGraph::Intersect(*pred_it, new_dom);
+        }
+      }
+      DCHECK(NULL != *crt_it);
+      if ((*crt_it)->GetIDominator() != new_dom) {
+        (*crt_it)->SetIDominator(new_dom);
+        changed = true;
+      }
+      processedNodes.insert(*crt_it);
+    }
+  }
+  // For easily ordering of regions we need edges dominator->dominated.
+  for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator region_it = regions_.begin();
+      region_it != regions_.end(); region_it++) {
+    Region* idom = (*region_it)->GetIDominator();
+    if (idom != *region_it) {
+      idom->AddToIDominatedSet(*region_it);
+    }
+  }
+Region* SeaGraph::Intersect(Region* i, Region* j) {
+  Region* finger1 = i;
+  Region* finger2 = j;
+  while (finger1 != finger2) {
+    while (finger1->GetRPO() > finger2->GetRPO()) {
+      DCHECK(NULL != finger1);
+      finger1 = finger1->GetIDominator(); // should have: finger1 != NULL
+      DCHECK(NULL != finger1);
+    }
+    while (finger1->GetRPO() < finger2->GetRPO()) {
+      DCHECK(NULL != finger2);
+      finger2 = finger2->GetIDominator(); // should have: finger1 != NULL
+      DCHECK(NULL != finger2);
+    }
+  }
+  return finger1; // finger1 should be equal to finger2 at this point.
 void SeaGraph::ComputeDownExposedDefs() {
   for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator region_it = regions_.begin();
         region_it != regions_.end(); region_it++) {
@@ -73,39 +167,39 @@
-void SeaGraph::CompileMethod(const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
-  uint32_t class_def_idx, uint32_t method_idx, const art::DexFile& dex_file) {
+void SeaGraph::BuildMethodSeaGraph(const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
+    const art::DexFile& dex_file) {
   const uint16_t* code = code_item->insns_;
   const size_t size_in_code_units = code_item->insns_size_in_code_units_;
-  Region* r = NULL;
-  // This maps  target instruction pointers to their corresponding region objects.
+  // This maps target instruction pointers to their corresponding region objects.
   std::map<const uint16_t*, Region*> target_regions;
   size_t i = 0;
   // Pass: Find the start instruction of basic blocks
   //         by locating targets and flow-though instructions of branches.
   while (i < size_in_code_units) {
     const art::Instruction* inst = art::Instruction::At(&code[i]);
-    if (inst->IsBranch()||inst->IsUnconditional()) {
+    if (inst->IsBranch() || inst->IsUnconditional()) {
       int32_t offset = inst->GetTargetOffset();
-      if (target_regions.end() == target_regions.find(&code[i+offset])) {
+      if (target_regions.end() == target_regions.find(&code[i + offset])) {
         Region* region = GetNewRegion();
-        target_regions.insert(std::pair<const uint16_t*, Region*>(&code[i+offset], region));
+        target_regions.insert(std::pair<const uint16_t*, Region*>(&code[i + offset], region));
-      if (inst->CanFlowThrough() &&
-          (target_regions.end() == target_regions.find(&code[i+inst->SizeInCodeUnits()]))) {
+      if (inst->CanFlowThrough()
+          && (target_regions.end() == target_regions.find(&code[i + inst->SizeInCodeUnits()]))) {
         Region* region = GetNewRegion();
-        target_regions.insert(std::pair<const uint16_t*, Region*>(&code[i+inst->SizeInCodeUnits()], region));
+        target_regions.insert(
+            std::pair<const uint16_t*, Region*>(&code[i + inst->SizeInCodeUnits()], region));
     i += inst->SizeInCodeUnits();
   // Pass: Assign instructions to region nodes and
   //         assign branches their control flow successors.
   i = 0;
-  r = GetNewRegion();
+  Region* r = GetNewRegion();
+  SignatureNode* parameter_def_node = new sea_ir::SignatureNode(code_item->registers_size_-1,
+        code_item->ins_size_);
+  r->AddChild(parameter_def_node);
   sea_ir::InstructionNode* last_node = NULL;
   sea_ir::InstructionNode* node = NULL;
   while (i < size_in_code_units) {
@@ -115,7 +209,7 @@
     if (inst->IsBranch() || inst->IsUnconditional()) {
       int32_t offset = inst->GetTargetOffset();
-      std::map<const uint16_t*, Region*>::iterator it = target_regions.find(&code[i+offset]);
+      std::map<const uint16_t*, Region*>::iterator it = target_regions.find(&code[i + offset]);
       DCHECK(it != target_regions.end());
       AddEdge(r, it->second); // Add edge to branch target.
@@ -124,24 +218,187 @@
     if (target_regions.end() != it) {
       // Get the already created region because this is a branch target.
       Region* nextRegion = it->second;
-      if (last_node->GetInstruction()->IsBranch() && last_node->GetInstruction()->CanFlowThrough()) {
+      if (last_node->GetInstruction()->IsBranch()
+          && last_node->GetInstruction()->CanFlowThrough()) {
         AddEdge(r, it->second); // Add flow-through edge.
       r = nextRegion;
-    bool definesRegister = (0 !=
-            InstructionTools::instruction_attributes_[inst->Opcode()] && (1 << kDA));
-    LOG(INFO) << inst->GetDexPc(code) << "*** " << inst->DumpString(&dex_file)
-            << " region:" <<r->StringId() << "Definition?" << definesRegister << std::endl;
+    bool definesRegister = (0 != InstructionTools::instruction_attributes_[inst->Opcode()]
+        && (1 << kDA));
+    LOG(INFO)<< inst->GetDexPc(code) << "*** " << inst->DumpString(&dex_file)
+    << " region:" <<r->StringId() << "Definition?" << definesRegister << std::endl;
     i += inst->SizeInCodeUnits();
+void SeaGraph::ComputeRPO() {
+  int rpo_id = regions_.size() - 1;
+  for (std::vector<Region*>::const_iterator crt_it = regions_.begin(); crt_it != regions_.end();
+      ++crt_it) {
+    if ((*crt_it)->GetPredecessors()->size() == 0) {
+      ComputeRPO(*crt_it, rpo_id);
+    }
+  }
+// Performs the renaming phase in traditional SSA transformations.
+// See: Cooper & Torczon, "Engineering a Compiler", second edition, page 505.)
+void SeaGraph::RenameAsSSA() {
+  utils::ScopedHashtable<int, InstructionNode*> scoped_table;
+  scoped_table.OpenScope();
+  for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator region_it = regions_.begin(); region_it != regions_.end();
+      region_it++) {
+    if ((*region_it)->GetIDominator() == *region_it) {
+      RenameAsSSA(*region_it, &scoped_table);
+    }
+  }
+  scoped_table.CloseScope();
+void SeaGraph::ConvertToSSA() {
+  // Pass: find global names.
+  // The map @block maps registers to the blocks in which they are defined.
+  std::map<int, std::set<Region*> > blocks;
+  // The set @globals records registers whose use
+  // is in a different block than the corresponding definition.
+  std::set<int> globals;
+  for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator region_it = regions_.begin(); region_it != regions_.end();
+      region_it++) {
+    std::set<int> var_kill;
+    std::vector<InstructionNode*>* instructions = (*region_it)->GetInstructions();
+    for (std::vector<InstructionNode*>::iterator inst_it = instructions->begin();
+        inst_it != instructions->end(); inst_it++) {
+      std::vector<int> used_regs = (*inst_it)->GetUses();
+      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < used_regs.size(); i++) {
+        int used_reg = used_regs[i];
+        if (var_kill.find(used_reg) == var_kill.end()) {
+          globals.insert(used_reg);
+        }
+      }
+      const int reg_def = (*inst_it)->GetResultRegister();
+      if (reg_def != NO_REGISTER) {
+        var_kill.insert(reg_def);
+      }
+      blocks.insert(std::pair<int, std::set<Region*> >(reg_def, std::set<Region*>()));
+      std::set<Region*>* reg_def_blocks = &(blocks.find(reg_def)->second);
+      reg_def_blocks->insert(*region_it);
+    }
+  }
+  // Pass: Actually add phi-nodes to regions.
+  for (std::set<int>::const_iterator globals_it = globals.begin();
+      globals_it != globals.end(); globals_it++) {
+    int global = *globals_it;
+    // Copy the set, because we will modify the worklist as we go.
+    std::set<Region*> worklist((*(blocks.find(global))).second);
+    for (std::set<Region*>::const_iterator b_it = worklist.begin(); b_it != worklist.end(); b_it++) {
+      std::set<Region*>* df = (*b_it)->GetDominanceFrontier();
+      for (std::set<Region*>::const_iterator df_it = df->begin(); df_it != df->end(); df_it++) {
+        if ((*df_it)->InsertPhiFor(global)) {
+          // Check that the dominance frontier element is in the worklist already
+          // because we only want to break if the element is actually not there yet.
+          if (worklist.find(*df_it) == worklist.end()) {
+            worklist.insert(*df_it);
+            b_it = worklist.begin();
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Pass: Build edges to the definition corresponding to each use.
+  // (This corresponds to the renaming phase in traditional SSA transformations.
+  // See: Cooper & Torczon, "Engineering a Compiler", second edition, page 505.)
+  RenameAsSSA();
+void SeaGraph::RenameAsSSA(Region* crt_region,
+    utils::ScopedHashtable<int, InstructionNode*>* scoped_table) {
+  scoped_table->OpenScope();
+  // Rename phi nodes defined in the current region.
+  std::vector<PhiInstructionNode*>* phis = crt_region->GetPhiNodes();
+  for (std::vector<PhiInstructionNode*>::iterator phi_it = phis->begin();
+      phi_it != phis->end(); phi_it++) {
+    int reg_no = (*phi_it)->GetRegisterNumber();
+    scoped_table->Add(reg_no, (*phi_it));
+  }
+  // Rename operands of instructions from the current region.
+  std::vector<InstructionNode*>* instructions = crt_region->GetInstructions();
+  for (std::vector<InstructionNode*>::const_iterator instructions_it = instructions->begin();
+      instructions_it != instructions->end(); instructions_it++) {
+    InstructionNode* current_instruction = (*instructions_it);
+    // Rename uses.
+    std::vector<int> used_regs = current_instruction->GetUses();
+    for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator reg_it = used_regs.begin();
+        reg_it != used_regs.end(); reg_it++) {
+      int current_used_reg = (*reg_it);
+      InstructionNode* definition = scoped_table->Lookup(current_used_reg);
+      current_instruction->RenameToSSA(current_used_reg, definition);
+    }
+    // Update scope table with latest definitions.
+    std::vector<int> def_regs = current_instruction->GetDefinitions();
+    for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator reg_it = def_regs.begin();
+            reg_it != def_regs.end(); reg_it++) {
+      int current_defined_reg = (*reg_it);
+      scoped_table->Add(current_defined_reg, current_instruction);
+    }
+  }
+  // Fill in uses of phi functions in CFG successor regions.
+  const std::vector<Region*>* successors = crt_region->GetSuccessors();
+  for (std::vector<Region*>::const_iterator successors_it = successors->begin();
+      successors_it != successors->end(); successors_it++) {
+    Region* successor = (*successors_it);
+    successor->SetPhiDefinitionsForUses(scoped_table, crt_region);
+  }
+  // Rename all successors in the dominators tree.
+  const std::set<Region*>* dominated_nodes = crt_region->GetIDominatedSet();
+  for (std::set<Region*>::const_iterator dominated_nodes_it = dominated_nodes->begin();
+      dominated_nodes_it != dominated_nodes->end(); dominated_nodes_it++) {
+    Region* dominated_node = (*dominated_nodes_it);
+    RenameAsSSA(dominated_node, scoped_table);
+  }
+  scoped_table->CloseScope();
+void SeaGraph::CompileMethod(const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
+  uint32_t class_def_idx, uint32_t method_idx, const art::DexFile& dex_file) {
+  // Two passes: Builds the intermediate structure (non-SSA) of the sea-ir for the function.
+  BuildMethodSeaGraph(code_item, dex_file);
+  //Pass: Compute reverse post-order of regions.
+  ComputeRPO();
+  // Multiple passes: compute immediate dominators.
+  ComputeIDominators();
   // Pass: compute downward-exposed definitions.
-  // Multiple Passes: Compute reaching definitions (iterative fixed-point algorithm)
+  // Multiple Passes (iterative fixed-point algorithm): Compute reaching definitions
+  // Pass (O(nlogN)): Compute the dominance frontier for region nodes.
+  ComputeDominanceFrontier();
+  // Two Passes: Phi node insertion.
+  ConvertToSSA();
+void SeaGraph::ComputeDominanceFrontier() {
+  for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator region_it = regions_.begin();
+      region_it != regions_.end(); region_it++) {
+    std::vector<Region*>* preds = (*region_it)->GetPredecessors();
+    if (preds->size() > 1) {
+      for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator pred_it = preds->begin();
+          pred_it != preds->end(); pred_it++) {
+        Region* runner = *pred_it;
+        while (runner != (*region_it)->GetIDominator()) {
+          runner->AddToDominanceFrontier(*region_it);
+          runner = runner->GetIDominator();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
 Region* SeaGraph::GetNewRegion() {
@@ -155,6 +412,17 @@
+void SeaNode::AddSuccessor(Region* successor) {
+  DCHECK(successor) << "Tried to add NULL successor to SEA node.";
+  successors_.push_back(successor);
+  return;
+void SeaNode::AddPredecessor(Region* predecessor) {
+  DCHECK(predecessor) << "Tried to add NULL predecessor to SEA node.";
+  predecessors_.push_back(predecessor);
 void Region::AddChild(sea_ir::InstructionNode* instruction) {
   DCHECK(instruction) << "Tried to add NULL instruction to region node.";
@@ -167,33 +435,28 @@
   return NULL;
-void InstructionNode::ToDot(std::string& result) const {
-  result += "// Instruction: \n" + StringId() +
-      " [label=\"" + instruction_->DumpString(NULL) + "\"";
-  if (de_def_) {
-    result += "style=bold";
-  }
-  result += "];\n";
-int InstructionNode::GetResultRegister() const {
-  if (!InstructionTools::IsDefinition(instruction_)) {
-    return NO_REGISTER;
-  }
-  return instruction_->VRegA();
-void InstructionNode::MarkAsDEDef() {
-  de_def_ = true;
 void Region::ToDot(std::string& result) const {
-  result += "\n// Region: \n" + StringId() + " [label=\"region " + StringId() + "\"];";
-  // Save instruction nodes that belong to this region.
+  result += "\n// Region: \n" + StringId() + " [label=\"region " + StringId() + "(rpo=";
+  std::stringstream ss;
+  ss << rpo_;
+  result.append(ss.str());
+  if (NULL != GetIDominator()) {
+    result += " dom=" + GetIDominator()->StringId();
+  }
+  result += ")\"];\n";
+  // Save phi-nodes.
+  for (std::vector<PhiInstructionNode*>::const_iterator cit = phi_instructions_.begin();
+      cit != phi_instructions_.end(); cit++) {
+    (*cit)->ToDot(result);
+    result += StringId() + " -> " + (*cit)->StringId() + "; // phi-function \n";
+  }
+  // Save instruction nodes.
   for (std::vector<InstructionNode*>::const_iterator cit = instructions_.begin();
       cit != instructions_.end(); cit++) {
-    result += StringId() + " -> " + (*cit)->StringId() + ";\n";
+    result += StringId() + " -> " + (*cit)->StringId() + "; // region -> instruction \n";
   for (std::vector<Region*>::const_iterator cit = successors_.begin(); cit != successors_.end();
@@ -201,7 +464,6 @@
     DCHECK(NULL != *cit) << "Null successor found for SeaNode" << GetLastChild()->StringId() << ".";
     result += GetLastChild()->StringId() + " -> " + (*cit)->StringId() + ";\n\n";
   // Save reaching definitions.
   for (std::map<int, std::set<sea_ir::InstructionNode*>* >::const_iterator cit =
@@ -215,11 +477,15 @@
          " [style=dotted]; // Reaching def.\n";
+  // Save dominance frontier.
+  for (std::set<Region*>::const_iterator cit = df_.begin(); cit != df_.end(); cit++) {
+    result += StringId() +
+        " -> " + (*cit)->StringId() +
+        " [color=gray]; // Dominance frontier.\n";
+  }
   result += "// End Region.\n";
 void Region::ComputeDownExposedDefs() {
   for (std::vector<InstructionNode*>::const_iterator inst_it = instructions_.begin();
       inst_it != instructions_.end(); inst_it++) {
@@ -231,14 +497,12 @@
       res->second = *inst_it;
   for (std::map<int, sea_ir::InstructionNode*>::const_iterator cit = de_defs_.begin();
       cit != de_defs_.end(); cit++) {
 const std::map<int, sea_ir::InstructionNode*>* Region::GetDownExposedDefs() const {
   return &de_defs_;
@@ -267,7 +531,6 @@
           std::pair<int const, std::set<InstructionNode*>*>(de_def->first, solo_def));
-    LOG(INFO) << "Adding to " <<StringId() << "reaching set of " << (*pred_it)->StringId();
     reaching_defs.insert(pred_reaching->begin(), pred_reaching->end());
     // Now we combine the reaching map coming from the current predecessor (reaching_defs)
@@ -314,15 +577,124 @@
   return changed;
-void SeaNode::AddSuccessor(Region* successor) {
-  DCHECK(successor) << "Tried to add NULL successor to SEA node.";
-  successors_.push_back(successor);
-  return;
+bool Region::InsertPhiFor(int reg_no) {
+  if (!ContainsPhiFor(reg_no)) {
+    phi_set_.insert(reg_no);
+    PhiInstructionNode* new_phi = new PhiInstructionNode(reg_no);
+    phi_instructions_.push_back(new_phi);
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
-void SeaNode::AddPredecessor(Region* predecessor) {
-  DCHECK(predecessor) << "Tried to add NULL predecessor to SEA node.";
-  predecessors_.push_back(predecessor);
+void Region::SetPhiDefinitionsForUses(
+    const utils::ScopedHashtable<int, InstructionNode*>* scoped_table, Region* predecessor) {
+  int predecessor_id = -1;
+  for (unsigned int crt_pred_id = 0; crt_pred_id < predecessors_.size(); crt_pred_id++) {
+    if ( == predecessor) {
+      predecessor_id = crt_pred_id;
+    }
+  }
+  DCHECK_NE(-1, predecessor_id);
+  for (std::vector<PhiInstructionNode*>::iterator phi_it = phi_instructions_.begin();
+      phi_it != phi_instructions_.end(); phi_it++) {
+    PhiInstructionNode* phi = (*phi_it);
+    int reg_no = phi->GetRegisterNumber();
+    InstructionNode* definition = scoped_table->Lookup(reg_no);
+    phi->RenameToSSA(reg_no, definition, predecessor_id);
+  }
+void InstructionNode::ToDot(std::string& result) const {
+  result += "// Instruction: \n" + StringId() +
+      " [label=\"" + instruction_->DumpString(NULL) + "\"";
+  if (de_def_) {
+    result += "style=bold";
+  }
+  result += "];\n";
+  // SSA definitions:
+  for (std::map<int, InstructionNode* >::const_iterator def_it = definition_edges_.begin();
+      def_it != definition_edges_.end(); def_it++) {
+    if (NULL != def_it->second) {
+      result += def_it->second->StringId() + " -> " + StringId() +"[color=red,label=\"";
+      std::stringstream ss;
+      ss << def_it->first;
+      result.append(ss.str());
+      result += "\"] ; // ssa edge\n";
+    }
+  }
+void InstructionNode::MarkAsDEDef() {
+  de_def_ = true;
+int InstructionNode::GetResultRegister() const {
+  if (instruction_->HasVRegA()) {
+    return instruction_->VRegA();
+  }
+  return NO_REGISTER;
+std::vector<int> InstructionNode::GetDefinitions() const {
+  // TODO: Extend this to handle instructions defining more than one register (if any)
+  // The return value should be changed to pointer to field then; for now it is an object
+  // so that we avoid possible memory leaks from allocating objects dynamically.
+  std::vector<int> definitions;
+  int result = GetResultRegister();
+  if (NO_REGISTER != result) {
+    definitions.push_back(result);
+  }
+  return definitions;
+std::vector<int> InstructionNode::GetUses() {
+  std::vector<int> uses; // Using vector<> instead of set<> because order matters.
+  if (!InstructionTools::IsDefinition(instruction_) && (instruction_->HasVRegA())) {
+    int vA = instruction_->VRegA();
+    uses.push_back(vA);
+  }
+  if (instruction_->HasVRegB()) {
+    int vB = instruction_->VRegB();
+    uses.push_back(vB);
+  }
+  if (instruction_->HasVRegC()) {
+    int vC = instruction_->VRegC();
+    uses.push_back(vC);
+  }
+  // TODO: Add support for function argument registers.
+  return uses;
+void PhiInstructionNode::ToDot(std::string& result) const {
+  result += "// PhiInstruction: \n" + StringId() +
+      " [label=\"" + "PHI(";
+  std::stringstream phi_reg_stream;
+  phi_reg_stream << register_no_;
+  result.append(phi_reg_stream.str());
+  result += ")\"";
+  result += "];\n";
+  for (std::vector<std::map<int, InstructionNode*>*>::const_iterator pred_it = definition_edges_.begin();
+      pred_it != definition_edges_.end(); pred_it++) {
+    std::map<int, InstructionNode*>* defs_from_pred = *pred_it;
+    for (std::map<int, InstructionNode* >::const_iterator def_it = defs_from_pred->begin();
+        def_it != defs_from_pred->end(); def_it++) {
+      if (NULL != def_it->second) {
+        result += def_it->second->StringId() + " -> " + StringId() +"[color=red,label=\"vR = ";
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        ss << def_it->first;
+        result.append(ss.str());
+        result += "\"] ; // phi-ssa edge\n";
+      } else {
+        result += StringId() + " -> " + StringId() +"[color=blue,label=\"vR = ";
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        ss << def_it->first;
+        result.append(ss.str());
+        result += "\"] ; // empty phi-ssa edge\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
 } // end namespace sea_ir
diff --git a/src/compiler/sea_ir/sea.h b/src/compiler/sea_ir/sea.h
index 041e299..efa9ce1 100644
--- a/src/compiler/sea_ir/sea.h
+++ b/src/compiler/sea_ir/sea.h
@@ -22,13 +22,24 @@
 #include <map>
 #include "compiler/sea_ir/instruction_tools.h"
+#include "compiler/utils/scoped_hashtable.h"
 #include "dex_file.h"
 #include "dex_instruction.h"
-#define NO_REGISTER       (-1)
 namespace sea_ir {
+#define NO_REGISTER             (-1)
+// Reverse post-order numbering constants
+enum RegionNumbering {
+  NOT_VISITED = -1,
+  VISITING = -2
 class Region;
+class InstructionNode;
+class PhiInstructionNode;
 class SeaNode {
@@ -37,16 +48,20 @@
     ss << id_;
   // Adds CFG predecessors and successors to each block.
   void AddSuccessor(Region* successor);
   void AddPredecessor(Region* predecesor);
+  std::vector<sea_ir::Region*>* GetSuccessors() {
+    return &successors_;
+  }
+  std::vector<sea_ir::Region*>* GetPredecessors() {
+    return &predecessors_;
+  }
   // Returns the id of the current block as string
   const std::string& StringId() const {
     return string_id_;
   // Appends to @result a dot language formatted string representing the node and
   //    (by convention) outgoing edges, so that the composition of theToDot() of all nodes
   //    builds a complete dot graph, but without prolog ("digraph {") and epilog ("}").
@@ -70,93 +85,252 @@
 class InstructionNode: public SeaNode {
-  explicit InstructionNode(const art::Instruction* in):SeaNode(), instruction_(in), de_def_(false) {}
+  explicit InstructionNode(const art::Instruction* in):
+    SeaNode(), instruction_(in), de_def_(false) {}
+  // Returns the Dalvik instruction around which this InstructionNode is wrapped.
   const art::Instruction* GetInstruction() const {
     DCHECK(NULL != instruction_) << "Tried to access NULL instruction in an InstructionNode.";
     return instruction_;
   // Returns the register that is defined by the current instruction, or NO_REGISTER otherwise.
-  int GetResultRegister() const;
+  virtual int GetResultRegister() const;
+  // Returns the set of registers defined by the current instruction.
+  virtual std::vector<int> GetDefinitions() const;
+  // Returns the set of register numbers that are used by the instruction.
+  virtual std::vector<int> GetUses();
+  // Appends to @result the .dot string representation of the instruction.
   void ToDot(std::string& result) const;
+  // Mark the current instruction as a dowward exposed definition.
   void MarkAsDEDef();
+  // Rename the use of @reg_no to refer to the instruction @definition,
+  // essentially creating SSA form.
+  void RenameToSSA(int reg_no, InstructionNode* definition) {
+    definition_edges_.insert(std::pair<int, InstructionNode*>(reg_no, definition));
+  }
   const art::Instruction* const instruction_;
+  std::map<int, InstructionNode* > definition_edges_;
   bool de_def_;
+class SignatureNode: public InstructionNode {
+ public:
+  explicit SignatureNode(unsigned int start_register, unsigned int count):
+      InstructionNode(NULL), defined_regs_() {
+    for (unsigned int crt_offset = 0; crt_offset < count; crt_offset++) {
+      defined_regs_.push_back(start_register - crt_offset);
+    }
+  }
+  void ToDot(std::string& result) const {
+    result += StringId() +"[label=\"signature:";
+    std::stringstream vector_printer;
+    if (!defined_regs_.empty()) {
+      for (unsigned int crt_el = 0; crt_el < defined_regs_.size()-1; crt_el++) {
+        vector_printer << defined_regs_[crt_el] <<",";
+      }
+      vector_printer << defined_regs_[defined_regs_.size()-1] <<";";
+    }
+    result += "\"] // signature node\n";
+  }
+  std::vector<int> GetDefinitions() const {
+    return defined_regs_;
+  }
+  int GetResultRegister() const {
+    return NO_REGISTER;
+  }
+  std::vector<int> GetUses() {
+    return std::vector<int>();
+  }
+ private:
+  std::vector<int> defined_regs_;
+class PhiInstructionNode: public InstructionNode {
+ public:
+  explicit PhiInstructionNode(int register_no):
+    InstructionNode(NULL), register_no_(register_no), definition_edges_() {}
+  // Appends to @result the .dot string representation of the instruction.
+  void ToDot(std::string& result) const;
+  // Returns the register on which this phi-function is used.
+  int GetRegisterNumber() {
+    return register_no_;
+  }
+  // Rename the use of @reg_no to refer to the instruction @definition.
+  // Phi-functions are different than normal instructions in that they
+  // have multiple predecessor regions; this is why RenameToSSA has
+  // the additional parameter specifying that @parameter_id is the incoming
+  // edge for @definition, essentially creating SSA form.
+  void RenameToSSA(int reg_no, InstructionNode* definition, unsigned int predecessor_id) {
+    DCHECK(NULL != definition) << "Tried to rename to SSA using a NULL definition for "
+        << StringId() << " register " << reg_no;
+    if (definition_edges_.size() < predecessor_id+1) {
+      definition_edges_.resize(predecessor_id+1, NULL);
+    }
+    if (NULL == {
+      definition_edges_[predecessor_id] = new std::map<int, InstructionNode*>();
+    }
+    definition_edges_[predecessor_id]->insert(std::pair<int, InstructionNode*>(reg_no, definition));
+  }
+ private:
+  int register_no_;
+  std::vector<std::map<int, InstructionNode*>*> definition_edges_;
 class Region : public SeaNode {
-  explicit Region():SeaNode(), reaching_defs_size_(-1) {}
+  explicit Region():
+    SeaNode(), reaching_defs_size_(0), rpo_(NOT_VISITED), idom_(NULL),
+    idominated_set_(), df_(), phi_set_() {}
-  // Adds @inst as an instruction node child in the current region.
-  void AddChild(sea_ir::InstructionNode* inst);
+  // Adds @instruction as an instruction node child in the current region.
+  void AddChild(sea_ir::InstructionNode* insttruction);
   // Returns the last instruction node child of the current region.
   // This child has the CFG successors pointing to the new regions.
   SeaNode* GetLastChild() const;
+  // Returns all the child instructions of this region, in program order.
+  std::vector<InstructionNode*>* GetInstructions() {
+    return &instructions_;
+  }
   // Appends to @result a dot language formatted string representing the node and
   //    (by convention) outgoing edges, so that the composition of theToDot() of all nodes
   //    builds a complete dot graph (without prolog and epilog though).
   virtual void ToDot(std::string& result) const;
   // Computes Downward Exposed Definitions for the current node.
   void ComputeDownExposedDefs();
   const std::map<int, sea_ir::InstructionNode*>* GetDownExposedDefs() const;
   // Performs one iteration of the reaching definitions algorithm
   // and returns true if the reaching definitions set changed.
   bool UpdateReachingDefs();
   // Returns the set of reaching definitions for the current region.
   std::map<int, std::set<sea_ir::InstructionNode*>* >* GetReachingDefs();
+  void SetRPO(int rpo) {
+    rpo_ = rpo;
+  }
+  int GetRPO() {
+    return rpo_;
+  }
+  void SetIDominator(Region* dom) {
+    idom_ = dom;
+  }
+  Region* GetIDominator() const {
+    return idom_;
+  }
+  void AddToIDominatedSet(Region* dominated) {
+    idominated_set_.insert(dominated);
+  }
+  const std::set<Region*>* GetIDominatedSet() {
+    return &idominated_set_;
+  }
+  // Adds @df_reg to the dominance frontier of the current region.
+  void AddToDominanceFrontier(Region* df_reg) {
+    df_.insert(df_reg);
+  }
+  // Returns the dominance frontier of the current region.
+  // Preconditions: SeaGraph.ComputeDominanceFrontier()
+  std::set<Region*>* GetDominanceFrontier() {
+    return &df_;
+  }
+  // Returns true if the region contains a phi function for @reg_no.
+  bool ContainsPhiFor(int reg_no) {
+    return (phi_set_.end() != phi_set_.find(reg_no));
+  }
+  // Returns the phi-functions from the region.
+  std::vector<PhiInstructionNode*>* GetPhiNodes() {
+    return &phi_instructions_;
+  }
+  // Adds a phi-function for @reg_no to this region.
+  // Note: The insertion order does not matter, as phi-functions
+  //       are conceptually executed at the same time.
+  bool InsertPhiFor(int reg_no);
+  // Sets the phi-function uses to be as defined in @scoped_table for predecessor @@predecessor.
+  void SetPhiDefinitionsForUses(const utils::ScopedHashtable<int, InstructionNode*>* scoped_table,
+      Region* predecessor);
   std::vector<sea_ir::InstructionNode*> instructions_;
   std::map<int, sea_ir::InstructionNode*> de_defs_;
   std::map<int, std::set<sea_ir::InstructionNode*>* > reaching_defs_;
   int reaching_defs_size_;
+  int rpo_;
+  // Immediate dominator node.
+  Region* idom_;
+  // The set of nodes immediately dominated by the region.
+  std::set<Region*> idominated_set_;
+  // Records the dominance frontier.
+  std::set<Region*> df_;
+  // Records the set of register numbers that have phi nodes in this region.
+  std::set<int> phi_set_;
+  std::vector<PhiInstructionNode*> phi_instructions_;
 class SeaGraph {
   static SeaGraph* GetCurrentGraph();
   void CompileMethod(const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
       uint32_t class_def_idx, uint32_t method_idx, const art::DexFile& dex_file);
-  // Returns a string representation of the region and its Instruction children
+  // Returns a string representation of the region and its Instruction children.
   void DumpSea(std::string filename) const;
-  // Adds a CFG edge from @src node to @dst node.
-  void AddEdge(Region* src, Region* dst) const;
-  // Computes Downward Exposed Definitions for all regions in the graph.
-  void ComputeDownExposedDefs();
-  // Computes the reaching definitions set following the equations from
-  // Cooper & Torczon, "Engineering a Compiler", second edition, page 491
-  void ComputeReachingDefs();
-  /*** Static helper functions follow: ***/
-  static int ParseInstruction(const uint16_t* code_ptr,
-      art::DecodedInstruction* decoded_instruction);
-  static bool IsInstruction(const uint16_t* code_ptr);
+  // Recursively computes the reverse postorder value for @crt_bb and successors.
+  static void ComputeRPO(Region* crt_bb, int& crt_rpo);
+  // Returns the "lowest common ancestor" of @i and @j in the dominator tree.
+  static Region* Intersect(Region* i, Region* j);
-  // Registers the parameter as a child region of the SeaGraph instance
-  void AddRegion(Region* r);
-  // Returns new region and registers it with the  SeaGraph instance
+  // Registers @childReg as a region belonging to the SeaGraph instance.
+  void AddRegion(Region* childReg);
+  // Returns new region and registers it with the  SeaGraph instance.
   Region* GetNewRegion();
+  // Adds a CFG edge from @src node to @dst node.
+  void AddEdge(Region* src, Region* dst) const;
+  // Builds the non-SSA sea-ir representation of the function @code_item from @dex_file.
+  void BuildMethodSeaGraph(const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, const art::DexFile& dex_file);
+  // Computes immediate dominators for each region.
+  // Precondition: ComputeMethodSeaGraph()
+  void ComputeIDominators();
+  // Computes Downward Exposed Definitions for all regions in the graph.
+  void ComputeDownExposedDefs();
+  // Computes the reaching definitions set following the equations from
+  // Cooper & Torczon, "Engineering a Compiler", second edition, page 491.
+  // Precondition: ComputeDEDefs()
+  void ComputeReachingDefs();
+  // Computes the reverse-postorder numbering for the region nodes.
+  // Precondition: ComputeDEDefs()
+  void ComputeRPO();
+  // Computes the dominance frontier for all regions in the graph,
+  // following the algorithm from
+  // Cooper & Torczon, "Engineering a Compiler", second edition, page 499.
+  // Precondition: ComputeIDominators()
+  void ComputeDominanceFrontier();
+  void ConvertToSSA();
+  // Identifies the definitions corresponding to uses for region @node
+  // by using the scoped hashtable of names @ scoped_table.
+  void RenameAsSSA(Region* node, utils::ScopedHashtable<int, InstructionNode*>* scoped_table);
+  void RenameAsSSA();
   static SeaGraph graph_;
   std::vector<Region*> regions_;
 } // end namespace sea_ir
diff --git a/src/compiler/utils/scoped_hashtable.h b/src/compiler/utils/scoped_hashtable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e6c64b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/utils/scoped_hashtable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <list>
+namespace utils {
+template <typename K, typename V>
+class ScopedHashtable {
+ public:
+  explicit ScopedHashtable():scopes() {
+  }
+  void OpenScope() {
+    scopes.push_front(std::map<K, V>());
+  }
+  // Lookups entry K starting from the current (topmost) scope
+  // and returns its value if found or NULL.
+  V Lookup(K k) const {
+    for (typename std::list<std::map<K, V> >::const_iterator scopes_it = scopes.begin();
+        scopes_it != scopes.end(); scopes_it++) {
+      typename std::map<K, V>::const_iterator result_it = (*scopes_it).find(k);
+      if (result_it != (*scopes_it).end()) {
+        return (*result_it).second;
+      }
+    }
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  // Adds a new entry in the current (topmost) scope.
+  void Add(K k, V v) {
+    scopes.front().erase(k);
+    scopes.front().insert(std::pair< K, V >(k, v));
+  }
+  // Removes the topmost scope.
+  bool CloseScope() {
+    // Added check to uniformly handle undefined behavior
+    // when removing scope and the list of scopes is empty.
+    if (scopes.size() > 0) {
+      scopes.pop_front();
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+ private:
+  std::list<std::map<K, V> > scopes;
+} // end namespace utils
diff --git a/src/compiler/utils/ b/src/compiler/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..072da8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "common_test.h"
+#include "scoped_hashtable.h"
+using utils::ScopedHashtable;
+namespace art {
+class Value {
+ public:
+  explicit Value(int v):value_(v) {}
+  int value_;
+class ScopedHashtableTest : public CommonTest {
+TEST_F(ScopedHashtableTest, Basics) {
+  ScopedHashtable<int, Value*> sht;
+  // Check table is empty when no scope is open.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(NULL == sht.Lookup(1));
+  // Check table is empty when scope open.
+  sht.OpenScope();
+  EXPECT_TRUE(NULL == sht.Lookup(1));
+  // Check table is empty after closing scope.
+  EXPECT_EQ(sht.CloseScope(), true);
+  // Check closing scope on empty table is no-op.
+  EXPECT_EQ(sht.CloseScope(), false);
+  // Check that find in current scope works.
+  sht.OpenScope();
+  sht.Add(1, new Value(1));
+  EXPECT_EQ(sht.Lookup(1)->value_, 1);
+  // Check that updating values in current scope works.
+  sht.Add(1, new Value(2));
+  EXPECT_EQ(sht.Lookup(1)->value_, 2);
+  // Check that find works in previous scope.
+  sht.OpenScope();
+  EXPECT_EQ(sht.Lookup(1)->value_, 2);
+  // Check that shadowing scopes works.
+  sht.Add(1, new Value(3));
+  EXPECT_EQ(sht.Lookup(1)->value_, 3);
+  // Check that having multiple keys work correctly.
+  sht.Add(2, new Value(4));
+  EXPECT_EQ(sht.Lookup(1)->value_, 3);
+  EXPECT_EQ(sht.Lookup(2)->value_, 4);
+  // Check that scope removal works corectly.
+  sht.CloseScope();
+  EXPECT_EQ(sht.Lookup(1)->value_, 2);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(NULL == sht.Lookup(2));
+} // end namespace art
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 6527f10..427baf2 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -82,54 +82,84 @@
   return insns[offset] | ((uint32_t) insns[offset+1] << 16);
+bool Instruction::HasVRegC() const {
+  switch (FormatOf(Opcode())) {
+    case k23x: return true;
+    case k35c: return true;
+    case k3rc: return true;
+    default: return false;
+  }
+bool Instruction::HasVRegB() const {
+  switch (FormatOf(Opcode())) {
+    case k12x: return true;
+    case k22b: return true;
+    case k22c: return true;
+    case k22s: return true;
+    case k22t: return true;
+    case k22x: return true;
+    case k32x: return true;
+    default: return false;
+  }
+bool Instruction::HasVRegA() const {
+  switch (FormatOf(Opcode())) {
+    case k11n: return true;
+    case k11x: return true;
+    case k12x: return true;
+    case k21c: return true;
+    case k21h: return true;
+    case k21s: return true;
+    case k21t: return true;
+    case k22b: return true;
+    case k22c: return true;
+    case k22s: return true;
+    case k22t: return true;
+    case k22x: return true;
+    case k23x: return true;
+    case k31c: return true;
+    case k31i: return true;
+    case k31t: return true;
+    case k32x: return true;
+    case k51l: return true;
+    default: return false;
+  }
 int32_t Instruction::VRegC() const {
   switch (FormatOf(Opcode())) {
-    case k22b: return VRegC_22b();
-    case k22c: return VRegC_22c();
-    case k22s: return VRegC_22s();
-    case k22t: return VRegC_22t();
     case k23x: return VRegC_23x();
     case k35c: return VRegC_35c();
     case k3rc: return VRegC_3rc();
     default: LOG(FATAL) << "Tried to access vC of instruction " << Name() <<
         " which has no C operand.";
-  return 0;
+  return -1;
 int32_t Instruction::VRegB() const {
   switch (FormatOf(Opcode())) {
-    case k11n: return VRegB_11n();
     case k12x: return VRegB_12x();
-    case k21c: return VRegB_21c();
-    case k21h: return VRegB_21h();
-    case k21t: return VRegB_21t();
     case k22b: return VRegB_22b();
     case k22c: return VRegB_22c();
     case k22s: return VRegB_22s();
     case k22t: return VRegB_22t();
     case k22x: return VRegB_22x();
-    case k31c: return VRegB_31c();
-    case k31i: return VRegB_31i();
-    case k31t: return VRegB_31t();
     case k32x: return VRegB_32x();
-    case k35c: return VRegB_35c();
-    case k3rc: return VRegB_3rc();
-    case k51l: return VRegB_51l();
     default: LOG(FATAL) << "Tried to access vB of instruction " << Name() <<
         " which has no B operand.";
-  return 0;
+  return -1;
 int32_t Instruction::VRegA() const {
   switch (FormatOf(Opcode())) {
-    case k10t: return VRegA_10t();
-    case k10x: return VRegA_10x();
     case k11n: return VRegA_11n();
     case k11x: return VRegA_11x();
     case k12x: return VRegA_12x();
-    case k20t: return VRegA_20t();
     case k21c: return VRegA_21c();
     case k21h: return VRegA_21h();
     case k21s: return VRegA_21s();
@@ -140,18 +170,15 @@
     case k22t: return VRegA_22t();
     case k22x: return VRegA_22x();
     case k23x: return VRegA_23x();
-    case k30t: return VRegA_30t();
     case k31c: return VRegA_31c();
     case k31i: return VRegA_31i();
     case k31t: return VRegA_31t();
     case k32x: return VRegA_32x();
-    case k35c: return VRegA_35c();
-    case k3rc: return VRegA_3rc();
     case k51l: return VRegA_51l();
-    default: LOG(FATAL) << "Tried to access vA of instruction "<< Name() <<
+    default: LOG(FATAL) << "Tried to access vA of instruction " << Name() <<
         " which has no A operand.";
-  return 0;
+  return -1;
 int32_t Instruction::GetTargetOffset() const {
diff --git a/src/dex_instruction.h b/src/dex_instruction.h
index 0407c57..7d078f9 100644
--- a/src/dex_instruction.h
+++ b/src/dex_instruction.h
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@
   // VRegA
+  bool HasVRegA() const;
   int32_t VRegA() const;
   int8_t VRegA_10t() const;
   uint8_t VRegA_10x() const;
@@ -242,6 +243,7 @@
   uint8_t VRegA_51l() const;
   // VRegB
+  bool HasVRegB() const;
   int32_t VRegB() const;
   int4_t VRegB_11n() const;
   uint4_t VRegB_12x() const;
@@ -264,6 +266,7 @@
   uint64_t VRegB_51l() const;  // vB_wide
   // VRegC
+  bool HasVRegC() const;
   int32_t VRegC() const;
   int8_t VRegC_22b() const;
   uint16_t VRegC_22c() const;