Temporary host filtering of ICU initialization output

ICU switched to lazy initialization and using stderr rather than
android log on host. The initialization log messages are breaking ART
test expectations which include output from both stdout and stderr.

Bug: 171770326
Test: art/test.py --host --64
Change-Id: Ib3c3594a9409b8bf7a9e2b539f3c720f6da99847
diff --git a/test/etc/run-test-jar b/test/etc/run-test-jar
index 487958f..b23a572 100755
--- a/test/etc/run-test-jar
+++ b/test/etc/run-test-jar
@@ -1399,9 +1399,17 @@
       if [ "$TIME_OUT" != "gdb" ]; then
         trap 'kill -INT -$pid' INT
-        $cmdline "$@" 2>&1 & pid=$!
-        wait $pid
-        exit_value=$?
+        if [ "${HOST}" = "y" ]; then
+          # This temporary host only path is for ICU lazy initialization output (b/171770326).
+          # We are attempting to remove the ICU log entries that now happens lazily and go to
+          # stderr on host.
+          $cmdline "$@" 2>&1 | sed -e 's/No timezone override.*icudt6[6-7]l.dat//'
+          exit_value=${PIPESTATUS[0]}
+        else
+          $cmdline "$@" 2>&1 & pid=$!
+          wait $pid
+          exit_value=$?
+        fi
         # Add extra detail if time out is enabled.
         if [ $exit_value = 124 ] && [ "$TIME_OUT" = "timeout" ]; then
           echo -e "\e[91mTEST TIMED OUT!\e[0m" >&2