Revert "Revert "ART: Update DCE to work with try/catch""

The previous CL failed because it did not update inputs of catch phis.
Since phi input indices cannot be easily mapped back to throwing
instructions, this new implementation at least removes catch phi uses
of values defined in the removed blocks to preserve graph consistency.

This reverts commit fb552d7061746f7a90fdd5002696e255e2e15c35.

Change-Id: I63d95915d1ef50e71d3bcf0cd10aaded554035b4
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 2d3dcf7..81daa7f 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -376,7 +376,11 @@
     HBasicBlock* first_predecessor = block->GetPredecessors()[0];
     DCHECK(!block->IsLoopHeader() || !block->GetLoopInformation()->IsBackEdge(*first_predecessor));
     const HTryBoundary* try_entry = first_predecessor->ComputeTryEntryOfSuccessors();
-    if (try_entry != nullptr) {
+    if (try_entry != nullptr &&
+        (block->GetTryCatchInformation() == nullptr ||
+         try_entry != &block->GetTryCatchInformation()->GetTryEntry())) {
+      // We are either setting try block membership for the first time or it
+      // has changed.
       block->SetTryCatchInformation(new (arena_) TryCatchInformation(*try_entry));
@@ -1394,7 +1398,7 @@
   // iteration.
-  // Remove the block from all loops it is included in.
+  // (1) Remove the block from all loops it is included in.
   for (HLoopInformationOutwardIterator it(*this); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
     HLoopInformation* loop_info = it.Current();
@@ -1406,17 +1410,34 @@
-  // Disconnect the block from its predecessors and update their control-flow
-  // instructions.
+  // (2) Disconnect the block from its predecessors and update their
+  //     control-flow instructions.
   for (HBasicBlock* predecessor : predecessors_) {
     HInstruction* last_instruction = predecessor->GetLastInstruction();
+    if (last_instruction->IsTryBoundary() && !IsCatchBlock()) {
+      // This block is the only normal-flow successor of the TryBoundary which
+      // makes `predecessor` dead. Since DCE removes blocks in post order,
+      // exception handlers of this TryBoundary were already visited and any
+      // remaining handlers therefore must be live. We remove `predecessor` from
+      // their list of predecessors.
+      DCHECK_EQ(last_instruction->AsTryBoundary()->GetNormalFlowSuccessor(), this);
+      while (predecessor->GetSuccessors().size() > 1) {
+        HBasicBlock* handler = predecessor->GetSuccessors()[1];
+        DCHECK(handler->IsCatchBlock());
+        predecessor->RemoveSuccessor(handler);
+        handler->RemovePredecessor(predecessor);
+      }
+    }
     uint32_t num_pred_successors = predecessor->GetSuccessors().size();
     if (num_pred_successors == 1u) {
       // If we have one successor after removing one, then we must have
-      // had an HIf or HPackedSwitch, as they have more than one successor.
-      // Replace those with a HGoto.
-      DCHECK(last_instruction->IsIf() || last_instruction->IsPackedSwitch());
+      // had an HIf, HPackedSwitch or HTryBoundary, as they have more than one
+      // successor. Replace those with a HGoto.
+      DCHECK(last_instruction->IsIf() ||
+             last_instruction->IsPackedSwitch() ||
+             (last_instruction->IsTryBoundary() && IsCatchBlock()));
       predecessor->AddInstruction(new (graph_->GetArena()) HGoto(last_instruction->GetDexPc()));
     } else if (num_pred_successors == 0u) {
@@ -1425,15 +1446,17 @@
       // SSAChecker fails unless it is not removed during the pass too.
     } else {
-      // There are multiple successors left.  This must come from a HPackedSwitch
-      // and we are in the middle of removing the HPackedSwitch. Like above, leave
-      // this alone, and the SSAChecker will fail if it is not removed as well.
-      DCHECK(last_instruction->IsPackedSwitch());
+      // There are multiple successors left. The removed block might be a successor
+      // of a PackedSwitch which will be completely removed (perhaps replaced with
+      // a Goto), or we are deleting a catch block from a TryBoundary. In either
+      // case, leave `last_instruction` as is for now.
+      DCHECK(last_instruction->IsPackedSwitch() ||
+             (last_instruction->IsTryBoundary() && IsCatchBlock()));
-  // Disconnect the block from its successors and update their phis.
+  // (3) Disconnect the block from its successors and update their phis.
   for (HBasicBlock* successor : successors_) {
     // Delete this block from the list of predecessors.
     size_t this_index = successor->GetPredecessorIndexOf(this);
@@ -1443,30 +1466,57 @@
     // dominator of `successor` which violates the order DCHECKed at the top.
-    // Remove this block's entries in the successor's phis.
-    if (successor->predecessors_.size() == 1u) {
-      // The successor has just one predecessor left. Replace phis with the only
-      // remaining input.
-      for (HInstructionIterator phi_it(successor->GetPhis()); !phi_it.Done(); phi_it.Advance()) {
-        HPhi* phi = phi_it.Current()->AsPhi();
-        phi->ReplaceWith(phi->InputAt(1 - this_index));
-        successor->RemovePhi(phi);
-      }
-    } else {
-      for (HInstructionIterator phi_it(successor->GetPhis()); !phi_it.Done(); phi_it.Advance()) {
-        phi_it.Current()->AsPhi()->RemoveInputAt(this_index);
+    // Remove this block's entries in the successor's phis. Skip exceptional
+    // successors because catch phi inputs do not correspond to predecessor
+    // blocks but throwing instructions. Their inputs will be updated in step (4).
+    if (!successor->IsCatchBlock()) {
+      if (successor->predecessors_.size() == 1u) {
+        // The successor has just one predecessor left. Replace phis with the only
+        // remaining input.
+        for (HInstructionIterator phi_it(successor->GetPhis()); !phi_it.Done(); phi_it.Advance()) {
+          HPhi* phi = phi_it.Current()->AsPhi();
+          phi->ReplaceWith(phi->InputAt(1 - this_index));
+          successor->RemovePhi(phi);
+        }
+      } else {
+        for (HInstructionIterator phi_it(successor->GetPhis()); !phi_it.Done(); phi_it.Advance()) {
+          phi_it.Current()->AsPhi()->RemoveInputAt(this_index);
+        }
+  // (4) Remove instructions and phis. Instructions should have no remaining uses
+  //     except in catch phis. If an instruction is used by a catch phi at `index`,
+  //     remove `index`-th input of all phis in the catch block since they are
+  //     guaranteed dead. Note that we may miss dead inputs this way but the
+  //     graph will always remain consistent.
+  for (HBackwardInstructionIterator it(GetInstructions()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
+    HInstruction* insn = it.Current();
+    while (insn->HasUses()) {
+      DCHECK(IsTryBlock());
+      HUseListNode<HInstruction*>* use = insn->GetUses().GetFirst();
+      size_t use_index = use->GetIndex();
+      HBasicBlock* user_block =  use->GetUser()->GetBlock();
+      DCHECK(use->GetUser()->IsPhi() && user_block->IsCatchBlock());
+      for (HInstructionIterator phi_it(user_block->GetPhis()); !phi_it.Done(); phi_it.Advance()) {
+        phi_it.Current()->AsPhi()->RemoveInputAt(use_index);
+      }
+    }
+    RemoveInstruction(insn);
+  }
+  for (HInstructionIterator it(GetPhis()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
+    RemovePhi(it.Current()->AsPhi());
+  }
   // Disconnect from the dominator.
-  // Delete from the graph. The function safely deletes remaining instructions
-  // and updates the reverse post order.
-  graph_->DeleteDeadBlock(this);
+  // Delete from the graph, update reverse post order.
+  graph_->DeleteDeadEmptyBlock(this);
@@ -1513,7 +1563,7 @@
   // Delete `other` from the graph. The function updates reverse post order.
-  graph_->DeleteDeadBlock(other);
+  graph_->DeleteDeadEmptyBlock(other);
@@ -1577,19 +1627,14 @@
   std::copy_backward(blocks->begin() + after + 1u, blocks->begin() + old_size, blocks->end());
-void HGraph::DeleteDeadBlock(HBasicBlock* block) {
+void HGraph::DeleteDeadEmptyBlock(HBasicBlock* block) {
   DCHECK_EQ(block->GetGraph(), this);
   DCHECK(block->GetDominator() == nullptr);
-  for (HBackwardInstructionIterator it(block->GetInstructions()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
-    block->RemoveInstruction(it.Current());
-  }
-  for (HBackwardInstructionIterator it(block->GetPhis()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
-    block->RemovePhi(it.Current()->AsPhi());
-  }
+  DCHECK(block->GetInstructions().IsEmpty());
+  DCHECK(block->GetPhis().IsEmpty());
   if (block->IsExitBlock()) {
     exit_block_ = nullptr;